The ancient giant turtle: his understanding is incredible, join the chat group

Chapter 165: Understand my original intention, I am the return source

Ancient times.

Shen Fei felt the insights imparted from the 'Super Beast Universe'. This mental power is indeed different from the laws of the mind. The laws of the mind are more of thoughts, while the power of the mind is the power from the heart.

The laws of the mind can give you desires, but the power of the mind can make people spontaneously give birth to desires. This is the difference.

The laws of the mind are more superficial.

Shen Fei only learned about such terrifying power in certain worlds in his previous life. Once his mental strength reaches a certain level, he will be able to control his own power 100%.

In fact, this level of mental strength can also be called Tao mind.

Originally, this was something mysterious and mysterious, but the 'Super Beast World' has directly made it a reality. The stronger your Taoist heart, the stronger the real power you can exert.

"It's really a special power."

Returning to the Yuan Realm, Shen Fei's mind flickered.

His past experiences kept popping up, including experiences from his previous life.

He died because he reached out to save a little girl who was about to be hit by an out-of-control car.

Later, I traveled through the confusion and despair of being a giant tortoise in the ancient times, and the excitement after the golden finger appeared. When walking in the ancient times, the Taoist heart communicated with Pangu Avenue and understood its various avenues and laws.

Shen Fei was silent for a long time.

"I have a Taoist heart, but it has been locked up by the dust for a long time. Now the light is born after the dust is gone, shining through thousands of green mountains."

Shen Fei suddenly smiled slightly.

"Everything yesterday is like dying yesterday, and everything today is like living today!"

"From now on, I will return to my origin! Today I know that I am who I am."

In an instant, time rippled in the Guiyuan Realm, and the immortal energy was vigorous, like the morning sun rising, golden light shining in all directions, illuminating the heaven and earth, and Dao flowers emerged, blooming with colorful brilliance, flowing and exuding fresh and concentrated energy. aroma.

Guiyuan didn't expect such a harvest.

A clear understanding of the Tao.

He used to always call himself 'Chen Fei', which was just a stick to his past life, but now with the help of the 'Super Beast World', his mind is like a needle.

It broke his boundaries from time traveling to the present.

He is Shen Fei and Guiyuan.

In the previous life, he was Shen Fei, and in this life, he was Guiyuan.

Things in the past life are the end of the past life, and things in this life are the beginning of this life.

In the last life, I was Shen Fei, and in the next life, I will return to Yuan.

outside world.

Qinglong, who was still debating with Guiyuan, suddenly felt that Guiyuan in front of him had changed, becoming more rounded and natural, but he couldn't explain exactly how it had changed.

Guiyuan opened his eyes and said with a smile: "Fellow Taoist Qinglong, let's stop here for this discussion."

"Okay. But seeing the aura of fellow Taoist Guiyuan, maybe the next time we meet you will have already entered the path of Hunyuan Golden Immortal."


Having said that, Guiyuan turned into a stream of water and left the East China Sea Dragon Palace. He gained a lot from discussing Taoism with Qinglong. It really allowed him to learn how to walk the path of Hunyuan Golden Immortal.

But the bigger gain is how he can understand his ‘true self’.

This is important.

This is about him condensing the Hunyuan Dao Fruit.

It is not the Hunyuan Golden Immortal, but the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal.

To be honest, this problem does not exist for the rest of the people in the prehistoric era, because they were born in this world, so this kind of thing would never happen.

Even if it is similar to the reincarnation of Dongwang Gong as Lu Dongbin.

Lu Dongbin clearly understood his previous life, but it was only a previous life, not his kind of time travel, and there was no barrier between him and this world.

"But this also made me understand the state of mind power."

"The first level of mind power is the mortal world. Many living beings have this mind. They are confused and moved. The mind changes due to things and acts for benefit. External objects affect the mind. Therefore, the rolling world is the most touching thing."

"The second level of mental strength is unwavering. Focus on yourself, the elk is on the left without blinking your eyes, understand yourself clearly, and act firmly to find the path."

"The third level of mental power is to know and do, find the way, and follow it. Knowing and doing are unified, understand the principle, and follow the way."

"The fourth level of mind power, return to true nature, do whatever you want, whatever your heart moves, it will come to pass. Do whatever you want without going beyond the rules."

"The fifth level of mind power, Tao."

Guiyuan thought to himself, this is what he deduced based on his own situation. It seems that there are only five floors, but it is extremely difficult to climb. People like Snow Emperor and Pluto are walking on the second floor.

Their mental cultivation has actually surpassed that of many creatures in the world, but they are still lacking.

Like the Snow Emperor, he cannot make the whole world full of love, and the world is still full of disputes.

Pluto believes that the strong are respected, but he became the strong one and the whole universe did not become his subordinates.

They are all still in the second to third levels of cultivation.

The third level should be the realm where most Taiyi, Daluo-level powerhouses and even quasi-sages are, and what they follow is their own path. Dijun and Dongwanggong all know that Dao struggle is a road of no return, but they still intervene. Dao dispute.

To return to one's true nature is to ask one's true heart directly, and become a self-contained Hunyuan.

There are many methods, such as harmony between man and heaven and earth, harmony between man and heaven and earth, substituting one's own heart for heaven's heart... and so on, which are often the result of the peak of 'intelligence'.

Such as Hongjun.

Guiyuan's new realization of his 'true self' has taken him a long way from 'knowing and doing' to 'guiding the truth', because he has always felt that he is a time-traveler, plus group chat, his understanding is incredible and so on.

Let him always be separated from the ancient times.

There is a gap between him and the prehistoric world. In fact, there is a gap between him and the prehistoric world, and even the chaos here. When he enters the Hunyuan, he needs to integrate with the great road born from the chaos.

How to reconcile existing barriers.

Even if Guiyuan realizes clearly what path Hunyuan will take, it is only external and there is still confusion on the inside. However, after this time, all the dust will come out.

"The method of mind power... still needs to be studied for a while." Guiyuan has only deduced the realm of mind power, and even said that the fifth level, 'Tao'.

It's just a guess on his part.

It may take some time for him to immediately deduce a method for cultivating mental power out of nothing.

After returning to the North Sea, he transformed into a giant turtle and dived under Jin'ao Island again, continuing to understand the path of Hunyuan Golden Immortal and the many insights gained from the Lich War.

After digesting it, he still needs to go to the prehistoric era to leverage the two ways of the people in these ten thousand years.

In order to have the power to involve these heavenly saints in the future stage of heavenly saints.

I just don’t know when the age of saints will come.

But don’t be afraid when it comes.

He has the God-killing Spear.

Even when facing the Lich formation, he didn't use the God-killing Spear.

This God-killing Spear was prepared for those saints.

Guiyuan never reveals all his trump cards.

No matter how amazing your trump card is.

In this corner of the prehistoric world, he can finally find a way to restrain himself. Needless to say, with the strength he has shown now, at least the Lich Clan will definitely study him.

In this battle in the East China Sea, he was able to defeat Tai Yi with one punch. Firstly, Taiyi did not expect the increase in his own strength. Secondly, Taiyi had been fighting for too long. Even if he won, he would have been severely depleted of mana.

Only Taiyi would be knocked back by his punch.

Moreover, the Star Mirror was used against the demon clan this time.

Emperor Jun would definitely not allow such loopholes to be exposed outside. With Fuxi's research on the principles of heaven and earth, he would definitely be able to come up with countermeasures.

The next time you face the demon clan, it won't be that easy.

This is especially true for the Wu clan.

When all twelve ancestral witches reach the eighth level of Xuan Gong, the Pangu body summoned by then will definitely be stronger than when he was in East China Sea.

But I have no regrets about Guiyuan this time because I gained a lot.

"Although many trump cards have been exposed, the gains this time are not small!"

After this chapter, the protagonist is named Guiyuan.

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