Chapter 174 Crazy Biologist——Nuwa

‘As expected of the Lord of Humanity. ’

Guiyuan felt the profound understanding of the laws of creation. The two brothers Fuxi and Nuwa had a deep understanding of each other. To be honest, Guiyuan even felt that they had definitely received the inheritance of a certain fallen Chaos Demon God.

Otherwise, Fuxi would use the Eight Diagrams to analyze the principles of heaven and earth and follow the path of heaven and earth.

Nuwa created all things with yin and yang, and followed the path of all spirits.

Do you think these two siblings are such a coincidence?

It can only be said that they had direction from the beginning.

It is a pity that Nuwa was confused when she first searched for the Tao. Under the influence of inheritance, she was unable to find her own Tao. She became a disciple of Hongjun and cut off her own destiny as a human being.

From now on, if the saints of heaven are used to rule all human beings, it can only be said that Nuwa will not please both sides.

The Three Qing Dynasties did not care about Nuwa, and the three human emperors, even Fuxi, who was reincarnated as the emperor, had a gap with Nuwa.

However, it is a bit difficult for Nuwa to deal with Hongjun's calculations.

Hongjun's preaching was originally a mighty conspiracy.

If you don't come, it's okay, then you will always be weaker than the others.

Even Nuwa could not know in advance that she would become the bearer of humanity, but Hongjun had some information.

Sometimes, this is also about poor information.

In a world like the prehistoric world, you can only know one more step, one step at a time.

Not to mention that Hongjun still occupies the great righteousness. With the cooperation of the two, it is normal for the law of heaven to take precedence.

But now there is one more person who has poor information and one more Guiyuan.

"I have met fellow Taoist Nuwa."

"I've met fellow Taoist Guiyuan."

Nuwa was a little curious about what Guiyuan suddenly came to see her for. Except that she had seen Guiyuan at the top of Buzhou Mountain, even during the battle between the Immortal Court and the Demon Court, she was only guarding the Heavenly Court and did not go to the East China Sea. .

She has nothing to do with Guiyuan.

Guiyuan said with a smile: "I came here this time to discuss the matter of fellow Taoist brother."

"My brother?"

Nuwa frowned slightly, "I will not interfere in the affairs of heaven. If you want to see my brother, I can recommend him."

Nuwa thought that Guiyuan was going to join her brother, but Guiyuan had once fought against Heaven.

But if he wanted to join the Heavenly Court, Di Jun would come directly to see him.

This is Guiyuan's reputation, the reputation of the first person among saints.

"That's not the case. It's about the life and death of fellow Taoist brother..."

"Life or death? Please come and talk with fellow Taoist." When Nuwa heard this, she did not immediately refute. Guiyuan's identity and status would not allow her to entertain her.

Since Guiyuan said this, he must have something to say to her.

Fengqi Mountain is a mountain in Buzhou Mountain, with beautiful mountains and clear waters, and a self-contained space.

It is indeed a good place to use as a dojo.

After Guiyuan walked into Nuwa's dojo, he found that it was not just Nuwa, but also various strange creatures walking around, like cows with snake tails and fish heads, tentacles all over their bodies, and human beings. Spirit trees with legs, and even a bird covered in bananas.

"Mother, mother!"

The bird covered with bananas flew to Nuwa and spoke human words.

"Be careful!" Nuwa touched the bird lovingly.

Guiyuan looked at Fengqi Mountain with some curiosity. This Nuwa could be a crazy biologist.

He has passed the stage of understanding the laws of creation and directly used the laws of creation to create living beings.

But at present, it seems that these created creatures have nothing to praise.

Nuwa's creation of the human race was not just a matter of a flash of inspiration. It should have been a combination of many times of practice and a flash of inspiration.

Nuwa looked at Guiyuan's sizing expression and said with a smile: "I see fellow Taoist cultivators are also practicing cultivation. Could it be that children like me make fellow Taoists laugh?"

"This is the work of Daoist Taoist Nuwa. How can I laugh at it? The last one with this effect of mediating creation was the Great God Pangu."

Guiyuan said with a smile that Nuwa did not have past life memories like him, and she did not have many world references in the chat group. It was definitely impossible to create the human race at once.

Moreover, he realized that Nuwa was not a vase among the saints as described in many prehistoric novels in previous lives. She could understand the laws of creation and follow the great path, and he had already begun to think about creating living beings.

It shows that she has actually understood her own path.

The true path of Hunyuan.

It's just that he hasn't found the last step yet, to create a creature that can occupy the great power of the prehistoric times, and to take advantage of the great power of the prehistoric times to form the Hunyuan. After that, he still received the guidance of heaven.

At that time, Nuwa even realized that she was on the wrong path.

But the way to kill three corpses has already entered the Dao Fruit, and the creatures he created are all guided by the way of heaven, and the guidance is not random.

This points the way to sanctification, and there is cause and effect.

With the intersection of the two, whatever arrangements Nuwa wanted to make in the human realm could not circumvent this cause and effect of sanctification. In addition, because she became enlightened by killing three corpses, she was congenitally inferior to Hongjun.

The method of enlightenment is obtained from Hongjun, and the opportunity of enlightenment is obtained from the way of heaven.

No matter what Nuwa wanted to do, she couldn't do it, or she was too limited. Otherwise, second only to Hongjun, she was the first among the Six Saints of Heaven to realize her own way and become a saint. How could she be at the mercy of others?

As for your statement that only Nuwa is responsible for the creation of creation, to be honest, that is not necessarily true.

Like Qingdi, one of the three thousand Zixiao guests actually masters the power of creation.

But Hongjun still didn't choose him.

Therefore, the first step is to leverage the way of humanity. It is best to let Nuwa realize what the opportunity is for her to become Hunyuan, and then eliminate the influence of the Three Corpses.

But Guiyuan was hesitant again, naturally not because he was worried about revealing the secret.

It's just that humanity has not yet been conceived. In fact, if Nuwa wants to become a saint, it is best for humanity to appear. But if humanity appears, all spirits must unite into one clan.

But in this way, it is difficult for the born human race to step on the Wanling clan and rise to the top.

To be honest, the birth of humanity is the hardest.

But Hongjun used a very clever way to not only knock down the human realm, but also prevent it from being destroyed and maintain the balance between heaven and earth.

That is to instigate the two Lich clans to massacre the human race and owe a great cause and effect, and then use this great cause and effect to destroy the two Lich clans and let their luck improve the human race.

This not only destroys humanity and authenticity, but also limits their development.

It won’t destroy both tunnels and humanity.

Guiyuan can only say that the more he thinks about it, the more he feels that Hongjun's plan is indeed feasible.

After Guiyuan and Nuwa sat on the futon, facing each other, Nuwa asked: "What do you mean by what fellow Taoist said just now? My brother is in danger of falling?"

"How is the current situation in Heaven, fellow Taoist?"

"There is an image of unifying the ancient world. Now the Immortal Court is gone. The only thing that hinders the Heavenly Court from unifying the ancient world is the Witch Court."

Nuwa said.

"There is indeed a sign of unifying the ancient world, but here's the problem. Do you think Hongjun will allow the heavens to unify the ancient world, and let Emperor Jun gather the luck of humanity to form the way of Hunyuan?"

"Why not? The development of humanity can help the perfection of heaven and earth..." Nuwa asked in return. Humanity is not a secret to those with great supernatural powers, especially Nuwa.

She may have been aware of the concept of humanity for a long time, but she just didn't think of it having anything to do with her.

Guiyuan said quietly: "Back then, the Dragon Clan also seemed to unify the ancient world, but in the end the Dragon Clan retreated to the world, the Feng Clan suppressed the immortal volcano, and the Qilin Clan hid in the earth.

Do you think today’s Heavenly Clan is stronger than the Dragon Clan? "

Nuwa smiled and said: "The three clans of dragon, phoenix and unicorn destroyed the world. How many lives were killed in the fight between the three clans. The world..."

"Are there not many living beings fighting to death among lichs now? Fellow Taoist Nuwa, please don't deceive yourself. If you thought in your heart that heaven could unify the ancient world, why would you stay here in Fengqi Mountain?"

Guiyuan's words silenced Nuwa's expression.

"It was indeed Luo Hu who instigated the fight between the three clans back then, but if Hongjun wanted to promote the development of humanity, why did he sit idly by and wait until the three clans started to fight and finally went to Luo Hu?"

Although Guiyuan did not personally attend the battlefield of the three clans, he learned many details from the mouths of the Dragon King of the Four Seas and Qinglong, as well as a lot of information that Luo Hu told him.

Hongjun is very arrogant, so arrogant that he thinks his own way is the most suitable for prehistoric times.

Can survive in the wild world.

Conservatives among those who follow the Way are like Xuan Yizi, who try their best to maintain the balance of the universe, running back and forth to keep the universe immortal and all spirits growing.

Hardliners, like Hongjun, feel that their own path is the most suitable, even if it restricts the development of the earth and the human world, it is all for the good of the world.

There is nothing wrong or right between the two.

The former may have freed many strong people, but the problem is that wars break out in the Super Beast Universe whenever they disagree. It doesn't matter to the strong, but to the weak, almost every war is a disaster.

The latter is to restrict many strong people from taking action when they want, and to limit the emergence of strong people to prevent them from becoming too overwhelming and maintain the balance of heaven and earth.

The former is beneficial to the strong and harmful to the weak; the latter is beneficial to the weak and harmful to the strong.

It’s not about right or wrong, it’s just a stance.

But for the innate divine, naturally Hongjun's method is very uncomfortable.

Nuwa became even more silent. Although she did not witness the fight between the three clans, she had made good friends with the Feng clan and got a lot of information from them.

Just like what Guiyuan said.

If Hongjun really wanted to promote the development of humanity, how could he sit back and watch the three tribes being provoked by the Demon Ancestor.

“So it is impossible for Heaven to be the bearer of humanity, and it is impossible for Emperor Jun to be the master of humanity.

Hongjun will not let humanity develop to that point. This is his way.

If the Heavenly Court falls, Emperor Xi, who now occupies one of the great fortunes of the Heavenly Court, also carries the great cause and effect of the Heavenly Court.

If liquidated, how could Fuxi escape? "

Nuwa took a deep breath and asked: "This is the general trend. Now that my brother cannot escape, how can he escape?"

"you can."

"I can?"


"How can becoming a saint be so easy? I received the Hongmeng Purple Qi from my teacher, but I still haven't realized where the opportunity to become a saint is?"

"It depends on nature."

"Of course I know about creation, but what should I create?" Nuwa looked at Guiyuan's expression, as if he knew how to become a saint.

I felt something in my heart and couldn't help but ask.

As soon as Gui Yuan opened his mouth, endless fluctuations suddenly occurred on Fengqi Mountain. It seemed that someone somewhere was anticipating what Gui Yuan was saying and seemed to be warning Gui Yuan.

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