After Deidara finished speaking, he suddenly opened one palm and threw several clay spiders at Gaara. A layer of fine sand instantly appeared in front of Gaara, blocking the clay spiders.


A terrifying explosion sounded.

Deidara jumped onto the flying clay pigeon and jumped straight into the sky.

The smoke cleared.

Gaara was unharmed.

Gaara saw Deidara escaping into the air, but didn't see him making any movements. Gravels emerged at his feet, forming a platform to lift him into the air.

Then a large amount of extremely fast fine sand sprang out from the gourd behind him, turning into a sand arrow and quickly pounced on Deidara.

Seeing this, Deidara controlled the pigeon to fly quickly in the air and dodge, while his palms and mouth were still chewing.

The previous explosion alarmed many ninjas in Sunagakure Village. They walked out of the stone house one after another and looked at the two people fighting in the air in surprise.

"It's Kazekage-sama who is fighting, and there is an invasion from a foreign enemy!"

"Damn it, who dares to harm our Sunagakure Village!"

"Don't worry, Lord Kazekage will solve it."

Although they also wanted to help, they couldn't fly, so they could only place their hopes on Gaara.

Deidara controlled the pigeon to dodge and move in the air, and the sand arrows chased and intercepted it behind him. However, the pigeon flew extremely fast and was extremely flexible, and even the sand arrows could not catch up for a while.

Upon seeing this, Gaara raised his palms upward, chakra surging.

A large amount of gravel suddenly surged up from the ground in Sunagakure Village, climbed into the air, and gathered next to Gaara.

Then a huge claw of sand formed from it, with several blue lines on it, very similar to the claws of a Shukaku. The giant claws gathered together and grabbed Deidara directly.

Seeing this, Deidara raised the corner of his mouth and complained:

"Although I already know what will happen, I still think that tailed beasts are really super models!"

At this time, the clay in the palms and mouths was also chewed. He spread his palms and spit out several small birds.

Then he threw it out, took his fingerprints, and with a "bang" sound, white mist flashed past.

The small flying bird transformed into a large flying bird and crashed directly into the giant claw.

"Boom boom boom!"

Endless flames spurted out, and the violent blast shattered the giant claw into pieces.

"I'm not the Deidara of the original. I used the group chat to strengthen my chakra and get the formula for high explosives. I'm much stronger than the original. I won't lose my arm like this!"

Deidara counteracted it, and at the same time put his hands into the cloth pockets on his hips, chewing the clay prepared in advance with his palms and mouths, preparing for the next attack.

Gaara stepped on the sand platform, waved his hands continuously, and continued to gather giant claws and sand arrows to attack Deidara.

Deidara spread his palms, and several two-winged birds appeared.

Then he was thrown out.

With a "bang", the white mist drifted away, and the bird with two wings suddenly swelled into the wind and flew forward quickly.

The two-winged bird was extremely fast and extremely flexible. It avoided the grabbing giant claws and the flying fine sand, and crashed directly into Gaara.

In the distance, Deidara picked up his fingers and shouted:


Several two-winged birds exploded instantly, and the fire engulfed Gaara.

"The power of one tail is indeed very powerful." Deidara couldn't help complaining when he saw the sand ball in the explosion.

And just then.

Deidara suddenly felt the sky darken.

Looking up, he saw an extremely huge sand claw, covering the sky and the sun, like a cage closing in from all directions, surrounding him.

"Sand Binding Prison!"

In an instant, Deidara was wrapped in it, forming a gravel ball that was larger than the sand ball protecting Gaara and stood in the air.

If the sand ball wrapping Gaara is the eggshell that protects him.

The sand ball that wrapped Deidara was the cage where he was waiting to die. Being wrapped in Gaara's sand, if he didn't have strong strength, the only result would be to wait for death.

The sand ninjas below were very excited watching this scene.

Kankuro, who was dressed in black, wearing a hood, carrying a scroll on his back, and with lines on his face, raised his head and said calmly: "It's over."

The others also cheered loudly.

"Master Kazekage is so powerful. As long as Master Kazekage is still here, the village will be in peace."

"Yes, Master Kazekage is still the most powerful."

"Yeah yeah."

But Kankuro's expression suddenly changed and he said:

"not good!"

Just as he finished speaking, a violent explosion suddenly occurred below the side of the huge sphere.

Large pieces of gravel spattered, opening a huge hole.

Deidara's figure sprang out of the hole. At this time, the clay pigeon under his feet had disappeared. The explosion just now was him blasting his own mount.

Without his flying mount, Deidara quickly fell to the ground, but Deidara seemed to be prepared for the next moment. A huge pigeon flew over and landed at Deidara's feet.

"As expected, it still doesn't work?"

Deidara whispered, "If this is the case, then we can only use means!"

It seemed that his current strength was not enough to catch Yiwei. After that, he held a strange-looking black clay doll in his hand and threw the doll out.

There was a "bang" and white mist drifted over.

The doll turned into a huge doll with outstretched wings and fell towards the Sand Hidden Village below.

"C3·No. 18!"

Gaara looked at the giant doll with an ugly expression. He already knew Deidara's methods. Such a big doll would definitely destroy the village.

After becoming the Kazekage, his thoughts have changed. Even if some villagers still do not trust him, he still regards protecting the village as his duty.

If such a huge explosive dropped in the village, the consequences could be imagined.

He will never allow this to happen!

Deidara laughed and said: "This is a clay doll made of high explosive clay and mixed chakra that I invented, and is made by mixing it with my highest degree of chakra "C3"."

"Whether it's the intensity of the clay or the concentration of my chakra, this is the most explosive, artistic masterpiece to be proud of!"

The horror doll fell faster and faster, even forming a cone-shaped wave below.

On the ground, everyone in Sand Hidden Village saw the huge doll falling, their faces were full of shock, and they were dumbfounded.

The senior Suna Ninja people reacted at this moment and shouted in shock:

"No, leave quickly!"

Deidara, who was high in the sky, said quietly:

"Too late."

After saying this, he picked up his sword fingers.

The huge doll that had landed directly above Sunagakure Village suddenly burst out with a dazzling light, and then exploded suddenly.


A deafening roar sounded, flames shot into the sky, and the earth trembled. A huge fireball with a diameter of several hundred meters exploded in the center of Sand Hidden Village. It seemed to destroy the world. Smoke and dust billowed all around. The violent fluctuations continued to expand outward, even in the surrounding area. Form an earth wave.

After a while, the smoke dissipated, and the Sand Ninjas who had closed their eyes and waited for death discovered that they were unharmed.

He looked up in shock.

In the sky, the sand and gravel that blocked out the sky formed a shield, protecting the Sunagakure Village.

The bombardment of the C3 explosion just now was also blocked by this huge sand shield.

The Sand Ninjas survived the disaster and praised their Kazekage again and again.

But suddenly they discovered that the person who came to invade their village now had Gaara in their hands.

Deidara, who was standing on the pigeon, shook his head and said: "I just said that I am so much stronger than before, and I can still block it. It turns out that there is not a drop of chakra left in my body."

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