Shen Fei just followed the group and stopped chatting in the group, but Liu Shen sent him a private message.

[Liu Shen: Great Immortal, Shi Hao will be going to face Shi Yi soon. He said he really wants to see you. If you are lucky enough, could I invite you to come to this world?

Witnessing his fateful battle was fulfilling one of his wishes. 】

[Ancient Giant Turtle: Of course you can. But there are restrictions on group chat...]

[Liu Shen: I will prepare this. The bone fragment recording the original true solution should be one of them. 】

[Ancient Giant Turtle: I’m also looking forward to seeing Huang. 】

Shen Fei didn't expect that Liu Shen would invite him to the Perfect World.

For example, the God of Thunder has not invited Shen Fei to devour the world until now, unless people like Ning Zhongze and Feng Xiaotian need black turtle particles to defy heaven and change their fate.

Beings like Thor and Willow God are honestly not that eager for his Black Turtle Particles. They care more about their own world.

Liu Shen could do such a thing because Shi Hao's milk baby had been pestering him for a long time.

Of course he fully agreed.

There are still many things worth learning in the perfect world that can help him take his world to the next level.

As for his current affiliated worlds, they have all opened world channels to each other.

Among them, Douluo World, which was the first to open up the world channel, and Mixed Martial Arts World, which integrates Yitian and Xiaoao, have developed the fastest.

Now Feng Xiaotian has exchanged the 'Perfect Foundation Building Method' uploaded by Liu Shen and captured Ditian, Gu Yuena, many hundred thousand year soul beasts in the Star Dou Forest, plus the Tianmeng Ice Silkworm, as well as the Supreme God The world found the remnant soul of the Golden Dragon King.

Reversing the creation and destruction of the former Dragon God.

All the foundation-building fluid was used to refine his own body, and he completely entered the extreme realm of moving blood, and began to transform into a perfect system. As for the Shrek Seven Monsters, all the men were killed, and the female soul beast was forcibly Sacrifice to his grandfather.

Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong were given to the Turtle Temple as maids by their respective families.

As for Zhang Sanfeng and others, although Yitian World and Xiaoao World have been merged into two worlds, history and the world pattern have been changed.

However, the group of friends naturally helped each other. Wudang quickly became an ally with Huashan, which made the original leader of the Five Sacred Mountains extremely embarrassed. Moreover, each of the Wudang people mastered strange and magical powers.

After Zhu Yuanzhang, the founding emperor of Nanming, established Wudang as the state religion, people in Wuzhong quickly assisted Nanming in regaining the homeland of the Han Dynasty.

Moreover, those in the mixed martial arts world discovered that after joining forces with Wudang, Huashan actually also mastered those magical powers.

For a time, these two sects became famous.

Shen Fei just paid attention and continued to improve his cultivation. Suddenly, his soul shone brightly.

In the soul, the five qi are more condensed, and the "qi flower" among the three flowers is revealed and begins to show its fragrance. This is the moment when the flower is about to bloom.

Countless star power solutions in the inner world are crazily converted into mana.


There was a "boom" sound,

Because he truly felt the Taoist charm in the Chaos Bell, and relied on his own understanding to defy the heavens.

Constantly analyze the Taoist rhyme in the Chaos Clock.

If the innate treasure is compared to a monk, it is a Hunyuan Golden Immortal, and even steps into the Hunyuan.

It's just that the innate treasure is unlikely to become a Taoist, but the Taoist rhyme and laws contained within it are extremely profound, and can even allow monks to comprehend it for a long time.

Driven by the Chaos Bell, the Ancestral Dragon inheritance, and many worlds, the Nine Laws have entered the late Daluo period.

And Shen Fei's mana accumulation finally reached its limit.

I saw that the 'Qi Flower' of the three flowers began to tremble.

The phantom began to dissipate, and a huge flower bone appeared. Several spiritual treasures in Shen Fei's Yuan Shen also began to reveal the 'qi flower' of their original nourishment and feedback.

"Buzz!" Hua Guduo trembled slightly.

"Dong dong" a sound like a Taoist sound sounded for no reason.

Until the ninth sound, the trembling flower bones were filled with fragrance for a while, the Tao rhyme circulated, and the immortal Tao Qingyun appeared.

In an instant, Shen Fei's mana was being refined like crazy, and a huge suction force suddenly erupted from Shen Fei's body, trying to swallow up all the energy around him.

Shen Fei controlled his hungry giant turtle particles and sucked into the giant turtle particles all the negative auras born from the continuous battles and conquests in the surrounding ocean over the years.

Because no living thing dies all the time, the death energy and evil energy from the corpses, and the resentment from the death and birth of the soul are integrated into the ocean.

There is a huge amount of negative aura in this ocean. This is because the dragon clan is constantly purifying it. This is the power of the catastrophe, but at this moment, it is all used by Shen Fei.

While refining these negative forces, Shen Fei's understanding of the Law of Evil, the Law of Killing, etc. was rapidly improving, and his understanding of the Law of Purification was also improving crazily.

And while refining these negative powers, Shen Fei and Bei Hai's auras were also connecting, spreading their own Tao charm.

"about there."

The negative power in the surrounding sea was shaken, and the world in Beihai seemed to be much clearer. Shen Fei did not go to the chaos this time for promotion.

Because Hongjun did not preach this time when he was promoted, he was worried that he would be in trouble.

A big slap would come at the next moment, so he used all the power of his promotion on his first giant turtle particle.

And all the massive negative power absorbed was integrated into the first giant turtle particle.

The giant turtle particles kept roaring.

Countless divine lights flowed into Shen Fei's body, the void shook, and the waves rolled. The negative power born from this great catastrophe combined with the feedback power from Shen Fei's promotion to the prehistoric world.

Pushing Shen Fei's giant turtle particles to undergo transformation.

‘Buzz! ’

As if the first turtle cry in the world, the first giant turtle particle in Shen Fei's body shattered. At the same time, the golden turtle armor in Shen Fei's soul filled the air with golden light. This golden light shone in Shen Fei's body.

The pervasive power of Jin Aojia poured into the transforming giant turtle particles.

As if countless processes were accelerated, the giant turtle particles made a "bang bang bang" sound.

Many of Shen Fei's particles suddenly erupted with even more terrifying suction, and the star mirror in the soul began to shake.

After this spiritual treasure is refined, it can receive the power of stars. The stars in the sky each burst out extremely terrifying power of stars, like beams of light falling from the sky into Shen Fei's body.

Moreover, the power of the stars in Shen Fei's body is constantly being refined and poured into the giant turtle particles.

Shen Fei knew that this was a critical moment, but he did not expect that his actions would just cause a chain reaction. This was probably an opportunity for him to step away from the innate holiness and step into the heel of the chaotic gods and demons.

Underground, Shen Fei used the sea water to draw in many negative forces from all over the world, and the sea water in the entire prehistoric world was flowing at a faster speed.

It is to swallow the negative power of the water of the four seas.

Dragon King Guangze suddenly received a message saying that the water in the North Sea was rushing towards the location of the Great Immortal Guiyuan at an extremely fast speed.

The Great Immortal Guiyuan is refining the negative power in the sea water at an extremely terrifying speed.

Not only the North Sea, but the water in the four seas that should have flowed extremely regularly is also being madly dragged to the North Sea to be purified by the Great Immortal Guiyuan.

"Will it affect the flow of water veins?"

Guangze Dragon King looked at Prime Minister Turtle and asked.

"No, on the contrary, the dragon clan in the sea eye does not need to work hard for the time being, but the other three sea dragon kings sent a message to ask what is going on, and now the calamity is about to begin.

Countless creatures died in the water veins, and the negative power generated by these fallen creatures also needs to be refined. Once it slows down, the negative power will affect the flow of spiritual energy in the entire prehistoric world.

At that time, the dragon clan will increase their karma. "

"Just send a message back and tell them the truth. And they also saw it in the last battle. They didn't expect that the Great Immortal Guiyuan is actually related to Zulong. Maybe we will ask for help from him then.

They were also asked to help the sea water flow. This time Guiyuan Immortal was probably practicing some great magical power. "


Prime Minister Turtle left in a hurry.

And Shen Fei, who was refining the negative power, suddenly felt that the negative power of the sea water around him was increasing rapidly.

Soon he received a glimmer of inspiration. It was Prime Minister Beigui who told him that the Dragon Clan of the Four Seas was helping him absorb the negative power in the sea water.

And this matter is also good for the dragon clan, so that he doesn't have to worry about it.

A steady stream of negative power crazily entered Shen Fei's body, and the particles continued to expand and expand.

But the outer layer of skin seemed to imprison the terrifying existence inside, preventing it from being born.

"God forbids it?"

Shen Fei realized clearly in his mind that if the Golden Ao particles appeared, it would mean that the Chaos Golden Ao appeared again in the ancient world. You must know that this Chaos Demon God was the enemy of Pangu and the ancient world, so how could he be born.

But the next moment.

A thin layer of great merit appeared behind Shen Fei and poured into the transformed particles.

It was like the straw that broke the camel's back.

The power that imprisoned the particles melted away under the great merits.

The particles of transformation bloom.

An extremely ferocious beast jumped out from the particle and roared to the sky, as if announcing its arrival.

Originally, the giant turtle particles were already extremely ferocious, and they were Shen Fei's own body.

But the giant beast that jumped out was even more ferocious, its whole body shimmering with the color of chaos, and its body was imprinted with Taoist inscriptions that were older than the prehistoric times. They were Chaos Taoist inscriptions.

When this giant beast appeared, Shen Fei's whole body was instantly filled with boundless terrifying energy, and the tortoise shell was flashing. The ancient tortoise shell that was originally the best spiritual treasure seemed to have the Chaos Dao Wen on it from the Chaos Golden Ao.

After the original 40 innate restraints were integrated into this chaotic Taoist text, 8 more restraints were instantly added, making it the most tyrannical existence among the best innate spiritual treasures.

His armor is one layer thicker.

This golden ao particle allowed Shen Fei to take a step further. Shen Fei's original body, which had shrunk by at least half due to practicing "Turtle Zhenhai Jin", instantly became dozens of times larger than before, like the entire body. There is an extra continent in the North Sea.

At this time, Jin'ao Island seemed to be just a mountain peak on a continent.

The body of Shen Fei now is similar to the golden ao particle, with many Taoist rhymes flowing and divine light surging. Shen Fei feels like he can overturn the North Sea with just a slight movement.

He also didn't expect to use Jin Aojia's origin, the countless negative forces in the sea water caused by this catastrophe, and Da Luo's power in the later stages of promotion, as well as the last bit of great merit.

Finally, the Jin Ao particles appeared.

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