But the Guiyuan of today is no longer the Guiyuan of the past. The Yuanshen rose into the sky and stared at the transformed figure and said softly: "Hongjun, what's the matter?

It can only be done by you, but not by others? "

"The human race has not yet been born!" Hongjun's voice was indifferent.

"It's ridiculous. It's your turn to intervene in the development of humanity."

"Every move you make, you are planning on Zhen Yuanzi, and I won't interfere. But before I make the move, you want to interfere with humanity. If you interfere with humanity, whether Zhen Yuanzi can enter the tunnel again is another matter!"

"It has nothing to do with me whether he can get in or not. If you really want to touch it, you have the ability to touch that reincarnation! And you asked the Witch Clan to come and kill me! And you said you didn't do it?"

Guiyuan looked at Hongjun indifferently, "The emergence of the human race is a general trend, but when the human race will appear is not a general trend.

If you go against the path of Zhitian, I will see if you can continue to follow the path of Hedao and whether you can still grasp the overall situation! "

Hongjun stared at Guiyuan, his eyes still indifferent and calm, "Then let's use our own methods!"

After finishing speaking, Hongjun disappeared without any anger or fluctuation. The returned soul also returned to the Tao body with complicated eyes.

Intervening in the chessboard yourself will definitely attract the attention of Hongjun, the person who benefits the most from the chessboard.

But it's inevitable.

If you want to seize benefits, you will inevitably disturb the interests of the beneficiaries of the old benefits and arouse hostility. This is "different ways, no mutual conspiracy."

The word interest is not purely material, but the implementation of one's own ideas is also a kind of interest.

Previously, Guiyuan stayed out of the matter and didn't know much about it.

Now that I want to intervene on the chessboard, I realize how many connections there are in the chessboard laid out by Hongjun. I am afraid that not only Hongjun, but also many quasi-sages and Daluo are laying out the layout.

Therefore, cause and effect occur frequently, and even a quasi-sage cannot fall during the reckoning.

Just like Fuxi.

There is a saint sister behind my back, death or death.

Because he has violated too many days and owed too many karma.

Nuwa naturally felt the changes just now. Looking at Guiyuan's return, she didn't ask what happened just now, but just waited quietly for Guiyuan.

Nuwa expected whether Guiyuan would answer or not.

Because it seems to involve something deeper.

"Your opportunity for creation lies in people!"

Guiyuan still said that, as Luo Hui said, he would definitely be right with Hongjun, so naturally he would not give up this best time to gain allies because of fear of Hongjun.

These ten thousand years are the most difficult time for Hongjun to take action.

He will not rob Nuwa of her merits in creating the human race. No matter what the reason is, Nuwa's creation of human beings seems to be the general trend, and it is difficult for even Hongjun to change it. Therefore, Hongjun accepted Nuwa as his disciple instead of establishing another creation. The merits of people.

Of course Guiyuan couldn't do it, and he didn't want to do it either.

It's just like he doesn't want to be an authentic saint. The Tao is different.

"Human? You say the key to my sanctification lies in humanity?"


"You said my chance to become enlightened lies in heaven?"

Nuwa couldn't help but look in the direction of Heaven. Now the demon clan in Heaven is the leader of all races and is the representative of humanity.

Could it be that he wants to help Heaven unify the wilderness?

But the problem is, she practices the way of creation.

It's not like her brother followed the path of heaven and earth. One of the reasons why his brother joined Heavenly Court, or worked so hard in Heavenly Court, was because of the spiritual treasures in the hands of brothers Di Juntai and Taiyi.

The Hetu Luoshu belongs to the earth, and the Chaos Bell belongs to the sky.

Di Jun used this as a deal to ask Fuxi to assist him in developing Heavenly Court. Fuxi was not simply attracted by Di Jun's ambition or the pie he painted.

This is Fuxi's way.

But the unification of heaven and earth has nothing to do with the creation of her cultivation.

"No. I'm talking about human race, not humanity.

The concept of human nature refers to all sentient beings, all conscious, intelligent, and thinking life forms living in the human world, including Daluo, Sanqing, and Hongjun Taoist ancestors, and of course Hongjundu before Hedao. It's part of humanity. "

Guiyuan smiled and said: "But, the question is, can there be a race that can be called human?"

"Human? Humanity is just a concept..."

"Then you know why when Emperor Jun established the Monster Clan, why he didn't directly establish the Human Clan and use the Human Clan to directly carry the fate of humanity.

Words have power, and if they are called people, they will definitely occupy most of humanity's luck. "

Guiyuan asked with a smile. Before Nuwa could say anything, Guiyuan said it, "Because he can't do it."

"Can't do it?"

"Because he wants to encompass all living things in the wild. If he uses the concept of human beings, then many people will come out to fight with him. The name of humanity is too big.

So he found a new way to establish demons first, and then waited for the unification of prehistoric times and then established "humans" with the help of the power of humanity! "

Nuwa frowned, "If you put it this way, does it mean that a race is needed to carry the concept of 'human'?"


"The demon clan includes all the spirits in the world, why can't it carry the destiny of humanity."

"The problem is that most people with great magical powers don't admit that they are 'demon', like me! We have different magical powers, different Taoist fruits, and different essences.

How to mix things up. If Emperor Jun can subdue the entire world, then he can definitely do it. The problem is that he can't do it, and many of them are even unwilling to admit it. "

Guiyuan said calmly, "Even among the demon clan, some races are simply forced by power. To use an analogy, it is natural for wolves to eat sheep, and to eat meat and prey on grass. It is against human nature and nature for demons to combine races that are inherently competitive. of.

There is internal discord, how can a demon carry humanity? "

"But if it can only be one race, then which race can carry it, the Great Sun and the Golden Crow?"

"There are only two Golden Crows in the Great Sun. Dao gave birth to one, one gave birth to two, two gave birth to three, and three gave birth to all things. Pangu died and all things were born. All races fought for hegemony and three races were born. Three races died, and the lich was reborn. You said it is not enough yet What.

Can we return to one dollar? This dollar is a person. "

Nuwa frowned, and suddenly she felt blessed, "All things are born from Pangu, and all things will return to Pangu?"


"You definitely can't create Pangu, then you can create a 'human' race based on Pangu's body!"

As soon as these words came out, the heaven and earth shook.

Guiyuan looked up and just smiled softly. Hongjun was furious now. In fact, the concept of human race is because this race created by Nuwa carries humanity, so it is called human.

It's not that humanity can only exist if there is a human race.

But what is the difference between humans and other races?

That is, the human race was created based on Pangu's body. To be honest, Guiyuan also admired Nuwa for finally realizing it and creating a race based on Pangu's Taoist body.

All races in the wild, even those who are innately sacred, need to be transformed into Tao bodies.

Even Pangu Sanqing was no exception, because they were pure Qi at that time.

But the human race is born with a Tao body.

For example, the dragon tribe is good at water, the phoenix tribe is good at fire, and the unicorn is good at earth. They are born with attributes in them.

But the humans didn't.

Although the human race is fragile but changeable, it does not mean that they can go very far, but they have no stability and have great possibilities.

The human race happens to conform to the law of changeable human nature, so it is called human!

Man can only be created.

Because the various races transformed from Pangu's body through the reproduction of blood cannot reach the concept of "human nature is changeable".

As Nuwa listened, the purple energy in her mind flickered, and some of her original insights suddenly disappeared.

But at this moment, Nuwa's expression suddenly changed, and her flawless face flashed with lividity, "I made the mistake of going to Zixiao Palace."

When Guiyuan saw his expression, he knew that Nuwa had understood.

Even Zhen Yuanzi, who possesses the book of the earth, can clearly understand his connection with the earth, but how could Nuwa, who became the master of the human world, not understand her relationship with the human world.

It's just that I was stuck in a blind spot before.

Now that Guiyuan had pointed it out, she naturally realized her own path earlier than Zhen Yuanzi. Nuwa took a deep breath, looked at Guiyuan and said, "Thank you Taoist friend this time."

"Could it be that fellow Taoist already has a solution?"

Guiyuan raised his eyebrows. After Zhen Yuanzi found out, he tried to follow the path of an authentic immortal, and found that the path of killing three corpses had already reached his Dao Fruit.

His detour has been made and cannot be cut off.

She could only take a detour first and then become an authentic immortal again. Did this Nuwa think of a way at this moment?

"Yes. I have used creation to become the Tao. Humanity is changeable. I use creation as the main body and the soul as the supplement. I follow the myriad paths of creation. I use my own body to transform all things in the prehistoric era, thereby obliterating the path of the three corpses.

Become a human saint again! "

When he heard this, Guiyuan was really shocked, good guy.

This Nuwa actually came up with such a method in an instant?

In fact, Guiyuan also came up with some solutions to Zhen Yuanzi's predicament, just like Nuwa created thousands of creatures in the wild, and constantly erased the traces of the three corpses in creation.

Zhen Yuanzi used reincarnation and reincarnation to eliminate the three corpses.

Guiyuan saw Nuwa who figured out a solution instantly. Such an understanding was really powerful. With this kind of understanding, he would be restricted by the law of heaven in the future...


Fuxi transformed into the emperor of the human race, and Hongyun transformed into the earthly emperor of the human race. The former was her brother, and the latter died after being plotted by Hongjun. What kind of follower was the Taihuang Emperor Xuanyuan Huangdi?

Guiyuan suddenly thought of this question.

There are many theories that Fuxi and Shennong were the reincarnations of Emperor Xi and Hongyun in their previous lives, but there are very few Emperors Xuanyuan and Huangdi. However, the positions of the three emperors are extremely noble. How can we protect them if we don't have the heel?

Purely by luck?

The King of Thailand...

If it corresponds to the Three Emperors of Heaven, Earth and Man, why is it called the Emperor of Tai?

Tai Huang actually pointed to another person, Tai Yi.

Is Tai Huang related to Tai Yi?

Guiyuan was thinking about this issue. If Emperor Xuanyuan was really transformed by Taiyi, then he would also have something to say about the Chiyou clan.

The three emperors of heaven, earth, and tai all have grudges against Hongjun.

Among the three emperors, the second emperor Tiantai is related to Nuwa, the emperor Hongyun is related to Zhen Yuanzi, Zhen Yuanzi is related to the tunnel, and the tunnel is related to Houtu.

Guiyuan thought about it carefully, thinking about it this way, it seems that Nuwa is really not a fool, letting herself be manipulated, but using her own methods. In this way, even if human nature is suppressed by heaven, human nature is still Nuwa's basic foundation.

Moreover, an alliance between locals and humans was vaguely formed.

Among the three realms of heaven, earth and man, the one controlled by Hongjun is the strongest.

Therefore, it is normal for the earth and humans to form an alliance, so the Witch Clan will continue to multiply in the human realm in the future.

Otherwise, based on what the Witch Clan had done to the Human Race, the Witch Clan would have been exterminated long ago. The Witch Clan might also be the product of an alliance between the earth and the human race.

Earth and man are two ways, I am among you, and you are among me.

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