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Chapter 146: In the world of martial arts, only speed is unbreakable

Condor World.

When he originally learned from Cheng Ying and Lu Wushuang that his brother's body had been dug up, Lu Liding immediately went to check it out. He searched angrily but had no choice but to come back.

But after returning home.

I was shocked to find nine more bloody palms on the wall, and suddenly remembered an old incident.

Lu Erniang was also panicked when she saw it, and asked quickly: "Why don't we send the two children to hide first?"

"Can't hide anymore."

"Master, madam, there is a lady outside who wants to stay overnight."

"Pack up the guest rooms and let them stay, but remind them not to go out no matter what noise they hear."

Lu Liding was not in the mood to entertain guests now. His mind was now on Li Mochou, who was about to arrive.

After some discussion, the two found no result, so they had no choice but to avoid being called brother before they died.

The two walked out of the door, only to find that outside the door, Cheng Ying was looking solemn, while their daughter Lu Wushuang and a handsome little boy were standing in the corner with aggrieved expressions.

"What happened?"

Lu Erniang asked.

"Originally I was going to pick the Lingxiao flower, but my cousin scolded me..."

Lu Wushuang was a little aggrieved. This was the first time she had seen her gentle and gentle cousin. She had scolded her so harshly just now. Cheng Ying explained: "My cousin has no martial arts. If someone falls from the wall and breaks his bones, then It’s not good to be lame at such a young age.”

"he is?"

Lu Erniang felt that Cheng Ying was right.

"The son of the hostess."

Cheng Ying would definitely not let Lu Wushuang make the same mistake and become lame. Lu Liding frowned. At this moment, a woman suddenly laughed on the roof.

The woman shouted: "If only nine members of the Lu family are killed, the rest of us can get out quickly."

Everyone lifted the sword together, and saw a young Taoist nun standing by the eaves. The moonlight reflected on her face. She seemed to be only fifteen or sixteen years old. There was a long sword on her back, and the blood-red sword ribbon rustled in the wind.

Lu Li Ding said loudly: "I'm Lu Li Ding. Are you a disciple of Aunt Li Xian?"

The little Taoist nun smiled crookedly and said, "It's good if you know! Kill your wife, daughter, and servants quickly, and then commit suicide, so that I don't have to go through extra trouble." These words were said lightly, not too slowly. Buji actually didn't pay attention to the other party at all.

Lu Liding was so angry that he suddenly felt someone passing by him.

A woman in a gray dress jumped toward the roof with a long sword in her hand, while the little Taoist nun wore an apricot-yellow Taoist robe. Under the moonlight, only gray and yellow shadows were seen circling and dancing, mixed with three cold lights, and occasionally a few sword strikes. The sound of collision.

Lu Liding was shocked when he saw that the two men's martial arts skills were not inferior to his.

The woman didn't want to talk about it, but if the little Taoist nun at her age could actually do something like this, what kind of state had Li Mochou reached?

The woman concentrated on responding to the enemy and took advantage of the opportunity to show off her moves. Dou Ran suddenly heard a clang, the two swords intersected, and the sword in the little Taoist nun's hand flew into the air.

She jumped back quickly, her pretty face was dizzy, and she yelled: "I was ordered by my master to kill the entire Lu family. Who are you, but you are meddling in other people's business?"

Right now.


It was like a thunderous explosion, startling everyone.

The little Taoist nun who was still saying cruel words suddenly let out a scream and fell from the roof. She fell to the ground with a 'bang', and there was even a sound of bone cracking.

"My legs, my legs!" Hong Lingbo covered her thighs, but her legs were gone from the knee down, and she saw a calf falling to the side.

Everyone was shocked, what happened.

one look.

Then he saw Cheng Ying holding a black box. It was obvious that the hidden weapon that looked like lightning just now was used by Cheng Ying.

The woman was stunned. What kind of hidden weapon was this?

The speed is so fast that it is invisible to the naked eye. Is this woman's skill with hidden weapons so superb?

Lu Liding and others were also stunned. They didn't even react just now.

Cheng Ying was also stunned. She had tried secretly before, but it didn't feel like much to break the boulder.

Now, with one shot, even Li Mochou's disciples can be destroyed.

That's right, when Wu Sanniang was fighting with the little Taoist nun, Cheng Ying was taking aim. She didn't expect that the auxiliary shooting was so effective, but she didn't aim at the heart.

Instead, aim for the thighs.


"Cheng Ying, this..."

Lu Liding said hesitantly, the little Taoist nun just now was not weaker than him, and Cheng Ying was able to make her fall to the ground in one go.

"Dare to hurt my disciple! You are seeking death!!!"

A cold shout.

An apricot-yellow figure fell from the sky. Wu Sanniang's face suddenly changed with shock. The long sword in her hand was flying and she was about to stop it. Lu Liding and his wife also moved forward to attack.

Li Mochou swept away the three weapons with a flick of her whisk, and said in a cold voice: "Second Master Lu, if your brother was still alive, as long as he begged me, I would divorce this little bitch He Yuanjun. I have never spared a good and humble member of your family.

Now you have hurt my disciple, and the short-lived ghost is also dead! I will destroy all of you on this day! "

Li Mochou didn't expect that she would just ask Hong Lingbo to check the situation and warn them, but who knew that he would even lose his legs.

This is not a broken bone, but the entire leg is gone.

It’s useless after that!

This is her disciple, no matter how useless he is, he is still her disciple.


In this dim environment, another firelight flashed, and Li Mochou's body's true energy surged. She flicked the whisk in her hand, and the soft whisk suddenly became as hard as fine steel.

"not good!"

Li Mochou was shocked. The whisk in her hand was instantly blown to pieces under the fire. She could only hide slightly.


Li Mochou's face turned pale, and her right shoulder was instantly burned with a bloody hole.

"Bang bang bang!"

Continuous explosions of sound flashed by, and under the firelight was Cheng Ying's determined face, even though Li Mochou still had a so-called conscience.

But evil people deserve mercy even if they have conscience, so aren’t good people worthless?

So Li Mochou might as well die.

The auxiliary shooting was constantly adjusting its shooting path. Even though Li Mochou was superb in movement, he was constantly being repelled by this weapon and could only keep dodging his own vital points.

But her apricot-yellow robe already had a lot of color.

"Damn it!"

Li Mochou's body trembled violently, and her waist flushed with blood, which soaked into her Taoist robe. She knew that it would be impossible to destroy the entire Lu family today.

If she continues to be forced to stay, it is very likely that even she herself will stay here.

After that, she endured the pain, suppressed the wound with her true energy, and tried to pull Hong Lingbo up, but there was another gunshot, so Li Mochou had no choice but to give up and jump away from Lujiazhuang.

Cheng Ying let out a breath, leaving Li Mochou as the group expected. Although his martial arts training was not as domineering as the warriors in Brother Thunder God's world, under the influence of the true energy, his figure was light.

It can also enhance the five senses.

Although it is not possible to dodge bullets, it is still possible to prevent bullets from hitting vital points.

"This calamity is over."

Just when Cheng Ying thought it was over.

A figure stood on the wall of Lujiazhuang.

"A strange hidden weapon..."

A faint voice made everyone in the Lu family who had just relaxed become nervous. They shook their heads and saw an old man with a face as beautiful as a crown jewel.

"It's not that you, little kid, have superb skills, it's that the hidden weapon in your hand is strange. It can actually explode at such a fast speed."

Cheng Ying saw this person. He was a tall and thin strange man in green robe. His face was expressionless. He looked like a living person, but also like a zombie.

I was shocked, "Huang Yaoshi?"

"you know me?"

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