[Ancient Giant Turtle: This kind of power does exist in some worlds. It is not the essence of spirit, but the more mysterious and mysterious way of the heart, which is born from God but transcends God.

Mental power is quite weak in the front, but very strong in the back, which can be regarded as an additional means of amplification. 】

[Liu Shen: It turns out there is such a miraculous power. 】

[Ancient Giant Turtle: But they have no method of cultivating their mental power. They only passively use their mental power. Even in the future, their physical bodies cannot carry such powerful cosmic power, and they will turn into the so-called 'nebula body'.

On the contrary, Gui Gu found the power to make better use of his "mental power"...]

[Prehistoric Giant Turtle: And this kind of power has good and bad qualities. It seems to improve quickly, but just like that Taylor, his mind collapsed and his strength dropped significantly. This is the case with mental strength. The firmer the belief, the stronger the power. On the contrary, the weaker the power. 】

[Ancient Giant Turtle: This is also the reason why Pluto did not believe in the copy of destiny before. He believed in himself, which is also the reason why he could reach such a level. Instead, he would not easily believe in the so-called trajectory of destiny. 】

[Feng Xiaotian (the lackey of the group leader): In fact, it’s just a matter of not turning back until you hit the wall. 】

[Pluto: Please teach me how to get out. 】

[Ancient Giant Turtle: Can’t be taught. 】

[Pluto: Why, I am willing to give what I have. 】

[Prehistoric Giant Turtle: I have made it clear. 】

[Pluto: Huh? Please also ask the group leader for advice. 】

[Zhang Sanfeng: I should know. In fact, after the group leader explained the nature of the power in your world, you will know what is going on. 】

[Pluto:? 】

[Wang Jinyang: Isn’t this simple? Since your world uses your mind to mobilize the energy of the universe, then what kind of mysterious coffin can seal you.

It's more because of the Baboo family it was built from. This Xuanming Coffin contains more mental power and blocks your power.

But mental power is not a physical power. It only blocks you from using supernatural energy, not your body. Your inability to come out is entirely because your physical body is not strong enough. You can practice other paths until you can smash the coffin of Xuanming. You can’t come up with the material...]

[Feng Xiaotian (group leader’s lackey): Isn’t this our God of War?

I rarely see you out recently. 】

[Wang Jinyang: Well, I have been practicing recently to become the leader of the Nanjiang Martial House as soon as possible! During this period of time, you need to stabilize your cultivation before you can show up. 】

[Wang Jinyang: In the original work, you had no way to get out, you had to rely on the key. Because you don't have any other way to practice, but in fact, with the help of the chat group, you can just smash this mysterious coffin by practicing other ways. 】

[Pluto: Got it, thank you! 】

[Pluto uploaded the secret technique ‘Xuanming Black Hole’ and gained 80,000 points]

Pluto instantly uploaded many secret techniques. These are methods of mobilizing the energy of the universe, and they can be considered to involve extraordinary power.

[Pluto: Do ​​you have any suggestions? What techniques can I practice to help me get out as soon as possible? 】

[Feng Xiaotian (group leader’s lackey): You may want to ask the group leader about this. We can't give you any advice. 】

[Ancient Giant Turtle: Judging from the secret skills you uploaded, you are better at dark cosmic energy. Let me upload some skills for you to redeem. 】

[The ancient giant turtle uploaded the ninth level of the "Black Lotus Blooming" technique and obtained a total of 200,000 points]

[Prehistoric Giant Turtle: This is a magic method. It focuses on practicing the laws of darkness. It should be quite suitable for you. 】

[Pluto: Thank you, group leader. 】

Super beast world.

Pluto, who entered the coffin of Xuanming to protect his men, watched "Super Beast" again and fell silent. He didn't believe it at all before.

Of course he also knew about Gui Gu, but he was just an elder under the Snow Emperor, so how could he be able to seal him.

It wasn't until he walked into Xuan Ming's Coffin just now that he knew what was said in it was true.

And originally he had agreed to a truce with Xue Huang, but this guy was still sowing discord inside. Xue Huang, a woman with a brain in her chest, also insisted on listening to Gui Gu's instigation.

"When I get out, I will definitely kill you!"

Pluto roared in his heart, this guy had clearly given up, yet he actually attacked his men. Fortunately, he had already laid out the plan.

"When the black lotus blooms, the first layer can incorporate the power of darkness into the body, imprint the mark of the lotus and master the power of darkness."

Pluto redeemed the first level of 'Black Lotus Blooming', and countless information entered his mind in an instant. Because before, he felt that most of the so-called group chats were lies, so he would refute some people's comments from time to time.

Didn't even go to the so-called sign-in.

So his points can only be obtained by uploading his own secret skills.

After entering the personal panel, Hades saw the enhancement panel, with an additional option of Black Lotus Blooming.

After clicking ‘Strengthen’.

A force appeared out of thin air, constantly strengthening his body. In the past, he would have looked down upon this kind of power at all. His Xuan Ming Nebula could smash countless such powers with one punch.

But he is now.

Instead, he was a little happy. Pluto's eyes flickered as he thought of what the leader of the group said.

The solid body and nebula body that Gui Gu has mastered are a higher level of power to control the mind. After he goes out, he must master them.


Pluto felt that the power in his body had reached a limit.

He once again redeemed the next five levels of 'Black Lotus Bloom', and then continued to use points to strengthen himself.

After all the points were consumed, he felt a black lotus with four petals appear in his mind.

The four lotuses bloom, and he initially masters the laws of darkness, and can attack with the help of the dark power in the world.

"In order to seek energy and spirit, is this another path of cultivation? Strength comes into one body!"

Pluto is indeed a stubborn man, because that is his way.

But he can also change. As long as he accepts that this thing does exist, Pluto can persist.

After cultivating the fourth level of power, he already has the power of four black holes, which means it is close to half of his own power.

However, it was said in the group that using points to increase one's strength could easily lead to loss of control in a short period of time, but this phenomenon did not happen to him.

Maybe it's because of his 'mental power'.

"This is just a technique created casually by the group of masters..."

Pluto felt that after he went out, he was indeed going to give the Super Beast Arms' super-power lock to the group leader.

As long as you can get the power of the group leader, you can become a stronger person.

It would be best to become an affiliated world of the group leader, so that he can also know more about the nature of his own power.

He is actually practicing the path of the strong, but he just thinks that ruling the seven parallel universes can make him stronger.

But now there is a new path. He really does not have to continue to rule the seven parallel universes, but he must make his world a subsidiary world of the group leader in order to go further.


Pluto punched Xuanming's coffin, and the entire Xuanming's coffin roared violently.

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