The scorpion is numb.

One tail is gone like this?

He could imagine what the leader's expression would be like after he returned, but it didn't seem to be anything like that. After all, Deidara was indeed a very powerful being in the Akatsuki organization.


Xie looked at the heat wave of the aftermath of the explosion in the distance that continued to sweep around, and an extremely huge crater appeared in the distance, like a meteorite falling from the sky.

And he felt the heat wave even among the puppets.

He couldn't even imagine how powerful Deidara was now.

If he were in Sand Hidden Village, Deidara would have such strength.

Whatever Gaara used to block him in the end, the entire Sunagakure Village would be destroyed.

"Don't worry, I will talk to the leader."

Deidara said with a smile.

Suddenly, Deidara looked behind him and said, "There is a little tail behind."

"I'll handle it..."

Deidara saw black clay suddenly spit out from his hand, and he pinched it with saliva.

What he adds is not the key. The key is actually the terrifying power contained in his chakra. According to the information, it is to use his chakra to explode the life energy through some kind of chain reaction.

It turned into a two-winged bird and rushed towards the visitor like a phantom.

Kankuro, who was following behind to rescue his brother, was still thinking about what the explosion was like the falling sun.

Suddenly he saw a bird flying towards him.

"Damn it!"

When Kankuro saw the two-winged bird, he sneered. He had seen this little bird before. Did he really think that this little bird could solve him?

Chakra surged out.

As bursts of white mist appeared, puppets appeared around him, using ninjutsu in their hands to rush towards the two-winged bird.

Without paying any attention, he continued to chase Deidara and the two.

He must save my love...

As soon as the thought came to an end, Kankuro only saw the bright light emitting from the bird with two wings at this moment.

Endless bright light penetrated his eyes.

It made him feel even ten thousand times more dazzling than the sun in the sky.

His vision was completely filled with this blazing whiteness.

It was as if all the images and sounds were turned into nothingness and fragmented under this blazing white light.

The time Kankuro experienced seemed to have stopped at this moment. Apart from the endless bright light, there was no color to be seen or any sound to be heard in their world...

It's not just that you can't see or hear.

The puppets located at the core of the strong light were all reduced to ashes in an instant, and the endless heat wave continued to overwhelm the sky and continue to sweep towards Kankuro.

"Go! Hide!"

Kankuro turned around and ran away as fast as he could, bursting out at the fastest speed since his birth, even using all his chakra, and poured out all the puppets he had collected in the past without hesitation.

But how can manpower resist this explosion, which is like the power of heaven and earth? The terrifying shock wave instantly knocks Kankuro to the ground.

Kankuro didn't even scream because his throat was instantly burned.

All the chakra in his body was exhausted, leaving only a mummy like black charcoal in place.

Seeing this power, Xie was silent again and swallowed. He suddenly felt the dazzling beauty of that moment. Is the 'eternal' art he pursues really comparable to this dazzling light?

In the past, he had scorned Deidara's explosive ninjutsu.

He was able to associate with Deidara entirely because everyone's pursuit of art made him feel like a confidant, but he did not approve of Deidara's artistic pursuit at all.

But now, he was shaken.

Deidara said quietly: "Let's go."

Needless to say, Kankuro is definitely gone, and there is no way for him to tell Chiyoko that he is Chiyo's grandson. From this moment on, the plot line will change dramatically.

But it has nothing to do with him.

He pursues a more brilliant art, even if he wants to build a more harmonious ninja world, just to avoid reducing his own troubles.

After the two returned to 'Akatsuki', everyone in the Akatsuki saw Deidara and Scorpion returning empty-handed. Hidan sneered: "Hey, two great artists failed to deal with Gaara? But you failed. Do you still have the nerve to come back?"

Under Nagato's control, Pain also looked at Deidara and Scorpion.

With the strength of the two of them, and according to his estimation, it would be quite simple to bring Gaara back, and it would be impossible to return empty-handed.

"I dedicated it to God." Deidara looked at Pain and said softly.

"God? Hahaha, Deidara. Do you believe in God too?" Hidan laughed.

"Not what you call God, but the real God!"

Payne looked at Scorpion, who said in a low voice: "Chief, Deidara has indeed mastered extremely powerful power. That kind of power... may only be given to him by God."

"Don't believe it? Nagato, why don't you come out with me and have a look."

Deidara said with a smile.

Pain immediately turned to look at Deidara, and the others were still stunned as to who Deidara was talking about Nagato.

Deidara walked out with a smile. Nagato behind Pain was shocked when he heard Deidara directly say her name. The only ones who really knew his identity were Konan and Yahiko.

But Yahiko was already dead.

Xiaonan will definitely not tell anyone about his identity. Is he really the legendary god?

The others looked at Pain who followed him out. They were all shocked. They knew that for the leader, the tailed beast was the most important thing. Why did Deidara say a name and the leader left?

Could it be that this is a person who is very important to the leader?

Everyone also followed Payne in confusion.

Everyone looked at Deidara, who was standing on the big clay pigeon, and Scorpion swallowed. Seeing such a big pigeon, such a small bird with two wings can produce such a terrifying explosion.

With such a big pigeon, Deidara wouldn't want to destroy the entire organization.

But Deidara wasn't as crazy as Scorpion thought.

I just sent a message to the group owner in the group chat.

After waiting for a while, everyone's eyes fell on Deidara.

Hidan mocked: "Didn't you say that the God I believe in does not exist? Your God..." How dare this guy mock that the God he believes in does not exist?

next moment.

Payne suddenly raised his head, and the others also looked at the sky for an instant. At this moment, endless yellow sand swept up, as if the entire sky was covered by sand and gravel, blocking the sky and the sun. Even the big sun in the sky was blocked at this moment. .

The sky is dark and the earth is dark.

The endless wind and sand were condensed by a supreme power, and began to slowly turn into an infinite and huge turtle. A series of seemingly complicated mantras condensed on the turtle shell.

It’s so big and so shocking!

Incomparable body, boundless strength, incomparable defense.

Even if it was a legendary ninjutsu, Susanoo was just a child in front of such a giant.

Under such giants.

Any ninjutsu will be ineffective.

Everyone looked at the giant thing in the sky quietly, even holding their breath, for fear of disturbing the giant thing in the sky that looked like a god.

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