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Chapter 177: Overcoming the tribulation and smashing it to pieces!

Pangu Hall.

Wu Qiangliang, the ancestor of thunder, and Wu Xizi, the ancestor of electricity, felt that the laws of thunder and the laws of electricity were extremely intertwined near Mount Buzhou.

After finding Di Jiang and Zhu Jiuyin, the ancestral witches couldn't divine the secrets of heaven, so if they wanted to see what happened, they could only find Di Jiang.

After Di Jiang heard this, he naturally felt the shock just now. Even because Pangu Palace is in Buzhou Mountain, they felt even more shocked, but they didn't know where it was.

This is the shortcoming of the Wu clan. If you don't cultivate your soul, you can't connect with the secrets of heaven. Many things cannot be deduced. To speculate, you can only rely on Zhu Jiuyin to use the long river of time to observe the future.

But as there are more and more Da Luo and Quasi Saints, even Zhu Jiuyin can no longer predict the future quickly.


Except for Hou Tu's eleven ancestral witches gathered together, Di Jiang didn't care where Hou Tu was at this moment. The law surged in his hands and he immediately located the source of the vibration.

"Return to Yuan!"

When Xuan Ming saw the figure reflected in the space, he would recognize this guy even if he was a real spirit. He was the old turtle from Guiyuan.

"This is the Zixiao Divine Thunder..."

Zhu Jiuyin frowned, "Even our ancestral witch's true form will die if he is not prepared!"

The other ancestral witches were not surprised but overjoyed. Xuan Ming couldn't help but ask: "So what did the old turtle do this time to let the purple sky thunder strike him!"

"Don't worry about what he did, second brother, let's see if he will fall!"

"I can't see this, time is distorted there." Zhu Jiuyin shook his head, but added, "It would be difficult for even their quasi-sages of the immortal way to survive this tribulation, but if the person who overcomes the tribulation is Guiyuan If so, it’s hard to say.”

"Hard to say? Why!"

Gonggong is still holding his breath. In their opinion, if it wasn't for Na Hongjun, they wouldn't have lost their witchcraft in the end.

In his eyes, Guiyuan, who took the opportunity to kill them, was a villain.

Pretend to be dead while their formation is still there, and take action as soon as they are at a disadvantage.

"Nowadays, everyone in the prehistoric era seems to be praising Guiyuan's great magical power, great mana, and great power, but don't forget. Why did he become famous in the first place? Because he can withstand Taiyi's defense. The eldest brother and the eleventh sister have already understood him defense.

But there is something else mysterious about this calamity, so it is difficult to say. "

Zhu Jiuyin's eyes flickered. He naturally wanted to let Guiyuan fall. He was not out of personal hatred, but out of thoughts about the entire Wu Clan. The Wu Clan had already offended Guiyuan in the past.

If he falls, he will be able to eliminate the powerful enemy for the Witch Clan.

"Be prepared. If he loses his strength, take action immediately! Hongjun just said not to fight against the monster clan's brats' formation, but it doesn't mean that he can't use the formation to kill Guiyuan.

Moreover, this old boy Hongjun must also want to return to the Yuan Dynasty and die, otherwise he would not have let us leave Pangu Palace in the first place. "

Di Jiang finally decided on a plan of action for this discussion, then looked at Zhu Jiuyin and said: "Second brother, you go talk to the twelfth sister and ask her not to always chat with that old boy Zhen Yuanzi. of.

What's there to talk about? "

Zhu Jiuyin didn't say anything, but said, "I'll go and inform the Twelve Sisters first."

The Zixiao Thunder Tribulation was so powerful that many great powers in the prehistoric era felt it. When they found out that the person who had overcome the tribulation was after returning to the Yuan Dynasty, some were puzzled, some had doubts, some had evil intentions, and some were worried.

At this moment, the thunder calamity in the sky was brewing to the extreme. The terrifying sound of thunder shook in all directions, and the heaven and earth erupted with shaking and roaring sounds.

Only now!


"Boom!" The sound of "Boom!" made countless living creatures tremble in fear. With this sound, they seemed to hear the world being angry.

Thunderclouds rolled.

An extremely thick Purple Sky Divine Thunder fell instantly, tearing open countless spaces around it. The space was shattered, time was reversed, and the five elements were exploded. The Purple Sky Divine Thunder can be said to be the only one that was transformed from the ax light used by the Great God Pangu to split the chaos. Beyond thunder.

No thunder method can compare to the Zixiao Divine Thunder.

The thunder and lightning evolved into a Suanni thunder beast. Suanni was the ninth son of the dragon and was born with the Taoist text of thunder. When the two matched, their power increased greatly, "Roar!"

The Suanni thunder beast roared and rushed towards Guiyuan. While running, the sharp purple sky thunder kept cutting through the Yin and Yang and the five elements. The thunderer was in charge of the life and death of all things.

Whether it was the light of God Pangu's ax that turned into thunder, or the first sound of thunder that opened the sky, it all represents the status of thunder among many laws.

Seeing such an attack that seemed to be no weaker than a quasi-sage, many people with great supernatural powers were all looking to see how Guiyuan would respond.

It's best to look at Guiyuan's means.

They never thought that Guiyuan would fall directly after the first attack. If such a person was like this, he would not cause such a catastrophe.

But it was beyond the expectations of all those with great supernatural powers.

Guiyuan just watched indifferently and let the Suanni beast rush towards him.

The next moment, countless thunderbolts instantly enveloped Guiyuan's Dao body, countless thunderbolts flashed, and the whole world was filled with violent roars and dazzling lightning.

The terrifying power shattered the surrounding space and time, causing wind, water, and fire to explode.

Looking at Sanqing here from a distance, Shangqing raised his eyebrows and said: "This guy's physical body is really terrifying. How did he refine his physical body to such an extent? What about those Wu tribe barbarians who are famous for their physical strength.

In front of his physical body, it is really not a compliment. "

"I'm afraid only the ancient ancestral dragons can compete with it in the physical body." Yuqing also nodded and said. He has naturally thought about the physical body and knows how difficult it is to increase it when it reaches a certain limit.

The other great supernatural powers seemed to sense the situation of Guiyuan from the endless violent thunder.

The thunder seemed to be dispersed by a burst of power, and disappeared, leaving only Guiyuan in the same place, with no dust and no damage to the Taoist robe.

Only traces of thunder were left flickering on the surface, as if the rebels had resisted stubbornly, but were crushed, leaving only the remnants of the rebels.

The Guixu in the Guiyuan Realm is turning crazily, constantly decomposing the Zixiao Divine Thunder that has been swallowed in, swallowing the laws and power inside, like a big millstone, crazily eroding the imprint of Heavenly Dao inside.

The mark of heaven here is the most difficult to solve.

That is a confrontation with the way of heaven. If a person is not branded by the way of heaven, his soul will be destroyed, and he will no longer have any chance of survival.

If Guiyuan hadn't been assisted by the consciousness of Heaven behind him, he really wouldn't have planned to swallow it in.

Now it is just right to become the nourishment for his consciousness of heaven.

The Chaos Golden Ao in the Jingyuan Dao Fruit roared into the sky, and in an instant he opened his mouth to absorb all the Heavenly Dao imprints. The trace of Hunyuan power turned into a millstone and continued to crush.

It was then turned into nutrients and absorbed by the divine flower, while the remaining giant turtle particles and black turtle particles were also quickly digesting the swallowed purple sky divine thunder, and divided up these purple cloud divine thunder through division of labor.

As long as the Zixiao Divine Thunder did not destroy Guiyuan instantly, Guiyuan could turn it into nutrients and swallow it up completely.

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