There are still countless disputes in the ancient world, and the calamity of heaven and earth is getting more and more serious. The Demon Court has been defeated one after another in the battles with the Immortal Court and the Witch Court.

Now among the three courts, the Demon Court, which seems to be the most powerful, is ranked last by many innate saints, although the Demon Court does have Donghuang Taiyi.

But Immortal Court also has the East Prince and the Queen Mother of the West, which is not weak either.

In addition to the failure of the Immortal Court in the last conquest of the Witch Court, the Immortal Court also began to develop a formation called the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation. The original decline was restored in battles with the Demon Court.

The Wu Ting, who mastered the Twelve Capital Heavenly Gods Formation, was the strongest. The Wu Clan's power continued to center on Buzhou Mountain and spread crazily to the surrounding areas. For a time, the Wu Ting's momentum was unparalleled.

But there is one place that even the Wu Clan has not penetrated deeply into, and that is Beihai.

Beihai, which was originally full of disputes, saw almost no disputes after the fight between Shen Fei and Taiyi. Even the demons under Xianting and Kunpeng were fighting far away from Beihai.

And Kunpeng was nowhere to be seen.

Beihai has now become the most peaceful place in the ancient world. Most of the beings who want to stay away from the fighting enter the extremely cold North Sea from all over the ancient world, just to avoid this increasingly terrifying catastrophe.

Shen Fei naturally understood the situation in Beihai, and there were even some casual cultivators from Taiyi who wanted to visit him and join him, but Shen Fei had no idea of ​​establishing a force.

Not even taking on a disciple.

The main reason for his way of the world is that in addition to his own magical powers, the more important thing is actually in the chat group, using the chat group to implicate each world.

What he can pass on is his own magical power.

If he meets someone who can pass on his insights, he will naturally accept him as a disciple.

"Now the emperor is worried that Prince Dong is the first male immortal appointed by the saint, so he does not dare to kill him. When he preaches three times and Hongjun unites with the way of heaven, then the great tribulation will really begin."

When Shen Fei heard that Demon Ting had suffered successive defeats in battles with Xianting and Wu Ting, he knew what Di Jun was planning. With his understanding of Demon Ting, how could he say that they would be weaker than Xianting.

"The Hunyuan Heluo Formation and the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation are about to appear."

He comprehended the simplified version of the Zhoutian Star Formation from the Star Mirror, and imprinted it on the flesh and blood of the incarnation of the perfect world.

Naturally, I want to see the complete version of the Zhou Tian Xing Dou Formation, so that I can transform and perfect myself when the time comes.

"Well, Black Little Tiger moves pretty fast!"

Shen Fei looked at the group chat and found that Hei Xiaohu had sent him the 'Whirlwind Sword' again. It seemed that the Hong Cat World was about to be able to attract people. The power of the Hong Cat World in the future would be much higher than that of ordinary martial arts.

When it comes to the Light Sword, the Black Dragon Sword, and even the Demonic Saburo, etc., they can even penetrate the world and create white holes and black holes. In fact, the world has broken through the limits.

Their system can allow the other three martial arts worlds to learn from it.

Shen Fei took a look at the group leader's privileges at this time. He seemed to be able to attract new group members.

【Attracting new group members...】

[Select the designated world and randomly select people...]

[Select a random world, randomly select people...]

Rainbow Cat World.

Hei Xiaohu looked at Dada in front of him and said calmly: "Give me the seven swords in your hand, and I will let your pregnant wife go!"

Dada looked at Hei Xiaohu with hatred and his wife held hostage by Niuxianfeng. He gritted his teeth and said, "Your demon sect is poisoning the forest. You will definitely be punished by God!"

"Destiny is mine! How can there be any mention of divine punishment!"

Hei Xiaohu raised his eyebrows. When the group leader leads this world, the group leader becomes the heaven of this world. If he is on the group leader's side, it is naturally his destiny. To be honest, he is not very willing to use such despicable means, but This is the fastest way.

After he exchanged Po Erdan from Furukawa, his father's pain was completely resolved. Without the pain, his father was now the second master after him.

He was a sharp sword, and his father was the co-ordinator within the sect, and he began to conquer each force one after another. Under his strength, he was almost unstoppable, and he also learned the methods of the boss of Thor.

Establish a corresponding elders' council to decentralize power, but there is one rule, that is, all the skills of the sect to which it belongs must be put into the demon sect.

But now they are no longer called the Demon Cult, but the Turtle God Cult.

He learned this from Feng Xiaotian. As the senior who was the first to lick the leader of the group, Feng Xiaotian must be very experienced in this way. He learned that the faith established by Feng Xiaotian had already spread throughout the continent.

He also felt that some changes needed to be made.

Black Heart Tiger naturally supports Hei Xiaohu's actions, but many people don't understand why the Demon Sect suddenly changed its name.

What is the Turtle God Sect called?

Dada gritted his teeth, threw the whirlwind sword in his hand to Hei Xiaohu, and said coldly: "You are not the sword master, so you cannot exert the power of the whirlwind sword!"

"It's okay, I just like to collect." Hei Xiaohu took the whirlwind sword and sent it to the group leader.

Asking Niu Xuanfeng to release Dada's wife, Hei Xiaohu said: "Joining our Turtle God Cult is the best choice. I hope you will think about it carefully.

If your Baicao Valley can join the Turtle God Cult, I will build a medicine hall for you to take charge of! "

After finishing speaking.

Hei Xiaohu signaled Niu Xuanfeng to follow him. On the way, Hei Xiaohu said quietly: "How are you doing what I asked you to do?"

"Zhu Wujie has already gone to the Golden Whip Creek Inn and surrounded her, and the deputy leader kept sending messages asking why she was besieged.

The miraculous doctor mentioned by the young master is still being searched for, but some clues have been obtained. Some sects have seen the miraculous doctor Dou Dou. "

"Let's go to the Golden Whip Creek Inn first. Take a look at our so-called deputy leader!"

Hei Xiaohu said softly that after getting the Green Light Sword from Tiaodiao, he focused more on developing the Demon Sect. Now that it has become powerful, plus the Seven Swords no longer have the Blue Light Sword and the whirlwind he just got. sword.

What is he afraid of?

The two arrived at the Golden Whip Creek Inn. Various animals were already surrounding an inn nearby.

When he saw Hei Xiaohu, Zhu Wujie quickly reported: "Young Master!"

"Let's go in and meet our deputy leader."

Hei Xiaohu said softly, because he was born from the forbidden land in advance, he had learned about it, and it was true that Hongmao escaped from Maojiazhuang and disappeared, but Hei Xiaohu knew to go to Jade Toad Palace.

He asked his father to stop taking action and focus all his efforts on developing the Demon Cult, and frantically conquered the other sects.

And his father had already sent Ma Sanniang to find the sword master of Ziyun Sword, and wanted to have his own undercover agent among the Seven Swords, so as to have a back-up, but after Hei Xiaohu knew Ma Sanniang's true nature, he had already marginalized Ma Sanniang. melted.

Hei Xiaohu walked into the inn and saw Ma Sanniang sitting inside the inn, holding the Ziyun Sword and watching the surroundings.

"Young Master! Zhu Wujie wants to surround me for some reason!"

"Because I gave the order."

Ma Sanniang looked at Hei Xiaohu with fear in her eyes.

Although she was undercover here, she also had information channels and learned that the Demon Sect had already been renamed the Turtle God Sect, and its power was expanding crazily, even spreading out of their forest.

The cause of all this is the one in front of me, the hero of the generation who is called by many animals to be more powerful than the Black-Hearted Tiger, the Black Little Tiger.

'That guy was really right. ’

"Young Master, why? I came here undercover to help the leader get the Qilin!"

"It's not about helping my father get the Qilin, but you want to get the Qilin yourself to dominate the martial arts world."

Hei Xiaohu said calmly, and Ma Sanniang's eyes flashed with shock, but she quickly smiled and said, "What did you say, young master? I, Ma Sanniang, am loyal to the Holy Religion."

"Really? Then hand over the Ziyun Sword."

Hei Xiaohu stared at Ma Sanniang and said. Ma Sanniang was stared at by a pair of tiger eyes, her eyes trembled, she tightly held the Ziyun Sword in her hand, and said with a smile: "Young Master, if you haven't learned the Ziyun Sword Technique, this Ziyun Sword is It’s useless.”

As he spoke, his steps began to retreat slowly.

Hei Xiaohu said quietly: "You have only two choices. One is to betray the sect with the Ziyun Sword, and the other is to hand over the Ziyun Sword."

Ma Sanniang frowned, and at this moment, various shouts of killing came from outside.

"Changhong sunset!"

There was an angry shout and the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground.

Three figures rushed in and landed next to Ma Sanniang, and another figure also staggered in. Hei Xiaohu did not panic and just watched the incident quietly.

"Young Master, this subordinate is in a bad situation..."

Zhu Wujie quickly knelt down on the ground, and beside Ma Sanniang appeared Rainbow Cat, Blue Rabbit and Tiao Tiao.

Hei Xiaohu looked at Zhu Wujie, his true energy surged in his hands, and the head of Zhu Wujie, who was kneeling on the ground, was sucked into his hand, "You are obsessed with sex, you are in trouble!"

Zhu Wujie yelled in horror, "Young Master! Young Master! Give me another chance!"

"A small punishment but a big warning!"

Hei Xiaohu slapped him, and Zhu Wujie fell to the ground and let out a cry of pain. Then he stood up and kowtowed to the ground in an instant: "Thank you, Master, for sparing me!"

Hei Xiaohu looked at the three Rainbow Cats who came, especially the Blue Rabbit, with a flash of surprise in his eyes. Is this the most beautiful woman in the martial arts world?

No wonder 'himself' fell in love with her.

It's a pity that now I am no longer the licking dog I once was.

The Blue Rabbit is beautiful, but compared to becoming a strong man or even following the footsteps of the group leader, immortality is what he pursues. The Blue Rabbit and the Red Pink Skull are just that.

"You want to stop me?"

Hei Xiaohu stared at the four of them and said, even if he was released from the original work, he would still need the combination of four swords to repel him, not to mention that there are only three swords here, and Ma Sanniang is still a fake.

It is simply impossible to combine the three swords.

He also got the black turtle particles from the group leader. Now even his father can't beat him. He can defeat his father in ten rounds. Now I'm afraid only the Light Sword, the Black Dragon Sword or the demonized Saburo can. Fight with him.

So he wasn't afraid at all. He was stalling for time because he actually wanted to see if the Rainbow Cat and Blue Rabbit would come.

And use this to punish Zhu Wujie.

Tiaotiao stared at Hei Xiaohu warily and said: "Ma Sanniang, I told you earlier. Hei Xiaohu will definitely not let you go. Are you still guarding the Ziyun Sword?"

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