next moment.

Taiyi didn't stop, and instantly changed the target, and the two clocks collided immediately.

The Wudang Bell suddenly retreated suddenly, even making a breaking sound of bang bang bang.


Wudang Taoist's eyes were red. After spending countless years together, Jiamu Gong had already been his best friend. When he saw the Immortal Emperor being pulled by Emperor Jun, he suddenly felt something in his heart. At this moment, the Immortal Court was probably going to die.

They are all immersed in obtaining the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation, and feel that the Demon Court's attack will inevitably kill the Witch Court just like the Immortal Court once did.

Stealing the chicken will lose the rice.

Who knew that Demon Court also had Hunyuan’s trump card.

"Come die!"

Wudang Taoist understood clearly at this moment, but he could never look back and let out a low roar.


Endless light emerged at this moment, Wudang Taoist self-destructed, and turned into a final attack, blasting towards Taiyi. When Taiyi saw this, the Chaos Clock suddenly enveloped himself.


The heaven and earth resounded with bells that vibrated endless time and space. The Chaos Bell retreated crazily. The entire East China Sea was illuminated by an endless layer of light. The time and space of the East China Sea seemed to be shattered at this moment.

At this time, a figure emerged to suppress the East China Sea, which was about to be destroyed. A five-clawed green dragon forcibly eliminated the waves of the East China Sea.

Taiyi flew out from the Chaos Clock, with a touch of golden blood flowing from the corner of his mouth.

But the breath has not dropped much!

This is the tyranny of the first person among the prehistoric saints!

"I'm not willing to give in!! Queen Mother!" Seeing the death of Lord Jiamu and Wudang Taoist, Duke Dong was filled with grief and anger, and shouted with disheveled hair!

Among Penglai.

A graceful figure flew out, and the Shaoyang Qi and Shaoyin Qi of the two merged. The Ten Thousand Immortals Formation reached another level. Emperor Jun was immediately beaten back and even used his strength to blast towards Taiyi.

This is a Taoist dispute, and even if the Queen Mother of the West wants to stay out of it, she cannot escape completely.

"Shaoyang Shaoyin?"

Di Jun snorted coldly, and a goddess appeared in the demon court and landed next to Di Jun.

At this moment, the great array of stars in the sky is complete, with the Sun Star Lord and the Lunar Star Lord in the center.

Billions of stars obeyed the command and used the star power of heaven and earth to control the two of them. The four of them blended their Tao and Dharma, turned into yin and yang, and blasted each other crazily.

The yin and yang shattered, the stars shook, and the immortals were frightened.

The power of the two formations collided crazily at this moment.

But Prince Dong was shocked, Shaoyin Shaoyang was their last trump card.

He didn't expect that Di Jun and Xi He had already merged, and their last trump card was gone. In this case, none of them could stop Tai Yi at this moment.

Taoist Qiantian who was fighting with Kunpeng fell instantly under the attack of Kunpeng and Taiyi.

Even self-destruction is impossible.

"Demon Master, go and kill people! Weaken the power of the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation and help my brother kill Duke Dongwang!"


Two quasi-sages instantly rushed into the Immortal Court's tribe that formed the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation.

This is a war, but there is nothing about king versus king or general. Now the high-end combat power of Xianting has been completely involved.

As long as the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation is broken, Dong Wangong will definitely be defeated, and there will be no chance of a comeback.

It is conceivable that the two quasi-sages can destroy Daluo with a flip of their hands, and the Immortal Court Daluo keeps dying. The power that the East Prince and the Queen Mother of the West can rely on is getting weaker and weaker.

next moment.

Ran Deng, who was originally in charge of the formation, left only a dragon-headed walking stick in place, and his figure disappeared without a trace. The already precarious formation of Ten Thousand Immortals collapsed instantly.

Dong Wangong now no longer has the charm of the Immortal Emperor. Now that there is no Immortal Formation, the gap between him and Emperor Jun is too big.


Emperor Jun's eyes were like dragons, and he swallowed mountains and rivers with energy, transforming into a golden sun and a golden crow, while Xi He next to him also transformed into a lunar moon toad, and the auras of the two were intertwined.

The increasingly weak Ten Thousand Immortals Formation was instantly penetrated.

The power of the stars condensed by billions of stars instantly turned into a supreme long sword in Emperor Jun's hand, and instantly slashed towards Duke Dong. The power was as powerful as cutting through the heaven and earth, and the darkness in the sky was cut by this sword. break.

Duke Dong wanted to hide, but the next moment.

'when! ’

With a loud noise, the Chaos Bell suppressed endless time and space, and the terrifying power forcibly nailed the East Prince to the spot!

In the past, in the present, in the future.

Endless space and time all locked onto Prince Dong, leaving him no chance to escape.

Prince Dong's expression changed drastically, but at this moment he no longer had the strength to resist.

"If you want me to die, don't even think about it!"

Duke Dong was furious, the next moment.

The endless laws and Tao Yun condensed into a ball, and countless flames exploded at the center of his circle, but the target he aimed at was not Emperor Jun, but the countless monsters.

He knew that he had lost, and the enemy after the Demon Court was the Witch Court.

This move killed all the elite members of the Demon Court, and the Demon Court no longer had the power to resist even if it faced the Witch Court.

"Damn it!"

Emperor Jun roared, and suddenly turned into a body of countless stars to forcefully block the aftermath of the Dongwanggong explosion. He even used his supreme divine power to calm down the trembling river of time and endless void around him.

'puff! ’

Emperor Jun spit out a stream of blood when Dong Wanggong self-destructed with the power of the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation, his eyes filled with evil, "Damn Dong Wangang!"

But when he saw the innate Shaoyang Qi and the destiny belonging to the Immortal Court, he was overjoyed. His eyes fell on the Queen Mother of the West, and the slightly illusory starlight giant sword headed towards the Queen Mother of the West to kill her.

Completely eradicate this fairy court and eradicate it!

Right now.

Endless tortoise-shell clouds emerge, the vast power of the East China Sea is mobilized, yin and yang are reversed, the five elements bloom, a large flag rises slowly, and the divine light illuminates the endless void of the East China Sea.

'boom! ’

The starlight giant sword with seemingly endless power suddenly shattered into countless bits of starlight.

"Return to Yuan!"

"If you have to spare someone's place and forgive them, the Queen Mother of the West usually only takes advantage of luck and has no karma. She just disbands the Immortal Court in the name of the Queen Mother of the West just to make up for the lack of yin and yang.

How about settling the cause and effect? "

The person coming was naturally Shen Fei.

The Queen Mother of the West had a cause and effect with him, and coming to help him this time was considered as the end of the cause and effect. The grace of elixir and preaching could be repaid with the grace of life and death.

And the Queen Mother of the West should not have died.

Even if he doesn't come forward, someone will come forward.


Taiyi sneered, "Even if you come out to protect people, it still depends on your own strength!"

next moment.

Without saying a word, Tai Yi held the Chaos Bell in his hand and headed towards Shen Fei. He didn't go looking for this guy. Now this guy actually came to his door. He was really looking for death.

next moment.

'when! ’

The Chaos Bell hit the barrier where the endless sea water condensed, making a huge concussion sound. Shen Fei just watched indifferently. The Five Directions Flag was not weaker than the innate treasure in terms of defense.

If it falls into the hands of others, it may not be able to fully refine the innate restraint, making it unable to fully exert its power.

But the Xuanyuan Water Control Flag contains the law of water.

As Shen Fei was born to adhere to the law of water, he could easily refine all the Xuanyuan Water Control Flags and directly control this defensive treasure to exert its strongest power.

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