The ancient giant turtle: his understanding is incredible, join the chat group

Chapter 188 What does it have to do with me? Cause and effect will be calculated later


The sky and the earth shone with countless Taoist laws, and thousands of innate spiritual energies condensed into a large formation. They overlapped one after another, and the Yin, Yang, and Five Elements of time and space were blocked and suppressed.


Ran Deng instantly hit the layer of formations that shrouded the outside, and the entire spiritual light stopped. Ran Deng's Taoist body reappeared inside the spiritual light, feeling the extremely solid time and space now.

With magic power alone, he could no longer escape.

next moment.

The coffin lamp transformed into a figure, and instantly rushed towards Queen Mother Xi who was rushing up. Queen Mother Xi kept her expression expressionless, and two figures instantly appeared from behind her.

He rushed towards the good corpse who was burning the lamp.

This is the magic of the method of killing three corpses. When you kill one corpse, it is like having an incarnation of the clone. They have the same understanding, but they have different temperaments.

A good person is cautious in his words and deeds, and follows every step, like a tireless seeker.

The evil corpse is arrogant and unrestrained, like a seeker running rampant on the highway.

Both are seekers of the truth, they just say it in different ways.

"Randeng, you'd better stay here obediently."

The evil corpse of the Queen Mother of the West, Master Taiyin sneered. He turned his hand and the water purifying bowl turned into endless spiritual water. This water was not ordinary water, but the nine-day weak water that could purify the bones of immortals and transform the soul of immortals.

The Sky Measurement Ruler appeared in Ran Deng's hand. Countless space laws emerged from the Measurement Sky Ruler and enveloped him. The next moment, Ran Deng's face changed in shock. The Measure Sky Ruler was the most precious treasure in space.

Unable to escape from this formation.

However, the power of the Heavenly Ruler also makes the spiritual treasure hidden in it emerge. A pair of tortoise shells, which at a glance make you feel that it is eternal and immortal.

The measuring ruler measured the heaven and the earth, and the effect of hundreds of millions of miles was suppressed in an instant in front of this tortoise shell.

"Return to Yuan!"

Ran Deng looked shocked. When he saw the tortoise shell, he knew who had sealed off the surrounding world.

Among the many sacred beings in Beihai, this is the most untouchable existence.

A person has offended the Witch Court, the Immortal Court, and the Heaven Court and is still alive and well.

An existence that can stir up the entire prehistoric situation with one person.

Apart from him, even the strongest member of the Black Turtle clan cannot stop him.

Guiyuan looked at Ran Deng quietly, but his eyes fell more on the coffin lamp in the hand of the good corpse in Ran Deng. This coffin lamp was the human lamp among the three lamps of heaven, earth and man.

It can be regarded as the most precious treasure among human beings.

The flames inside can see the lifespan of creatures in the prehistoric times, and can also burn their lifespans. It is just that burning the lifespan may only be useful to immortals below the Daluo, but it is useless for those above the Daluo.

However, looking at the lifespan of creatures in the ancient times, it can be matched with the "human book" book of life and death.

"And the measuring ruler, the treasure of space, is pretty good."

Guiyuan nodded, Ran Deng had a lot of good things in his hands, and the harvest was good.

"Two fellow Taoists, save me!"

The moment Ran Deng saw Gui Yuan, he knew that he could not escape. Although Gui Yuan seemed to be just sealing off the surrounding space and time, suppressing any magical treasures that wanted to escape from the space.

But if he were to face the Queen Mother of the West, he wouldn't be able to defeat her.

Ran Deng couldn't help shouting.

next moment.

Infinite golden light appeared at this moment.

Seven colors bloomed in the sky and earth, turning into a colorful entangled divine light that rushed towards the returned Hunyuan tortoise shell. The space around the colorful light shook, and the five elements disappeared, as if all the barriers of time and space were dissolving.

When Ran Deng saw the colorful divine light, hope filled his eyes.

"Fellow Taoist Zhunti!"

But when the colorful divine light that seemed to stir up time and space and sway the five elements hit the Hunyuan tortoise shell, it all dissolved and turned into countless light rains, condensing innate Taoist texts and scattering around.

The smile on the face of the figure who just appeared from the void froze.

The visitor stepped on all the celebrating clouds, surrounded by gorgeous golden light, like a gathering of grace and splendor in the world. He held a branch inlaid with seven kinds of divine gold in his hand, "Fellow Taoist, please be merciful!"

There is another person next to him, sitting on a twelve-grade golden lotus. His eyes look like he is sleeping but not sleeping, and his face looks like he is suffering but not suffering.

"Zhunti, take the lead!"

When Queen Mother Xi saw these two people, she stopped and said in a cold voice: "I have no enmity with you. Are you going to save Ran Deng and have a grudge against me today?"

As he spoke, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

These two people from the West are saints appointed by the Taoist ancestors. If they are offended this time.

I'm afraid it won't be easy to get along with him in the future.

"Fellow Taoist Taizhen, please be patient and calm. Fellow Taoist Randeng has a predestined relationship with us in the West. We can have a good chat about any karma or grievances.

There is no need to take action. Now that the catastrophe is imminent, it will not be easy for Taoist friends to escape from the catastrophe. Don't let them fall into the catastrophe again because of the killing calamity. "

"Taizhen, keep fighting. I want to see what these two guys can do."

Guiyuan stopped in front of Zhunti and Jieying quietly. Others were afraid of these two so-called destined saints, but he was not afraid.

The return of these two guys as saints is clearer than anyone else.

To be honest, the two of them have the luck of the West and they do have some footwork and understanding.


It is not certain who will be the second sage in the West. They are not as good as Sanqing in terms of heel and foot, and they are not as good as Nuwa in terms of understanding and opportunity.

It's just that maybe they were just a little bit close, and Luo Hu's self-destruction destroyed the West, and Hongjun had to repay the cause and effect, making them worthy of becoming saints.


When the Queen Mother of the West heard this, she immediately continued to attack and killed Ran Deng.

With a squeeze in Zhunti's hand, the Qibao Miaoshu brushed towards the Queen Mother of the West, but the next moment it was blocked by the Hunyuan tortoise shell.

Zhunti's eyes fell on Guiyuan and said secretly: "Fellow Taoist, are you trying to make things difficult for us? If we can let this matter go, we will be rewarded in the future when we become saints."

"What does it have to do with me? Let's not talk about whether you can become a saint. The cause and effect will be determined later.

But you guys are really shameless. You haven't even become saints yet and you're using your name to fight against others. "

Guiyuan stared at the two Zhunti people. As he said before, for the West, the two Zhunti people are indeed of immeasurable merit, and the entire West must thank them for their merits.

Guiyuan also admitted that these two people did have something.

But first of all, this thing cannot be used on him.

Zhunti's expression remained normal, and just as he was about to say something, Ran Deng, who was shrouded in Hunyuan tortoise shell, let out a scream. It turned out that the good corpse had been surrounded and killed by the two Taoist bodies of the Queen Mother of the West, and turned into a coffin lamp again and returned to Ran Deng's hands. .

"It hurts me too much!!"

Ran Deng yelled that this was a Dao injury, and he could only rely on time and the help of his own Daluo Dao Fruit to heal continuously, "Fellow Daoist Zhunti, guide fellow Daoist, help! If I can survive this calamity, I am willing to join the West!"

Zhunti looked at his senior brother and opened his eyes this time.

"Fellow Taoist, please do it for your convenience!"

"Either get out or fight!"

Guiyuan said lightly, the three flowers behind him were fully displayed, and the infinite Tao Yun fell behind him at this moment, transforming into a boundless giant turtle, roaring into the sky, and space and time vibrated.

The ground around him trembled, and countless divine lights seemed to emerge.

Zhunti made the two of them look at each other. Now that they were on top, they had to try even if they couldn't beat him. Moreover, the laws that the two brothers mastered were miraculous.

With the addition of Lingbao, it is really impossible to defeat him.

"Then we, the two senior fellow apprentices, will ask fellow Taoist Guiyuan for advice!"

As soon as Zhunti finished speaking, the Seven Treasures Tree in his hand kept dancing, and countless colorful divine lights brushed towards Guiyuan's Taoist body.

The spiritual light emitted by the Seven Treasures Tree can 'brush' all things, which means that it can pollute its five elements, destroy its spirit, and then collect it. It acts on the spiritual treasure to make it seem that the spiritual treasure can no longer be used.

If the target is a living being, then the cultivation base may be wiped out.

On the other side, countless laws emerged in Jie Yin's body, like a dream or an illusion. In an instant, it seemed that a supreme heaven and earth emerged, which seemed to exist but not exist, and seemed to be empty but not empty.

A large world slammed towards Guiyuan.

"Nice magical power."

Guiyuan nodded in praise. The understanding of these two people is just not as good as that of Nuwa, but among the many innate saints in the ancient world, they are indeed superior, "But that's all!"

‘Heaven and earth are always quiet! ’

In an instant, countless Taoist scriptures emerged from the sky and the earth, and infinite power suppressed them. The colorful divine light like a torrential rain all disappeared, and the dream world burst like a bubble meeting the light.

"Punch me!"

The true fire of the phoenix emerged, the sky thunder bloomed, and a fist seal instantly condensed on Guiyuan's fist, seeming to suppress the world and destroy the world.


The golden lotus that led him to sit down bloomed with golden light, and the golden light of immeasurable merit exploded.

Fist and light meet!

'boom! ’

Countless aftermaths crazily shattered the surrounding space barriers, yin and yang separated, the five elements were reversed, and the sound of crackling sounded in the void.

Jie Yin's face turned bitter, and the long river of time emerged behind him. Among them, a supreme being grasped a bitter bamboo tightly and threw it towards Guiyuan's Tao body. If it was hit, the six roots would be pure and there would be no more thoughts. The soul would be destroyed and only Like a bamboo body.

'Snapped! ’

A large flag emerged, and the laws of water around it condensed, covering the sky and turning into countless water mist. It seemed to be extinguished with a blow, but in reality it was extremely tough, blocking the bitter bamboo queen.

On the other side, the demon-subduing pestle appeared in Zhunti's hand, and he hit Guiyuan's head with immense force.


Guiyuan hit the flying demon pestle with one punch. Is this kind of strength worthy of wrestling with him?

The Demonic Pestle flew back, and Zhunti looked at the Demonic Pestle that was constantly flashing spiritual light with distress. The Demonic Pestle was deformed after this punch, and Guiyuan did not care about Jieyin's magical power.

Go up alone.

He growled lowly, "Golden Lotus of Merit? Didn't Hongjun tell you that you will easily fall if you meddle in other people's business?!"

On Guiyuan's fist, the divine light of chaos continued to emerge, and the mighty power that was like the creation of the world was blessing it. Jieyin's face suddenly changed, "Not good!"

But it was too late.


Guiyuan punched Jie Yin and Zhunti, who were protected by the Golden Lotus of Merit.

In an instant.


The endless power shattered crazily, and the surrounding space and time trembled. Even the twelfth-grade golden lotus of merit instantly swayed and dimmed under this attack.

Jieyin and Zhunti reacted quickly, and the two corpses of good and evil appeared but melted into nothingness in an instant.

Only Daluo Daoguo is still here.

The sky and the earth have changed, the sun and the moon have lost their light, the universe has turned upside down, and it seems that only the unparalleled figure of Gui Yuan remains between the heaven and the earth.

In Guiyuan's hand, there were two lotus petals and a piece of green bamboo, which were torn off from the Golden Lotus of Merit and broken from the Bitter Bamboo.

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