"I'm here for my Taoist friends from the Wu Clan."

The smile on Guiyuan's face disappeared, "Fellow Taoist Taoist Master, don't you know the grudges between me and the Wu Clan? Moreover, when the Immortal Court attacked the Wu Clan, how many people from the Immortal Courtyard were killed by them with the Twelve Heavenly Gods Formation?

If not, you might not lose in the battle between immortals and demons, and the Witch Clan showed no mercy when they attacked you. Become a lobbyist for Hou Tu? "

Seeing Guiyuan's expression, Queen Mother Xi quickly explained: "Fellow Taoist Houtu is a kind-hearted person, and all the previous incidents were due to the actions of the Wu clan. She is also the ancestral witch of the Wu clan, so it is inevitable to take action.

Moreover, that time in the Immortal Courtyard could only be regarded as a Taoist struggle, and our skills were inferior to others...

When the fellow Taoist was going through the tribulation, it was Zhu Jiuyin who stopped the other ancestral shamans from using large formations to attack the fellow Taoist. He also denied the proposal to join forces with Heavenly Court to attack fellow Taoists..."

Guiyuan heard that it turned out to be because of this.

Zhu Jiuyin and Hou Tu should also have figured out that he was the one who gave guidance to Zhen Yuanzi in the first place.

But Guiyuan said coldly, "This has nothing to do with me. Besides, even if they did it, there is really no guarantee who will win and who will lose."

Although he does want to unite the two local people to deal with Hongjun.

But do you want to settle the cause and effect in just a few words?

The Wu clan thinks too much.

Queen Mother Xi knew from Guiyuan's tone that the matter was not that simple.

He turned over his hands and took out several things, "The Kunwu sword, the sky-swallowing jar, and the ninth-grade white lotus were all brought out by Zhu Jiuyin. This is limited to this discussion, not to settle the past feud."

"And this."

The Queen Mother of the West waved her hand, and a drop of blood floated in the air. In this drop of blood, countless avenues ran rampant, and all the mysteries of heaven and earth spread from the blood.

There seems to be an invisible force of suppression all around, and many laws are echoing it.

"Pangu essence and blood?"

This breath of Guiyuan is very familiar.

He didn't know how much Pangu Daoyun had absorbed. If Hefei wasn't a direct descendant of Pangu, he would be considered the most authentic among the authentic.

He didn't expect that the witch clan would actually use Pangu's essence and blood. You must know that their twelve ancestral witches were transformed from Pangu's essence and blood, but the purity may be much higher than the blood from the Queen Mother of the West.

But this is also the essence and blood of Pangu.

If placed in the ancient world, it would be a supreme treasure. Just this drop is more precious than the three things the Queen Mother of the West took out just now.

"This is the last thing that the Wu Clan can come up with. Please ask Fellow Daoist Guiyuan to point me to Houtu once!"


Guiyuan was thinking that reincarnation is inevitable, and only Hou Tu can incarnate in reincarnation. Hou Tu will definitely be the master of the tunnel. It is very likely that this is the escape path left by Pangu for the Wu clan.

After all, the Sanqing and the Twelve Ancestral Witches are both descendants of Pangu. The Sanqing has obtained the position of the three heavenly saints as the Pangu Zongzong, and the Twelve Ancestral Witches will not all fall.

Pangu at the moment after the creation of heaven.

Guiyuan suspected that Pangu at that time had reached the great realm of being mysterious and mysterious, wonderful and wonderful, empty and empty, and empty and empty, even if he only stayed at that moment.

That is also a magical power, and he might be able to see what will happen in the future.

That's why in the end, reincarnation is left behind.

Now that the Witch Clan's bargaining chip has been reached, telling Hou Tu about reincarnation can only be regarded as a matter of smooth flow. He is just thinking about what impact it will have if reincarnation appears early?

'But it doesn't seem to matter to me if I don't advance in advance, and I must have contributed a lot by guiding the tunnel to be born. Even if Hou Tu is the master of the tunnel, he can't beat me at will.

Not to mention that Zhen Yuanzi is still restricting it. ’

Guiyuan rubbed his eyebrows. It was really complicated. He also wanted to think about who was the most likely candidate for the human saint or the authentic saint.


Guiyuan put away these four things, and Queen Mother Xi secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Houtu had interacted with her in the past.

So this time when Hou Tu asked her to do something, she was also worried.

Naturally, she also knew about the grudge between Guiyuan and the Wu clan.

Hou Tu also made it clear to her, but originally Hou Tu only wanted to use the drop of Pangu's essence and blood to make a deal.

The first three things were reminded by the Queen Mother of the West, like the Kunwu Sword, which is an innate spiritual treasure.

The Sky-Swallowing Jar and the Ninth-grade White Lotus are also innate high-grade spiritual treasures.

This was her biggest bargaining chip for Guiyuan, but she couldn't figure out why Hou Tu would need Guiyuan's guidance.

The path taken by the Wu clan is completely different from that of Guiyuan.

Could it be that the Witch Clan also wants to return to the Yuan Dynasty to teach the way to temper the physical body?

"Just tell them to come to Beihai to find me. I won't go to that witch clan."

"It's natural."

Seeing that Queen Mother Xi had not left, Guiyuan asked, "Do you have anything else to do, fellow Taoist?"

The Queen Mother of the West appeared at random, covering the surrounding area, shielding the secrets of heaven. There was also a spiritual treasure purifying bowl, and she spread countless spiritual water to cover the surrounding area. Guiyuan saw the Queen Mother of the West using such methods.

"Want to kill someone?"

This method is often used before killing people to avoid being connected to the cause and effect and to wake up the person who is about to suffer the cause and effect.

For existences above Da Luo.

The Taoist mind is alert and it is normal to have a whim.

If he is discovered, he will soon be able to find out who is trying to harm him based on the causal line.

Therefore, as long as it is not during a calamity, the calamity energy enters the brain and blocks the soul.

It is extremely difficult for Da Luo to fall.


Queen Mother Xi nodded.




Guiyuan raised his eyebrows. Did he remember that Ran Deng was not from Xianting?

Queen Mother Xi said softly: "Although we were already defeated, Ke Randeng actually escaped from the battlefield. Now, even though Immortal Court is gone, I think this cause and effect still needs to be settled."

Guiyuan looked at the Queen Mother of the West and said, "That is a quasi-sage. Even if it is just a corpse, now that the Immortal Court has disappeared, the cause and effect is not involved in the catastrophe. Once we get close, we can easily find it."

"I just need to be clear in my heart. If he dies, all the spiritual treasures in his hands will belong to fellow Taoists."

Guiyuan frowned. The main identity of Ran Deng was not simple. Although he seemed to be just a defector from the Immortal Court, he later joined the Chan Sect and became the deputy leader, and then joined the Western Sect and became the Past Buddha.

Although he is not a saint, he is a favorable candidate for the position of "the first person among saints".


But he suddenly thought that he would face Ran Deng in the future. After this guy killed Zhao Gongming, the twenty-four Dinghai Divine Pearls would be refined by him into the twenty-four heavens.

"But I will only stop him and those who want to save him. If you want to kill him, Taoist Taoist Taoist disciples have to do it yourself."

"This is nature. This is the cause and effect within our Immortal Court." Queen Mother of the West nodded.

There is a mountain in the ancient times, and its name is Lingjiu!

The mountains are undulating, corresponding to the Big Dipper at the top and the Nine Palaces and the Earth at the bottom. The starlight shines in the netherworld and gathers the boundless earth energy. It is Yin, not evil, divine and holy.

There is a cave in Lingjiu Peak.

It's called Yuanjue.

In the cave sky, a Taoist body is sitting cross-legged and practicing, surrounded by fairy light and rising mist. It is an extraordinary sight.

At this time, a little spiritual light flew up and fell into his hand, but it was a spiritual lamp. The flame of the lamp was dancing smartly, sending out bursts of chill.

It is one of the three great lanterns in ancient times, the coffin lantern, an innate spiritual treasure!

"How to kill the evil corpse!"

Ran Deng opened his eyes, full of distress. Although he had also listened to Zixiao Palace's sermon, it was only now that he used the coffin lamp connected to his own Qi to cut out the good corpse.

There has been no sign of the evil corpse.

That's why he joined the Immortal Court before. Although he received the Heavenly Ruler as a reward, he was also assigned the position of four imperial guards to divide his luck. Although his cultivation was still advancing, his magic power was also increasing.

But it just happened that there was no sign of killing his own evil corpse.

He also asked Duke Dong for advice, and Duke Dong explained to him once that evil corpses need to find their own path and release their evil thoughts on the path they walk on.

When it is most vigorous, use the spirit treasure to cut it out.

However, Ran Deng has not yet truly understood his own path.

Thinking of this, Ran Deng was thinking about whether to walk through the wilderness and talk to people about finding his own path, but he still sat down again.

"Now that the court is powerful, if I'm discovered, I won't be able to escape the ringing of a bell. I'd better wait."

Ran Deng shook his head. He was responsible for controlling the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation at the beginning. Even if he escaped in the end, he would definitely be a thorn in the side of Heaven. If he was discovered by Heaven.

I can't bear the sound of Taiyi's bell.

It’s better to stay in your own Yuanjue Cave and realize it carefully.


At this moment, a figure fell in front of his Yuanjue Cave. Ran Deng, who had just closed his eyes, suddenly opened his eyes, looked at the person and stood up quickly and said, "I have seen the Fairy Mother."

"Now that the fairy court has dispersed, there is no need to call me fairy mother anymore."

Queen Mother Xi looked at Ran Deng quietly, a little panicked at him, and couldn't help but ask, "I wonder why fellow Taoist Taizhen came to see me?"

"In the battle between immortals and monsters, we ignored our own gains and consequences, and even broke away from the core of the formation at the critical moment and escaped. It's a shame that we still believe in you so much and leave the core of the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation to your master. "

Ran Deng looked sad, "I was also heartbroken by the fall of the Immortal Emperor in that battle, but at that time it was already powerless. If I persisted, more fellow Taoists would only die, and even fellow Taoist Taizhen might even be killed." All will die.

I just want to avoid stubborn resistance and causing more fellow Taoists to die in catastrophe.

Why did you come to escape? "

"Go away, quibble!"

Queen Mother Xi was no longer too lazy to argue with Ran Deng. She came here just to clear her mind, not to talk about right and wrong.

And there are inherent problems with this statement.

How to avoid losing too badly and surrender early.

After saying that, two channels of gold and fire appeared in his hand, and the gold and fire killed and turned into weapons.

Countless golden energy condensed, fire energy spread, and countless swords and weapons appeared. It looked like a divine light, not weak to the spiritual treasure.

The entire Yuanjue Cave Heaven shook crazily under these weapons, as if it was about to be shattered.

"Damn it! Fellow Taoist Taoist Taoist, you are too unreasonable!" Ran Deng did not expect that Queen Mother Xi immediately took action without saying a word. Judging from the situation, she planned to kill him directly here.

The light in the coffin lamp spread, and the endless innate Taoist culture formed a dark sun, bombarding towards the attack of the Queen Mother of the West, and at the same time, the figure flashed out of the Yuanjue Cave.

"Why do you think so? Why do you want to run away from the battlefield?"

Queen Mother Xi followed closely. When Ran Deng blocked Queen Mother Xi's attack, he knew that he couldn't bear it forcefully. He would definitely not be able to defeat Queen Mother Xi.

His only chance of survival is to find someone who can block the Queen Mother of the West for him.

Thanks to Boundless Blood Sea and Immortal Demon Ancestor for the 588 reward

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