The ancient giant turtle: his understanding is incredible, join the chat group

Chapter 164 The arrival of the super beast, mental strength

After a while.

Pluto looked calmly at the super beast fusion that was forcibly blasted away by his Xuanming Nebula, "Who is letting whom go now!"

Xuan Yizi frowned behind him, "How could Pluto become so strong!"

He was thinking about whether to use Yuan Kong Destruction to seal Hades.

But once Pluto is sealed into Yuan Kong Destruction, if the Snow Emperor comes out, the balance of heaven and earth will be broken again. And once Yuan Kong Destruction is cast, the sealed human energy can only be increased by ten times before it can come out.

Pluto looked at Xuan Yizi warily, "Xuan Yizi, if you maintain the balance of the universe, I will release the Snow Emperor. I finally came out with great difficulty.

I don't want to get into your emptiness. "

But Xuan Yizi still looked solemn. In the past, the Snow Emperor could compete with Pluto, but now even if the Snow Emperor comes out of the Xuanming black hole, it is impossible to resist Pluto.

Seeing Xuan Yizi's expression, Pluto said quietly: "If you want to seal me into Yuan Kong Destruction, then I will release the Snow Emperor.

No one can control the Snow Emperor anymore..."

This is what Xuan Yizi doesn't want to see.

"I can sign a peace contract with the Snow Emperor, and you will witness it. But I have a request. Guigu must be handed over to me!"

Pluto could only take a step back. He didn't know how Xuan Yizi knew that he had unblocked him. In this case, he could only sign a peace contract with the Snow Emperor.

When he reaches thirty black holes, he no longer has to worry about Xuan Yizi's Yuan Kong being destroyed.

It’s not too late to take action then.


Xuan Yizi nodded. He now knew Gui Gu's true face. Gui Gu was the one who destroyed the balance, and he had been deceived by him before.

Pluto waved his hand, and the huge black hole in the center of the earth disappeared in an instant. Two figures rushed out, followed by countless troops.

Snow Emperor and Gui Gu landed in front of Pluto's palace. Gui Gu was shocked when he saw Pluto standing here alive. Why was the Xuan Ming's coffin useless?

Seeing Xuan Yizi next to him, he said, "Master Xuan Yi, you actually let Pluto out."

"Snow Emperor! Pluto is murderous, I..." Gui Gu quickly said to the Snow Emperor next to him.


Pluto roared, and the Xuanming Nebula appeared behind him, and this nebula was also covered in a set of black armor, like a giant grabbing towards the Ghost Valley. The Snow Emperor still didn't understand why the Xuanming black hole that originally imprisoned them disappeared.

But when Pluto took action, the Holy Nebula immediately appeared behind her.

But now the Xuan Ming Nebula, superimposed with the power of darkness, is much more powerful than the Holy Nebula. It instantly crushed the Holy Nebula. The Snow Emperor said in a beautiful voice, "How is that possible!"

Didn't she remember that she had just entered the Xuanming Black Hole not long ago?

Why is Pluto suddenly so powerful!

"Master Xuanyi, are you going to sit back and watch Pluto do evil? Don't you exist to maintain the peace of the universe? Are you going to go against your own path?"

Gui Gu didn't expect that suddenly even the Snow Emperor couldn't defeat Pluto. He also used the Fright Nebula instantly, but his nebula was much weaker than Pluto, and it didn't absorb the power of the Cloud Bat Legion like in the original work. .

The Fright Nebula was suppressed instantly.

The original body was instantly caught in the palm of Xuanming Nebula. Gui Gu could only look at Xuan Yizi. The only one who could save him now was the mysterious Xuan Yizi.

But Xuan Yizi has already seen clearly the true face of Guigu.

And there was nothing he could do.

Just like Pluto said, if Pluto and him are sealed, then the Snow Queen will be left outside.

He knows that the world needs light and darkness, otherwise the world will eventually be destroyed. Unless the Snow Emperor and Pluto are sealed into the Yuankong space at the same time, the disaster may be even greater at that time...

Snow Emperor looked at Xuan Yizi, "Why?"

Xuan Yizi did not explain, Gui Gu roared in pain, and Gui Gu was instantly crushed in front of everyone.

"No one is causing trouble anymore, let's sign the contract."

The Snow Emperor was stunned, what is going on?

Xuan Yizi explained, including that the Baboo family was destroyed by Guigu, etc. The Snow Emperor was even more stunned.

It turns out that it was her men who plunged the world into turmoil.

"Pluto, will you just let them go?"

The Lion King looked at the Snow Emperor and the White Tiger troops who were going away. He had already seen that the current Pluto was no longer the Pluto who had entered the Xuanming Coffin. Even the Snow Emperor could not defeat the current Pluto.

Shouldn't they continue to pursue their goal of unifying the seven parallel universes?

"Xuan Yizi is not simple." Pluto just watched quietly.

"Where is Tianyu?" The Lion King looked at the pink figure who followed Xuan Yizi.

Pluto's eyes were a little sad, "She is older, she has her own life. And she is not who she is now. Today's Tianyu is still in the first parallel universe."

"Then I'll go get her back!"

"No, Lion King, welcome the distinguished guests!"

"Dignified guest?"


The Lion King was still thinking about who could be called a distinguished guest by Pluto. The next moment he saw an infinite giant turtle appearing in the universe. The first time he saw the giant turtle, the Lion King felt the strange energy in his body. Being suppressed like crazy.

There seems to be scrolls of time flowing on the tortoise shell of this supreme giant tortoise, and it seems that the sound from the depths of the universe resounds through the void, making people's hearts flutter.

"What is that?" The Lion King was trembling. Even the largest star in the universe could not compare with this boundless giant turtle.

"The supreme being that transcends the world!"

Hades took a deep breath.


The descending Shen Fei's huge head nodded, his eyes immediately looked towards the first parallel universe, and he said with some surprise: "The way of heaven?"

"It turns out that there are already those who are in compliance with the Tao in this world."

The moment Shen Fei arrived, he felt a familiar aura, which was the aura of heaven.

Otherwise, it is extremely unlikely that there would be an aura of heaven in this world.

Because in the lower worlds, their heavenly ways have not yet been conceived, and they are still in the origin of the world.

If it exists.

There is only one possibility, and that is to be a righteous person.

A Taoist like Hongjun.

It turns out that Xuan Yizi is a Taoist. No wonder he believes in maintaining the balance of the universe. Yin and Yang must exist in the world so that the world will not be destroyed.

Because yin and yang itself is one of the cornerstones of the world.

"The existence of those who are in harmony with the Dao means that the Heavenly Dao of this world has been born, and it will be difficult to ban it.

But this mental power is a bit special! "

Mind power is not a ‘god’, God is just the soul, and the soul is just a derived force.

This kind is more like ‘Tao Xin’.

"This world is suitable for cultivating Taoist heart. We can even quantify whether the Taoist heart is firm by the power that can be mobilized in this world."

Shen Fei looked at Pluto, "Pluto, please mobilize your supernatural energy and show me."


Pluto nodded, and with a thought in his mind, the energy of the surrounding heaven and earth condensed into the Xuanming Nebula in an instant, turning into a huge spiritual body.

"Use your mind to move the universe, and use your will to control power. The greater the belief, the greater the power... So what influence is it that creates such a special world?"

Shen Fei felt the laws of this world. The laws of this world seemed to be shackles. If he wanted to mobilize these laws, he must master the key.

That is ‘mental power’.

Mind power is not the law of the mind, but the mind, which is something more mysterious than the law of the mind.

The laws of the mind are something more practical,

It's a bit similar to the 'corpse' among Hongjun's three corpses.

The ‘mind’ here is thought.

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