Endless thunder fell crazily, transforming into various thunder beasts in the world, and rushed towards Guiyuan.

With Guiyuan as the center, it is surrounded by boundless sea of ​​thunder.

Submerged Guiyuan in it.

The Zixiao Thunder Tribulation caused the peaks around Buzhou Mountain to shake, and the yin and yang differentiated. If Buzhou Mountain were not nearby, I am afraid that the surrounding area would have been turned into white ground by the sea of ​​thunder.

"How on earth is this guy's body made..."

Many people with great magical powers marveled that in this purple sky god's sea of ​​thunder, Guiyuan did not even use his spiritual treasures, but directly used his physical body and his own magical powers to carry it. It was really terrifying.

Bathed in thunder, it is like the arrival of a god.

Returning to Yuan is actually not as easy as others imagined. Even if all the particles in the Jingyuan Dao Fruit are struggling to decompose, quantitative changes will eventually turn into qualitative changes.

The silk-like imprint of the way of heaven turns into the supreme power of heaven that constantly suppresses Guiyuan's mind. With the brilliant power of heaven, the way of heaven is born from the beginning of the great tribulation of ferocious beasts, grows up during the tribulation of dragons, phoenixes and han, and ends with the combination of Hongjun and Dao.

“I don’t know the crime yet!!”

From birth to perfection, countless living beings' awe of the way of heaven, admiration for the Taoist ancestors, and the constant fear of the way of heaven arising from the birth and death of living beings have all turned into the power of God at this moment.

It's like a big world suppressed in Guiyuan's mind.

"Go away! I have my own way, and you want to rely on the power of God to suppress me? What kind of person are you!"

Guiyuan shouted coldly, and all the mental power gained from the super beast universe exploded at this moment, fighting against the power of heaven.

In the mind.

Guiyuan's Dao body is immeasurably large, with the sky above his head and the underworld beneath his feet. The stars and rivers surround him, and the sun and moon turn into embellishments in his hair.

Stepping on the steps, like a stream of light, hitting Tianwei.

The fist was like a hammer head, like the reincarnation of Pangu, the sky was shattering and the earth was shattering, it was extremely powerful, and it was so fierce and domineering that it almost smashed down the Nine Heavens.



Return to the heart.

The thunderous sound exploded, and the power of heaven shattered. The power of heaven condensed from three eras suddenly shattered at this moment.

At this moment, Guiyuan's mind seemed to be a little broken.

"Resist the power of heaven and face the world directly as an ant."

[In the midst of the confrontation between your mind and your mind, you realize the method of spiritual practice...]

Guiyuan solved the calamity in his mind, looked up, and vaguely saw a figure floating in the calamity, looking down at him like a ruthless heaven, looking down at him like a dog.


Guiyuan sneered, and instantly rushed into the mighty sea of ​​thunder amid the surprised eyes of many great supernatural powers!

In an instant, the true body appeared.

A side of boundless giant turtles crisscrossed the sea of ​​thunder. Their bodies, souls, etc. took the initiative to endure the hardships. At the same time, they frantically absorbed the power of this sea of ​​thunder to compensate for and strengthen themselves.

Tiandao was furious at this moment, and the Zixiao God's thunder sea was vigorous and powerful, several times more powerful than at the beginning.

This is the first time that Heaven has brought a calamity to a living being. How could the supreme thunder calamity allow Guiyuan to be so blasphemous!

One after another, the mighty laws of heaven penetrated the heaven and the earth, intertwined and formed a prison cage, as if they were escorting Guiyuan to the Leihai Zhongtian Palace to kowtow and apologize.

But the next moment, these laws were instantly shattered by a huge turtle claw, forming dots of light, flying all over the sky.

"Hurry, you're in a hurry!!"

Guiyuan's tortoise body is vertical and horizontal, and its four mountain-like claws are constantly grasping the power in this thunder tribulation to fill itself. The three tribulations of mind, soul, and body come out alternately.

The endless power of heaven crazily suppressed Guiyuan's mind. During the Zixiao thunder tribulation, countless inner demons appeared and regarded Guiyuan's soul as the most delicious food. During the Zixiao thunder tribulation, countless laws transformed into various attack thoughts. To smash the tortoise shell of Guiyuan.

All three came together, but were resolved one by one by Guiyuan.


Di Jun and Tai Yi used their magical powers to see the purple sky thunder sea bathing and returning to Yuan so vigorously. Even though they had experienced many great events, they couldn't help but be shaken.

The speed of strength development in Guiyuan is beyond everyone's imagination.

Di Jun thought for a moment.

"If the Wu clan doesn't take action, we won't take action."

When Taiyi saw Guiyuan roaming in the sea of ​​thunder, he ignored the Zixiao God Thunder, which frightened the quasi-sage city and required the use of various spiritual treasures to weaken it. He even ignored the majesty of heaven and used his magical powers to directly devour it.

"Am I on the wrong path..."

Let Tai begin to reflect on his own way.

Did he go the wrong way in killing three corpses, or would it be better to really take the path of proving the Tao through force.

Maybe he shouldn't have listened to the Taoist ancestors discussing Taoism in the first place. Through the Donghuang Bell, he could realize his own path. It was just a matter of time.

But if this is the case, the military advantage he has established in the past will be gone.

Heaven will never be what it is today.

Taiyi thought about it, and finally sighed in his heart. He could only say that each has its own pros and cons.

Fuxi was still confused as to why Guiyuan's great improvement in cultivation was at Fengqi Mountain.

But Kunpeng looked depressed. The Liangzi he had formed with Guiyuan would definitely be settled one day, and he wouldn't know how to deal with it at that time.

Thinking of this, Kunpeng said seriously: "Your Majesty, maybe we can discuss it with the Witch Clan. That time all the witchcraft weapons of the Twelve Ancestral Witches of the Witch Clan fell into Guiyuan's hands.

This time is a relatively good opportunity. If we discuss taking action together, the Wu clan will definitely take action. "

When Di Jun listened to Kunpeng's words, he naturally knew what Kunpeng was thinking, but this was actually his intention as well. He nodded, "Demon Master, let me go this time."


Zhu Jiuyin and Hou Tu were walking side by side. Zhu Jiuyin looked at Hou Tu, who was thoughtful, and said, "Could it be that Zhen Yuanzi who is still talking to you?"

"Yes. Second brother, after a while I want to go out and travel around the ancient world. Although we are the descendants of Father God, I haven't had a good look at this ancient land."

Hou Tu nodded, and she told Zhu Jiuyin what she had talked about with Zhen Yuanzi.

Because only Zhu Jiuyin would understand her thoughts, and the eldest brother was indeed a good brother to protect them.

But the eldest brother is not only their eldest brother, but also the leader of the entire Wu Clan. In some aspects, he must consider the Wu Clan.

But although the second brother also considers the Wu clan, he does not need to bear a lot of great righteousness.

"Is this your way?" Zhu Jiuyin did not reprimand Hou Tu, but asked with a smile.

"I don't know, I don't know if it is. But I feel like it is."

"Of course. Among the many brothers and sisters, you have not been polluted by too much turbidity. Although the Wu clan is naturally powerful, if you want to enter the ninth rank, you need the combination of pure and turbid.

Among us, you are the most likely. You are the last hope of the Witch Clan. "

When Hou Tu heard Zhu Jiuyin's words, he was a little surprised and asked: "Second brother, do you know anything?"

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