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Chapter 167: Pulling the divine eagle and planting seeds of earth flowers!

The world of divine sculptures.

Through the continuous search by the entire Beggar Gang, and with the motivation to resurrect her mother, Huang Rong directly used her power as the leader of the Beggar Gang to ask the Beggar Gang to search for her where the sword tomb was.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t have a chance.

Directly rely on the number of people to cast a wide net, and the strength will fly.

In particular, the divine eagle is not an easy owner. For such a big thing, as long as it comes out to look for food, someone will always see it. After nearly two or three months of searching, the hard work paid off.

After seeing the giant eagle again and again, we finally found a deep valley.

After Huang Rong, Huang Yaoshi and Cheng Ying found out, they immediately went there. Although Guo Jing also wanted to see the so-called sword demon Dugu Qiubai, Xiangyang City still needed his protection.


Cheng Ying and the others immediately came to the place where the information was reported, and walked slowly into a deep valley. After walking for a long time, they came to a large cave. A divine eagle stood in front of them instantly.

The appearance is ferocious and ugly, but it has a majestic power.

"Is this the divine eagle?" Huang Yaoshi was a little overjoyed when he saw such a spiritual eagle, but the divine eagle opened its wings and stopped in front of Huang Yaoshi and others.

"I'll deal with it."

Pebbles suddenly appeared in Huang Yaoshi's hand, and he used his fingertips to continuously fly towards the key point of the divine eagle's power. He had obtained a group of books and knew the key point of the bird's power.

This sacred eagle is nothing more than a relatively large bird.

‘Bang bang bang! ’

The divine eagle spread its wings and instantly knocked away all the flying stones. There was even a bang bang bang sound between the wings and the stones.

Seeing this, Huang Yaoshi became interested and said, "You go in first."

After Huang Yaoshi said this, he rushed forward with a light step and stopped him.

Although this divine eagle is magical, it is still far behind Huang Yaoshi.

Huang Rong led Cheng Ying past the divine eagle in an instant. When the divine eagle saw Huang Rong coming behind him, it let out a long cry, but helplessly, Huang Yaoshi's martial arts was considered superior in this world, and he pulled the divine eagle one after another.

Huang Rong and Cheng Ying came to the back of the cave and found that the trees around them were green.

Seeing that her goal was almost reached, Cheng Ying said happily: "This is it!"

After walking for a long time, the two came to a cliff.

The cliff is like a huge screen, rising into the sky. In the middle of the cliff, about twenty feet above the ground, there is a big stone three to four feet square, which is like a platform.

"Just up there?"

Huang Rong also saw it and felt it was magical. When she approached the cliff, she saw that there was no vegetation growing on the stone wall. It was so bare that there was no room for hands and feet. After looking at it for a while, she suddenly saw clumps of moss growing every few feet on the cliff. Dozens of clusters are arranged straight up.

"It's easy for me to get up there, how do you get up there?"

Huang Rong discovered that these depressions should be for people to climb up. Her body skills were good, but Cheng Ying was only just beginning to practice martial arts, and it was far from enough to jump up.

"Just go up and help me get this stuck."

"Flying Claw? I'm afraid it will be difficult for you to climb up with your strength!"

"I have my own way!"

Huang Rong jumped up with an arrow, took a breath, and jumped several feet high. She stepped on the first small hole with her left foot, then jumped up, aimed at the second moss with her right foot and kicked it in. The soft mud burst out in succession. Yuedong, although she gave birth to Guo Fu, she has recovered well over the years and her martial arts has not declined.

He rushed up to the platform in one breath.

After she came up, she took a look and saw that it was indeed the Sword Tomb. She stuck the arrow in her hand hard into the ground, found a stone to hold it down, and said loudly: "That's it."

She turned around to see how Cheng Ying came up.

I saw the rope shrinking spontaneously and crazily, and soon I saw Cheng Ying coming up.

When Cheng Ying landed, Huang Rong saw the 'flying claw' that could shrink automatically and asked, "What is this?"


Cheng Ying said with a smile: "A rather special mechanical artifact!"

"That's convenient."

Only then did the two of them look at the sword tomb. Soon Cheng Ying seemed to have been prepared. He pulled out a black object from his arms and said, "The three swords under this stone are what the gods need. I need to use explosives to blow them up." open.

Senior Sister Huang Rong, please stay away later. "

He first bowed three times to the sword tomb and said to himself: 'Senior, I am also doing it for the development of the world. ’

He stuffed the explosives into the sword tomb and quickly retreated far away. Huang Rong did the same.

'boom! ’ sound.

The gravel splashed, revealing three long swords juxtaposed among them. Between the first and second swords, there was another long stone piece.

Three swords and stone pieces are juxtaposed on a large bluestone.

Cheng Ying saw the three swords and nodded, "That's them!"

Guiyuan's mind lifted up and he looked down at his current Guiyuan world. Today's Guiyuan world is like a huge ball with stars shining all around.

Three swords appeared in front of him, which were just given to him by Cheng Ying.

The speed is quite fast.

But among these three swords, only the Dark Iron Heavy Sword can have the origin of the world.

"But in a low-level world of martial arts, we can't force too much..."

Guiyuan touched his chin. In this case, the low martial arts world in his affiliated world would be merged into a comprehensive martial arts world, and the upper limit would not be weaker than that of pirates.

The key is.

He can actually recruit new group members, such as Tianlong World, which is also in the same line as Tianlong World, and Tianlong World itself is a Chinese martial arts world.

At that time, the world of mixed martial arts can even become a big world, with martial arts as the mainstream.

It just connects with his Guiyuan world, making the people in this "complex martial arts world" the backbone of the human race in the Guiyuan world.

First send the black turtle particles to Cheng Ying, and then use the black heavy iron sword to descend into the world of the divine eagle.

The incarnation instantly infected the world origin of the world of the divine eagle, turned itself into the consciousness of heaven, and read the entire history of the divine eagle.

In the mysterious and chaotic dimension, a light group flew in, like a magnet, and the world of the eagles that was still spinning alone instantly merged with the light group.

"Transform Huang Rong's experience in the world of the divine eagle into a new person, Huang Rong's sister, Huang Fu, and make it the bearer of Huang Rong's experience..."

"Pushing Master Zhang's experience forward..."

These two light groups then merged with the two worlds that merged with Yitian and Xiaoao, and a light group that was larger than the Pirate World and the Douluo God Realm appeared.

Guiyuan felt that the power of the world, which was larger than other worlds, was constantly emerging.

Suddenly, Guiyuan realized something in his heart.

"The world upgrades. The world feeds back!"

This surge is the power of the world that comes from the Zongwu world's upgrade to the Zhongqian world. It just so happens that the Earth Flower among the Guiyuan Yuanshen appears.

This turbulent world keeps pouring into the ground flowers.

A Tao seed is condensed here, and three Tao seeds echo each other.

"Huh? The way of the earthly immortal?"

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