The ancient giant turtle: his understanding is incredible, join the chat group

Chapter 140 Encounter on the road (I wish you all a prosperous and prosperous new year and lots of w

The many disputes in the prehistoric times did not affect Shen Fei.

Shen Fei was walking in the eastern part of the ancient world. This east was indeed more prosperous than the north, west and south. The main reason was that at first glance, the calamity in the east seemed stronger than that in the west and south combined.

Some of the blood evil energy is almost visible to the naked eye.

Moreover, in some places where Yin is relatively strong, countless Yin spirits even gather.

Due to their own reasons, these Yin spirits are easily infected by the negative power of heaven and earth. They are themselves a spreader of negative power. Even if they just stay somewhere, they will infect the place they are in and turn it into a gloomy place.

"It is indeed necessary for the Houtu body to reincarnate, otherwise. There are too many Yin spirits, and too much negative power has accumulated, making the Yin and Yang of the world unbalanced.

Moreover, Houtu itself carries the great path of earth and can indeed incarnate in reincarnation. "

"It's a pity that Zhen Yuanzi doesn't have Pangu bloodline, otherwise he would actually be able to reincarnate."

Shen Fei suddenly thought of this problem, but the establishment of reincarnation requires the Pangu bloodline to induce the tunnel to be recognized.

However, Zhen Yuanzi did not have Pangu's bloodline, but he was born according to the book of the earth, so he would definitely be able to intervene in the establishment of the tunnel.

The three talents of heaven, earth and man should be able to carry the holy throne.

"Heaven is Yang, and nine is the extreme number of Yang. If it is full, it will be in loss.

There are eight saints in heaven, so Hongjun gave seven rays of Hongmeng purple energy.

That land is yin.

Six is ​​the extreme number of yin. If we calculate it according to fullness and loss, the earth should also have five saints. In addition to peace of mind, the Four Saints can also be established. "

"So the Heavenly Saints should also have corresponding Heavenly Saints, Earthly Saints and Humane Saints..."

Shen Fei was confused.

There are eight sages of heaven, five sages of earth, and three of them are human beings.

Because all things are human beings, and the three transform all things.

Three is considered the limit of humanity. If it exceeds three, everything in humanity will be unable to bear it.

Naturally, he will not become a saint of the three realms of heaven, earth, and man. He is taking the path of Hunyuan, and he uses himself as the boundary to achieve Hunyuan.

"But I can give some guidance and add some enemies to this old boy Hongjun!"

Shen Fei was mainly thinking about what Luo Hui said. Even if he could escape the catastrophe, Hongjun would probably continue to stare at him.

In this case, it is better to let others take up Hongjun's energy.

Such as authentic.

The Wu tribe where Hou Tu opened the tunnel was plotted by Hongjun and had a grudge against Hongjun.

Shen Fei didn't like the Wu clan, but it was not bad if it caused trouble for Hongjun.

And Hongyun was also killed and reincarnated by Hongjun.

Zhen Yuanzi is Hongyun's best friend.

You said that Zhen Yuanzi has no dissatisfaction in his heart, that's a lie.

Many thoughts flashed through my mind, but I could go and discuss it with Zhen Yuanzi.

Because the sermon in Zixiao Palace is over.

The originally peaceful Honghuang started killing again.

The three major forces are all fighting against each other.

Shen Fei passed by the demon clan's territory. Countless immortals slaughtered all the demon clan in this demon clan's territory, even the demon clan's children were not spared.

Their flesh and blood were refined into elixirs, and their souls were refined into weapons. Shen Fei watched the karma fall with his own eyes, but the immortals did not notice it at all, as if nothing happened.

This is the red eye of killing, that is, the calamity energy enters the brain, and one's own secrets are deceived, and one even thinks that what he is doing is right.

Shen Fei just watched silently, and then left directly without disturbing anyone.

Passing by the tribe of Zhu Rong, I saw the loose immortal that the witch clan was about to capture. The demon clan peeled off the skin and bones, roasted them until they were sizzling with oil, and danced the witch dance to worship Pangu, showing their barbarism.

I also saw many spiritual mountains covered with demonic clouds, like demonic elephants on the mountains eating alive the loose immortals on the spiritual mountains.

The aura of the East is stronger than that of the other three regions, which also makes there many fairies and demons staying here.

Shen Fei couldn't absorb the bloody evil caused by the heavy killing.

Just when Shen Fei was passing by a spiritual mountain, a figure suddenly fell down and said, "Please ask the Immortal to give me magic!"

Shen Fei just glanced at it, then walked directly past the kneeling figure and continued walking forward, but the figure did not leave, but staggered behind Shen Fei.

Shen Fei looked at the mountains and rivers all the way, observed the various forms of nature, entered the unowned Lingshan Mountain, saw the contested Linghu Lake, traveled long distances over mountains and ridges.

See the sun and the moon changing, see all living things.

The people fighting for the East China Sea only see a Taoist figure who is like an ascetic man, measuring the heaven and earth with his footsteps. The conquests on the road will not affect this person. Some people who have ill intentions toward him will suddenly change their sights.

Like a fairy who cannot enter the mortal world, but there is a figure always following behind it, but this figure does not have such magical powers, and it is constantly involved in various battles along the way.

But Shen Fei, who was walking in front, would not wait for this figure.

Sometimes the two are separated, but the figure that lags behind will soon catch up. It just means that the aura on the body becomes weaker and weaker, after all, in order to catch up with this figure.

You can only use various spells or magical powers to harm yourself to resolve conflicts or escape.

Until the shore of the East China Sea, when I saw the rough waves, there were still countless creatures fighting against each other on the sea at this moment, and even the sea water was full of corpses.

"The road is here."

Shen Fei murmured softly.

As soon as he finished speaking, all the insights from all over the ancient world came to Shen Fei's mind. Now Buzhou Mountain has not yet broken, and the ancient world has not yet broken into four pieces.

Every inch of the prehistoric era is still imprinted with Pangu's path, and Shen Fei is comprehending the path of 'Pangu' as he walks step by step.

For Shen Fei at this moment, the only pioneer in opening up a new world was Pangu.

When he was traveling in the wilderness, he was actually 'discussing the Tao' with Pangu.

When Shen Fei stopped at the shore of the East China Sea, it was the end of his journey.

Close your eyes and realize what you have gained from this walk in the wilderness. It is like looking down from the sky, entering the world of mortals, experiencing all things in the world of mortals, and understanding the "Tao" of all living beings.

This is ‘people’.

Shen Fei couldn't remember the word "human" in his mind.

‘Buzz! ’

In an instant, countless insights poured into the soul, which was all it took for the solidified essence flower 'Tao Seed' to completely solidify. Inside the blooming essence flower, there seemed to be countless creatures in the cycle of life and death, with intertwined destinies.

Birth, old age, illness and death, birth and fall.

The 'Tao seed' formed by the intertwined energy of all spirits completely fell into Shen Fei's essence flower.

The essence of the flower strengthened the body. In an instant, the black turtle particles condensed from Shen Fei's body resonated together, roaring to the sky, and the star mirror in the soul trembled instantly.

Endless star power gushes down from the sky, seemingly turning into countless galaxies to cover the surrounding area. Even the hottest star power from the sun is pouring in continuously.

Moreover, all the blood evil energy, resentment, murderous energy, etc. all around were also swallowed into the body at the same time.

The particles headed by Chaos Golden Ao quickly digested the incoming power.

‘Bang bang bang! ’

With three loud sounds, Shen Fei's original ten giant turtle particles instantly turned into thirteen.

Shen Fei felt the power gushing out from the depths of his body filling his whole body. It was easy to turn over mountains and seas. The blood and essence that wanted to gushed out were forcibly locked in his body.

This combination of the concepts of the 'Holy King' world and the techniques created by my own concepts are indeed very powerful, and the most important thing is that they are suitable for my own feet.

The patterns on the turtle shell of the real body are also constantly improving. If they wait until they are perfected, Shen Fei will completely become the heel of the Chaos God and Demon.

Shen Fei opened his eyes and gathered his thoughts.

He turned to look at the figure who was still following him, and said softly: "You have no relationship with me as master and disciple, so please leave."

Thanks to Shangxi for the 1666 reading coins reward, and to everyone for their monthly votes. I wish everyone a prosperous new year.

Everything goes well.

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