The ancient giant turtle: his understanding is incredible, join the chat group

Chapter 147 Preparing for Action to Capture the Tailed Beast

In group chat

[Cheng Ying: The gun given by Brother Thor was so useful that Hong Lingbo was knocked out of both legs, and even Li Mochou was repelled. 】

[Cheng Ying: But now there is a very troublesome thing. I met Huang Yaoshi, and he is very interested in the gun in my hand...]

[Huang Rong: Normally, my father is most interested in these strange skills and tricks. You, an ordinary person, can defeat Li Mochou. Just take advantage of the situation and say that this is a secret that is not passed down in your family. If you want to know, ask my father to accept you as your disciple. 】

[Feng Xiaotian (the lackey of the group leader): I didn’t expect it to turn out to be a turn of events, @Huang Rong, when will you come over again? I want to eat. 】

[Huang Rong: No time, I'm teaching my mother and father to practice martial arts! 】

[Feng Xiaotian (the group leader’s lackey): I’ll teach you! Isn’t practicing martial arts simple? 】

[Huang Rong: Hey, I don’t know who came to our world and wanted to pretend, but found that it made a little splash. 】

[Feng Xiaotian (the lackey of the group leader): Who knew that the laws of your world are like stagnant water. 】

[Thor God: Hey, hey, what a sour smell. @Cheng Ying, I will send you a firearm design drawing when the time comes, just to scare Huang Yaoshi. These are just external things, the most important thing is practice.

Li Mochou seemed to be a master among the divine eagles, but she was far from the best. When you reach the realm of Wujue, this gun will have no effect. 】

[Cheng Ying: This junior knows. 】

[Zhang Sanfeng: I finally gathered my inner elixir, stepped into the two stars of all realms, and realized the power of heaven and earth. 】

[Ning Zhongze: When Master Zhang broke through, the visions he caused were so terrifying that even I saw them in Huashan. 】

[Feng Xiaotian (the lackey of the group leader): Look, look! 】

[Zhenzhen Zhang uploads memories]

Everyone clicked in.

I saw rolling dark clouds, lightning and thunder in the sky not far away. What was even more peculiar was that the rolling dark clouds and the corresponding long white clouds were slowly rotating with each other in a black and white Tai Chi diagram.

And every time it rotates, the attentive people will find that the Tai Chi figure seems to grow a little bigger.

It was originally just a hundred meters in size, but now it has spread to a thousand meters in size. In the Tai Chi diagram, there is a Xuanwu sitting cross-legged and roaring up to the sky, like a mythical beast.

At this time, everyone watching the video saw a Taoist figure sitting on the Tai Chi Xuanwu, floating like a fairy, or could be called a land fairy!

[Huang Rong: Mr. Zhang is awesome! 】

[Feng Xiaotian (the lackey of the group leader): How did Master Zhang do it, causing such a phenomenon in the martial arts world...]

[Ancient Giant Turtle: Really normal, this is the difference between relying on the world and attributing great power to oneself. 】

[Feng Xiaotian (group leader’s lackey): Long time no see, group leader. But I do miss the time when the group leader came out and asked everyone if they were dead. 】

[Ancient Giant Turtle: Don’t be poor, I’m preaching to Zhen Yuanzi. 】

[Feng Xiaotian (the lackey of the group leader): It’s the Great Immortal Zhenyuan, the ancestor of the Earth Immortals. The leader of the group is as awesome as ever! 】

[Zhang Sanfeng: Bull! 】

[Ning Zhongze: Cow! 】

[Thunder God: The new group members are still wondering who the Great Immortal Zhenyuan is, but the old group members have already started talking. Group leader, cow! 】

[Ancient Giant Turtle: The abyss world is coming soon. It will be used as a collective activity world in the affiliated world, just so that some group members who have not experienced actual combat can practice it. 】

[Feng Xiaotian (the group leader’s lackey): Okay! I will do my duty to the Holy Lord of the Abyss! 】

[Double-faced turtle (ancestor): OK, OK! I'll slap an abyss creature when the time comes. 】

[Ace: It just so happens that things on the pirate side are almost settled, I’ll join in too! 】

[Thor: Envy, I want to go too. 】

[Deidara: Qiaodou Sack, I have arrived at Sand Hidden Village, the group leader is waiting for me! 】

Naruto world.

Dark clouds cover the sun and yellow sand fills the air.

Outside Sand Hidden Village.

Two figures moved forward slowly.

A man wearing a forehead protector from the Iwa Ninja Village with a scratch on it, with long dark blond hair that hung down to his cheek, blocking his left eye.

A strange man with an extremely stooped figure, as if lying on the ground, wearing a mask under his face, and a metal scorpion tail behind his back.

The two of them wore bamboo hats and black windbreakers also embroidered with red clouds, and walked slowly towards Sunagakure Village.

At this time, at the entrance of Sand Hidden Village, in a mountain crevice passage, dozens of corpses were scattered on the ground, all of which were secret sentinels of Sand Hidden Village.

Only a man wearing a sand ninja forehead protector and his hands full of blood stood there. Xia looked at the sand ninja and said in a low voice:

"Did you remember me?"

"Master Scorpion." The sand ninja said in a daze, as if he had just come back to his senses.

The three of them walked through the passage littered with corpses and arrived at the Sand Hidden Village. Then Deidara opened his palm and saw a mouth with complete tongues and teeth in his palm.

The palm of his hand stuck out his tongue and spit out a ball of black clay, and then Deidara pinched the black clay a few times.

A small bird like a dove appeared in his palm.

He immediately threw it to the ground and said, "Brother Xie, just watch it here."

"By the way, when did you change the clay?" Xia was a little confused. Deidara's explosive clay used to be white, but it suddenly turned black some time ago.

“This one is more artistic!”

As soon as he finished speaking, he formed hand seals with his hands and heard a "bang" sound. The little pigeon turned into a huge black clay pigeon with a wingspan of about ten meters. Then Deidara jumped on the pigeon, took off his hat, and revealed his handsome face. .

Xie said in a low and gloomy voice: "I don't like waiting for people, don't make me wait too long, Deidara!"

Deidara seemed to be used to Scorpion's tone and didn't care. He smiled lightly and controlled the clay pigeon to fly up to the top of Sand Hidden Village.

"Don't worry, I'm in a hurry too!"

He looked down at Sunagakure Village with a calm face.

"Hurry up and get the hydrogen bomb fruit to participate in the event. You will definitely be able to create a more artistic explosion in the abyss world!!"

At night.

Sand Hidden Village.

Didara, who was in the sky, reached an unguarded position, jumped off the pigeon, and landed on a house.

Half squatting on the ground, with a smile on his face, he said: "Come out, Gaara! I know you found me."

He looked up and found someone standing in front of him.

Wearing a brown robe, a young man with short red hair, a word "love" engraved on his forehead, and a half-human tall gourd on his back.

Just what he wanted to capture.

One-tailed Shukaku Jinchuuriki, Gaara.

Gaara looked down at him indifferently and said calmly:

"You actually know that I found you."

Deidara stood up slowly, "There aren't even big-assed birds in Sunagakure Village. You can definitely spot me."

"Then you are still like this?" Gaara was suddenly a little confused. This guy knew that he would find out that he still did this, right?

"Of course I'm luring you out for you!"

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