But Hongyun and Zhen Yuanzi seemed to know about this situation. They didn't even go to Fenbaoya and returned directly to Wuzhuang Temple after the sermon.

Zhen Yuanzi immediately activated the 'Earth Fetal Membrane Formation'. Even if they were both quasi-sages, as long as they were not four or five quasi-sages, it would be extremely difficult to break this formation.

Moreover, Zhen Yuanzi has a book from the earth, which means he has unlimited magical power in the ancient times.

No one dares to offend easily.

At least the people in Zhen Yuanzi who can be offended are still dealing with more important matters.

It wasn't long before the sermon ended.

When all the great masters from ancient times were retreating to comprehend and digest Hongjun's sermons.

Thirty-three hits.

Emperor Jun stood on the stage of Qiankun, wearing a star robe with stars in the sky, embroidered with images of the thirty-third heaven and thousands of monsters. This star robe shone brightly, and it was an acquired spiritual treasure.

It was refined by collecting the energy from the stars in the sky and thousands of monsters. The Emperor Jun then used the luck of the monsters and the origin of the thirty-third heaven to nourish him to become an emperor.

Followed by Taiyi, Kunpeng, Fuxi and Nuwa.

There was also a goddess standing next to him. The goddess had a cold face and seemed to be surrounded by countless lunar energy. When the demons saw this goddess, their eyes were a little surprised.

Nuwa also raised her eyebrows

"The birth of Heaven is very important to our Demon Court. We need to integrate the fate of Demon Court and merge with Heaven in one fell swoop. From now on, this vast and majestic Heaven will be the strongest core of our clan.

From here, we will embark on the road to unify the ancient world! "

Emperor Jun's voice was solemn, and his touching narration made the blood of many demon gods in the Demon Court boil. Taiyi behind Emperor Jun shook the East Emperor Bell.

A sound like a bell from ancient times resounded all around, and Taiyi roared:

"We congratulate the Demon Court and the Demon Clan!"

"Congratulations to the Demon Court, and congratulations to the Demon Clan."

Di Jun and others gave orders in an orderly manner to integrate the fate of the Demon Court and completely merge with the Heaven Court.


In the void, the demon court's overwhelming luck condensed into an endless dragon of luck. The dragon of luck roared and rushed towards the center of the heaven - the origin of the thirty-third heaven. The origin of the thirty-third heaven and the demon court's energy Luck is completely integrated.

Turn into a dragon that looks like a real dragon.

"hold head high!"

At this time, after the Dragon of Luck and Heaven were completely integrated, a huge Dragon of Luck was seen entrenched in the void of Heaven, which represented the Demon Court's luck.

The Dragon of Luck that originally seemed a bit illusory has become extremely substantial, and even the scales are clearly visible.

A dragon roar resounded throughout the ancient world, causing many beings to start to calculate the secrets of heaven.

"Heaven? Emperor Jun and Taiyi can actually find such a place to build their foundation. Every heaven is the top paradise of cave heaven!"

"The demon clan's foundation has greatly increased this time. This thirty-third heaven seems to have more luck than the fairy court built on the three islands of the fairy court. It can be called the first cave heaven and blessed land in the world!"

"I thought that the demon clan was weak and would be eliminated from the fight for overlord. Now that they have taken over this heaven, I am afraid they will have another chance to compete."

Many innate sacred minds were shaken. Although the original demon clan was powerful, the core of the demon court was in the Great Sun Palace. It was impossible for many demon clans to move forward. The demon clan could only rely on the mountains to stand.

But now there is heaven.

The Demon Court has its foundation, and the demons gather together.

Many people with great supernatural powers observed the weather of heaven through this method and were shocked. Now the fate of Demon Court has become the most magnificent in the entire prehistoric period, and even some people with great supernatural powers are watching.

The Dragon of Luck counterattacked spontaneously and let out a dragon roar, causing the Dao Fruit to tremble, the soul to shake, and the energy and spirit to become unstable.

I was even more shocked, the weather in heaven has actually reached such an extent?

Immortal Court.

Prince Dong looked at the fate of the Heavenly Court and was a little shocked. The place occupied by the Heavenly Court was so good.

And he vaguely speculated that if he wanted to be justifiable, he wanted to become the 'Lord of the Ancient World'.

He must enter heaven.

Heaven is the center of the ancient world, and only the master of the heaven can truly secure his position as the lord of the ancient world.

The Demon Court now occupies the "real" status of the Lord of the Great Desolate, and he occupies the "name" of the Lord of the Great Desolate.

"Your Majesty! Now we have found all the candidates for the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation, and the formation flag is almost finished." A figure hurried in with a skinny face, wearing a Taoist robe, and seemed to have a dark spiritual fire wrapped around him.

"Well. Fellow Daoist Ran Deng, what happened to the great supernatural power I asked you to find?"

This person is Ran Deng. In order to gain luck and practice, Ran Deng finally agreed to join the Immortal Court.

"Some people who had made some changes at first regretted it after seeing this situation in the heaven. They felt that the conditions provided by our fairy court were too poor."

Ran Deng couldn't help but say.

Prince Dong suddenly slapped the handle of the dragon's head and said coldly: "These people will definitely be wiped out after I destroy the Demon Court!"

The main reason is that almost all the quasi-sages under his command died during the last siege of the Witch Court.

Now he is also using his treasures to attract some people to join.

For example, Ran Deng was allowed to join the Immortal Court by him using the Heavenly Ruler.

But the quasi-sage could barely return to his previous level. If he hadn't figured out the 'Ten Thousand Immortals Formation' from the dragon-head crutch, he might have faced the Demon Court today.

The Xiantinghui under his command was defeated without a fight.

"Your Majesty. The Dragon Palace said that it will not intervene in the battle between you and the Demon Court, and it does not want to intervene."

"Aren't they dragons afraid of death?"

"When I left, there seemed to be powerful beings from the Dragon Clan to suppress the formation. Their strength is probably not weaker than that of Quasi-Saints. I am afraid they survived the last catastrophe."

Ran Deng looked sad.

The Queen Mother of the West, who had always looked like a wooden figure next to her, heard about the Dragon Clan and said, "I once heard that Zulong has a younger brother named Qinglong, who is either Daluo Yuanyuan or Hunyuan Golden Immortal."

"I'll go there myself." The East King was about to leave, and the Queen Mother of the West said softly: "The dragon clan has a connection with Guiyuan. Have you forgotten the ancestral dragon method and the dragon clan's treasure that Guiyuan used in the fight with Taiyi some time ago?"

Queen Mother of the West's words made Prince Dong freeze a little.

The last fight between Guiyuan and Taiyi really made him stunned, and he regretted why he didn't spend a lot of money to let him join the Immortal Court, a being who could fight against Taiyi.

"And the dragons have karma. If they are allowed to join the Immortal Court, their luck may be reduced. This kind of thing cannot be gambled on."

The Queen Mother of the West tactfully pointed out the disadvantages of letting the Dragon Clan join the Immortal Court, and the Duke of the East had no choice but to give up. The main reason was the name of Guiyuan.

Now that Immortal Court is about to fall into a war with Demon Court, it will be uncomfortable if it offends another Gui Yuan.

Ran Deng saw that just a name made the mighty Dong Wanggong give up on the dragon clan.

This Guiyuan is really terrifying.

I don’t know what kind of opportunity is there.

This Guiyuan is not a guest of the Zixiao Palace. Even if his feet are ancient but cannot keep up with the times, he will still lag behind those of them who are listening. However, the growth rate of this Guiyuan's strength is not slower than them.

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