The ancient giant turtle: his understanding is incredible, join the chat group

Chapter 125 The four swords unite and the world merges

Hei Xiaohu raised his eyebrows. It seemed that the original plot had changed after he let Tiao Tiao go. With the help of the information from the Demon Cult, Tiao Tiao might have already found Ma Sanniang.

Ma Sanniang was silent, and at this time, two figures appeared behind the inn.

"Four swords, not bad! Hahaha."

Hei Xiaohu didn't expect Tiao Tiao to be so awesome, so he also brought Dou Dou over.

He is worthy of being the smartest person among the Seven Swords. With the help of the Demon Cult's previous power and poor information, he also found Doudou, the master of Yuhua Sword.

Ma Sanniang threw the Ziyun Sword in her hand to the figure next to Doudou, Sally, who was mute by Ma Sanniang's poison.

But for now, it seems that Doudou cured Sally.

Add in Sally, and you have four swords.

It should have been enough to deal with the original him, but now he has to let them down.

"Young Master, I have been working for the Demon Sect for so many years. When Protector Tiaotiao first said this, I didn't believe you would attack me, but now. If you are unkind, don't blame me for being unjust!"

Ma Sanniang's eyes flashed with anger.

Although Hei Xiaohu didn't know why he could guess that he would attack Ma Sanniang, he didn't need to pay attention to it. Now the Changhong Sword, Ice Soul Sword, Yuhua Sword and Ziyun Sword were all in front of him.

Naturally, he wanted to collect them and present them to the group leader, allowing him to officially take over the world.

"Get started and completely defeat this guy who is causing harm to the forest!"

Hongmao roared, the Changhong Sword in his hand was like a streak of fiery red flames, his sword skills were superb, and the sword wind carried countless flames and high temperatures. At the same time, Blue Rabbit waved the Ice Soul Sword, and the cold wind howled and the temperature dropped around him.

The sword skills in Sally's hand were like clouds, erratic and pervasive, and purple clouds appeared.

Doudou's sword energy was like rain, and countless true energy turned into heavy rain. At the same time, he took out his treasure box and continuously threw various powerful things from the treasure box.

"Go to Posan!"

At the same time, Doudou took out the medicine from the treasure box and threw the medicine powder towards Hei Xiaohu.

Hei Xiaohu's true energy surged, and he flashed his figure in an instant to dodge many sword techniques. He was so fast that he even left several afterimages that were fake and real. The Goposan smashed an afterimage and fell to the ground without any effect. .

"What's this?"

Tiaotiao was a little surprised. The next second, he heard a low moan, "Nine Yin Divine Claws!"

A tiger claw swatted Doudou away in an instant. Even though Doudou reacted quickly and blocked his chest with a sword, the claw broke the weak point in his Qi in an instant.

Blow him away instantly.

And not only that, Hei Xiaohu kept flashing in the inn like a black shadow. Unless Hongmao had practiced the Fire Dance sword technique to the tenth level or above, he might still have the ability to compete with Hei Xiaohu.

But now, it’s far worse!

"Blue Rabbit!"

Rainbow Cat and Blue Rabbit instantly combined their swords, and the intertwined power of ice and fire turned into an extremely fast sword light that instantly locked Hei Xiaohu's energy.

"The devil dances wildly!"

Hei Xiaohu grabbed it fiercely, and his true energy turned into a ball of light in his hand and the combined power of the two swords collided instantly, with a 'boom' sound.

The entire inn collapsed, turning into ruins and throwing up countless dust, and several figures rose into the sky.

Like a black whirlwind, the black tiger quickly rolled towards the four Hongmao people.

Hongmao and others were not afraid at all, and also displayed their own unique skills.

The sword light pointed directly at Hei Xiaohu, and the eclipsed momentum was breathtaking.

The constant sword light collided crazily with the black whirlwind, and a whistling sound broke out.

Earth and rocks flew everywhere, branches broke, and no one of the surrounding vegetation was spared from the high-intensity collision. However, even the four swords combined could not defeat Hei Xiaohu and retreated one after another.

Hongmao's eyes trembled with fear, and his palms trembled a little. How could this little black tiger be so strong!

Blue Rabbit used his true energy to communicate with the other three people: "We must use the combination of four swords!"

"But we are not familiar with the combination of four swords yet!"

Sally didn't expect that the black tiger in Tiaotiao's mouth was so powerful.

Hongmao drew out the Changhong Sword in his hand and blocked Hei Xiaohu's claws, but he instantly retreated and thrust the sword into the ground, forcibly removing the terrifying power.

"I'll guide you!" Hongmao growled.

"Changhong Sword!"

"Ice Soul Sword!"

"Rain Flower Sword!"

"Purple Cloud Sword!"

"Four swords combined!"

The tips of the four swords merged together in an instant, and the power inside the four swords was instantly drawn out. The four powers of ice, fire, cloud, and rain, as well as the power of light hidden inside them, were combined.

The power of heaven and earth emerged, led by Hongmao.

"The rainbow penetrates the sun!"

This sword is silent, but it is a real killing move. With the power of the four swords combined, this sword has nothing to do with the exquisiteness of the move, nor the amount of true energy, but only the will of the sword wielder.

Hongmao's will is naturally extremely firm.

"The power of heaven and earth?"

Since the origin of the world exists within the Seven Swords, then their combination must be able to draw the power of heaven and earth. This is what Feng Xiaotian told him.

The combination of seven swords cannot be taken lightly.

Because the combination of the seven swords will touch the way of heaven, and it is to use the human body to guide heaven and earth, and the power of the entire world.

However, the human body has an end after all, but the power of heaven and earth is endless.

Forcibly using one's body to attract the power of heaven and earth is actually no different from seeking death.

In the original work, if it were not for the rare treasures of heaven and earth such as Qilin blood to save lives, and Ma Sanniang holding back her strength, and the seven heroes were united, there would not be many people on the spot.

But being able to attract the power of heaven and earth is enough to show its power.

"The devil dances wildly!"

Hei Xiaohu was not careless. His true energy was like a torrential river, and countless strong winds burst out behind him. He still used his best skill, Heavenly Demon Flurry.

The endless zhenqi turned into a huge light ball. The inside of the light ball flashed fluorescently, flew out in an instant, and collided with the tips of the four swords.


A violent sound like a volcanic eruption sounded from the center of the collision. The moment the energy collided, everything around seemed to stop, and everything was silent.

The forces of black and white are colliding, entangled, and eroding each other.

They are like glue, constantly trying to destroy each other.

Seeing this, Tiaotiao used Qinggong to escape in an instant, and so did Niu Xuanfeng, Zhu Wujie and others.

next moment.

An even more explosive roar erupted from the flat ground. Endless wind pressure erupted at the center of the collision between the two forces. An energy ripple like a huge heavenly bowl turned upside down centered around the collision. swept away.

Layers of sand and dust were rolled up like waves, and the ground was plowed by extremely terrifying power. The soil waves rolled, and the remaining rocks flew, being continuously swept by energy ripples, turning into a sky.

Looking down, a large open space suddenly appeared on the ground with the inn as the center.


Hongmao fell to the ground and vomited a mouthful of blood, looking at Hei Xiaohu who was walking towards him step by step in horror. Now he is not the young hero of Hongmao who has experienced a lot. Although he has justice in his heart, he cannot resist in the face of this kind of situation. powerful enemy.

He doesn't even know how to do it.

At this time, a phantom appeared. Hei Xiaohu frowned and whispered: "Let me let you go once, you are looking for death!"

After that, the countless zhenqi in his hands were like waves, the air screamed, and the person who came was instantly knocked away. It was Tiaotiao, who fell to the ground and stared at Hei Xiaohu hatefully.

"Honestly, I want to thank you. After this time, I am left with the Ben Lei Sword."

Hei Xiaohu said calmly. As for Ma Sanniang, she no longer knew where she had escaped. Hei Xiaohu picked up the Rain Flower Sword and gave it to the group leader. At this time, Zhu Wujie and Niu Xianfeng also rushed over.

The four heroes caught them all, Zhu Wujie rubbed his hands and stared at Blue Rabbit with a squinted face, "Young Master, you see, Old Pig, I have also worked hard and achieved great results. The leader of Blue Rabbit also said..."

Hei Xiaohu looked at Zhu Wujie coldly, leaving Zhu Wujie speechless. He slowly backed away and no longer dared to speak.

Hei Xiaohu distributed the Changhong Sword, Ice Soul Sword, and Ziyun Sword to the group leader, then looked at the four Hongmao people quietly, and said lightly: "Now I will give you a chance to memorize all the martial arts you know. .

I'll let you go. "

"Little Lord……"

When Zhu Wujie heard that Hei Xiaohu was about to release Blue Rabbit, he wanted to say something. He slapped him on the face and heard an extremely cold voice, "Say one more word and I will kill you."

"Get out! If you want to kill, kill!"

Rainbow Cat roared.

"Catch them all back."

Hei Xiaohu frowned, and regardless of further persuasion, he still caught them all first, because the group leader sent him a message.

It’s time to start leading the world. Let’s make plans again when we go back.

Shen Fei looked at the four swords coming one after another, took out all the laws inside to observe, integrated them into the laws he understood, and then put them all into the incarnation.

His mind entered the Guiyuan Realm, and the inner world was now called Guiyuan Realm by him.

Opening the Gate of Taiyi, the incarnation on the other side who stayed at the back of the Turtle God Sect received four swords, six of the seven swords, and the power they could carry was already enough to sink the origin of the world that Shen Fei invaded.

The origin of this world is quite strong, even comparable to the previous Pirate World and Douluo God Realm.

But with the power of Shen Fei's soul.

Moreover, Shen Fei also mastered the 'fitting the body with the Tao' and instantly eliminated the 'heaven and earth' in the origin of the world faster than before. The history of the Hongmao world from its birth emerged one by one in front of Shen Fei's eyes.

"Not a bad world."

Shen Fei nodded. Various extraordinary creatures have been born in this world, and he also saw the unicorn.

There is a trace of pure Qilin blood in this guy, which is formed by a dark green hair fused with the origin of the world.

Isn't it also related to the prehistoric times?

A world born as a result of the war between three clans?

A light group instantly appeared near Guiyuan Realm, just at this moment.

The light group belonging to the little carp world instantly merged with the light group of the rainbow cat world, turning into a light group that was not weaker than the pirate world and the Douluo God Realm.

"Does it really matter?"

The dragon, phoenix and unicorn clans, good guys, it is not because of the war between the three clans in some advanced prehistoric world that some blood or various tissues penetrated the sea of ​​chaos and blended with the world they were born to become these relatively special worlds.

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