The ancient giant turtle: his understanding is incredible, join the chat group

Chapter 170 Come on, no one will say a word when you come

Guiyuan raised his eyebrows. Unexpectedly, Otsutsuki Yamei actually touched the origin of the world.

"Outsider, you actually swallowed the treasures of our Otsutsuki clan!"

Yamei felt the power on Guiyuan's body and frowned. The aura on it was very familiar to him. Although it was larger than what he had swallowed before, it was the aura of the fruit of the sacred tree.

Guiyuan felt that Yamei on the other side was not weaker than his current strength at all.

"An avatar is left here. Do you still want to come back then?"

Yamei has already broken through the limit and left to a higher world. Guiyuan originally thought that he would never see this guy again, or that he would have a chance to meet him in the future. Who would have thought that this guy would still remain in the origin of the world of Naruto? Lower incarnation.

"What does this have to do with you? This is my world! You are an outsider!"

Yamei's voice was cold.

Guiyuan said calmly: "This world belongs to me now, and it's you who should get out, Otsutsuki!"

Guiyuan will definitely not give up on this world, even if the things that affect the evolution of this world are taken away by Yamei, this is a world after all. It is even said that the world where Yamei is can be found by relying on the aura left by Yamei.

It would be just right if he ascended to a middle thousand world, or the Great Thousand World.

"court death!"

When Yamei heard Guiyuan tell him to get lost, countless attacks instantly appeared in his hands. It can be said that all three major eye techniques that have appeared in the world of Naruto were used by Yamei.

"The use of the law is too weak."

Guiyuan said calmly, the chakra in his body surged out, and countless attacks still appeared, but Yamei were all destroyed in an instant, and only the attacks left by Guiyuan bombarded Yamei.

Seeing these attacks, Yamei's previously Sima-like expression finally showed fluctuations, and he said coldly: "Where are you from?"

"What does it have to do with you?"

When Guiyuan saw Yazhen's attack, he almost guessed that Yazhen had ascended to somewhere, a Zhongqian World that was almost like the World of Fighting.

The gap between worlds is not only energy levels, but also laws.

The laws of the higher world are extremely strict, but the reason why they are strict is that they are perfect. The higher the level of the world, the more perfect they are. If you understand the laws,

Although it is difficult to comprehend, once you comprehend it, your application of the law will surpass those of the powerful in lower-level worlds.

Especially when the power in the body is about the same, the understanding and application of the laws will determine the outcome.

Such as now.

At first, Yamei thought that Guiyuan was just an outsider who entered their world by mistake, and the world he came from would not be of a very high level, because after he broke the limit, a lot of the news he got was.

It is often difficult for the higher world to descend to the lower world.

This is especially true if you are not from the local world.

Resources are not easily available in that place.

The local world is often the first pot of gold for ‘boundary breakers’.

So he used his connection with the world and went through all kinds of hardships to put a mark back into the origin of his native world.

Just to avoid coming back here at certain critical times, and also to deal with some 'boundary breakers'.

With his world-limited power, he is enough to deal with most of the 'boundary breakers'.

Who knew that the boundary breaker he met for the first time could be so powerful.

What I learned in that world was completely vulnerable to this person.

Guiyuan slapped Yamei with his palm.

"Damn it!"

Yamei was furious, and the runes of law appeared in the three pupils. The sun and the moon rotated in the pupils, and the stars were densely covered. The boundless starry sky was actually included in it.

"Pupil technique? Xiaodaoye!"

Guiyuan shook his head, these eye skills were too weak.

The double pupil he analyzed is more powerful than this, and the rotation of the sun and the moon in it is just an illusion, if it is not worried that the world will be broken.

He directly used the sun and the moon.

"One more move from me!"

Yamei shouted, reached out and grabbed a small meteorite outside the space, and flicked it over like a marble.

"Too weak, three disasters and nine disasters - natural disaster of the sun!"

Guiyuan shouted and used the method of disaster. The laws in this space roared, and the continuous energy of the great sun from the outside gathered in and turned into a round of great sun.

The endless true fire of the sun swept through the void, burning the flying stars into countless dust.

"Go to hell!"

Countless powers emerged from Yamei's eyes again, and countless laws captured the stars that had been absorbed by the Otsutsuki clan and fell into deathly silence. They were launched like bullets and hit Guiyuan above the sun. A stream of light danced, bringing ultimate destruction.

Each meteorite is enough to kill a Six Paths Immortal.

"Doomsday storm!"

Guiyuan chuckled, whipped up a raging wind and blew the countless stars back, killing Yamei.

The original means of attacking Guiyuan has now turned into Yamei's disaster.


Yamei continued to dodge and use his methods to smash the flying stars into pieces. However, these were extremely powerful moves, and from time to time, he was unable to dodge and was bombarded by the flying stars.

The figure becomes more and more unreal.

Yamei gradually became embarrassed under Guiyuan's attack, "Damn it! I am now a guest of the Muzuo clan in the Three-Eyed World. If you kill me, the Muzuo clan will not let you go."

"What's the Muzuo clan? I've never heard of it!"

The magical power that Guiyuan used at random made the limit-breakers in the Naruto world so embarrassed. This was the gap between the birth of the world.

Honestly, this Yamei can be a limit breaker.

Be sure that you are not weak, no matter how you use it.

But now his incarnation is in danger.

"I will come to you!!"

Seeing that things were completely beyond his imagination, Yamei growled lowly before the incarnation dissipated during these several collisions.

"Come on. I'm still looking forward to your coming. When the time comes, don't say anything!"

Guiyuan casually erased the last traces of Yamei, and even gathered his breath. When Yamei appears in the Naruto world, he will know about it.

After finishing speaking, this incarnation instantly submerged into the origin of the world, and the consciousness of heaven began to gestate.

The world of Naruto has been emerging before Guiyuan's eyes since the history of its birth.

Soon, enlightenment flashed in Guiyuan's eyes.

"An innate thing, a fragment of the Star-Eating Tree?" Guiyuan raised his eyebrows. There was a broken piece of wood floating in the center of the world's origin.

Star-eating tree block, this should be why the Otsutsuki clan was able to plant sacred trees to obtain fruits at the time of the stars. The star-eating tree block in the center of the world is the key.

Moreover, there is an aura that is very familiar to Guiyuan.

The Law of Stars and the Law of Devouring.

This is a fragment of the innate spiritual root that was intertwined with these two laws. It did not become inactive after being separated from the body, but was re-intertwined with a newly born world.

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