The moment this golden turtle particle appeared, Shen Fei's countless black turtle particles roared, and the giant turtle particles also kept roaring, also celebrating the birth of the king.

Shen Fei felt the strength that was still increasing and his defense and body shape that continued to increase.

‘Is this the terror of Chaos Gods and Demons? ’

There is no advancement in the realm, but one's own strength is still increasing. In fact, it is a state where one has not reached the limit of the current realm.

The throughput in Shen Fei's body once again became extremely terrifying, but this was just the normal throughput of Jin Ao particles. All the spiritual energy and turbid energy inhaled were distributed to the other particles.

Strength first leads to strength later, which is why Shen Fei wants to forcefully create a Jin Ao particle. After this opportunity, it may not be possible.

After all, he wanted to absorb the turbid energy just in time for the great calamity.

Because most of Jin Ao Jia's origins were used to help Shen Fei's Jin Ao particle transformation, he fell directly from the top grade innate spiritual treasure to the middle grade innate spiritual treasure.

But he has accomplished his mission.

"Dragon clan..."

Shen Fei sealed Jin'ao Island and swam towards Beihai Dragon Palace. The huge waves rolled and he swam towards Beihai Dragon Palace instantly in the water. This time he was able to transform so quickly.

The Dragon Clan played a big role.

He was reciprocating the favor, as the inheritance he received from the Xuanzhong Monument happened to be returned to the Dragon Clan. As for the Ancestral Dragon's method, Shen Fei had no intention of learning it.

'The world will never dry up, the ancestral dragon will never die' is not suitable for Shen Fei.

This method is indeed very miraculous, but it feels a bit like binding spirits to the earth. In fact, it is to follow the path of the saint of heaven. The way of heaven is immortal and the saint is immortal.

But it has an extremely deep bond with the ancient world. If Shen Fei had not joined the chat group, he might have been very interested in this method. After all, the Styx relies on the so-called "the sea of ​​blood never dries up, and the Styx never dies" The name is resounding throughout history.

Now that Shen Fei has joined the chat group, he knows that in addition to his own prehistoric world, there is a higher world waiting for him, so naturally he will not bind himself too deeply to the prehistoric world.

And the path he took was not like that of Emperor Jun and Duke Dong. That kind of overlord's path requires destiny. If he wanted to take the path of overlord, his power, luck, and destiny would be far behind.

When the time comes, it will be difficult to bear the consequences.

"North Sea Dragon King!"

Fortunately, Shen Fei had transformed a long time ago. Although the golden ao particles caused his size to skyrocket, it didn't mean that he would never be able to transform again.

"The Great Immortal Guiyuan came, but Xiaolong couldn't meet him from far away. Please forgive me!"

Guangze Dragon King quickly walked out, bowed his hands and said in a more respectful tone than before.

Shen Fei waved his hand, "There is no need to be polite in our friendship. I would also like to thank you for your help not long ago, which has also allowed my cultivation to further transform."

The two walked into the Dragon Palace, and Guicheng said hurriedly: "Dragon King, ancestor. I have prepared the spiritual fruit and nectar, and you can go."


"I wonder why Great Immortal Guiyuan came here this time? If Xiaolong can help, he will do his best!"

Guangze thought of the battle between Guiyuan and Taiyi. It can be said that after this battle, all the innate saints will regard Guiyuan as the first echelon of the ancient world, even if he is just Da Luo.

But his own mana, vigor, spiritual treasures, magical powers, etc. all prove that Guiyuan's strength is not as simple as his revealed state.

Coupled with this transformation, I am afraid that the strength will be further improved.

Now, even when he detects Guiyuan's aura, he feels as if he is facing the abyss of heaven, and his heart is trembling. If he looks with his soul, he will see a supreme existence dormant in the chaos, with great avenues entangled, laws flowing, and divine light inhaling. Flashing.

There seems to be an infinite world surrounding me.

Dragon King Guangze was naturally not surprised but overjoyed that there was such a being behind him. First, because of his original thoughts, he actually made such a good relationship.

Secondly, there was this great god who suppressed Beihai. The battles in Beihai were suppressed a lot. He always listened to his three brothers complaining, saying that the Demon Court and the Fairy Court, the Demon Court and the Witch Court, and the Witch Court and the Fairy Court were always at odds. Calling back and forth.

Sometimes when you let go, the mountains and rivers are overturned and the water veins are broken.

Although the prehistoric world has its own recovery, the karma of dead creatures will pollute the water veins, greatly increasing their workload, and if these karma, evil spirits, resentments and other negative forces block the water veins.

The causal responsibility lies with them.

Who made the oath made by the ancestors to sort out the water veins of heaven and earth, so that the spiritual energy of the prehistoric world can flow smoothly, and the turbid energy belongs to the earth.

But in Beihai, there were relatively few large-scale battles, even if they alarmed Guiyuan.

How could Guangze not be grateful to Guiyuan?

Shen Fei said with a smile: "First, I would like to thank the previous dragon clan for their help, and then by chance, I will pass the ancestral dragon inheritance from the Xuanzhong Monument back to your dragon clan.

I use it as a reference, but I cannot take it as my own. The Xuanzhong Monument can be regarded as a gift to me from the Dragon Clan. If I kept it privately, I would be a bit too rogue. "

Guangze Yuanshen froze for a moment, "The method of the ancestral dragon?"

He naturally remembered the form of the Ancestral Dragon that appeared some time ago. He was still thinking about when the Great Immortal Guiyuan had something to do with the Dragon Ancestor. Unexpectedly, the Great Immortal Guiyuan brought out the long-lost ‘Ancestral Dragon Method’ of their dragon clan.


Shen Fei waved his hand casually, and the aura fell into the center of Guangze Dragon King's eyebrows. Guangze Dragon King naturally would not worry about Shen Fei harming him. With the strength of Guiyuan Great Immortal, he really wanted to kill him.

His entire Dragon Palace was long gone.

Shen Fei just quietly ate spiritual fruits and drank fine wine, sighing once again at the wealth of the Dragon Clan. These were almost all spiritual fruits formed from medium-grade spiritual roots. Even if they were given to Taiyi Golden Immortal, they would be able to cultivate themselves. increase.

And it contains rules that can stimulate the taste buds to form sweet, sour, bitter, spicy and other flavors.

Of course, these understandings of laws have no effect on Shen Fei. With his current strength, I am afraid that only things like ginseng fruit can have any effect on him.

This is just to satisfy the appetite.

‘I wish I could delve into the art of alchemy when I have time. ’

Shen Fei pondered in his mind, like Taishang's method of alchemy, which can be said to have dominated the ancient world, a 'nine-turn golden elixir' has an effect on Daluo. It uses heaven and earth as an oven, yin and yang as charcoal, and various spiritual fruits. The rules for extracting nectar...

After receiving the message, Dragon King Guangze came to his senses and saluted Shen Fei, "Thank you, Great Immortal Guiyuan, for your gift."

Guangze Dragon King didn't ask why Shen Fei got the Ancestral Dragon's Dharma. Sometimes it was fate.

He was naturally happy in his heart, if the method of the ancestral dragon practiced by their Four Seas Dragon King could not achieve what the Dragon Ancestor said, 'the four seas will never dry up, and the ancestral dragon will never die'.

But as long as it connects one sea, or even half of the sea, it is enough.

Their dragon clan was in decline. Although no one dared to actually catch a real dragon as a delicacy, dragons like dragons could be caught as soon as they encountered them.

Just like Kunpeng before, he liked to eat dragon seeds.

Of course, after all, one of the laws practiced by the Dragon Clan is the Law of Yang. They themselves like to continue to have descendants. If only some bastards eat it, they will eat it, but they will even eat some dragon species with good cultivation and righteous aura.

The so-called ‘dragon liver and phoenix marrow’ are these dragon species.

If he could refine half of the North Sea and mix it with his own aura, he could still protect his dragon species in the North Sea. It could be said that Shen Fei had given them a great gift.


Shen Fei nodded and was about to leave, but was stopped by Dragon King Guangze, who said: "Great Immortal Guiyuan has given us such a great gift in return from the Dragon Clan.

How can you go back empty-handed? "

Guangze Dragon King turned over his hand and took out a flag. Countless laws of water emerged from the flag. The flag itself was hazy, as if countless divine lights were slowly released, and countless laws emerged on the flagpole.

When she saw this flag, Shen Fei felt something in her heart.

"Xuan Yuan controls the water flag?"

Shen Fei raised his eyebrows. This flag was actually in the hands of the Dragon Clan?

He thought that the flag would be in the hands of Styx, but after thinking about it, it seemed that it was too much. Styx itself was accompanied by the red lotus of karma, one of the four lotuses, and Yuantu Abi, who killed people without karma.

It is extremely terrifying in itself, and both of them are killing treasures, second only to the God-killing Spear, which is born on the path of killing.

Furthermore, the Netherworld Blood Sea has nothing to do with the Xuanyuan Water Control Flag. On the contrary, it is the North Sea. The Xuanyuan Water Control Flag is a pure treasure of water, plus the north.

It is only reasonable to appear in the hands of the North Sea Dragon Clan.

"What does this mean?"

"Dedicated to the Great Immortal Guiyuan."

Guangze Dragon King said with a smile.

"This is the best innate spiritual treasure. Ever since Hongjun spread the doctrine of the Three Corpses, the whole world has been obsessed with innate spiritual treasures. Are you going to give it to me like this?"

"To be honest, this thing was originally my Beihai Dragon Palace's last resort to ask for foreign aid. But now that the Great Immortal Guiyuan has given us the Ancestral Dragon's method, it is a great favor to the Dragon Clan."

"That is your thing, the inheritance that exists in the Xuanzhong Monument. You help me practice, and I will return the inheritance to you. It is only natural."

"But if it weren't for the Great Immortal Guiyuan, our dragon clan might never be able to get it. As for how we got the Great Immortal Guiyuan, it was the fate of the Great Immortal Guiyuan himself.

And the Xuanzang Monument itself cannot be refined by our dragon clan and dragon species.

As for the grievances, why should Great Immortal Guiyuan thank us? We still have to thank you. You helped us clear away the negative forces from all over the world.

This is the responsibility of our dragon clan, but you have been asked to do it for us. It is your own ability to digest it. "

After what Guangze Dragon King said, Shen Fei nodded and put away the flag handed over by Guangze Dragon King. Although he is now a fellow practitioner of the Nine Paths, the law of water is still his best. This flag can be said to be powerful in his hands. Use your strongest power.

Moreover, the Innate Five Directions Banner is famous for its defense. In terms of defense alone, it may not be weaker than ordinary innate treasures.

He didn't expect that the word Yuanfa was so wonderful.

He had just transformed Jin Ao Jia into a mid-grade spiritual treasure by transforming Jin Ao Particles, but because of the blood of the ancestral dragon he obtained from the little carp world, he obtained the ancestral dragon inheritance in the Xuan Zhong Monument.

I got back a top-grade spiritual treasure again, even stronger.

His armor is thicker again.

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