[Ancient Giant Turtle: @Two-faced Turtle (ancestor’s lackey) @Hei Xiaohu, your two worlds have merged, you should be the only one who has not been affected. 】

[Hei Xiaohu: Indeed, I have discovered it. Among the geography workers in the church, there is a vast expanse of ocean in the north, but no one knows what the specific situation is. 】

[Two-faced turtle (ancestor's lackey): I don't feel anything at all. Maybe it's because there are no people from the aquatic tribe who have come ashore. I'll just ask the three-headed phoenix then. 】

[Deidara: I found raw materials in the world that can replace the formula Brother Thor sent me last time. I tried it and it turned out to be very powerful! Thanks to Brother Thor @Thor.

My final explosion didn't cause any ripples in the ninja world. That must be because my explosion wasn't big enough. I need a bigger explosion! 】

[Thor God: You really did it, this is a real punishment! If you continue like this, nuclear bombs will be just around the corner. 】

[Ace: @Deidara, actually you might as well help the group leader find the origin of the world. When your world communicates with mine, I will help you find the fried fruit. After swallowing the fried fruit, you will explode everywhere...]

Shen Fei looked at Ace and said, "That's right."

The main reason is that he said at the beginning that he would not actively force group members to trade with him.

Nowadays it is better to have someone pushing nature.

[Deidara: You told me last time, and I think it is, the Jinchūriki should be the origin of the world. It just so happens that I am about to go find the One-Tailed One and send it to the group leader when the time comes. But can I not use the black turtle particles? 】

[Ancient Giant Turtle: What do you need? 】

[Deidara: I want something that can make my explosion more powerful. 】

[Ancient Giant Turtle: Okay, after you connect with the pirate world, I will give you a ‘Hydrogen Bomb Fruit’. It contains the ‘Law of Explosion’, and it’s up to you how much power you can exert. 】

[Deidara: Guaranteed to complete the mission! 】

[Welcome ‘Little Junior Sister of Peach Blossom Island’ to join the chat group! 】

[Welcome ‘This banquet will be paid for by Playboy’ to join the chat group! 】

[Welcome ‘Dangdangjiao Zeng Shushu’ to join the chat group! 】

Three messages in a row attracted everyone who was chatting.

[Huang Rong: I am the junior sister of Peach Blossom Island. Who is this? 】

[Little junior sister from Peach Blossom Island: Who are you? And why am I called Junior Sister of Peach Blossom Island? 】

[Zhang Sanfeng: @Little junior sister from Taohua Island, are you Cheng Ying? 】

[Little junior sister from Peach Blossom Island: Do you know me? 】

[Zhang Sanfeng: My name is Zhang Junbao. I know you, Miss Lu Jiabao. Guo Xiang told me about this at the beginning. When the Lu family was wiped out, you were rescued by senior Huang Yaoshi. She became Huang Rong's junior sister. 】

[Huang Rong: Are you really my junior sister? 】

[Little Junior Sister from Peach Blossom Island: I don’t know him, and as Huang Yaoshi is one of the five masters, how could he accept me as his disciple? And who is Zhang Junbao? 】

[Ancient Giant Turtle: I brought this here based on the breath of your world, just to integrate your world together. I brought it here specially. 】

[The ancient giant turtle uploaded the memory "The Story My Aunt and Guo'er Have to Tell", which corresponds to the group member "Little Junior Sister of Peach Blossom Island"... and is not allowed to be downloaded. 】

[The ancient giant turtle uploaded his memory "A Story of a Massacre in a Village", which is in line with the group members' "making friends with Zeng Shushu"... and is not allowed to be downloaded. 】

[Thor: Huh? The group leader also knows another newcomer, which means that this newcomer is called Zeng Shushu. 】

[Huang Rong: Newcomers should first read what new members need to know in the group file, and then ask questions after reading it. 】

The world of Zhuxian.

Zeng Shushu heard a sudden voice in his mind, and a screen similar to the Chuanying Jade even appeared in front of his eyes. He thought some senior was joking with him.

He quickly put down the shellless turtle in his hand and saluted respectfully: "I have seen the seniors, but I don't know who is teasing the juniors!"

But after a long time, there was still no response. Zeng Shushu looked at the lines of words that appeared, and carefully operated according to the words that appeared.

I quickly found the "What Newcomers Need to Know!" in the group file. ! ! 》

Looking at it carefully, Zeng Shushu's eyes were filled with shock, "The existence that connects all the worlds? The leader who opened up the world and resurrected the living beings?"

"Isn't that just like an immortal?"

Zeng Shushu could not imagine what kind of existence could open up the world, prehistoric?

He thought it was just a legend... There were some prehistoric alien species still living in their world, but those were all extremely powerful beings, and even if their elders encountered them, they might not be able to survive.

"The group leader controls the fate of many group members. According to the group leader, we are all characters in the works he has seen. But since you have joined this group chat, it means that you are real..."

Zeng Shushu was still full of wonder when he saw the last warm reminder.

Moreover, he saw his own exclusive destiny trajectory in the group file. According to the saying in the group, the person who joins the group chat is usually not the protagonist in the destiny trajectory, which is the main perspective.

There are a lot of things that may not come up.

It just allows the group members to refer to many things based on their destiny trajectory.

Zeng Shushu began to read the "Story that Begins with the Massacre of a Village" and was surprised when he saw Zhang Xiaofan and Lin Jingyu joining the sect.

Because he had just learned from his father that Dazhu Peak and Longshou Peak had indeed accepted two disciples, the duller one was Zhang Xiaofan, and the smarter one was Lin Jingyu.

"Master Puzhi is obsessed with evil. In order to obtain the true meaning of the Book of Heaven, he actually does such a thing." Zeng Shushu saw that Puzhi actually committed massacre in order to unite Buddhism and Taoism, and the layout was so deep that he wanted Zhang Xiaofan to join the Qingyun Sect. Things in the village.

Couldn't help but yell angrily.

After scolding, Zeng Shushu slowly continued reading until he had read the entire fate track. Zeng Shushu opened his eyes and exhaled: "Zhang Xiaofan, Gui Li. Brother, you are so miserable!"

Fortunately, even the "self" in the fate track did not give up on Zhang Xiaofan, which means that this Zhang Xiaofan is the same person on the outside and inside as far as his character is concerned.

If Zhang Xiaofan was a traitor to the right path as they said, then he would definitely not become close friends with him.

"For Zhang Xiaofan and his beloved Baguio, I, as a good friend, must help him avoid these situations. But what should I do? Tell my father the true situation of Zhang Xiaofan?"

However, Puzhi is a great virtue of Tianyin Temple. If he speaks without evidence, he will only be warned by his father not to speak nonsense so as not to affect the relationship between the orthodox sects.

"Let's see if there's anything we can do with this group chat."

Zeng Shushu remembered that "What Newcomers Need to Know" said that the restrictions on the copy of destiny could be unlocked, and the group of friends could still be of great help.

Return to the perspective of group chat.

The world of divine sculptures.

Cheng Ying, who lives in the Lu family, looked at the "Stories My Aunt and Guo'er Have to Tell" uploaded by the group leader. She was a little surprised when she saw that she appeared in the first chapter.

Continuing to read slowly, I saw that Uncle Lu Zhanyuan had been dead for three years, and then I saw that Li Mochou said that Uncle Zhanyuan would come to destroy the Lu family ten years after they got married.

This year is the second year since Uncle Zhan Yuan died, and it is almost the third year.

In other words, Li Mochou is coming soon.

Who in the Lu family can stop Li Mochou?

Wu Santong? Wu Santong can't stop Li Mochou, and Wu Santong is crazy, so he may not be able to resist Li Mochou.

This is even more true for Ke Zhen E.

Senior Huang was erratic, and while she was thinking about it, she stopped paying attention to what was going on behind her. If it were before, she could only watch passively. She herself was a helpless woman.

But it is now known that these situations are likely to occur.

Of course she wanted to save it.

"Immortal fate, you can only rely on it."

She looked at the group chat, and she quickly accepted the concept. Isn't this a fairy tale to her?

"Ying, let's go out for fun and go boating on Jiaxing Lake."

Suddenly someone knocked on the door and interrupted Cheng Ying's thinking. Lu Wushuang pushed the door open and walked in. Cheng Ying looked at Lu Wushuang. Her cousin would follow the female devil in the future, and she would be much worse off than her.

"Why are you so stunned?"

Lu Wushuang saw her cousin looking at her in a strange way, with a little pity, "Hurry, let's go pick lotus flowers."

"I feel a little tired today, so I won't go."

Now that Cheng Ying is worried about Li Mochou, how can she still be in the mood to go and have fun.

"Are you feeling tired? Do you want to invite someone to come and take a look?" Lu Wushuang was worried about Cheng Ying's health.

"No. By the way, I remember that the Lu family has martial arts. Can I learn it?"

Since Uncle Zhan Yuan has a reputation in the world, he naturally has martial arts skills.

Lu Wushuang nodded, "Yes, yes, but why do you suddenly think of learning martial arts?"

"This is not because I feel weak and want to practice martial arts to strengthen my body."

All Cheng Ying could think about was practicing martial arts.

Although she survived in the end, her aunt and uncle died. Since her parents died, her aunt and uncle treated her like their own daughter, so she naturally would not let Li Mochou kill them.

"I'll take you to find daddy."

After a while, Cheng Ying returned to her room with a dejected look on her face, and rejected her cousin's idea of ​​taking her out to play because she asked her uncle how long it would take to practice to their level.

He said that today's Cheng Ying's bones have grown to the full length. Unless he is a genius, most of them started to strain their muscles and bones at a very young age.

Even if you want to train to his level, it is impossible.

She carefully inquired about Li Mochou, but Lu Liding was silent for a while and said that the matter was over and that she should not inquire again.

But Cheng Ying knew that this matter had not passed.

Li Mochou, the female devil, will come to your door soon.

"group chat……"

Cheng Ying followed the instructions in the group document and entered the group chat with her mind, and saw that the people in the group with her were also asking what to do.

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