The ancient giant turtle: his understanding is incredible, join the chat group

Chapter 166 Digesting Harvest, Actions from All Realms

When Guiyuan saw the twelve witchcraft being refined in his body, he naturally did not regret taking action.

It's just that he was hesitating whether to attack the demon clan or the witch clan.

By attacking the witch clan, he might be able to get the witchcraft weapons of the other ancestral witches.

If he attacks the demon clan, he might be able to get Zhou Tianxingdou's formation flag.

As for those in Hetu and Luoshu, don't even think about them. As long as Dijun and the others don't fall, it will be difficult to get them.

There is a big difference between Lingbao and witchcraft. Lingbao is more spiritual than witchcraft, and if it has been refined by someone, it will be more spiritual than witchcraft.

It is extremely difficult to erase the imprint of the soul inside, so most of the spiritual treasures will dissipate after their owners die, especially innate spiritual treasures. An innate spiritual treasure with an owner is equivalent to a monk.

After the master and Lingbao fully communicated, their laws became entangled and their ways merged.

Extremely difficult to deprive.

But the witchcraft is different. The witchcraft is very powerful, but because of the existence of evil spirits, it has almost no spirituality. The witchcraft is more refined and cultivated by the witch clan in order to increase the power of laws in their blood.

It's like the acquired spiritual treasure, but its spirituality is not even as good as the acquired spiritual treasure.

Not to mention, erasing the bloodline marks in the witchcraft is more about using the essence to refine it, rather than using the soul to refine the spiritual treasure.

Now in the prehistoric times, who's essence is as good as Gui Yuan's.

Guiyuan continued to use his own essence to cleanse the bloodline cores in the eleven witchcraft. Relying on the essence, this was often the case, and there was also the aura of the Chaos Golden Ao in his essence, which made the process faster.

"Twelve witchcraft weapons are too many. Since the twelve ancestral witches can summon Pangu's physical body, these twelve ancestral witchcraft weapons are also used to refine Pangu's weapon..."

Guiyuan quickly made up his mind to refine the twelve witchcraft into one.

Even see if I can use this to figure out Pangu Avenue.

Not only the twelve witchcraft weapons, but also the dragon-headed crutch and Shaoyang sword.

When the time comes, throw the Shaoyang Sword to Dapeng. Dapeng is born from the innate yin and yang, so it is suitable to use the Shaoyang Sword. He will definitely refine the dragon-head crutch, and he will definitely master the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation.

As for the remaining spirit of Dongwanggong inside, Gui Yuan has taken it out. Let’s see if reincarnation is born when the time comes. Do you want to send it in, or use it to try to put it into the reincarnation of your own world...

A black bead appeared in Guiyuan Realm that year. It was obtained from the formation he arranged under the East China Sea. It was the inheritance of Rahu. The negative power in it was directly used to nourish the ninth-grade black lotus.

Turn your mind around and sort out each thing according to its severity and deal with it carefully.

Guiyuan lurked in the North Sea, and when doing these things, he did not forget to inhale the spiritual energy and turbid energy of heaven and earth, etc. In this battle between Immortal Court and Demon Court, it is only said that the main battlefield is in the East China Sea.

But wars have also occurred in other places, and the current content of negative power in the entire world would scare even a quasi-sage when he sees it, which is just right for him to swallow.

'boom! boom! boom! ’

Guiyuan frantically usurped the power and negative power of billions of stars, using the method he learned from Pangu's body.

With the help of the collision of clear and turbid particles, the particles are opened, and the power that explodes when opened is used to upgrade the black turtle particles into giant turtle particles.

The world of divine sculptures.

Xiangyang City, Guo Mansion.

In the living room.

Huang Yaoshi and Huang Rong looked at each other as they listened to what Cheng Ying said. Huang Rong frowned and said, "How do you know these things?"

Huang Yaoshi and Huang Rong naturally didn't believe Cheng Ying's claim that he was entrusted by the gods at first, but as Cheng Ying told Huang Rong things that only the two fathers and daughters knew about him and Huang Rong, he also talked about how his wife died, etc. wait.

Huang Yaoshi and Huang Rong became more and more surprised.

"The gods have given me some powers of deduction! Not only you, but also your husband Guo Jing. I also know a lot. For example, he was outside the Great Wall when he was a child..."

Guo Jing was still listening on the sidelines. When he heard Cheng Ying talking about being outside the Great Wall, he quickly laughed and said, "Hey, Miss Cheng, we believe you."

But now Cheng Ying is like a semi-immortal, knowing everything.

Even Guo Jing knows what happened when he was a child.

Huang Rong, who was still doubtful at first, also dispelled her doubts.

Cheng Ying even said that if Huang Yaoshi could help the immortals, he might even have a chance to resurrect his wife.

The father and daughter were stunned after hearing this.

‘It seems to have worked. Sure enough, you still understand yourself. ’

Cheng Ying looked at the expressions of Huang Rong and Huang Yaoshi and knew that her plan was successful.

These were all taught by Huang Rong Tuoying in the group chat.

Huang Rong had analyzed it for Cheng Ying. Among the divine eagles, the only ones that could become the origin of the world were the three swords obtained by Yang Guo.

And those snake galls.

That was the opportunity for Yang Guo, the son of destiny, to transcend ordinary people. It must have existed at the origin of the world.

But the sword tomb was too difficult to find. If Cheng Ying wanted to find it, it would be impossible for the divine eagle to take her there.

Or we could wait a few years and follow Yang Guo, but that would be too slow.

So the best way is to directly ask Huang Rong in this world to help.

Only Huang Rong knew her father's character best. Her mother's death had been her father's lifelong worry. Using this as a bargaining chip, plus some evidence, would definitely allow Huang Yaoshi and Huang Rong to help.

Cheng Ying used the method Huang Rong taught her and frightened Huang Yaoshi, Guo Jing and Huang Rong with the talk of immortals.

And Cheng Ying was right, as long as we can find the origin of the world, the world will merge.

The two Huang Yaoshi merged together, and among the Condor Shooters, Huang Rong's mother had long been resurrected.

Once merged, doesn't it mean that Huang Yaoshi's wife of the divine eagle has also been resurrected.

"Then what does the legendary immortal in your mouth want to find?" Huang Rong asked with a frown. To be honest, she had never believed in the theory of immortals, but what Cheng Ying has shown now is really something that no one can do. .

Because of some things, even her memory is a little blurry. If it wasn't for immortals and gods, how would the little girl Cheng Ying know about it.

"A huge eagle and the sword tomb of Dugu Qiubai! It's in a deep valley outside Xiangyang City."

Naruto world.

Nagato looked at the giant turtle in the sky and looked at Deidara, "The peace you mentioned and the ninjutsu that can resurrect Yahiko are not true."

"God believes in equal exchange." Deidara said quietly, and then looked at a new member, 'A Fei'.

In fact, it’s Obito.

I joined suddenly some time ago.

Akatsuki frantically captured the tailed beast, and finally allowed Obito to come out of the darkness.

Now the first, second, third, fourth, and fifth tails have all been captured and extracted, and the sixth and seventh tails will be captured later. In the original work, this is almost the tail that Akatsuki could catch at the beginning. beast.


It was indeed going as planned, but Obito found that Nagato suddenly changed his mind.

The extracted tailed beasts were actually not used to make tailed beast weapons, but used to sacrifice to Deidara some god.

When he originally heard about gods, he thought they were existences that had survived from that distant era, such as the Immortals from Mt. Miaomu, Ryūchi Cave, and Shiggou Forest who had deceived Nagato.

After arriving, I discovered that there was actually an endless giant turtle lying quietly in the desert.

Even though his chakra was completely suppressed in front of this giant turtle, he didn't even dare to feel the slightest resistance. The last time he felt this way was Madara, who was known as the God of Ninja!

So he stood still and wanted to see what this so-called god wanted to do.

"came back."

Suddenly a figure fell down, and the leader, Tendo Payne, threw Yugao in his hand to the ground. Nagato looked at Deidara and said, "Is this enough?"

This is a seven-tailed beast. The only eight-tailed and nine-tailed beasts left are the nine-tailed beasts.

"That should be enough."

Deidara nodded. Seven of the nine tailed beasts were here. It was enough to see them.

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