Ancient times.

Shen Fei doesn't care what the incarnation said brings to Zeng Shushu. He is more concerned about the fifth heavenly book obtained from Zhu Xian.

He really didn't expect that the Fifth Heavenly Book was actually related to the way of the Supreme Being. It was definitely not the Supreme Being of his world. The Supreme Being of this world hadn't even established a religion yet.

But he also had some guesses. After all, there was the Immortal Killing Sword in that world.

The Heavenly Book in the Zhuxian Sword belongs to the Taoist sect, and it definitely does not belong to Luo Hu.

It can only be Hongjun and Tongtian.

Hongjun has not yet refined the Four Swords of Zhu Xian, so it can only be Tongtian, or Shangqing.

And he remembered that in some Taoist mythological worlds, there was no Hongjun, but Sanqing was the supreme god.

It is normal for the superior Qing in these extremely powerful worlds of Taoist mythology to influence the formation of the Zhuxian world.

"And this is only the fifth volume of the Heavenly Book. According to the original work, there are only five volumes of the Heavenly Book. But according to the development of the entire world, there must be more than five volumes. It is estimated that the complete Heavenly Book should be eight volumes."

"If the fifth volume is left by the Shangqing Dynasty, the first and second volumes are biased towards demons, the third and fourth volumes are biased towards Buddha, the fifth and sixth volumes are biased towards Taoism, and the seventh and eighth volumes should be biased towards witches."

Shen Fei made a guess. Who is the one who left behind this heavenly book?

Or is it that this Zhuxian world is actually some place that can influence the beings in the heavens and use it to fight for the truth?

The more Shen Fei thought about it, the more he felt that the Zhuxian world was abysmal.

"never mind."

Shen Fei shook his head. When the time comes, he will slowly analyze the laws of the Zhuxian world, and he will definitely be able to discover a lot of things. Even if this kind of world does not lead to it becoming his own world.

There will also be a lot to gain.

When Shen Fei walked to the junction of the south and the east, and was about to enter the eastern boundary, there was a huge sound from the sky and the earth, flowers fell from the sky, and golden lotuses surged from the ground.

It seems that the entire prehistoric era is shrouded in auspiciousness, and countless living beings have benefited from it.

Shen Fei opened his mouth and swallowed all the golden lotus and smallpox in a radius of billions and billions of miles, using it to restore the black turtle particles used to descend. Anyway, he didn't want it in vain.

"After the third sermon, I, Hongjun, unite my body with the Tao. From then on, the heaven and the earth will be perfect, so that the prehistoric era will be clear and clear. The monks must survive the great tribulations of the heaven and the earth before they can enter the immortal fruit.

There are disasters in the sky, but there are also opportunities. Those who survive the disasters can gain the blessings of heaven and earth!

Hongjun is the way of heaven, and the way of heaven is not Hongjun. Unless there is a great calamity, Hongjun will not come out! "

"Taozu is merciful!"

All living beings in the ancient world bowed, except Shen Fei.

On the contrary, Shen Fei felt that the constraints of heaven and earth on them were getting stronger and stronger, and the laws of heaven and earth were woven much more tightly. Among the laws of heaven and earth, there were more laws that Shen Fei was very familiar with.

Three disasters.

Shen Fei did feel that the laws were more explicit, and it was easier to comprehend the laws. In other words, like Jinxian, Taiyi would be easier to practice than before.

But it will not be that simple to achieve Tao Daluo in the future.

There are pros and cons to each.

But it is definitely good for heaven and earth. The destructive power caused by thousands of golden immortals is not as good as that of one Daluo. The harm caused by golden immortals to heaven and earth is like a mosquito bite, and Daluo is like a knife.

The same cannot be said.

"Fenbaoya, you can't learn from those seniors anymore, go to Fenbaoya and move all Fenbaoya away."

Originally, after this sermon, Hongjun should have given away all the spiritual treasures that had their own cause and effect in the prehistoric times, except for the creation jade butterfly, which was born according to the way of heaven.

After all, the way of heaven is impartial and selfless. If Hongjun wants to be united with the way, he must not be able to leave so many spiritual treasures that are related to the prehistoric times.

But he couldn't even go to Zixiao Palace, let alone Fenbaoya.

Hongjun will definitely not let him find it.

Shen Fei knew that after this sermon, the pattern of heaven and earth would undergo huge changes. Needless to say, the Demon Court would definitely take action. At that time, it would be possible to decide whether it would be a catastrophe of immortals or witches, or a catastrophe of witches and witches.

And the division of saints' positions and so on.

There is going to be chaos in Honghuang.

"But it has nothing to do with me."

Shen Fei shook his head, walked into the Eastern Realm, and continued his cultivation path.

Now that he has the spiritual treasure in hand and his own cultivation is constantly improving, even a saint would dare to pass two moves, not to mention that it would still be some time before Nuwa becomes a saint.

The Zixiao Palace opened wide, and figures came out one after another, rushing towards a certain place in the chaos. The leader was Sanqing, who came to the Fenbao Cliff mentioned by the Taoist Patriarch.

The Taiqing used the Taiji Diagram, the Yuqing used the Pangu Flag, and the Shangqing used the Four Swords of Zhuxian to sweep away the spiritual treasures destined for itself and escape. Later, Nuwa also took away the spiritual treasures destined to herself with the help of the Mountains and Rivers Sheji Diagram. .

No one dared to pass in front of the four of them and take things from Fenbaoya. After all, he was a destined saint, a direct disciple of the Taoist ancestors, and a disciple of the inner sect. He was a being who could attain Taoism.

But the two figures that followed made everyone look unhappy. It was just because they were born in the West that they could inherit such a huge cause and effect, not to mention that their positions were still given up.

"This thing is destined for me!"

"This thing is also destined to me!"

Zhunti was born in the west after Rahu's self-destruction. When did he see the sight of the spiritual treasure on Fenbao Cliff that looked like a sky full of stars? He said, "This thing is destined for me."

And it's not just empty talk, it's directly using the law of cause and effect to form a fate with the spiritual treasure above.

When many saints saw this, they cried out in their hearts that they were shameless.

But because of the identities of these two people, they did not dare to say anything, until King Dong publicly said: "You two, this is what Taoist ancestors left for everyone. If they are all taken, I am afraid that the cause and effect will not be able to take over."

"That's right."

"Although he is indeed a destined saint, he is only a disciple of the outer sect. What is an outer sect? He cannot attain enlightenment. In the end, if the luck of the West changes, whether he can become a saint is another matter."

"The two of you are not the Pangu orthodox and destined saints like Sanqing.

It is not that Taoist friend Nuwa was appointed by the Taoist ancestors to have a great opportunity, but it was just with the help of the great cause and effect of the West. "

"If there is a transfer of cause and effect, it will be ridiculous if the Hongmeng Purple Qi leaves by then."

The words these people said made Zhunti, who was still planning to take away all these things to revitalize the West by relying on his status as an outer disciple of the Taoist ancestors, froze.

Jie Ying saw that his junior brother's behavior had caused public outrage. Compared to the first four senior brothers and sisters, the amount of spiritual treasures Zhunti took was not as good as those of the four hostages, but the quantity was much greater.

"Junior brother, that's enough. The West has used too many laws of cause and effect. It would be bad if it caused public outrage. We in the West should not expose too much to the outside world for the time being."


Zhunti rolled it up once for the last time, and then he and Jie Yin turned into two golden lights and left.

As the spiritual treasures on Fenbao Cliff gradually became scarce, only a piece of Fenbao Cliff was left floating slowly in the chaos, and no one took it away.

After this sermon, Taoist Hongjun accepted Sanqing and Nuwa as his direct disciples, and accepted Yin and Zhunti as his registered disciples. He also gave the opportunity to become a saint that can help others attain enlightenment and become a saint - Hongmeng Purple Qi!

At this time, the entire prehistoric era was shocked.

If being accepted as a disciple by Hongjun made all the monks jealous, then being given Hongmeng Purple Qi made everyone jealous.

Taoist Hongjun said personally that only by possessing Hongmeng Purple Qi can one achieve enlightenment and become a saint. What does this mean?

This thing is definitely the key to enlightenment and becoming a saint. As long as you possess Hongmeng Purple Qi, you can attain enlightenment and become a saint!

Who is not crazy?

Who is not jealous?

All the prehistoric monks are restless!

However, Sanqing, Nuwa, Zhunti, and Jieyin were all accepted as disciples by Hongjun. Although the Primordial Monk was crazy, he did not dare to snatch the Hongmeng Purple Qi from the six of them.

Therefore, people focused their attention on the last ray of Hongmeng Purple Qi.

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