The ancient giant turtle: his understanding is incredible, join the chat group

Chapter 161 The special thing about the Super Beast Universe, mental power?

"I still want to personally thank you. During the war between the three clans, almost all the direct descendants of the Ancestral Dragon participated in the war, because I was born from the energy of Pangu's sinews and the innate Jiayimu.

Although I am a dragon, I am of a different species. Although I became a Hunyuan Golden Immortal, it was mostly due to my own heel, and the method of the Ancestral Dragon is the orthodox way to become a Hunyuan Golden Immortal.

In the past, I thought I would never be able to obtain the Ancestral Dragon's Law, but I didn't expect that things would turn around..."

Qinglong explained.

Only then did Shen Fei understand. Originally, he was wondering why the Dragon Clan still had Qinglong, a Hunyuan Golden Immortal, without the Ancestral Dragon's method.

Listening to Qinglong's explanation, this Qinglong is truly blessed. If two trees, A and B, become Taoists, it is almost equivalent to one of the trees being innately sacred. Like Jiamu Gong, even if the innate Qi of Jiamu and Jiamu are achieved, they can become quasi-sages.

This green dragon has both yin and yang, plus the dragon bloodline, the Hunyuan Golden Immortal is really more than enough.

"No need to be polite. The two Dragon and Turtle clans are considered good friends, and the Dragon clan also helped me in the past, so I'm being polite if I say too much."

"Yes." Qinglong nodded.

The two chatted happily, and the Dragon King of the East China Sea kept pouring tea and water beside him. Listening to the two talking about the past, it was the first time that he saw the ancestor of Qinglong be so talkative.

"I believe that fellow Taoist Guiyuan is not following Hongjun's Three Corpses Way, but is following the method of proving the Tao through force. How about we discuss the Tao.

However, fellow Taoists use the nine laws to condense the Tao and the fruits to realize the Tao.

I use the law of wood, the combination of yin and yang, and then use the inspiration of the Hunyuan Golden Immortal given by the Dragon Ancestor to create the Hunyuan Golden Immortal.

Even among the three tribes, there is almost no one who can compare with me. I may only be able to inspire fellow Taoists in Mu Zhi Dao. "

"Very good!"

Shen Fei nodded. Now he also has insights into Hunyuan. If a Hunyuan Golden Immortal came to discuss the Tao for him, he might soon be able to gather the first Tao Fruit and step into the Hunyuan Golden Immortal.

After Qinglong finished speaking, he began to tell about his journey to the Hunyuan Golden Immortal.

There is no such thing as spitting golden lotuses and making flowers fall from the sky. Every word points directly to the avenue, "A is Yang, B is Yin, wood is the center, Yin and Yang form Hunyuan, use Yin and Yang to temper the dragon's body, and take the innate Hunyuan." elephant……"

"Dragon is originally invisible, yin and yang are combined, and the latter is the first, seeking to merge with itself..."

Shen Fei felt something when he heard it.

[You listen to Qinglong talking about the way of Qinglong. Qinglong is originally the essence of wood, and it controls the east. It is born from the courage of Pangu, and uses the yin and yang of wood to seek its own Hunyuan...]

[With the help of your own chaotic golden claw particles, you can understand the original Hunyuan, use the essence flower to form the Tao fruit of the essence, temper it with laws, and produce it with magic power...]

[The divine flower is fire, the qi flower is medicine, and the essence flower path fruit is stimulated to be born...]

The insights of Hunyuan Golden Immortal are constantly surging in Shen Fei's mind. Although Qinglong said that only Mu Zhi Dao can help Shen Fei, what Shen Fei cares about is not Qinglong's Dharma, or even Qinglong's Dao.

Instead, you can become the Tao of Hunyuan, and then combine it with your own situation to innovate.

This is the true understanding, drawing inferences from one example and innovating based on one's own reality.

It's just that Shen Fei's current Earth Flower Tao Seed has not yet fully appeared.

It will take some time.

At the right time, Shen Fei also elaborated on his own insights, uniting the three realms of heaven, earth and man to become a Hunyuan Golden Immortal.

The simplest way is to use yin and yang to transform Hunyuan.

For example, Qinglong uses the yin and yang of wood to realize a trace of Hunyuan and steps into the Hunyuan Golden Immortal, while Shen Fei is more grand, using the sky as yang, the earth as yin, and all spirits as the boundaries of yin and yang.

This is much grander than the path taken by Qinglong, because heaven, earth and people inherently include the yin and yang of countless things. This is the great yin and yang, and the Tao is achieved through the great yin and yang.

The last person to go like this was Pangu!

"The way of heaven is permanent, the way of earth is constant, the way of humanity is changeable and infinite, the three ways of heaven, earth and man form the Hunyuan, which is based on the development of the world. Hunyuan..."

So Qinglong couldn't help but widen his eyes as he listened to Shen Fei's story.

This Guiyuan has already had his own understanding of Hunyuan, and he has gained the Tao based on the yin and yang of heaven and earth.

This kind of understanding is really terrifying. It seems that the current accumulation is not enough and the cultivation level cannot keep up with the realm, so it is not possible to step into the realm of Hunyuan Golden Immortal.

Most of the others started to think about how to enter the next realm after their current cultivation reached the limit.

Guiyuan already has a direction, but he hasn't reached the level of cultivation yet.

This is the scariest thing.

‘This person is worth having friends with! ’

Qinglong's thoughts came to this point, and he did not hide them. He expressed all his insights about Hunyuan Golden Immortal, and even the insights passed down to him by Zulong.

group chat.

[Deidara: Huh, now the two, three, four and five tails have been caught. Now Pain is about to catch the Vulpix. I have told him the methods of the Vulpix, so it should not be overturned.

Nanao Hidan and Kakugo both went to catch it.

I just don’t know to what extent our world can become a subordinate world of the group leader. 】

[Pluto: So what the group leader said is true, damn Guigu! 】

[Feng Xiaotian (the lackey of the group leader): Hey, hey, isn’t this the great philosopher who said that the strong rules everything, and the weak should be ruled by the strong? 】

[Two-faced turtle (ancestral lackey): Why are you so lazy? 】

[Huang Rong: What is the Coffin of Xuan Ming? 】

[Feng Xiaotian (group leader’s lackey): It doesn’t sound like a good thing anyway. 】

[Pluto has opened up restrictions on copies of destiny]

[Feng Xiaotian (the lackey of the group leader): I’ve finished reading it, good, good, good. You are also the first person to know that your destiny is still trapped, and you are worthy of being a great philosopher. 】

[Pluto: Because I entered voluntarily. I just didn’t expect that it was Gui Gu who was behind it.

I realized something was wrong when the Snow Emperor came again, but for the safety of my universe and my subordinates, I voluntarily walked into the Xuanming Coffin. 】

[Feng Xiaotian (the lackey of the group leader): Your brain is also crazy. 】

[Huang Rong: Relax, it will be unsealed in a hundred thousand years. Hahaha, one hundred thousand years! Although the flow rate of time is different, it sounds quite scary. 】

[Zhang Sanfeng: One hundred thousand years ago, the world Pluto lived in should have been extremely powerful, and there were seven universes...]

[Ace: Your world is so special, superpower lock? In the early stage, using the power lock to become a super beast warrior can increase the supernatural energy in one's body... So the power lock is an auxiliary to practice, and belief can also increase strength? 】

[Peter: Can belief also enhance strength? Isn't this like the Hulk? Idealistic warrior. 】

While everyone in the group chat was laughing at Pluto, they were also marveling at how special the world of super beasts was, and how they could improve their strength through faith.

If this is the case, doesn't it mean that you can improve your strength just by thinking?

It's too easy to improve this strength.

[Ancient Giant Turtle: Their world is quite special. They use their mental power more to mobilize the power of the universe, so the stronger their belief, the stronger their power. 】

[Liu Shen: Mental strength? Great Immortal, I would like to hear the details. 】

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