The ancient giant turtle: his understanding is incredible, join the chat group

Chapter 173 Everyone in the Abyss is confused, what the hell is this!

Feng Xiaotian took the lead and rushed into the abyss plane instantly. Moreover, he directly sensed the strongest Abyss Saint Lord and found the Abyss Saint Lord according to the information given by the group leader.

The group leader has already told them.

Although these Douluo gods are all at the level of God Kings, the problem is that once you leave the Douluo God Realm, the power of the gods you can borrow will be greatly weakened.

And as the Douluo God Realm gets further away from them, there will be less power that can be borrowed.

After Feng Xiaotian found out, he began to think about the path to becoming a warrior in the perfect world. With the help of the soul beasts in the Douluo world, he laid an extremely perfect foundation.

It's just that he can't be tempered, and now even the five god kings can't beat him.

He didn't even use the power of the god.

The same goes for the other gods, who gradually stopped using the power of the gods and began to practice. However, they did not have as many resources as Feng Xiaotian to directly practice the path of cultivation in the perfect world.

So they practice as warriors and work together with devil fruits.

The Holy Lord of the Abyss stretched out his hand to grab it, and the Heavenly Holy Abyss Halberd appeared in his hand.

"Stormy waves!"

A black turtle suddenly appeared next to Feng Xiaotian, and a terrifying storm suddenly emerged. Feng Xiaotian sneered and said: "Let's fight!"

A trace of fighting spirit flashed in Feng Xiaotian's eyes. Ever since he practiced the path of the perfect world, Douluo no longer had the ability to fight with him.

Only Whitebeard and Zhang Sanfeng in the pirate world can compete with him. As the leader of the attached world who was the first to become the leader of the group, he strengthened faster than the others.

Even if he has fewer points, he has used all the Douluo resources. And although it is free for Feng Xiaotian to help the group of friends awaken their martial souls, people in the rest of the world have to pay a fee if they want to continue awakening their martial souls.

And this is what they discussed with each other.

It is possible to cooperate, but it is impossible to say that there is no limit to helping other group members.

Under Guiyuan's watchful eye, everyone in the chat group worked together to avoid falling into vicious competition.

"Die, die, die!"

The Black Little Tiger and the Black-Hearted Tiger continue to hunt various abyss creatures, and their magic skills are all about killing.

The black-red blood and pure black energy mixed into a huge explosion that exceeded its limit, sweeping away thousands of abyssal creatures in front of it.


This is the only thought in the spirit emperor's mind when facing Hei Xiaohu and others. This guy's own mental attack actually has no effect on him?

It can be said that Hei Xiaohu, who once trained his mind in the forbidden area of ​​the Demon Cult, is almost immune to this kind of mental attack.

Coupled with the demonic skills, if you can't control your mind, you will only become a demon.

His will has long been tempered beyond ordinary people.

Moreover, he also used points to exchange for two layers of 'Black Lotus Bloom' to prevent negative emotions from infecting his mind.

Emperor Ling looked at the Hei Xiaohu who was getting more and more crazy as he fought, even breaking away from the God Realm troops behind him and getting deeper. He had no intention of turning back and mobilizing other abyss creatures to besiege the Hei Xiaohu.

He'd tried it before.

As a result, as soon as he made contact, countless demonic energies were everywhere, and the power that was even more domineering than the abyss creatures was bombarding the abyss creatures crazily, and there was a similar tiger beside him to assist.

"Madman!" The Spirit Emperor cursed secretly as he retreated sharply, looking at Hei Xiaohu who acted more like an abyssal creature than he did as an abyssal creature.

How could this guy's power be so overbearing?

"Where to escape!"

Hei Xiaohu shouted loudly when he saw the Spirit Emperor trying to escape, and immediately stepped forward, and countless gravels were blasted from the ground like crazy.

"Ah! The devil is in chaos!!!"

At this moment, the cloak behind Hei Xiaohu was full of blood, like a real blood-soaked demon.

The true energy spurted out like a torrent of river water.

A huge demon tiger with lifelike hair and black arrogance appeared in the sky, as if it was suppressing the Spirit Emperor.


Looking at the huge demonic tiger, the Ling Emperor, who was completely unable to dodge due to the violent momentum of the black little tiger, flashed with fear and despair in his eyes, and finally watched helplessly as the huge tiger suppressed him.


The Ling Emperor was beaten to the void by Hei Xiaohu on the spot.

The devil tiger comes into the world with claws like plows, and the abyss is unstoppable!

"Human, you are looking for death!!!"

The Black Emperor is a figure covered in black leather clothing, with two black wings spread out on his back. He is extremely beautiful, with long black hair spread out like a disk on the back of his head. His eyes are filled with piercing coldness as he stares at Zhang Sanfeng.

Amidst the roar, a destructive aura full of despair surged out, carrying spiral energy fluctuations, and rushed towards Zhang Sanfeng in front of him like thousands of ghosts. The abyss had not swallowed up the world with humans in the past.

But today, there are actually humans who dare to rush in here.

Zhang Sanfeng looked at the countless abyss creatures rushing towards him, as well as countless black lights, with a serious expression on his face. He took a deep breath, and Tai Chi Xuanwu appeared behind him.

"Tai Chi diagram!"

Zhang Sanfeng shouted violently in the air, and countless zhenqi turned into a vast Tai Chi diagram and suppressed it slowly but urgently towards these abyss gods.

The wave of abyss creatures that came towards Zhang Sanfeng were beaten to pieces by this blow.

At the same time, the surging aura of destruction in the abyss plane was continuously sucked into himself by Zhang Sanfeng through yin and yang transformation, and transformed into streams of true energy to fill himself.

"Yin Yang Tai Chi Sword!"

Zhang Sanfeng roared loudly, countless zhenqi emerged from Zhang Sanfeng's wrist, and a huge long sword appeared.

It seems to be divided into yin and yang, covering the sky and the sun!

"This sword can kill demons!!"

The giant sword was manipulated by Zhang Sanfeng as if it were the beginning of the world, and it slashed towards the Black Emperor.

“Bang bang bang”

Countless ghost-like energy attacks appeared from the hands of the Black Emperor, trying to devour the giant sword.

But the Tai Chi Sword contains the transformation of yin and yang. His devouring power may have no effect on a single force, but for the power of the combination of yin and yang, the devouring power of the Black Emperor has no effect.

It will only be constantly destroyed by the yin and yang power inside.

"Black Emperor Shield!"

A pair of wings behind the Black Emperor suddenly closed forward, and a huge black aperture appeared. This black aperture was like a crown, with a faint golden halo shining in the center.

A strange symbol appeared and turned into a shield.

But under the Tai Chi Sword, it can only be broken crazily.

The Black Emperor could only watch as the giant sword broke through her defense, slashed hard at her head, and was about to escape.

"Want to escape?" Zhang Sanfeng said lightly.

Without any explanation, the martial arts golden elixir in his body was rolling, suppressing the infuriating energy all over his body, and he roared: "Pure Yang Wuji Sword!!"

The true energy immediately transformed into yin and yang, absorbing the countless negative forces in the abyss world and transforming them into the most yang and pure pure yang power.

Cut it off with one sword.

The Black Emperor, who was best at devouring energy, was killed with a sword, just like a human head falling to the ground and being crushed into minced flesh.

Zhang Sanfeng's Pure Yang Infinity Sword is in his hand, and the immortal energy of the abyss is endless.

Deidara didn't know how many abyss creatures he had killed. He only knew that the clay in his hands was turning into various pigeons crazily, and eagles flew out, constantly killing the abyss creatures.

"You human being, you are so brave!" Seeing this, the Great Emperor and Demon Emperor on this level immediately rushed to kill this human being who could easily create a huge explosion.

Terrifying waves appeared in his hands and rushed towards Deidara.

"C36 Hydrogen Bomb!! Come and witness the true art!" Deidara injected the most powerful chakra he had, and a huge clay doll appeared.

Deidara raised his sword.

With a low drink and a 'bang' sound, the clay doll immediately flew towards the Demon Emperor.

Then all the abyss creatures saw countless white lights erupting from the human's hands.

The endless white light suddenly shines like a rising sun in this dim abyss.

The Demon Emperor did not dare to neglect and turned his attack into defense.

In the abyss, he is famous for his defense.

The endless fluctuations condensed into layers of shields in front of him, as dark as the hardest tortoise shell in the world.

The bright light that burst out from the puppet's hand swept away like a wave in an instant.

The explosive force hit the Demon Emperor's shield.

When the two met, the Demon Emperor's shield melted like ice and snow.

The Demon Emperor was frightened and wanted to escape, but the white light instantly enveloped him, leaving only a black shadow in the white light.

In the end, only Deidara, who was standing on a large black eagle, was still overlooking the abyss and looking at the crashing white light infatuatedly, "It's so beautiful!"

this moment.

With Deidara's hydrogen bomb in his hand and Thunder God Fury, he calmed down the abyss alone.

Ancient times.

Guiyuan just glanced at it twice and then stopped looking. The abyssal plane is still quite weak and the danger it can cause is minimal, especially to the group friends. He only cares about the group friends. As for those in other worlds, Creatures.

As far as he is concerned, there is actually no difference from other creatures in the prehistoric times.


Guiyuan came to Buzhou Mountain again.

Although the foot of Mount Buzhou is the ancestral land of the Wu clan, and the top is the entrance to heaven, the pillars of heaven and earth, which are transformed from Pangu's spine, serve as the pillars of heaven to support heaven and earth.

In the mountains, the sea of ​​clouds is vast and purple clouds are everywhere.

Moreover, Pangu's imprint is the deepest here, and many people with great supernatural powers like to come to Buzhou Mountain to understand the great road.

Even many such famous supernatural beings and second-generation innate saints were born here. In other words, only Buzhou Mountain can carry the luck of so many innate saints.

As for Nuwa’s dojo, Fengqi Mountain is located here.

Although she had obtained the Hongmeng Purple Qi, because she was an inner disciple of Dao Ancestor and had her back to Heaven, she had no trouble.

Besides, she was not involved in heaven's cause and effect on weekdays. She also moved directly back to Fengqi Mountain as her own dojo and did not dare to trouble her.

With Guiyuan's cultivation level, he would not be able to find Feng Qishan, and he silently recited Nuwa's name in his heart. Nuwa could easily sense it at such a close distance.

It didn't take long.

A clear voice sounded like an oriole, and a goddess dressed in phoenix appeared. She was holy, elegant, graceful and luxurious, as if she were the most perfect creation in the world. The key was the aura on her body.

The breath swept across, and the spiritual energy around him became much fresher.

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