Guiyuan's unraveling, to be honest, may not be as complicated as Guiyuan imagined, but the problem is that their prehistoric era is not the supreme prehistoric era.

After all, you can tell from the divisions in the chat group.

So this world must have that supreme and prehistoric trajectory.

Guiyuan is now preparing for the possibility of coming into contact with the Supreme Being. A saint like Nuwa must have reflected the nature of the Supreme Being.

Nuwa looked at Guiyuan and said sincerely: "Thank you Taoist friend for reminding me this time! Otherwise, if I really become Hunyuan with Hongmeng Purple Qi, I may not have any further opportunities in this life."

"We have a common enemy." Guiyuan said with a smile.

Hongjun's chessboard is very large, connected layer by layer, and uses various general trends to push the development of the prehistoric era in the direction he expected. He is right, this is his way.

And it was Hongjun's disaster that Nuwa, Zhen Yuanzi, Hongyun, Fuxi, etc., who were coerced by his momentum, became allies with Guiyuan, but Hongjun had covered up a lot of things by relying on the cause and effect of his preaching.

By the time Nuwa and others were discovered, the situation was decided.

We can only make arrangements within the general trend planned by Hongjun and strive for the greatest benefits for ourselves.

Now that many things have been exposed by Guiyuan, naturally Nuwa and others will definitely stand on the opposite side of Hongjun. This is cause and effect.

Under the influence of cause and effect, even Hongjun, who is in harmony, cannot escape.

"It just so happens that fellow Taoist friends have made great achievements in the laws of creation. Why don't we discuss the Tao first?"


"This time my fellow Taoist has shown me some kindness, so I'll tell you first."


After Nuwa finished speaking, she opened her mouth and said, "Creation is all about change. Everything is easy, but it is not easy. The core of what is easy is easy, and the tranquility of the heaven and earth is connected by its own ease..."

In an instant.

The entire Fengqi Mountain is filled with purple air coming from the east, and there are thousands of rays of light.

Flowers are falling from the sky and golden lotuses are blooming from the ground.

Numerous visions of Nuwa's enlightenment are layered one after another, including the dual creation of yin and yang, all living things, and Nuwa transforming into other living beings to realize enlightenment among many ethnic groups.

She has transformed into the wise Bai Ze, into the golden sun burning the sky, into the extremely cold Jade Toad...

It has the body of a fish but wings of a bird, and its sound is like a mandarin duck; its shape is like a red leopard, with five tails and one horn, and its sound is like a ferocious beast hitting rocks; the nine-tailed Qingqiu nine-tailed fox with white hair; one foot, with red stripes and white The great sage Bifang with his beak...

And so on.

Guiyuan also felt something in his heart. Nuwa was indeed beyond his imagination. She was not as high as the Three Pure Ones. The Three Pure Ones were transformed by Pangu Yuanshen, so she had the most understanding of Pangu Avenue. Even Hongjun had more understanding of Pangu Avenue. Not on.

Therefore, Nuwa did not compete with the Three Qing Dynasties here.

But take Pangu's knowledge.

Feeling all the spirits of the ancient world with your own body, this is Nuwa's way of creation. In the ancient world, no way can bypass Pangu. Since I can't compare with you innately on a certain way, then I will find another place.

Among the prehistoric times, only Nuwa found it and combined it with her own laws of creation.

While discussing the Tao, Nuwa's body also changed, constantly changing her body and transforming into various strange beasts in the vision, each one perfect.

Not just the physical form, but also the imprints of various laws, magical powers, etc. imprinted in the body.

Transform the dragon into a dragon and the phoenix into a phoenix.

But the final transformation was still needed, and Nuwa still didn't show up.

[You have observed Nuwa's sixty-nine transformations in one day, transforming all the spirits in the world, and realized the laws of your own creation. Creation is the core of creation. 】

[Your understanding of mediating creation has improved, and you have gained a new magical power—the transformation of the body into shape! 】

[You seem to have some insights into the Immortal of Humanity...]

‘It takes form to transform thousands of things, this is the way of human beings, to become the master, so Jingyuan Daoguo lives on all things, and then all things return to one! ’

The essence flower of Guiyuan gushes out, and the power of living beings obtained from the Guiyuan world and other worlds inside is constantly surging. The form of Guiyuan appears in it, constantly consuming all the living beings in its many worlds.

With each transformation, the aura on his body becomes a little more complete.

Laws such as yin and yang, the five elements, time and space, defense, soul creation, wind, rain, thunder and lightning all emerged, turning into Tao fire and refining the essence and Tao seeds into it.

The world power of many worlds emerged from the earth flower, and the core power of the Guiyuan world enveloped the Jingyuan Dao seed.

Tao seeds continue to grow in size under such circumstances.

He was already the last step away from condensing the Dao Fruit of Jingyuan. Now Nuwa's understanding of the laws of creation has just filled the last gap in Guiyuan.

Finally, the outer shell of the Tao seed was broken, and a seedling spread out at an extremely fast speed, producing a fruit at the top, but the fruit was illusory, as if there was nothing inside.

"Thousands of turtles enter, and the essence comes into fruition!"

After Guiyuan said that, countless particles flew out of Guiyuan's body, headed by a golden turtle that was roaring in chaos and carrying the world, followed by nearly thirty giant turtles, and then countless black turtles all disappeared into the Jingyuan Dao Fruit.

next moment.

The fruit is ripe and the stems are falling!

On top of the essence flower, a real and true Jingyuan Tao Fruit is tumbling. Inside the Tao Fruit, there are countless living beings that are constantly transforming, and finally turn into a 'turtle' again, and then continue to transform all living beings from the 'turtle', here Repeatedly and endlessly.

The aura on Guiyuan's body instantly increased, using divine flowers as fire and earth flowers as medicine, and urging the essence flowers to bear fruit. This is also in line with the theory of the three paths of heaven, earth and man, and life is between heaven and earth.

Nuwa stopped just as her Guiyuan aura changed.

I was quite shocked when I saw the three flowers condensing behind Guiyuan, and the ripe fruit fell and became a Dao fruit. Guiyuan's understanding was too strong.

Although after the Dao Fruit was condensed, there were waves of mysterious and illusory Dao charms that shrouded the Jingyuan Dao Fruit, making it difficult for people to see the details.

But the moment the Dao Fruit condensed.

She saw that in the Dao Fruit, everything turned into one, and then one turned into ten thousand, and so on. Wasn't it her perception?

Although she did not hide her truth at all in order to repay Guiyuan.

But how much you feel depends on the individual.

For example, she and her brother often discussed Taoism without hiding any secrets, but there was a gap in mutual understanding, and they had to discuss Taoism frequently in order to slowly improve.

And this return to the Yuan occurred when the Tao was discussed for the first time.

He almost understood all her feelings.

And it’s not just a mechanical application. Anyone with great supernatural powers knows, ‘Those who learn from me will live, and those who imitate me will die! ’, so everyone has their own insights, which need to be digested.

After Guiyuan understood it, he quickly digested it and then integrated it into his own system.

"Fellow Taoist is really very understanding."

Seeing Guiyuan wake up, Nuwa couldn't help but praise.

Guiyuan smiled and nodded. He was about to express his feelings when he suddenly frowned and said, "Fellow Taoist, I'm going to deal with some things first."


Nuwa also felt it, with a solemn look on her face, "It's true that Heaven has gone too far this time."

"However. And this time can be regarded as my attempt to confront Him head-on."

Guiyuan took one step forward, and now on Buzhou Mountain, thunderclouds were rolling and killing, covering the vast sky and earth. The violent thunder and lightning were tumbling in it, and the terrifying power enveloped the surroundings.

"It seems that Hongjun has quite a lot of control over Tiandao."

Logically speaking, even if they break through to the Hunyuan Golden Immortal, there will be no thunder tribulation. It's like Qinglong told him that they only summoned the Great Dao at the beginning and integrated the laws, Tao and fruits they understood into it.

If the Dao has not yet retreated, the Hunyuan Golden Immortal is like the quasi-sage today. As long as he accumulates enough and feels a trace of Hunyuan, he can become the Hunyuan Golden Immortal by combining his body and Dao.

If Hongjun was just trying to suppress him, it would be impossible for Heaven to allow him to mobilize the Thunder Tribulation of Heaven and Earth in this way.

It can only be said that the Hunyuan Golden Immortal is likely to be harmful to the prehistoric world.

Heavenly Dao simply does not want the creatures from the primitive world to become Hunyuan Golden Immortals in the future.

In this way, Hongjun's maneuverability becomes greater. The superior says that the Hunyuan Golden Immortal can bring down heavenly tribulations. As the executor, Hongjun has discretionary power, while the superior's "Tiandao" sets an upper limit and a lower limit.

Hongjun directly helped Guiyuan!

"Is this also the reason why there are fewer and fewer Hunyuan Golden Immortals?"

"Beheading three corpses is close to the way of heaven... so the quasi-sage is considered a Hunyuan Golden Immortal with permission from heaven, and the Hunyuan Golden Immortal is an illegal Hunyuan Golden Immortal?"

Guiyuan's mind flashed, and he seemed to understand why Hongjun wanted to promote the method of killing three corpses.

He is now quietly watching the thunder calamity gathering in the sky, the gathering of endless thunder clouds.

He also felt that his Dao Fruit wanted to pull out the Great Dao and let the nine laws he understood merge into the Great Dao. There was this extremely big gap.

Needless to say, it must be the shackles set up by heaven.

Therefore, this tribulation is inevitable.

next moment.

Vast purple energy appeared in the sky and mixed with the thunder in the sky. In an instant, the entire sky, earth and sky were covered with purple divine thunder.

In an instant, the entire prehistoric world was shaken.

Whether it is the Heavenly Court, the Wu Clan, or the great supernatural beings practicing in various places, such as Sanqing, Zhen Yuanzi, Hongyun, Dijun, etc., all the endless places have sensed it.

Yuanshen and Tianji blended together. This time, Tianji was much clearer than before. All the great supernatural powers focused their attention on the origin of the vibration.

For a moment, all the great supernatural powers saw the purple divine thunder, and all the inherited memories from their bloodline emerged.


The Emperor Jun who is sitting in the Imperial City has annihilated the Immortal Court and devoured the Immortal Court's luck and Shaoyang's energy. His figure is becoming more and more majestic, and his aura is as bright as the power of heaven.

He naturally felt the terrifying power of Mount Buzhou. When his eyes fell on the place where the power was concentrated, even he was a little surprised when he saw the purple sky thunder.

The purple sky divine thunder is condensed with purple energy, and purple is the color of the sky.

The purple energy contained in the Zixiao Divine Thunder contains the power of all the laws of heaven in the prehistoric world. It is much stronger than the Guishui Divine Thunder, Yimu Divine Thunder, etc.

He only knew that there was such a thing from the Pangu memory contained in his bloodline. This was the first time he had seen it.

"Purple Sky Divine Thunder?!"

Taiyi, who was sitting next to him, also opened his eyes and used time and space to look at the location of the prehistoric earthquake. He was not only paying attention to the Zixiao Divine Thunder, but also who was causing the phenomenon.

A familiar figure came into his eyes.

"It's Guiyuan!"


As soon as these words came out, Xihe, Kunpeng, and Fuxi, who were located in the heaven, all fell into the center of the thunder tribulation one by one.

Fuxi soon became confused, "Is that the location of Fengqi Mountain?"

Why did Guiyuan appear there?

The Eight Diagrams Law emerged from the center of Fuxi's eyebrows, integrating with the principles of heaven and earth, calculating the secrets of heaven, and he soon got the result. He said, "Guiyuan is breaking through the Hunyuan Golden Immortal. Is this Purple Sky Divine Thunder a catastrophe set by heaven and earth for him?"

"Is there such a calamity for breaking through the Hunyuan Golden Immortal?"

Taiyi looked at the infinitely powerful Zixiao Divine Thunder, his eyes bursting with surprise. Even he, in such a calamity, might not be able to survive without the use of the Chaos Clock.

"Be prepared. If he loses his strength, take action immediately!"

Di Jun stared at Guiyuan. Even though he and Guiyuan had a tacit understanding in the past, if Guiyuan did not join Tianting, he would definitely eradicate him when he had the chance.

Guiyuan has no grudge against him.

But whether it was the conflict between Guiyuan and Taiyi, or whether it was Guiyuan's attempt to protect the Queen Mother of the West, now Xihe is still trying to find a way to win the Daoist struggle on the Yin Road.

These are the consequences.

If there is an opportunity to settle the cause and effect, Di Jun will naturally not let it go.

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