"Got it."

Huang Yaoshi returned to the inn, put the medicine basket on the ground and said with a smile, but Huang Rong immediately looked at Huang Yaoshi and said worriedly: "Dad, are you okay?"

"It's okay, those little miscellaneous fish are not enough to keep me."

Huang Rong felt relieved and looked at the basket on the ground. The basket was shaking a little. Huang Rong took two steps back and said, "Daddy, help me take it out and take a look."

Huang Yaoshi opened the bamboo basket, and a black shadow came out. But Huang Yaoshi had quick eyes and quick hands and caught the black shadow in an instant. It was a fat viper. It didn't look as agile as a snake at all, but more like a long worm. .

"that's it."

Huang Rong nodded, "Daddy, kill it."

Huang Rong remembered that in group chats, red envelopes were not allowed to be passed around. Anyway, it was only the viper's blood that made Guo Jing stronger in the first place, and he did not swallow the entire radiation.

"Let's get out of here first."

Huang Yaoshi stuffed the medicinal snake into the bamboo basket, "This is the capital of the Jin Kingdom after all. Once there is a large-scale search, we will soon be deeply involved."


Seeing that the viper was in hand, Huang Rong was no longer in a hurry and followed Huang Yaoshi and left the inn. Now the street had changed from the previous curfew. The lights were bright and people wearing government officials' clothes were patrolling around with torches.

Huang Rong followed Huang Yaoshi. Huang Yaoshi had figured out the roads to the capital before entering, and kept using his body skills to evade search.

"Little thief, stop it!"

Suddenly there was a loud shout, led by a handsome young man, followed by three people. Huang Yaoshi frowned, "Are you chasing me all this time?"

"I have already put snake-attracting powder on you. My treasure is enough to find you! Who are you? You are hiding your head and showing your tail."

A trace of fear flashed across Ouyang Ke's eyes. The masked man had just knocked them back with just one palm, but this man was not interested in fighting. He was probably worried about the Jin army here.

Even the Five Ultimates died of exhaustion in the face of the encirclement of the army!

So Ouyang Ke just sprinkled the snake-attracting powder and ignored it, and then waited until King Zhao mobilized the army before he started to let his treasure search for this person.

Huang Yaoshi flashed a trace of murderous intent and said coldly: "I spared your lives just now, but you still dare to catch up?"

"Hahaha! Although I don't know who you are, you probably have a lot of background to have such strength. And judging from the killing method, it looks very familiar... I don't know which senior you are."

"Since you are seeking death!"

After Huang Yaoshi finished speaking, his figure began to flash, and there were palm shadows in all directions, five empty and one real, or eight empty and one real, just like the sudden rise of the wind in the peach forest and the fall of thousands of flowers. The wonderful thing is that the posture is elegant, like dancing. , and the palm is as sharp as a sword.

He had just avoided trouble and covered his face before, but now that he was discovered, he was too lazy to continue covering it up. When Ouyang Ke saw this palm technique, the smile on his face froze.

"Luoying Divine Sword Palm?! Medicine Master Dongxie Huang!"

Ouyang Ke was shocked. He really didn't expect it to be Huang Yaoshi. He even thought that it was unlikely to be Wujue. It was indeed right that even Wujue would die under the army, but it would require an army to surround him, and he was willing Stay and fight with you.

If Wu Jue is bent on escaping, unless he uses crossbowmen to cover the shots at all costs, it is unlikely that a master like Wu Jue will be left behind.

"Sha Tongtian goes and captures that girl, and the rest of you will help me deal with Dongxie!"

Ouyang Ke made a quick decision. Since this was Dong Xie, the girl should be Dong Xie's daughter, Huang Rong.

As long as he catches her, Huang Yaoshi will be able to use the rat weapon.

He didn't know why Huang Yaoshi came to Prince Zhao's Mansion, but the key now was to keep Huang Yaoshi first, otherwise the prince would be furious, but if Huang Yaoshi really wanted to attack, the four of them couldn't stop him.

Their only chance of winning is to catch Huang Rong.

Ouyang Ke's true energy surged all over his body, like a toad, and he rushed towards Huang Yaoshi. Peng Lianhu swung behind him, and several hidden weapons flashing with cold light flew towards Huang Yaoshi under the moonlight, aiming directly at Huang Yaoshi's many vital points. .

Master Lingzhi waved his palms with great power, and he and Ouyang Ke attacked Huang Yaoshi together.

As for Sha Tongtian, he grabbed Huang Rong with a cruel smile on his face. How powerful can a little girl be?

"court death!"

Huang Yaoshi saw the three people attacking, and the other one actually attacked Huang Rong. His face was furious, and his palms were even more unpredictable. He suddenly slapped Ouyang Ke and Master Lingzhi away, turned around and blocked all the hidden weapons with his hand. Come down.

He clapped his palms violently and knocked back Peng Lianhu's Judge's Pen.

The three people retreated and quickly rushed to Huang Rong, trying to stop Sha Tongtian. At this moment, two phantoms flashed past. Huang Yaoshi had quick eyes and quick hands and caught the two phantoms in an instant.

They were two venomous snakes. Huang Yaoshi squeezed them casually, and the heads of the two venomous snakes instantly turned into minced meat. But looking around, there were countless "hissing, hissing" sounds all around, and the venomous snakes were surrounding them.

Under Ouyang Ke's attack, they rushed towards Huang Rong. Yes, Ouyang Ke's target was also Huang Rong. Only Huang Rong was their breakthrough point.

Or the key to why Huang Yaoshi is still here.

Huang Yaoshi's eyes narrowed, and he flicked his fingers repeatedly. The venomous snakes that flew towards him fell in the air, and their heads were all broken.

Huang Yaoshi always likes to put some stones around his waist to deal with emergencies.

But at this time, the surrounding lights began to brighten, people began to gather below, and piles of archers were loading their bows.

If Huang Yaoshi was alone, he would have escaped long ago, but Huang Rong is still here.

Huang Rong calmly suppressed her fear with her eyes, took away the medicine basket, stretched out her green-white hands and instantly pinched the viper that was about to rush out. She calculated and pinched the viper within seven inches.

Viper immediately straightened his body. Huang Rong continued to exert force. Viper's whole body trembled and then he twisted unconsciously.

[Huang Rong sends an exclusive red envelope to the giant turtle]

[Huang Rong: Leader of the group, help me! @Prehistoric Giant Turtle]

[Feng Xiaotian (group leader’s lackey): What’s wrong? What happened? Didn't you say you would go to Prince Zhao's Mansion to find the viper? 】

[Huang Rong: Yes, but he was entangled, and his father was fighting against the enemy. That Ouyang Ke was disgusting. He always takes me as his target, leaving dad with nothing to do. 】

[Feng Xiaotian (group leader’s lackey): Group leader, please save me! Help! 】

[Ancient Giant Turtle: Don’t be in a hurry. 】

[The ancient giant turtle sent an exclusive red envelope to Huang Rong]

At this time, Huang Yaoshi said loudly: "Rong'er, you go first! I will deal with it!"

Huang Rong received the red envelope from Shen Fei, her eyes flickering.

Endless power emerged from the glimmer of light that had never entered his body at this moment.

It began to continuously transform into Jiuyin Qi. Not only that, Huang Rong's physical strength also continued to increase.

Huang Rong did not panic. She already knew what would happen from Ning Zhongze's mouth, among all the members of the group who received the Xuangui particles.

Only Ning Zhong is in the most similar situation to her. The power of the black turtle particles will mostly strengthen her physical body and Qi.

In an instant, Huang Rong seemed to be able to hear her own heartbeat.

Not only did Huang Rong herself change, but the originally dark world was suddenly illuminated by countless lights. Everyone saw an extremely huge turtle appearing in the sky, seemingly covering the entire world.

next moment.

There was an extremely terrifying pressure suppressing everyone except Huang Rong and Huang Yaoshi.

All the venomous snakes that were about to surround them immediately fell to the ground, and many even fainted from fright. The soldiers who were surrounding them with torches also fell to the ground in fear.

Incontinence of urine and feces, yellow and white fluids flowed all over the floor, and the stench instantly filled the sky.

Even Sha Tongtian, who was originally going to catch Huang Rong, fell to the ground and did not dare to raise his head, as did the rest of the people.

Huang Yaoshi was stunned. Huang Rong grabbed Huang Yaoshi and jumped more than twenty meters in an instant. Then he fell to the ground with a 'bang'.

Surrounded by a crowd, he left directly.

A few days later.

On the boat back to Peach Blossom Island.

Huang Yaoshi couldn't help but ask: "Is that the group leader you are talking about?"

"Yes, but this is just a little bit of his power. I used that viper to exchange it with the group leader."

Huang Rong nodded.

"How can a viper be exchanged for such a powerful force?"

Huang Yaoshi and Huang Rong have fought several times in the past few days. Huang Rong just can't keep up with his skills and sometimes can't catch him. Once Huang Yaoshi is caught by Huang Rong, he will be defeated instantly.

And when Huang Yaoshi sometimes used his finger-flicking magic to hit some stones on Huang Rong, they would be bounced away instantly. This was a spontaneous body protection by zhenqi. He couldn't even imagine how strong Huang Rong's zhenqi was now. .

Anyway, Huang Rong said that all the acupoints that needed to be opened along the route of the Nine Yin Manual had been opened by her. If she followed what the Nine Yin Manual said, she would have already reached the 'innate' state.

He has reached the level of Wang Chongyang, who possesses supernatural powers among the Five Ultimate Skills.

Huang Yaoshi fell silent when he heard his daughter's words.

Is this immortality?

A congenitally strong man who is less than sixteen years old.

"So your mother..."

Now Huang Yaoshi is more hopeful than before. If it is true what Huang Rong said, then it is really possible for A Feng to be resurrected. After all, he is an immortal.

"Don't worry, dad. After we return to Peach Blossom Island and let the group leader come, it will be easy to do that with the group leader's magical power."


The next moment after the ship returns to Peach Blossom Island.

Huang Yaoshi suddenly felt the darkness of the sky and the earth. The snake he had caught before reappeared in the air, and then instantly exploded into countless blood mist, like ink, outlining the lines of the giant turtle he had seen in the capital of Jin Kingdom before.

'boom! ’

A giant turtle suddenly fell into the sea, setting off countless huge waves, and was about to capsize Peach Blossom Island, but was forcibly suppressed by a force. Huang Yaoshi looked at the giant turtle that was larger than the entire Peach Blossom Island, just like an island. There was a mountain next to it, and I couldn't help but swallow.

"The leader of the group is great!"

Huang Rong waved her hands excitedly!

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