Ancient times.

Shen Fei watched the world of the Condor pulled from the inner world, turning into a 'satellite' rotating around the inner world.

Just as he estimated.

This Condor World is really not integrated with Yitian and Xiaoao, but a world by itself rotating around the inner world.

"Then can I use the breath of these three worlds to involve the worlds in between..."

Shen Fei thought about it in his mind and did it as soon as he thought of it. Just like before, he could pass through the Gate of Taiyi and connect his own inner world with the world where his 'incarnation' was.

Now his understanding of the laws of space has gone one step further.

Does that mean he can directly pull the world and find the breath of the divine sculpture world?

Shen Fei collected the auras of the three worlds of Shooting Condor, Yitian, and Xiaoao as support. When pulling the world of Shooting Condor, he absorbed the auras of these three worlds at the Gate of Taiyi, and the laws of space combined with the soul.

Just like when I was involved in the world before, my mind kept getting higher and higher, and it was much higher than before when I was involved in the world. Suddenly, it was like a membrane had been broken through.

In front of you, your own inner world and your own subsidiary world disappear.

Suddenly, I found that my mind was submerged in a chaos. In this chaos, there seemed to be countless stars twinkling. These were worlds, which seemed virtual and real.

It seems to be but not to be, it seems to be empty but not to be empty.

This is the place where the world was born. It can be called the Sea of ​​Chaos, the Sea of ​​Worlds, the heavens and the world, or the stars in the sky.

As for what to call it, that's just everyone's idea.

This place is naturally formless and formless.

If it weren't for Shen Fei's World Dao Fruit, it would be impossible to enter here.

[You observe the evolution of the heavens and the world, and you combine your own gate of Taiyi to try to deduce the method of using breath as a guide to pull the world. 】

And just then.

Suddenly there was a message in Shen Fei's mind, which was sent to him in the chat group.

[The group leader activates the group leader privileges and recruits new group members. 】

[Introduction to privileges: After every five years in the chat group world, the group leader can make two choices to recruit new group members. One is to randomly recruit, and to randomly recruit one person from the world.

The second is directional pulling, which requires the group leader to provide a similar world atmosphere or an object that has appeared in the world to locate the world. If there is no specified item, the group leader will pull it in the world according to the default method of previous group chats. 】

After the news was digested, countless rhymes and information spread from the group chat and entered Shen Fei's mind.

Originally, Shen Fei still needed to deduce the method that involves the world, but these Taoist rhymes accelerated Shen Fei's deduction, just like the progress bar, which originally increased by 1%, increased by 1%.

Who would have thought that suddenly it would feel like diarrhea, and the progress bar would be pulled directly to 100%.

[Advanced Gate of Taiyi...]

Shen Fei's face started to look weird, it seemed because he was trying to use the Gate of Taiyi to pull in other worlds that were not part of the group.

It already overlaps with the function of attracting people in the chat group itself.

The two actually come together.

He also got a little bit of real information from the chat group.

'The broken treasure...'

Shen Fei's mind returned to himself, and he didn't expect that the body of the group chat was actually a broken treasure called 'Public World'.

Because the magical power 'Taiyi Gate' he mastered overlapped with the function of the chat group, now his magical power and the group chat function have been combined into one.

The function of group chat will be realized by his magical power.

That is to say.

His position as the group leader will no longer be shaken, even if stronger people come in later, Shen Fei's status in the group chat will not be shaken.

"Although directional grabbing is a bit difficult, after all, it requires certain conditions. At present, the conditions that meet the conditions seem to be the martial arts world, or the blood of the ancestral dragon obtained from the little carp world, or the items related to covering the sky in Perfection... "

Shen Fei thought about how this directional grabbing could be better utilized.

However, the emergence of this function has indeed solved the embarrassing problem of the Condor not being integrated with it. That is to bring in another group member from the Condor, and then these four worlds should be able to form a world of mixed martial arts.

[Huang Rong: Thanks to the group leader, my mother is really resurrected! So our world is not integrated with Zhenren Zhang’s world, is it? 】

[Prehistoric Giant Turtle: I'm dealing with this matter right now. I'll just bring in someone from your time period and it should be fine. 】

[Feng Xiaotian (the group leader’s lackey):? ? ? 】

[Peter:? ? ? 】

[Ace:? ? ? 】

Question marks appeared one after another.

[Thor God: Sure enough, the group leader is still the group leader. He can even master the extremely mysterious group chat. With the information the group leader has, doesn’t he just pull in whoever he wants? 】

[Feng Xiaotian (the group leader’s lackey): The group leader is so awesome! ! ! 】

[Two-faced Turtle (the ancestor’s lackey): The ancestor is awesome! ! ! 】

[Peter: It’s so difficult. The origin of my world should be infinite gems, but it’s too hard to get hold of! I also want to get the power of the group leader! I need power! ! 】

[Liu Shen: Has the group leader mastered the group chat? Didn’t group chats randomly pull people in before? 】

[Ancient Giant Turtle: Well, I have recently mastered a new magical power, which happens to be combined with the group chat function, so I can master this function. 】

[Liu Shen: The group leader seems to have defeated the powerful enemy, and I just happened to have prepared some things. 】

[Ancient Giant Turtle: Okay, send it to me. 】

[Feng Xiaotian (the lackey of the group leader): Envy, big boss deal! 】

[Thor: This should be the boss py, I also want to be the boss. Luo Feng, grow up quickly! ! ! 】

a perfect world.

Liu Shen saw Shen Fei's reply. The strength of this group leader was indeed too miraculous. You must know that when the group chat found her, she was not even aware of it, plus the ratings in the group chat.

This group chat is extremely mysterious.

She originally thought that the group leader was indeed at the Immortal Emperor level, but in front of the group chat, she could only say that she had not figured out the meaning of the group chat before, and her memory had not yet recovered.

Otherwise, there is really no telling who the leader of this group chat is.

But now it seems that the group leader is more than she imagined, and has now mastered one of the most core abilities of group chat, attracting people.

Why group chat is so mysterious and powerful is that it can draw people from all over the world into a group and allow people from all over the world to communicate. But now this function has fallen into the hands of the group leader.

After that, the position of the group leader was never shaken.

If Huang makes good friends with him, even the fierce battle with the Dark Immortal Emperor will be helpful in the future, and now Shi Hao's growth rate is much faster than in the original work.

It was just in time for the leader of the group to come here to set the stage for the upcoming Battle of Two Stones and prevent some shameless people from bullying the small. After all, she could not truly recover.

It should be possible for him to use the skills he knows in exchange for the group leader to take action.

Liu Shen scrolled the bone fragments that recorded the original true solution. This is the original, and it must also have the origin of the world.

If that doesn't work, just use Shi Cun's cauldron, which is useless to Shi Hao anyway. As for the battle of the seven gods, to be honest, it won't be difficult for Shi Hao to defeat the seven gods by then.

[Liu Shen sent an exclusive red envelope to the ancient giant turtle]

After handing out the red envelopes, Liu Shen looked at one of the places, and a young man with a mighty appearance walked out.

It's Shi Hao who has returned from the North Sea. Judging from his aura, this harvest should be quite big.

The surrounding villagers looked at Shi Hao excitedly.

After all, Shi Hao has only been out for a year or two this time, so he will definitely gain a lot.

"Liu Shen, I have obtained the perfect Kunpeng treasure technique. I will tell you later." Shi Hao was very happy. He felt that he could already help Liu Shen.

Of course, he was transmitting the message secretly, because Liu Shen once warned him that if he really wanted to obtain the treasure, he must not leak it, otherwise he would be killed.

"Liu Shen, your condition seems to be much better."

Shi Hao glanced at Liu Shen. The willow tree was bigger than before he set off.

There are not many pieces of the dragon-scaled black skin left, and most of the tree trunks, which were originally black, are now green.

As for the tree, green silk ribbons hang down, and the roots are crystal clear, like a dazzling waterfall. Now the Willow God has hundreds of branches, hanging from the sky to the ground, a piece of green and auspicious.

"Yes. It's indeed much better. Good boy."

Liu Shen was not surprised. In the original work, Huang was able to obtain the Kunpeng Treasure Technique, let alone after being baptized with the blood of the group leader, the Giant Turtle Treasure Technique was the method of the Immortal Emperor.

Although it may only be part of the power, it is enough to make Huang invincible on many occasions.

She does need to refer to the Kunpeng Treasure Technique, mainly because her memory has not yet recovered to master the Ten Evil Treasure Techniques. The Kunpeng Treasure Technique may be able to activate her memory.

"By the way, there happens to be a guest coming today."

"Who? Is it the Great Immortal Giant Turtle?" Shi Hao quickly guessed it. If it was someone else, God Liu would not tell him specifically and would only tell him who was here.

Rather than this pretentious and mysterious attitude.

And before he went to Kunpeng's lair, he asked Liu Shen if he could meet the giant turtle immortal.

Because he felt that the giant turtle magic really helped him a lot.

"Liu Shen, tell me... can I show my Kunpeng magic to the Giant Turtle Immortal?" Shi Hao hesitated a little. He felt that the Giant Turtle Immortal had helped him, just like Liu Shen, he was a trustworthy person.


"Then when will he arrive? Do I need to greet him?"

Now that Shi Hao has experienced so much, he is no longer a newly cultivated child, and he also understands the existence of the blood that baptized him to build his foundation.

Even the one hundred thousand extreme realm that Liu Shen said, in fact, he has already broken through the one hundred thousand extreme realm, and he can weigh 150,000 kilograms with one wave of his arm, which is fifty thousand kilograms more than the so-called limit.

"No need. He's here."

The next moment Liu Shen finished speaking.

The place shrouded by her became dim in an instant. When Shi Hao looked up, the entire sky was covered.

Clearly visible fine lines appeared among the tortoise shells in the sky. The aura of the tortoise shells flickered. The originally extremely huge giant tortoise began to shrink rapidly, and finally turned into a shape floating in the sky.

A figure slowly fell from the sky and said with a smile: "Stronger worlds are more friendly and can transform. In other worlds, transforming is more difficult."

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