"Well, the world of Naruto is also going to be finished?"

Guiyuan's mind sank into the group chat, and Deidara also sent him a red envelope. With this tailed beast, he could almost lead the Naruto world.

The world of Naruto is a world that he is looking forward to.

Mainly the Sacred Tree and Otsutsuki clan.

When the avatar analyzed the laws of the world, he found that the Otsutsuki clan was indeed quite powerful, but not so powerful as he imagined that the entire Otsutsuki clan came from the higher world.

Those remaining Otsutsuki tribesmen live on another planet in the world of Naruto.

The world of Naruto exists in the form of a universe.

But it is not like the solar system, but the sky is full of stars, but most of the planets have been reduced to dead objects, and the Otsutsuki clan does not have the concept of being able to transcend life and death as said in the legend.

The concept of transcending life and death that he imagined was to be able to be resurrected at will throughout the ages, and the Otsutsuki clan only created a very special method of rebirth.

Copying their own body data and turning them into "wedges" means they are actually not dead yet.

"The origin of this world should surprise me!"

Mainly because the Otsutsuki clan's method of planting sacred trees is the key to the Otsutsuki clan becoming such a powerful existence. It is only through the power accumulated by devouring planets that they can reach this point.

But it seems that the other planets do not have any extraordinary means, only the Otsutsuki clan has extraordinary power.

Even if it had appeared before, it was just like chakra brought by the sacred tree of the Otsutsuki clan.

In this case, the special thing is not the Otsutsuki clan, but the sacred tree.

Naruto world.

Everyone suddenly saw the huge giant turtle suddenly appearing in the sky, and the entire sky was filled with extremely terrifying power.

The earth was shaking, the clouds were trembling, and the nearby atmosphere was constantly trembling under pressure, as if it was mourning.

Guiyuan was pulled by the tailed beast, and two figures came to him in an instant.

It was none other than the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki Naruto and the Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki Rabbi.

"What's going on, what's going on!" Naruto yelled. When he saw this giant turtle that looked like a continent, he couldn't help but open his mouth wide. What's going on?

Kirabi next to him wanted to resist, but found that the terrifying power firmly imprisoned them.

A force broke all the seals in their bodies.


In an instant, the situation changed, and a fox the size of a mountain and a giant octopus with a body as majestic as a cow stood in the sky.

Niu Gui already knew what was going on because he had a sympathetic connection with Kirabi.

But the other fox didn't know that as soon as he came out, his own terrifying chakra burst out.

Red chakra filled the entire sky, but the next moment it was like a newly burning fire being extinguished by water.


Guiyuan said calmly, and the Nine-Tails and Eight-Tails were instantly sucked into his body.

"The Heretic Golem!"

A huge humanoid figure with nine eyes, color and body like a dead tree, with ten protruding pillars appearing behind it.

"Is that a heretic demon?"

Nagato, who had the samsara eye underneath, was stunned. Isn't this thing something that can only be channeled by the samsara eye?

Channeling is calling.

It just means that there is a time limit, and it will go back to a certain extent. The heretic demon should have been in the moon.

But for Guiyuan, it is nothing more than the application of the law of space. With the power of the seven tailed beasts, he can summon the eight tails and the nine tails. It is normal to summon the heretic demon with the power of the nine tails.

The heretic demon statue was instantly swallowed by the giant turtle, and the nine powers were continuously injected into the ten tails swallowed by Guiyuan.

Guiyuan's body was originally made of tailed beasts, but now the power of ten tailed beasts are gathered together.

The next moment, the origin of chakra, the sacred tree Ten-Tails, revives again!

But at this moment, internally it is not the thoughts of the Ten-Tails, but Guiyuan.

"Not even close."

If Guiyuan wants to outlaw Tiandao in the Naruto world, he also needs to recover the power of Kaguya Otsutsuki.

Before leaving, he looked at Deidara and said, "I'll leave those two to your care. As for what I promised you before."

A flash of light suddenly entered Nagato's mind.

After saying that, he rose into the sky and landed on the moon.

The Guiyuan bodies that came into the universe began to collide with each other on the way, and when they finally came to the moon, they were already bigger than the moon.

Space laws surge.

Unlock the seal in the moon.

The moment the seal was released, a pure white figure appeared from the moon.

Kaguya Otsutsuki, the mastermind behind everything in the ninja world, slowly opened her three eyes.

"I am finally resurrected!"

However, she looked at the giant turtle in the sky, which looked like a god and demon, looking down at her, and her expression froze for a moment.

‘Damn it, what the hell is this giant turtle. ’

The first time Kaguya saw Guiyuan, she knew she couldn't resist and wanted to use ninjutsu to escape.

The moment before Kaguya took action, but the next moment.

The endless pressure immediately held him in place.

Feeling this terrifying pressure, Kaguya's eyes widened: "How can such a power be stronger than the clan leader? Who are you!"

There was no answer, only a slap greeted Kaguya.


Kaguya's whole body was photographed on the moon.

If Guiyuan hadn't controlled the power, the entire moon would have been completely shattered by this blow.

But with this little power, it was enough to shatter Kaguya into pieces and temporarily lose her ability to move.


Guiyuan begins to use the power of the Ten-Tails.

Countless chakras were withdrawn from Otsutsuki Kaguya, and Kaguya's expression finally became panicked. She already understood the fate she was about to face.

In an instant, the Guiyuan of Otsutsuki Kaguya was absorbed, and in a very short period of time, it grew into an extremely weird giant tree in the sky.

"The origin of extraordinary power. In fact, only the Otsutsuki clan in this world has obtained extraordinary power...the rest of the planets serve them."

In an instant.

Throughout the ninja world, the chakra in the bodies of all ninjas is disappearing and converging in one direction.

Tens of minutes later.

After absorbing all the chakra in the world, the sacred tree became stronger and became a complete body.

At the top of the sacred tree, a huge purple fruit appeared.

This is the fruit of the sacred tree!

The fruit of the sacred tree was shaken off and fell into the universe and instantly transformed into a figure. It looked like he was wearing a robe and had a handsome face. He was Guiyuan.

"That's it."

Guiyuan, who was born from the fruit of the sacred tree, said to himself: "No wonder those people from the Otsutsuki clan turned over when they came to Hokage. After thousands of years of development, Hokage's total chakra has surpassed the average Otsutsuki clan.

So they are not very strong either! "

Guiyuan felt the huge power in his body, not only those in the ninja world, but also the three great immortals.

Use your own power to push the soul straight into the origin of the world.

After Guiyuan arrived inside the Naruto world, he quickly frowned because he discovered a very special thing. There was actually a special talisman floating slowly in the origin of the world.

"Is this what Otsutsuki Yamei left behind?"

At this time, the talisman seemed to feel the aura of Guiyuan.

The talisman instantly shattered and turned into a three-eyed man wearing a black robe, with long hair and a pair of crown-like horns on his head.

"Outsiders, you have come to my territory! Retreat quickly and let bygones be bygones!!"

The man transformed by this talisman said coldly.

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