Witch Court.

Except for Hou Tu, the other eleven ancestral shamans are all here.

Zhu Jiuyin and Di Jiang joined forces and used their bloodline magical powers to observe the movements of the demon clan. They saw that the movement of the demon clan was in the East China Sea, and the East China Sea was the base camp of the Immortal Court.

"The target of Demon Court is Fairy Court."

Seeing this, Zhu Rong said, "Should we take this opportunity to use a large formation to kill these two immortal demons who pretend to be the overlords of the world while the two are fighting."

"Indeed, I haven't fought in a long time! My fists are itchy!"

Gonggong said loudly, his voice was like a bell.

Shebishi also nodded, "Eldest brother, second brother. This is a good opportunity. This is a move that establishes the world in one fell swoop. I see that the spirit of the two immortal and demon clans is declining. I am afraid that their battle this time will be extremely tragic. "

Di Jiang hesitated.

"Eh? By the way, where is sister Houtu?"

Pingshou glanced around. If the witch clan wanted to go out, they would definitely have the twelve ancestral witches to go out together. After all, if they wanted to decide the outcome of the battle, only the twelve ancestral witches would use the twelve capitals of the gods to summon their father. Only God incarnate can do this.

"Someone came to discuss matters with her."

Xuan Ming has the best relationship with Hou Tu and knows where Hou Tu is going.

"Who?" The others began to pay attention. Houtu was their youngest sister, who had not been exposed to so much turbidity, and was most likely to be able to reach the ninth level and return to the true form of Father God.

They have always been extremely protective of Hou Tu.

"Zhen Yuanzi is Hongyun's unlucky friend."

"What is he here for?"

"have no idea."

"It's okay, I'm here."

At this time, a figure walked in from the gate of Pangu Hall, it was Hou Tu, but something was wrong with her face. Seeing Hou Tu's expression, Zhu Jiuyin couldn't help but ask: "What happened?"

"But did Zhen Yuanzi bully you?"

Ju Mang said coldly.

"No, let's not talk about this for now." Hou Tu shook his head and said nothing.

"Then don't talk about it, let's go out and go to the battlefield..."

As soon as Di Jiang finished speaking, a terrifying coercion suddenly appeared in Pangu Palace. The entire Pangu Palace was emitting traces of fluorescence and spontaneously resisted this pressure.

Di Jiang and Zhu Jiuyin's expressions changed dramatically.

"Damn Hongjun!"

Di Jiang looked at Zhu Jiuyin, who nodded, and instantly pulled out the long river of time. The life and death of countless living beings emerged in the long river of time, and a wave reflected the past of a living being in the prehistoric times.

Zhu Jiuyin held a long staff in his hand and walked on the long river of time, when he saw a figure looking at him quietly.

And the reflection reflected by the long river of time at his feet is.

‘The witch clan came out to kill the immortals and demons. ’

But this figure stretched out his finger and tapped it lightly, and saw that all the twelve ancestral witches who had just walked out were wiped out with a slap.

Seeing this, Zhu Jiuyin took a deep look at 'Tiandao Hongjun' and turned to leave.

After his mind left the river of time, he saw Di Jiang's questioning expression.

Zhu Jiuyin shook his head, and Di Jiang slapped the table in the main hall with a bang, his breath rising to the sky and roared: "Damn Hongjun! Damn Heaven! We are the masters of the ancient world, and you actually dare to threaten us!! !”

The other ancestral witches also knew what was going on.

Zhu Jiuyin said coldly: "Our top priority now is to all advance to the eighth level. As long as we all step into the physical Hunyuan, the condensed Father God will be enough to kill the Hunyuan and massacre the Heavenly Dao.

Only then can we truly protect God the Father.

Instead of letting Hongjun, a despicable and shameless villain, occupy the mainstream! "


"Let's watch the battle first. At least we can understand the winner's methods. Now that the Immortal Demon Court is in this situation, there will definitely be a winner. No matter who wins, their tactics will appear."

The rest of the ancestral wizards nodded, but Hou Tu was a little uneasy. Zhu Jiuyin glanced at it and said nothing. At this critical moment, he would wait until the fairy-monster war is over before going to Hou Tu to talk about the matter.

On the East China Sea, the Immortal Court had already noticed the Demon Court's intrusion. The Duke of the East was sitting on the throne of the Immortal Court. He saw that even the Emperor Jun was dispatched. Needless to say, this was definitely a decisive battle.

"Randeng, is the formation ready?"

Prince Dong is not afraid either. The Ten Thousand Immortals Formation has developed greatly in recent years, and he is confident that it is not weaker than the Dutian Shensha Formation of the Wu Clan.

Gather the power of thousands of immortals and kill the enemy with the power of 'immortal way'.

"Your Majesty, you are ready."

Ran Deng is now the number three figure in the Immortal Court after the East Prince and the Queen Mother of the West, and he will be in charge of the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation.


next moment.

The entire East China Sea seemed to be shaking. A vast figure held a huge bell in his hand, shaking the heavens, and instantly came to the East China Sea through countless time and space. The ten demon gods, except Bai Ze, who needed to be in charge of the center.

The rest of them all manifested the huge monster true form, tens of thousands of meters tall.

"How brave!"

Duke Dongwang saw the figure that appeared instantly. It was Taiyi, the first person among the saints, holding the Chaos Clock in his hand.

In an instant, the energy swallowed up the mountains and rivers.

"Prince Dong, come and die!"

Without saying a word, Taiyi immediately faced the East Prince, without any hesitation in his strength, and the bell swayed.

It sounds like a bell coming from endless time and space.

The holy power of chaos shook the world, time and space were shattered, yin and yang were divided, and the five elements were shattered, just like a scene of destruction and destruction.

Duke Dong held it in his hand, and the Shaoyang Sword suddenly appeared in his hand. With a wave of his hand, the endless Shaoyang Qi condensed and appeared. The sword light flew across countless spaces, seeming to cut down countless worlds.

"Boom boom boom boom!!!!"

The waters of the East China Sea are churning, the sky is shattering, and the divine light is constantly appearing.

next moment.

The two confront each other, in the past and in the present.

Everywhere in the wilderness.

There are traces of the confrontation between the two figures everywhere.

"Yes, it seems that you have made some progress over the years! But that's all!"

Taiyi's voice sounded in the void.

Above the East China Sea, the Chaos Bell rises into the sky.

Like the sun falling, it slammed towards Duke Dong.

Chaos clock.

In the name of suppression, if you are hit by it.

Even a quasi-sage would be seriously injured.

This is a scene of earth-shattering, smoke and dust sweeping high in the sky, scattering clouds, and breaking the sky.


Duke Dongwang roared, and the Shaoyang Sword flew out, the blade seemed to open up the world.

The horror is boundless, countless spiritual energies are shattered under the blade, and the time and space barriers are shaking crazily.

'boom! ’

The collision of past, present and future resounded.

The Duke of the East came flying upside down.


The Chaos Clock was safe and sound. Although sparks were flying everywhere, it blocked the sword and never retreated.

And countless divine fires were like divine chains, piercing through all obstacles. When they got close to him, a roll of divine fire continuously bombarded Dong Wanggong's body, causing him to retreat step by step.

"Your Majesty, let me help you!"

The new four emperors of Xianting, Taoist Qiantian roared, and the Qiankun Ruyi Disk appeared in his hand, borrowing the power of heaven, he was about to assist Dong Wanggong.

next moment.

A sneer appeared in front of him, endless spiritual light exploded, and the surrounding world seemed to be illuminated. A figure with wings spread out, covering the sky and the sun, appeared, and boundless pressure suddenly erupted.

Huanghuang came with great pressure.

It was Kunpeng.

Kunpeng sneered and said, "If you want to touch His Majesty Donghuang, you have to get through me first."

Countless Kunpeng figures appeared in the East China Sea. These were not clones, but extremely fast.

Countless attacks appeared in an instant, and the sharp claws were like sharp blades cutting through the sky. Countless claws grabbed Taoist Qiantian in an instant.

The two immediately started fighting.

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