The ancient giant turtle: his understanding is incredible, join the chat group

Chapter 157 The first punch that shocked the world, mutation

"Guiyuan, retreat quickly! This is the cause and effect of my Heavenly Court and Immortal Court."

Emperor Jun swallowed up the Shaoyang Qi and the Immortal Emperor's luck left by Duke Dong, and his aura suddenly swelled. For a moment, he spoke of Tianxian, as bright as the power of heaven. Now that the demon clan is ending a war, he doesn't want to fight with Gui. Yuan fights again.

What if the witch tribe comes to take advantage of it?

Moreover, killing the Queen Mother of the West was the bargaining chip that allowed Xihe to join the Heavenly Court in the first place. The relationship between Xihe and the Queen Mother of the West is just like his relationship with the Duke of the East.

When Xihe saw Shen Fei's appearance, his cold expression changed. Even though she was cold by nature, this involved her Dao dispute and her hatred of blocking Dao, which was irreconcilable.

The voice was cold and said: "Fellow Daoist Guiyuan, are you trying to make an enemy of my Heavenly Court!"

Taiyi frowned when he saw that his Chaos Clock was entangled with that side's banner, "Sister-in-law, I'll handle it! Even if you don't use the Lingbao, I can kill you!"

Taiyi used the suppressive effect of the Chaos Bell to forcibly suppress the Xuanyuan Water Control Flag, and his whole body instantly transformed into the Great Sun and the Golden Crow and rushed towards Shen Fei.

Seeing this, Shen Fei moved in the air, and countless particles in his body immediately mobilized. The headed Jin Ao particle roared up to the sky, endless chaos aura emerged, and the vast true power bloomed in the physical body.

In an instant, the world was turned upside down, and the sun and moon lost their light.

The East China Sea, which had just calmed down, was once again shaken by Shen Fei.


Shen Fei punched out. Taiyi knew how powerful the old turtle's body was and didn't want to hit him head-on. But behind Shen Fei, twelve Dinghai Shendu and Xuanzhong tablets suppressed the void.

Locked in endless time and space, Taiyi can only confront him face to face.

"How brave!"

Taiyi snorted coldly when he saw this, and brought endless Golden Crow Divine Fire with his claws, burning the void. The void was burned through, revealing an endless black hole.


The fists and claws collided, and a mighty force that created the world seemed to erupt in it. A huge black hole with a radius of 100,000 square meters appeared above the heads of Shen Fei and Taiyi. A beam of light that was an unknown number of trillions in length directly penetrated the membrane of heaven and earth. Shoot into chaos.

As a result, everyone was stunned.

Taiyi, who showed his invincibility just now, was flying upside down at this moment!

He retreated crazily in the air.

Countless blood bloomed in the void like divine liquid and fell on the East China Sea!

Many people with great supernatural powers were shocked, and many souls were constantly colliding and communicating.

"Guiyuan's strength has improved again? And the spiritual treasure that appeared can actually resist the Chaos Clock?"

"Among the five innate directions, the Xuanyuan Water Control Flag is the best innate spiritual treasure. But its defensive effect is not inferior to the innate treasure."

"Is this person's good fortune so terrifying? He also has too many innate spiritual treasures in his hands! This spiritual treasure should only be matched by Sanqing."

"Hmph, it doesn't matter if he has deep blessings, he will still have a great disaster! If he can't survive it at that time, it's not like he has to make wedding clothes for others."

Many innate saints had different reactions, but all of them marveled at Shen Fei's strength at this moment.

The entire East China Sea was silent. The commotion in the battle just now was shocked by Shen Fei's punch.

Right now.

A figure appeared behind Shen Fei in an instant, its wings were like blades and rolled up suddenly.

The Nine Heavens Gang Wind mixed with the Beiming True Water, reversed time and space, suppressed the void, and turned into a torrent that destroyed everything and blasted towards Shen Fei.

next moment.

A tortoise shell shimmered behind Shen Fei, blocking the torrent. The torrent collided with the tortoise shell crazily, and a supreme spiritual treasure like a bird's nest emerged and moved towards the tortoise shell to suppress it.

The two spirit treasures entangled with each other, and the torrent instantly broke through the defenses and blasted towards Shen Fei's body. The power was so great that it rolled up the surrounding laws and shattered the void.

But the next moment he was blocked by a layer of turtle-shell Qingyun.

"Kunpeng, take my punch!"

Shen Fei laughed, turned around and punched, the water of heaven and earth condensed on his hand, the sky thunder rumbled, and the vast thunder sea instantly emerged and fell on Shen Fei's fist.

A punch was thrown.

Kunpeng was about to use his extreme speed to escape, and when he spread his wings, he found that the shape of Kunpeng appeared under Shen Fei's feet in an instant, and his speed was not weaker than his.

He caught up with him in an instant.

Kunpeng had no choice but to cross his wings in front of him.

The fist carried boundless power, and the space beneath the fist shattered, instantly piercing through Kunpeng's mana, and hitting Kunpeng's wings solidly.


The countless divine patterns on Kunpeng's wings were shattered crazily, and even his wings were broken. They just recovered and then broke instantly, breaking and recovering countless times.

Kunpeng kept flying upside down and crashed directly into the East China Sea, becoming a drowned rat.

"too weak."

Shen Fei said calmly.

This is Shen Feicong's first real action from awakening the Chaos Golden Ao Particles. Is this the heel of the Chaos Demon God?

It's really terrifying. No wonder Hongjun planned it for so long and wanted to kill them all.

Horrible indeed.

"Return to Yuan!"

Di Jun roared, the surrounding demon gods, demon generals, and demon soldiers had already taken their positions to suppress the surroundings. The Zhoutian Star Formation appeared again, and Di Jun held a giant sword made of countless starlights.

Xi He assisted from behind, and the power of lunar and sun blended together.

This sword is like opening the sky!

The sword light was bright, like a world-destroying lightning that cut through the East China Sea, instantly encompassing the entire world, time and space.

"Use the Zhoutianxingdou Formation in front of me?"

Shen Fei sneered, and the star mirror in his soul shook.

Part of the originally gathered immeasurable starlight instantly fell on Shen Fei, and the seemingly endless power of the giant sword became illusory in an instant, and the tortoise-shell Qingyun in front of Shen Fei was struck without any movement.

"Damn it!"

Di Jun roared, this guy actually used Zhou Tianxingdou's center to deal with him!

He was wondering whether to take out the Hunyuan Heluo Formation as well.

But now that the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation has been revealed, Wu Clan Youdu Tianshensha Formation will definitely feel that it doesn't matter, but if they come up with another set of Hunyuan Formation.

The entire heaven will definitely be the target of public criticism, and it will be difficult to use surprise weapons at that time.

"I am just trying to save the Queen Mother of the West this time, but the Shaoyang Qi and Qi Luck of the East Prince have already been swallowed up. The Queen Mother of the West will also dissolve the Immortal Court in the name of the Fairy Mother, and all the Qi of the Immortal Court will enter your heaven.

Still not satisfied, maybe I have to do it again! "

Shen Fei stared at Di Jun and said.

Di Jun is not without means, he knows that Di Jun also has a set of Hunyuan Heluo Formation.

The Hunyuan Heluo Formation relied on the power of the prehistoric world.

Even if he has the peace of heaven and earth, the effect is not that sufficient before he realizes the effect of Hunyuan.

Unless he has the Earth Book, it will be difficult to restrain the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation like the Star Mirror.

However, with Di Jun's imperial temperament, he would definitely not reveal his other trump card so quickly.

In order to show weakness before, he was even able to send some monsters to die and let the witches and immortals fight.

The success this time must have had the effect of showing weakness at that time. Demon Court's constant weakness made Xianting begin not to pay enough attention to Demon Court.

Only in one fell swoop can one achieve success.

Shen Fei looked at Di Jun quietly, while Kunpeng and Taiyi, who had just taken action, returned to Di Jun to confront Shen Fei.

When many people with great supernatural powers saw this scene, they couldn't take their eyes away, and they were all looking forward to what would happen next.

On one side were the defeated soldiers of the Immortal Court, led by the Queen Mother of the West, but in front of her was Shen Fei standing quietly alone, while on the other side were countless demon clans led by Emperor Jun and Taiyi.

The entire prehistoric period was watching Di Jun make a decision, whether to continue fighting or to give up.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred!

A loud roar.

"Guiyuan, come and die!"

The color of the sky and the earth suddenly changed, and countless strong winds roared around.

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