Venerable Golden Spider growled, but things are not just what he wants.

Even if Shi Yi tried his best to activate his heavy pupils, he was still beaten to the point of death by Shi Hao.

next moment.

Guiyuan flicked his hand, and all the spiders in Demonic Lake that were watching the battle were instantly wiped out. Countless spider hairs were seen flying back like crazy pear blossoms in a rainstorm, and stuck in the bodies of many spiders in Demonic Lake.

Venerable Golden Spider screamed, "Why is the ancestral weapon out of control?"

Countless blood mist erupted, and everyone in Demon Spirit Lake was strangled.

"Just watch the game and do so many tricks."

Guiyuan said calmly.

"And this old man, who can claim it? He walks around in front of me and really thinks I'm blind?"

Guiyuan turned his hand and threw out an old man with disheveled white hair covering his face. His eyes were white and his breath was gone, but everyone who knew this man was silent. of

"Mr. Zhong!"

Yuechan couldn't help but exclaimed when she saw this, Granny Xihua stared at Guiyuan and said coldly: "Your Excellency, you actually dare to kill me, the elder of Butian Sect?"

Guiyuan took a look, and the divine light flashed, and Granny Xihua's figure disappeared in an instant.

"Damn it! Who dares to offend my Butian Sect!"

With a low roar, a supreme spirit instantly appeared in the virtual god world, and its aura shook the surroundings.

Not only that, several supreme figures appeared together, and their power was pressed towards Guiyuan and Shi Hao.

"Shi Hao, keep fighting! I want to see what those people want to do!"

Guiyuan left the Virtual God Realm instantly.

The true body manifests in the outside world, absorbs the sun, moon and stars, steps on the earth, evolves countless creatures in the body, and combines the great formation of the ancient world and the great formation of ten thousand immortals.

"Butian Cult? You really live too long."

A vast figure appeared in the sky and earth, like a legendary giant standing tall on the sky and the earth. He took one step forward and chased the stars and the moon. The extremely vast distance to ordinary people was instantly crossed.

In an instant, he crossed several domains and broke through the domain barriers, arriving in the cosmic domain.

Staring at these figures, all of them are in the divine fire realm.

Almost all of them were the forces that Shi Hao offended at the beginning, such as the Rain Clan, Butian Sect, Sea Clan, Ancient Sacred Mountain, etc...

"Damn it, who are you? You dare to kill me, the elder of the Butian Sect, through the False God Realm! Our Butian Sect is the orthodoxy of the Butian Sect in the upper realm and the Lower Realm..."


Guiyuan was too lazy to explain. In an instant, the aura of the original Venerable Realm surged, and countless flames emerged in an instant.

"What is this guy doing?"

The Yu Clan's Divine Fire was stunned. He was the one who pulled the strings during this hunt for Guiyuan and gathered several Divine Fires. This guy must be an invincible being in the Venerable Realm.

But it doesn't mean that he can deal with the divine fire realm.

There is a world of difference between igniting the divine fire and the realm of the venerable.

"This guy is lighting the divine fire! Do it quickly!"

The divine fire of the Butian Sect was an old man. He roared, and countless secret techniques exploded in his hands. This guy was already invincible at the Venerable level and could even fight with the divine fire. What if he stepped into the divine fire?

The other divine fire realms also took action instantly.

But a giant turtle instantly enveloped Guiyuan, and countless attacks hit the giant turtle like fireworks without causing any ripples.

Guiyuan felt that the Tao fire that allowed Shi Hao to escape death was not even as high as the prehistoric spiritual fire.

Opening his mouth to swallow, he swallowed all the Dao Fire into his body. In an instant, the world became dark, and countless thunderbolts appeared in the sky. The Butian Sect's Divine Fire Realm looked at the endless power of the Thunder Tribulation in the sky, and the thunder enveloped the entire universe.

All the creatures in the universe looked up at the sudden change in the sky. The endless thunder inexplicably felt as if their hearts were being pressed down by a huge boulder.

"This kind of thunder calamity can be seen throughout the universe. What is this guy's background?"

"He will die now. No one can survive this kind of thunder disaster!"

"Even if he survives, his remaining strength will not be much stronger. He will be able to deal with it easily when the time comes!"

What happened next moment made their original excitement suddenly sink.

Guiyuan looked up and saw the so-called strongest thunder tribulation. The aura on it was not even comparable to a purple sky divine thunder. The shadow of the giant turtle behind him expanded crazily in an instant.

The giant turtle that was originally just like a huge mountain suddenly turned into a boundless giant turtle that shook mountains and rivers and swallowed up the world. At this time, everyone in the Divine Fire Realm was stunned.

"The existence that covered the wilderness back then was you!"

A long time ago, an infinite giant turtle appeared in the wilderness. It could be seen in the Shiwan Desolate Mountains and could even be seen in other nearby areas. Butian Sect also sent people to explore it.

But nothing was found. There was even a great terror in the barren mountains. Some teams were silent after entering. Even if the venerable went to investigate, he could not find any relevant information.

And the giant turtle never appeared again.

Until Shi Hao used the Giant Turtle Treasure Technique in Kunpeng's Nest, some people thought it was the same supreme inheritance. However, when Guiyuan, the royal capital of the Stone Kingdom, appeared, they did not think it was Guiyuan.

Because that breath is definitely not something that the Venerable can reach.

At best, Guiyuan can be regarded as a member of that supreme inheritance.

It wasn't until now that they felt the aura overflowing from Guiyuan Day, which even caused their divine fire to float and their Tao seeds to vibrate, that they knew that the giant turtle was really this person.

The boundless giant turtle sucked water like a dragon. Countless thunders were turned into whirlpools by the huge suction force and were swallowed by the giant turtle.

At the same time, the aura of Guiyuan was expanding crazily, penetrating the sun, moon and stars, shaking the heavens.

"Are you ready to die?"

When Guiyuan Ruzhen is alive, looking down at these divine fires, there are differences among the same divine fires. Even when he is in the venerable realm, he can cast divine fires.

Let alone now.

"Where does this person come from? Could it be that he was an ancient being who went against the will of heaven and rebuilt it?"

After Butian Sect Shenhuo learned that Guiyuan was the giant turtle that once appeared briefly in the pan, he knew that this person was powerless.

After hearing Guiyuan's words, he smiled and said: "Fellow Taoist, I am..."

"Why are you so arrogant in front of you and respectful in the back? It's making you laugh! It's too slow."

Guiyuan didn't bother to explain. Anyway, when Shi Hao reaches the Venerable Realm, he will go to the Upper Realm. This Divine Fire Realm is not very effective for him. Now Shi Hao's last calamity in the Lower Realm is when the Seven Gods descend to earth.


It is also possible that it is not just the Seven Gods, but that these Taoist traditions have a way to communicate with the upper world. Shi Hao is now even more talented than before. Originally, the Seven Gods came down to earth just to clean up the Eight Realms.

If Shi Hao's reputation spreads to the upper world, more may exist by then.

However, today's Shi Hao is much better than the original, and no matter how miserable he is, he will not be as miserable as the original.

Moreover, after this incident, he was going to the upper world. Liu Shen also told him that she would also leave Shicun after this incident.

Find opportunities to restore yourself in the eight realms.

With a flip of his hand, the sky and the earth shook, and the sky that was still daytime suddenly turned dark. Countless stars appeared in the sky, and the power of the stars suddenly condensed in Guiyuan's hands.

It turned into a starlight giant sword that appeared in the prehistoric times and slashed towards many divine fires.

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