The ancient giant turtle: his understanding is incredible, join the chat group

Chapter 153 New magical power, let’s start the battle!

Shen Fei took out all the world-destroying black lotuses from under the Guiyuan Realm, leaving only one.

The World-Destroying Black Lotus and the Pure World White Lotus have the same origin. They are both the thirty-sixth-grade Creation Green Lotus. He first placed the third-grade World-Destroying Black Lotus next to the Pure World White Lotus.

Jingshi White Lotus is like a domestic pet cat that sees the chickens brought in by its owner.

He immediately rushed over and landed among these third-grade black lotuses.

These third-grade black lotus originally began to react spontaneously and wanted to resist, but under the sixth-grade pure white lotus, they began to be swallowed up without any resistance at all.

But the two laws of destroying the world and purifying the world are extremely overbearing.

The Law of Destroying the World wants to destroy the Law of Purifying the World, and the Law of Purifying the World wants to exclude all the Law of Destroying the World.

Black and white begin to intertwine, wear each other out, and resist each other.

The Law of World Destruction and the Law of Purification of the World are beginning to disappear in the sixth-grade White Lotus, but the Taoist charm of the Law of Purification of the World in the Sixth-grade White Lotus is much deeper than the Law of World Destruction in the Third-grade Black Lotus.

Black is directly repelled by white, expelled from the body and integrated into heaven and earth.

There are a total of seven third-grade black lotuses. From Luohu's self-destruction to now, all the accumulated black lotuses in the black lotus pond have been directly consumed by Shen Fei.

Today's innate saints don't dare to do this.

That is to say, the three clans of dragon, phoenix and unicorn had such a background.

But there are only some, and there is almost no talk of using the same source of spiritual treasures to feed each other. After all, these three tribes have a big business and a big family. If they have this ability, it is better to give inferior innate spiritual treasures to other tribesmen for use.

Shen Fei's behavior can only be described as arrogant.

Soon, after swallowing seven pure white lotuses of the third-grade black lotus, slightly illusory third-grade lotus petals grew out. Shen Fei shook his head. After all, they were not the same pure white lotus, so it would be a bit of a loss to swallow them.

But the remaining sixth-grade black lotus was also placed next to Bai Lian.

The two were like two tigers meeting each other, and they began to invade each other. Both of them had spirituality, and they both knew that devouring the other would be good for them.

Shen Fei used the Daluo Dao Fruit to emerge and directly suppressed the spirituality of the sixth-grade Black Lotus, making it unable to compete with the Pure World White Lotus.

Time flows slowly.

Shen Fei suddenly realized something in his mind. The divine light of Daluo Daoguo emerged, and the divine light intertwined. Waves of Dao charm faintly came out, intertwined with the consciousness of heaven in the divine flower.

[You have realized from the fragments of ‘All Realms’ that the ways of acting in the sky have begun to intertwine with each other, deducing the magical power - the melting pot of acting in the sky]

In Shen Fei's soul, the consciousness of heaven in the divine flower began to evolve, and rays of fairy light emerged, and the divine rays shone and condensed.

I saw that the consciousness of the Dao of Heaven and the Dao rhyme of the Dao of the Heaven were condensed into a furnace.

The surface of the furnace is like a glass cast, and is completely white. There are countless techniques and Taoist rhymes engraved inside the furnace, which Shen Fei himself comprehended, and turned into golden words that continuously flowed inside the furnace.

Outside the stove, the atmosphere of innovation and renewal circulates.

‘The Heavenly Furnace’.

Shen Fei's own deduction method was developed with the help of chat group deductions.

Although it may not be comparable now.

But as Shen Fei pulls more and more worlds and becomes more aware of the way of heaven, the effect of his deduction will become stronger and stronger.

next moment.

The blending of the 'prehistoric world' and 'the ever-quiet heaven and earth' seemed to have reached a critical moment. Infinite spiritual light shone in Shen Fei's soul, and there seemed to be infinite laws flowing here.

"It forms the world on its own, and then it is always quiet..."

Shen Fei muttered to himself that the divine passages that formed the "heaven and earth are always quiet" in the soul began to change, becoming more complex than before, as if they were constantly nurturing themselves, and the passages emerged.

Continuously intertwined and formed, flowing in an incomparable mysterious trajectory, finally forming a more complex Shinto passage flowing slowly.

With the help of Tiandi Changjing, the Great Formation of the Great Desolate World is constantly being perfected. Shen Fei has no land book and no formation flag, so it is extremely difficult to set up the great formation, so he plans to turn the 'Prehistoric Heaven and Earth' into a magical power.

Be united with the everlasting tranquility of heaven and earth.

In the past, the ever-quiet heaven and earth were just a defense, which could purify its magical powers and keep its power confined to itself, making it impossible to invoke laws. However, it joined the great formation of the "prehistoric world".

It can simultaneously attract the stars in the sky and the evil spirits in the earth, form a killing array of heaven and earth, and destroy the enemy.

Both offensive and defensive.


Shen Fei nodded, and the power of Heaven and Earth's Eternal Silence increased to a higher level.

This chat group is pretty good.

"That's almost it." Di Jun sat on the imperial throne in heaven. On the left was another seat that was not much different from it. On it sat Tai Yi, who was resting with his eyes closed.

Among the three flowers that appeared in Emperor Jun Yuan Shen, there were already two figures sitting cross-legged on the smallpox and the groundpox.

With the help of the luck of establishing heaven, the second corpse was instantly chopped off. Now both the good and evil corpses have been chopped out.

The same is true for Taiyi. A huge golden clock appears behind him and seems to shake the heavens. Traces of the stars are flowing on the surface of the golden clock, and the endless changes of chaos are all within it.

There is also an imperial throne on the right side of the Emperor Jun, and on the throne sits a goddess. The goddess's current aura is as magnificent as the Emperor Jun's, with phoenixes singing in unison, and many demons and gods lingering on it.

"Your Majesty, the army has been organized!"

Bai Ze said seriously.

"Your Majesty, I invite you to fight!"

"I invite you to fight!"

Di Jun nodded, his momentum was ready, and he roared: "Beat the drums, unite the army! This battle will be settled once and for all!!"

Taiyi opened his eyes suddenly, his eyes flashed with light, his eyes seemed to open up the world, and he was so domineering and powerful that he could swallow thousands of miles.

"I will take the lead this time. I want to see what Prince Dong is capable of!"




Huge drums sounded in the sky and the earth. The giant spirit clan, the largest among the monster clan, beat the divine drum with a drumstick like a mountain, and the drum sound was like thunder.

Emperor Jun was sitting on the Nine Dragon Chariot. The Nine Dragons roared, and for a moment, black clouds came over the top, and the mighty army of monsters could be seen as far as the eye could see.

The ten demon gods each led their troops, the banners rolled, and the sea of ​​clouds surged.

"Set off."

Countless armies headed towards the East China Sea.

The aftermath of the Heavenly Court has not yet ended. The actions of this demon clan have shocked countless people with great supernatural powers. The demon clan has never mobilized so many troops in the past.

In the past, such a large formation had only occurred during the Immortal Court's witch hunt.

"What are the demon clan doing? They have all mobilized. Even Emperor Jun, Taiyi, and Kunpeng have taken action. Except for Emperor Xi and Emperor Wa, almost everyone has mobilized."

"In the direction of the East China Sea, are you looking for trouble with the East Prince?"

"Dong Wanggong is the head of the male immortals appointed by Dao Ancestor. Emperor Jun mobilizes an army to encircle and suppress the Immortal Court. Aren't you afraid of Dao Ancestor's punishment?"

"The Taoist ancestors have already joined the Tao, and they all said that the great trend will not come unless it is the Tao of Heaven."


"I'm kind of looking forward to it. With the current situation, the demon clan is probably planning to wipe out the Immortal Court in one fell swoop."

"Not necessarily. I heard that Xianting still has a trump card. Although Xianting suffered huge losses when it attacked Wu Ting last time, I heard that there were other opportunities and it recovered very quickly.

Moreover, Dongwanggong also shared his insights on beheading corpses, and many people with great supernatural powers joined the Immortal Court. "

Many people with great supernatural powers are paying attention.

The main reason is that compared to the Dutian Divine Evil Formation exposed by the Wu Clan, neither the Immortal Court nor the Demon Court has an extremely powerful trump card that can determine the outcome of the battle, and this battle should be able to discover it.

After all, it depends on Di Jun’s posture.

This move must be to eliminate the Immortal Court and win the 'Dao Zhi' and 'Destiny Zhi Zhi' between him and Dong Wang Gong.

No matter who wins this time, the strength of the other side will be greatly enhanced by devouring his luck and absorbing his power.

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