"I know that the Wu Clan is bound to decline." Zhu Jiu said in a dark voice, "Since I have mastered the law of time, why can't I go through time and go to the future to see whether our Wu Clan is what we think it is.

On behalf of Father God, he is protecting the wilderness. "

"But in the countless tributaries of time, I only saw the blood of the ancestral witches, and the entire prehistoric land was plunged into catastrophe because of us.

Although I don’t know what kind of catastrophe it was, since then I can’t even see the Wu clan surviving in the world. Only a few of our Wu clan still exist. "

Zhu Jiuyin took a deep breath and continued: "As for the other brothers and sisters who can't see clearly among the time tributaries of the Witch Clan's survival, little sister, you definitely exist."

"If second brother knows the result, why don't you tell the many brothers and sisters. We can still change!" Hou Tu did not expect that Zhu Jiuyin had already used magical powers to go to the 'future'

"How to say it? We are bound to fail. Your tribe does not like disputes. Although it has the smallest territory and the smallest number of people, it is not disliked by others.

But the remaining tribes were extremely warlike, also known as bloodthirsty, and were irreversible.

Especially the eldest brother, now he has begun to compete with Di Jun for the fate of humanity. If we give in, even if we are fine, the eldest brother will definitely die.

The battle with the demon clan can only continue, and we will accept our defeat. But if it comes to other things, the younger sister can do what she wants. "

"But I haven't found my way yet."

"Didn't Zhen Yuanzi tell you?"

"Zhen Yuanzi also said it vaguely. He is also looking for..."

"If there is no guide, how will he know that he is on the wrong path?" Zhu Jiuyin was a little confused at this moment. He thought it was Zhen Yuanzi who was giving guidance.

Now it seems there is someone else.

"He didn't say."

"Zhen Yuanzi... I heard from below that Zhen Yuanzi doesn't like to interact with each other. He only has contact with Hongyun and Guiyuan. Could it be one of these two people."

Zhu Jiuyin mentioned the word "Guiyuan".

Hou Tu couldn't help but ask: "What if it's Guiyuan?"

Because Zhu Jiuyin had told her before coming.

Depending on the timing this time, it is very likely that we will take action against Guiyuan.

Even if it was necessary to use the Dutian Shensha Formation before, Hou Tu could only be said to be unaware of it, and she was not the leading party.

But now, although according to Zhu Jiuyin's prediction, it is likely that Hongyun and Guiyuan will choose.

But looking at it, the person who pointed out Zhen Yuanzi was most likely Guiyuan, the most mysterious person in the entire prehistoric period.

Although Hongyun and the others don't have much contact with each other, they are good-natured and good-natured people.

But it’s really not certain how high the realm is.

If he was really that powerful, it wouldn't be like being under house arrest in Wuzhuang Temple now.

The two walked in silence for a while, and Hou Tu took a deep breath. She was also a member of the Wu Clan, and she knew clearly that Guiyuan had a bad impression of the Wu Clan.

This is a bridge that was forged a long, long time ago.

The main reason is that Xing Tian, ​​who originally belonged to her tribe, also went there and even recovered after being beaten for a long time. She had to personally assist in his treatment, otherwise.

It may take some time to recover.

If she took action, she could only rely on her discussions and conversations with Zhen Yuanzi to gain insights. Zhen Yuanzi seemed to be worried about something, so he didn't explain many things to her.

Thinking about it this way, the most likely way to guide Zhen Yuanzi is to return to Yuan.

This time is also one of the best times to take action against Guiyuan. Even if Guiyuan cannot be killed, it is still beneficial to use this to force him to get back the witchcraft of the twelve ancestral witches.

It would be wrong to say that for the sake of her own Tao, her many brothers and sisters who came from the same origin would be harmed together.

Zhu Jiuyin took two steps and suddenly said with a smile: "In that case, let Yuan Yima be released this time. After this calamity, little sister, you can also go to the Queen Mother of the West.

You have no quarrels with Queen Mother Xi on weekdays. After discussing the pros and cons, she should introduce you to Guiyuan. "

Hou Tu hesitated and said: "But..."

"Don't say goodbye. I will tell my eldest brother and the others, and do you think I think so, and the other brothers and sisters won't think about you if they know your difficulties?

You have to believe them! Do not worry. "

Zhu Jiuyin stared at Hou Tu seriously and said: "We come from the same origin, blood is connected with blood, and tendons are connected with tendons. Like when we attacked Guiyuan, it was also for our brothers and sisters.

But now we don't take action against Guiyuan, it's for the sake of our brothers and sisters! "

Houtu nodded slightly.

After the two came to Pangu Hall, they found that besides the other ten ancestral witches, there was another person. When Zhu Jiuyin saw this person, he said quietly: "Kunpeng? Are you not afraid of dying here if you come here alone?"

The one coming is Kunpeng.

Kunpeng said with a smile: "Although Wu Ting and Heaven are indeed the biggest enemies, I am not Your Majesty. Killing me will indeed weaken the power of Heaven.

The problem is, it's not necessary. And you may not be able to kill me.

Don't dwell on this matter for now. I'm here to talk to the nobles on behalf of Heaven. "

Zhu Jiuyin sat back quietly and said quietly: "If you want us to deal with Guiyuan together, then let's do it.

Our Wu clan is upright and upright.

If it were a frontal battlefield, we would definitely take action. Even if he fell into siege, it was his own fault, but now he is in doom.

To take action now is to take advantage of others' danger.

We, the witch clan, are of the bloodline of Father God and would not do such despicable things. Not everyone is your demon clan, who takes advantage of people's dangers when their fetal eggs are wetted. "

When Kunpeng heard Zhu Jiuyin's words, he squinted his eyes and could tell that "wetness of fetal egg" was the four words he hated the most, just because of these four words.

He was disgraced among the many great supernatural powers, and he also disgraced the chance of becoming a saint! !

If it was about other things, Kunpeng would leave with a flick of his sleeves.

But the enemy he is targeting now is Guiyuan.

He could only endure this tone and said with a smile: "Last time Guiyuan took advantage of someone's danger, now is the opportunity, why don't we attack him together.

Daozu only said that the two sides were not allowed to use a large formation to fight, but he did not say that they could not deal with someone together.

And looking at the situation, it seems that Daozu is not very satisfied with Guiyuan.

No matter how you look at it, there are benefits to taking action this time. Even if you can't kill him, you can still use this as a threat to get your own things back. "

"I told you not to talk. If you don't leave, you will leave your body here."

Zhu Jiuyin stared at Kunpeng and said coldly, the law of time began to surge, Kunpeng still refused to give up and asked: "How about you guys discuss it again, maybe you can change your mind after discussing it."

Although Zhu Rong and Gonggong didn't know why Zhu Jiuyin suddenly objected to what they had just said, they believed that Zhu Jiuyin and Zhu Jiuyin would never harm the Wu clan.

It's like they will never harm the Witch Clan.

"Since my second brother has said it, we will not take action this time! Kunpeng, your tactics of sowing discord may have a great effect on your demon clan, but for us.

Not even close. "

After Di Jiang finished speaking, the surge of space laws suddenly turned into layers of space barriers and smashed towards Kunpeng.

Kunpeng seemed to have been prepared for a long time. Kunpeng flew out of the nest and enveloped him, turning into a flash of spiritual light and escaping, leaving an angry voice in the air, "You brainless barbarians!"

The ancestral witches laughed when they saw Kunpeng running away in confusion. They didn't want to keep Kunpeng behind. Since Kunpeng dared to come, he must have arranged his methods long ago.

Even if Di Jiang took action, he just wanted to see Kunpeng's joke.

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