The ancient giant turtle: his understanding is incredible, join the chat group

Chapter 141 Demon Ancestor inheritance, either death or life

"Please have mercy, Great Immortal. Ever since Taoist Patriarch once said, 'The Dharma is not transmitted to the six ears,' no one dares to tell me how to practice cultivation.

Please have mercy! Please have mercy on me. "

The six-eared macaque kowtows crazily.

This figure covered in wounds was the six-eared macaque, the same six-eared macaque who relied on his magical powers to eavesdrop on Hongjun's sermon.

That’s right too.

As Hongjun said, those who are destined can enter the Zixiao Palace to listen to the sermon. The six-eared macaque cannot go to chaos by itself, but it wants to use its magical power to eavesdrop.

You must know that this has great consequences.

Why do so many magical powers in the prehistoric times rarely talk about their own paths outside? The many roads in the prehistoric times today were all discovered by these great magical powers themselves.

Some even let their inner demons invade their minds in order to find a way out, and use their inner demons to temper themselves. If they don't notice, there is really a chance of falling.

This kind of practice method and path is almost exchanged for time and life. If you want to eavesdrop, you can get it.

Do you really think there is no cause and effect?

Hongjun stopped Liu Er because he had no fate with Zixiao Palace and could not become a guest of Zixiao Palace, but he heard the words of Zixiao Palace.

If the cause and effect changes, Liu Er will fall. In addition, it eavesdrops, not only eavesdrops on Hongjun's sermon, but also eavesdrops on the enlightenment of other people with great supernatural powers.

Its behavior almost caused a karma between itself and the three thousand Zixiao guests in the entire Zixiao Palace. Hongjun was not harming him, but saving it.

If it really hears other great magical powers.

For the sake of his family's inheritance, the six-eared macaque will definitely not survive now.

However, some people may have misunderstood and thought that Hongjun did not like the six ears, so many great supernatural powers avoided the six ears after returning to the ancient times.

Some people even seemed to think more and wanted to kill the six-eared macaque to please Taozu.

There are also people who covet the magical powers of the six-eared macaques and want to take them as their own through various magical powers or evil methods.

Hongjun naturally wouldn't explain, this was also the cause and effect of Liu Er.

But in the future, the West should help him carry it down. When he travels to the West, he will use the monkey to sharpen it.

Shen Fei said quietly: "You brought this on yourself. If Hongjun hadn't stopped you, you would have been dead by now."

"The little monkey knows that he is wrong, and Daozu is merciful. But... if this continues, the little monkey won't be able to bear it anymore."

The six-eared macaque kowtowed and said: "From then on, I never dared to use my magical power to eavesdrop on anything, but not long ago I heard that there was a great immortal who measured the prehistoric world with his footsteps.

I want to come and seek some immortality! "

"There is no immortality in me."

"Please forgive me, Great Immortal! I will definitely study hard and work hard in the future! I don't dare to use my magical powers to do evil."

Shen Fei looked at the six ears. The magical power of the six ears can penetrate the six senses. Therefore, he is good at listening to sounds, can understand, know the front and back, and everything is clear.

It's not just the sound that is heard, but the six senses can sense it, and the things and people heard can be directly restored in the mind, and even the rhyme of the Tao.

Otherwise, many wonderful methods can only be understood but not explained.

But six-eared macaques can still hear. This is the power of six-eared macaques.

Its magical power can even penetrate the ancient world and enter the Zixiao Palace.

He once heard that the four monkeys in the world were actually one of the chaos demon gods. The original four parts of the demon monkey in the world were combined with various things.

Maybe there is indeed a theory, otherwise not everyone can achieve the ability to penetrate chaos with magical powers.

It is a unique one in ancient times.

"I have a inheritance. I need to destroy your supernatural powers, abolish your six senses, and train you with the three demons. If you can succeed, I will accept you as my disciple. If you can't succeed, you will die physically and mentally.

There is no trace of you in the world. "

Shen Fei really had no intention of accepting a disciple, but after thinking about it for a while, he found that these six ears were actually quite consistent with the path of magic.

Four monkeys.

Those who live in the world are caused by the four hearts of greed, anger, ignorance, and obstruction.

The six-eared macaque has six senses of joy, anger, sorrow, joy, evil, and desire. With the six senses and the four hearts, it is extremely easy to cause trouble and become domineering.

But the six senses are the foundation of inner demons.

If the six-eared macaque can enter the demonic path and cultivate the demonic path, he can use his magical power to listen to the demons in the world.

"If you promise me, I'll take action immediately. If you don't want to leave immediately, don't bother me anymore."

The six-eared macaque hesitated for a moment. He was greatly moved. He didn't know what inheritance might be lost, but he knew that this was probably his very rare chance.

If missed.

If he wanted to get some immortal fate and didn't know how long it would take, although he didn't use his magical power to check this person's strength and didn't dare to check it, he could tell from the wind that this person was definitely a big shot.

Even Dao Ancestor, this person calls him by his first name.

"Please have mercy on me!"


Shen Fei acted casually, and the energy of the three demons of heaven, earth, man, and humans poured in along with Rahu's inheritance. At the same time, Shen Fei used his magic power to destroy all the laws in the ears of the six-eared macaque, and then used the devil's way to seal the six consciousnesses.

Blood flowed from the six ears of the six-eared macaque, but his face was extremely calm at the moment. He was sitting cross-legged on the ground, with countless demonic auras flowing out of his body.

"Use magical powers to steal distracting thoughts from listeners, use distracting thoughts to refine the magical principles of the mind, and seek the great path. If the six-eared macaque can obtain the inheritance of Rahu and regenerate six ears, his magical powers can even hear the voice of humanity."

Shen Fei then waved his hand, and the magic power condensed under it formed a lotus that lifted it up.

Now that the journey is over, it suddenly turns into a spiritual light and flies towards Wuzhuang Temple. When it comes to the outside of Wuzhuang Temple, it immediately sees magical formations formed by countless earth laws covering the world.

It turned into a large formation that seemed to contain ancient mountains and rivers, covering the entire Wuzhuang Temple.

[You have observed the formation of the ‘Earth Fetal Membrane’, and combined with the way of the Earth Immortal that you have understood, you try to deduce the Way of the Earth Immortal with a higher meaning...]

Shen Fei realized in his mind that with the help of the Ancestral Dragon Method, he used the magic of his mind to deduce the Earth Immortal Technique that he imagined. The Earth Immortal he mentioned was the Earth Immortal from the mythical world.

Not just the earthly immortals in cultivation.

It is also the realm of the Earth Immortal Dao Fruit, which is also said to be the true ‘ancestor of the Earth Immortal’.

And Shen Fei's aura attracted the attention of Zhen Yuanzi in Wuzhuang Temple.

"But Fellow Taoist Guiyuan?"

Zhen Yuanzi's voice came out from the formation. Ever since Daozu distributed the Hongmeng Purple Qi to Hongyun, the two of them had never left the Wuzhuang Temple since their return.


Shen Fei woke up from his enlightenment and said with a smile: "Fellow Taoist Zhenyuan, I have something to discuss with you."

The voice of the formation fell silent for a while, and soon Zhen Yuanzi continued: "Then please come in, fellow Daoist Guiyuan!"

The formation suddenly opened a crack, and Shen Fei turned into a spiritual light and flew into it. At this moment, the spiritual light followed, and he wanted to follow Shen Fei in at this moment.

"court death!"

Shen Fei snorted coldly, and an unparalleled huge turtle palm suddenly appeared. The boundless power was like the creation of the world. The void barriers were broken layer by layer, and the earth, wind, water and fire exploded out, instantly covering all the spiritual light.


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