The ancient giant turtle: his understanding is incredible, join the chat group

Chapter 120 The arrival of perfection, the guardian of Huang

"Let's convert the power into this world first."

After the man finished speaking.

The terrifying energy and blood soared into the sky, boundless. This boundless energy and blood turned into a huge furnace and enveloped the man in it. His bones vibrated, as if there was a divine voice resounding in his body, and divine light flowing.

next moment.

This man's body is splendid, as if it is made of seven-colored divine gold, with precious light flowing, and the immortal furnace evolved into runes one after another shines in his flesh and blood, tempering the creation of heaven and earth.


The earth trembled, and a big hole seemed to be opened on the top of the man's head. It was as if it were carved out of rock. It was grey-brown, grand and simple, and there was vigorous vitality inside. It was bright red, brilliant, and dazzling.

Not one, but ten.

Ten caves appeared one after another.

These ten caves and heavens merged into one in an instant, and countless spiritual essences from heaven and earth were absorbed into this man's body. Moreover, this man's transformation has not stopped yet. His whole body is shining with countless spiritual lights, and his physical body is shining with immeasurable divine light, seeming to be connected to human nature.

Then the divine light shone brightly, and the man's eyebrows seemed to have opened up the world. Finally, all the strange phenomena in the body disappeared, and the ten huge caves behind him merged into the body.

But this man's aura is still rising, rising, spreading out with countless powers in this man's body. It seems that the entire wilderness is shaking, and the world is trembling.

"Look carefully. The incarnation of the Great Immortal is walking the path of many realms. This will be good for you."

Shi Hao was a little stunned when he saw the Ten Cave Heavens.

He is naturally familiar with it. He himself has the Ten Caves, but why can the Great Immortal still fuse the Ten Caves? After hearing what Liu Shen said, he realized that this is his path in the future.

He concentrated his mind and continued to perceive the changes in this man. Soon he saw that the divine light that diffused from this man's body seemed to be evolving all things, and then turned into a supreme Taoist text.

This text seems to have countless images flickering.

"This is... an image from inside the original solution?"

Shi Hao was also familiar with this image. It was the extremely powerful battles that existed in the original true interpretation given to him by Liu Shen. They were all recorded in the original true interpretation.

‘Is this the ultimate road? But why are there so many more traces of the giant turtle’s battles than I know? ’

Shi Haoruo had some enlightenment, but the great immortal evolved more and more after that.

But it was not the image he saw inside, there was much more, a giant turtle fighting a big bird as big as the sun, a giant turtle fighting several giants who stood tall and tall...

Shen Xi continued to evolve, and finally turned into a vast star, turning into countless patterns and integrating into the body.

In the end, the aura reached the sky and turned into a boundless giant turtle, which seemed to cover the entire mountain. The supreme and noble aura appeared.

"Venerable Realm?!"

Shi Hao looked at the man in the sky and murmured that he naturally knew what this aura was. Although he had killed the Venerables in the Kunpeng Divine Nest, it did not mean that he could kill the Venerables at will in the outside world.

Moreover, the Giant Turtle Immortal is also the ultimate in every realm, which means that among the same level, he is probably only about 50% comparable to the incarnation of the Giant Turtle Immortal.

The world finally no longer has that feeling of being constrained.

Like before, when he came to other worlds, it was like stuffing himself into a small bottle. This was at least an ocean.

Moreover, the bone fragments given by Liu Shen are the original body of the true interpretation of the gods and some traces of the God of War catalogue.

It can be said that it can carry an extremely large number of origins. Shen Fei directly dropped a giant turtle particle.

Shi Hao looked at the fallen man and felt the intimacy in his body from the inside out.

The power hidden in his body was vaguely echoing. Even though he had become the Spiritual Transformation Realm and was about to enter the Inscription Realm, the imprint left when building the foundation still existed.

"I've seen the Great Immortal."

When Shi Hao saw the man who had returned to his original nature, he would naturally not think that the man who appeared was a mortal, but he had not yet been able to detect the strength of the great immortal.

"No need to be polite."

Shen Fei glanced at Huang. Huang, who would be arbitrary in the future, was still a young man who had just embarked on the path of cultivation and was not that old.

Although it looks like a young person, it is just that people in the perfect world grow faster. Coupled with exercising their muscles and strengthening their bodies, their physical maturity has always been relatively rapid.

"Liu Shen, this is the first time we have met."

Shen Fei looked at the body of the Willow God. In his eyes, there was a larger willow tree behind the Willow God. The divine light flowed around the willow tree, and the fairy light flickered. Every willow branch seemed to connect a world.

Today's Liu Shen is further ahead than before. The key is that his understanding of the laws of creation and reincarnation has already overflowed outside his body.

The laws of creation and reincarnation in heaven and earth are intertwined with it.

Liu Shen used his power to transform into a spiritual body. It was extremely magnificent, but its appearance could not be clearly seen.

Shi Hao looked at Liu Shen in surprise. This was the first time he saw Liu Shen transform into a physical form.

"I have also admired the name for a long time, but the formation pattern imprinted by the great immortal when he stepped into the formation realm was somewhat special. It seemed to cover countless stars..."

"Yes. There are three supreme formations in our world, the Twelve Capital Heavenly Gods Formation, the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation, and the Hunyuan Heluo Formation.

Among them, I know that the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation, if it is imprinted in the body, can use the power of Zhoutian Xingdou. "

Shen Fei smiled and explained that he did not use the Ten Thousand Spirits Diagram like Shi Hao in the original work, but used the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation that he knew best to imprint the inscription.

Although the Twelve Capitals Divine Evil Formation should be the most powerful formation in the prehistoric times, the root cause is that it can summon Pangu's physical body, and there is no Pangu in this world.

Since the Hunyuan Heluo Formation is recorded in the Hetuluo Book, it actually mobilizes the water veins of heaven and earth recorded in the Hetuluo Book to turn into formation patterns, so after the formation is formed, the power of the prehistoric world can be used.

Therefore, the universality of being able to mobilize the Zhoutian Star Formation is relatively high, and it is more suitable for this world.

Moreover, he only knows how to perform the Zhoutian Star Formation, and even a simple version, which he learned from the Star Mirror.

Shi Hao listened with some curiosity. It turned out that Liu Shen had never seen the giant tortoise Immortal. Then how did Liu Shen get the blood that he used to build the foundation from the Immortal.

"Shi Hao, please leave for a while. I have some matters to discuss with the Immortal."

"Ah good."

Shi Hao nodded. He had just returned not long ago and happened to say hello to the people in the village. He just said that Liu Shen said that the Giant Turtle Immortal was coming, so he stayed here.

Wait until Shi Hao goes away.

Liu Shencai said: "Now the plot of the original work has progressed to the point where the Great Demon God is causing trouble in the Imperial Capital of the Stone Kingdom. This time, I actually asked the Great Immortal to come over. I also want to ask the Great Immortal to stop Shi Hao when he is causing trouble in the Imperial Capital of the Stone Kingdom. Those who bully the small."

"Today's Shi Hao is much stronger than in the original work. I think in the original work, he could come out of the Imperial Capital of the Stone Kingdom."

"Because of this, Shi Hao's growth rate is much faster than in the original work, and he will naturally provoke many more people, if he really appears in the imperial capital of the Stone Kingdom.

In order to strangle Shi Hao, those beings might really bully the small ones with the big ones and take action with the status of the Venerable. "

Shen Fei raised his eyebrows and said, "That's okay. I'm also quite interested in this world."

"We are not lying. If the Great Immortal can become Shi Hao's protector until he finishes the Two-Stone War, the bone cauldron in Shicun will belong to the Great Immortal. As for the Transcendence chapter in it, I will just take it out to teach Shi Hao when the time comes. "

"That's fine."

The bone tripod and the bone fragments that now entrust his two giant turtle particles are the same set. They are both things that the Dark Immortal Emperor recorded the original true solution to.

It must be able to continue to carry his power. The more power it carries, the faster he can analyze this world.

Although there is no giant turtle particle in the original body of the Great Desolate World, the Perfect World is not as weak as the Great Desolate World, and may even be a world above it.

After all, if the Immortal Emperor were Da Luo, then the Sacrifice Dao, or even the Sacrifice Dao, would be transcendent.

A giant turtle particle is still worth it, and it will also make it easier for him to understand the laws of this world.

Shen Fei also learned from Shi Hao's mouth what happened to Shi Hao in Beihai.

Relying on the giant turtle magic derived from his bloodline, Shi Hao is invincible in defense. With the giant turtle magic, he fought fiercely against many talented people of his generation.

And it's not one against one, it's one against ten. There are countless remnants cooked by Shi Hao, and in the original work, they were injured as a result of the fight over the Kunpeng Talisman Bone.

Shi Hao was not harmed at all by using the Giant Turtle Treasure Technique, and those venerables whose strength was suppressed could not even hurt Shi Hao by using various methods.

Instead, they were killed one by one by Shi Hao, which truly confirmed the title of supreme genius.

He had already seen the Kunpeng talisman that Shi Hao had brought back and the Kunpeng magic that Shi Hao had told him. He hoped that Kunpeng's face would look better the next time he saw him use the Kunpeng magic.

After all, it is also the Immortal King's method.

Moreover, this Kunpeng is different from the prehistoric Kunpeng. The second form master of Kunpeng does not practice the two laws of Feng Shui, but the law of Yin and Yang. However, there are also the two laws of Feng Shui and the law of devouring.

There are more laws of cultivation than the ancient Kunpeng, but there is no ancient Kunpeng spirit above these two paths.

[You have observed the Kunpeng treasure technique of the Immortal King, which contains the two forms of Yin and Yang, and the two laws of Feng Shui...]

[You combine the Kunpeng you have seen and the yin and yang laws you understand to construct a new Kunpeng method! 】

In the stone village, Shen Fei was sitting cross-legged next to the Willow God, with Taoist rhymes surging around him. There was a big Kun leaping in the sea, a golden roc soaring in the sky, the laws of yin and yang surging, and the two forms of Kun and Peng constantly changing.

Countless spaces around him were shattered. To Liu Shen, it looked like the reincarnation of the ancient Kunpeng.

This is just a magic technique.

"So this is Kunpeng's method of extreme speed."

Although it was not the same Kunpeng, but by analogy, Shen Fei already knew the nature of Kunpeng's extreme speed, and also understood the reason why Kunpeng could avoid his attacks before.

Borrowing the law of wind, let the wind of heaven and earth fall into the inner consciousness.

"The Great Immortal has good tricks."

Liu Shen's voice was filled with a little surprise, and she naturally saw that the Kunpeng method deduced by Shen Fei was more sophisticated than what Shi Hao had obtained.

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