"The world of Naruto...the power of the entire world comes from a tree. This tree swallows the energy of the planet and turns it into a sacred tree..."

Shen Fei thought about it for a while. If the Naruto world was just a local world, it would only be regarded as the pinnacle of Xiao Qian, not as good as the Pirate World.

But there are several worlds in the Naruto world, and there seems to be a world of death. Taken together, it can be compared to the world of One Piece.

Moreover, the strongest member of the Otsutsuki clan has left the world of Naruto.

This is a character who has clearly broken through the barriers of the world and soared to the top. There is something in this world.

"But it doesn't matter, even if you find it, you can still devour it when the time comes!"

Shen Fei touched his chin. The main reason was that the Otsutsuki clan actually knew how to break the restrictions. Even if it was just to break the restrictions of the small world, it also meant that there was a secret behind the Otsutsuki clan.

There are benefits to having secrets.

Moreover, there is a "underworld" in Naruto's world. In this case, if he can pull it over, he can expand this underworld and make it the soul sustenance of other affiliated worlds.

It can be regarded as the preliminary creation of the ‘underworld’ for his return to the Yuan Realm.

[Deidara: They were frightened by the arrival of the group leader, hahaha. Now Pain, no, Nagato started to sit down and chat with me, and I started to fool them.

Let Nagato capture the tailed beast and give it to the group leader, and then the Naruto world will quickly become a subsidiary world of the group leader. 】

[Ace: Okay, okay, when the time comes, I will ask dad and the others to help you establish the unification of the ninja world, just to see who is more powerful with your fire escape or my burning fruit. 】

[Ancient Giant Turtle: Actually...if you upload your reincarnation technique to the group, I should be able to deduce the method of resurrection.

The soul after death in your world will go to an alien world called Huangquan. This alien world should continue to consume the soul, but the soul should still exist within a certain period of time. .

Therefore, within a certain period of time, as long as the physical body still exists, resurrection should not be difficult, and you can even master it. It is just that completely resurrecting a person may require a relatively large amount of chakra. 】

[Deidara: Huh? If Nagato knew, he would probably go crazy. 】

[Thor: The method of resurrection? Hiss, gasp, Deidara's world can actually master the method of resurrecting the rest of the people. 】

[Ancient Giant Turtle: This is a special feature of their world. It cannot be done like other worlds. However, if their world is connected with other worlds and the world level is improved, resurrection will be difficult.

But other worlds can also try the method of resurrection! 】

[Ace:! ! ! 】

[Furukawa:! ! ! 】

[Feng Xiaotian (the group leader’s lackey): The group leader is awesome! ! ! 】

[Prehistoric Giant Turtle: Don't be too happy too early. The method involving resurrection requires mastering the law of the soul, and the death time of the resurrected person cannot be too long. It depends on the strength of the deceased's own soul.

And if you resurrect the rest. Birth, aging, sickness and death are the laws of heaven and natural to humanity.

Both the resurrected and the resurrected will be hated by heaven and man. The more times you perform this technique, the harder it will be for you to practice...]

Everyone in the group chat once again marveled at Shen Fei's power, being able to expand this method of resurrection to other worlds.

As for what conditions are required.

If you can master this technique, it will be very powerful. When the time comes, you will really not be afraid of life or death.

Ancient times.

Hongyun was confused when she heard Shen Fei preaching about the way of earthly immortals, but Zhen Yuanzi had a lot of understanding. Shen Fei was actually sorting out what he had understood when he was preaching.

And it's not only the understanding of the 'Way of the Earthly Immortal', but also Shen Fei's understanding of the law of reincarnation and the law of creation.

Shen Fei mouthed the sound of heaven. Hongyun was originally interested in what the so-called tunnel was, but the more he listened, the more mysterious it became.

There is even a feeling that during the third sermon, what I heard afterward was almost the same, a bit more difficult to understand than at that time.


Shen Fei kept silent, but Zhen Yuanzi had a great enlightenment and murmured: "The authentic way relies on the earth for its existence, and the earthly immortal way is the fruit."

"The way of the three corpses is indeed a great way, but it's a pity that it is not my way! Thank you fellow Taoist for your advice!"

Zhen Yuanzi sighed, and two figures appeared behind him. They were Zhen Yuanzi's two corpses, Taoist Di Shu and Taoist Ginseng.

In Hongyun's surprised eyes.

Zhen Yuanzi roared: "Behead!"

The two figures that were originally born perished in an instant. They seemed to understand the original thoughts and did not seem to have any complaints about their dissipation.

Instead, he praised, "Good!"

The mysterious and mysterious aura on Zhen Yuanzi's body began to fall, but soon the two figures that had just been killed reappeared, "The path has been crossed..."

Among them, the calligrapher said to himself.

Zhen Yuanzi was silent. It was not as simple as he thought to kill the three corpses.


Not everything can be changed at any time.

Especially the Path of the Three Corpses, the path of Hunyuan.

Zhen Yuanzi looked at Shen Fei and sighed: "No wonder when fellow Taoist Guiyuan heard that I had killed two corpses, he was first surprised and then sighed."

"This is Hongjun's conspiracy. When he spread the Tao to the world, it indeed opened up a path for many supernatural beings in Daluo. This is an extremely shortcut path for many people.

This was a blessing to the ancient world, but it also caused many people with great supernatural powers who could have found their own path to be imprisoned in Hongjun's "Journey to Heaven". "

Shen Fei said softly, "Especially for someone like Zhen Yuanzi. Now that you have gone deep into killing the three corpses, it will be difficult to kill the three corpses."

Now thinking about it, Hongjun's preaching is not only to preach the merits and virtues to repay the cause and effect of achieving enlightenment with the help of the jade plate of creation, but also to use the body of heaven to restrict the earthly and human ways.

Like an authentic Taoist master.

Houtu was restricted by Hongjun using the karma of the witch clan, so that he could only be imprisoned in the netherworld. Even if he had the power of a saint, he could not use it.

Zhen Yuanzi, the authentically appointed saint, could only be stuck as a quasi-sage in the end. Although he has the reputation of being the ancestor of the earthly immortals, he may find that he has gone astray in the future, but he cannot change it and can only open up the earthly immortal world and take a further step.

When Buzhou Mountain collapsed, the rest of the holy thrones were shattered into four continents. I am afraid that the tunnels were also shattered and could no longer carry the same load as when they were intact.

And there are three saints of humanity.

It should be the co-lord of all spirits, the creator of the human race, and the co-lord of the human race.

To counter the complex, turn the complex into simplicity, and simplify the three respects.

Nuwa, who was originally more like a human saint, has also become a heavenly saint, using heaven to control people.

The spirit of humanity, ‘man’.

This humane saint, the co-leader of the human race, was divided into three ancestors, three emperors and five emperors, a total of eleven honorable titles.

The Co-Master of All Spirits should also be split into the three ancestors of the human race, the Three Sovereigns and the Five Emperors.

In other words, during the catastrophe of the three tribes, there should have been a competition for the co-leader of all races. Originally, Luo Hu should have had a chance, but the struggle between heaven and man for power failed, or Luo Hu also took the wrong path.

He is the one who should come out to unite all races and use the thoughts of all races to fight against Hongjun who has the support of heaven.

Even if you lose in the end, you will not perish.

As a result, no one could take the position of 'Co-Lord of All Spirits', and then the calamity of the Lich was weakened again. Finally, the calamity was lowered to split the two positions and merge into the human race.

This method is extremely superb. Hongjun did not take away the three saints of the humane saints, but it divided the power and could no longer be a humane saint.

"Hongjun's plan is for eternity!"

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