Seeing this, the Yu Clan's divine fires made countless dao flowers appear in their hands and kept flying towards Guiyuan. The same was true for the other divine fires. Countless attacks gathered together and bombarded towards Guiyuan.

The path the attack rolled through caused the heaven and earth to shake, and the surrounding area seemed to be shattered by endless power.

Even those in the divine fire realm will be instantly shattered under this attack.

But the next moment.

Countless attacks were all eliminated, and many divine fire realms could only watch helplessly as the starlight giant sword fell on them.

The physical body is destroyed, the soul falls, the divine fire is extinguished, the Tao seed is shattered...



"The Heaven-Mending Dao of the Upper Realm will not let you go!!"

All the divine fires fell instantly, the heaven and earth shook, and the entire eight regions were shaken. The strong men in the divine fire realm fell, affecting the entire eight regions of heaven and earth. Blood rained from the world, and all beasts screamed.

Guiyuan shook his head, and casually took all the weapons in their hands. The Tao fire that had just been swallowed appeared and boiled them all into a thick slurry, and the divine laws emerged from inside.

Guiyuan forcibly crumpled it into a ball and turned it into a pebble, but the pebble was filled with immeasurable divine iron. When Guiyuan saw the Butian Sect who had activated the grand formation, he slapped it down.

The great formation that could protect the Venerable instantly shattered like a film, countless creatures screamed, and the Venerables across the eight realms all turned into blood mist at this moment.

Guiyuan grabbed it with his big hand, and all the collections of the Butian Sect that had been collected for countless years appeared. The raging Dao Fire emerged and forcibly squeezed all the medicine kings into a golden elixir that shone with divine light.

Then the figure shook and re-entered the sky arena.

At this time, Shi Hao had completely killed Shi Yi.


Guiyuan asked, and everyone who was still marveling at Xiao Shi's power, as well as the Venerable who was eyeing Shi Hao covetously, fell silent the next moment.

Their eyes looked towards Guiyuan who 'suddenly' appeared in front of them.

They knew what Guiyuan was going to do. The terrifying existence that just appeared in the False God Realm only appeared for a moment and then disappeared. At the same time, Guiyuan also disappeared.

You know what Guiyuan is going to do.

But why did he come back so soon?


Shi Hao looked at Shi Yi who was torn apart by him in the distance. It was a life and death battle in the sky arena. Once he died here, his soul would also die, leaving only a body in the outside world.

That is to say.

The man with double eyes who once took away his supreme bone was completely dead.

Guiyuan flicked his finger, and the golden elixir he had just refined fell into Shi Hao's body and said: "This is refined by many medicine kings of Butian Sect. It can help you recover quickly."

When the golden elixir fell into Shi Hao's body, the endless energy and medicinal power filled the air, making up for Shi Hao's consumption and injuries from all parts of his body. Although Shi Hao hitting Shi Yi was like a father hitting his son.

But it was still quite intense. Now that one golden elixir was gone, Shi Hao felt that his slightly tired body had returned to normal, which was better than before the war started.

However, Shi Hao was a little confused when he heard Gui Yuan's words, "The Medicine King of Butian Sect?"

"Yes, the Medicine King I took from their treasure house."

"Huh? Senior...what about the Butian Sect?"

"Of course it's gone."

Guiyuan said matter-of-factly: "Poseidon Island should be gone now. As for the remaining forces, I'll leave them to you later. I'm too lazy to go."

"The Butian Sect is gone?"

"Well, I just postponed the cause and effect and killed the old guy who just made a move. The divine fire creatures of the Butian Sect didn't know how to live or die to cause trouble for me.

There was also the true god of the Rain Clan who was doing all sorts of things there, and the divine fires of the Sea Clan were all killed by me. "

The people around him grumbled, and Yue Chan's face suddenly turned extremely white.

"The Butian Sect is gone?"

"How is it possible? The Butian Sect is a supreme sect that spans several large domains. There are many sages in it, and there are even many divine magic weapons. How could it be destroyed by a single venerable."

"Silence, is that an ordinary venerable?"

Everyone sent messages to each other and talked a lot.

Shi Hao was also a little stunned, is the Butian Sect gone now?

"And this, I'll leave this to you too."

Guiyuan handed the ball formed by the spiritual weapon to Shi Hao, "There are many techniques of Butian Sect imprinted in it. If you can understand it, you can understand it. If you can't understand it, there is nothing you can do.

And it contains my power, which can save your life at a critical moment. "

The two of them were talking as if no one was around.

The arrogant man who was in the divine flame just now did not dare to speak out.

Because the reincarnation disk behind him was warning him that if he acted rashly, he would be in danger of death.

Not even the reincarnation disk can save him.

The man who knew some details about the reincarnation disk was even more shocked and awed when he heard this.

Sometimes the more you know, the more you fear.

Even the reincarnation disk can't save his existence. What state has he reached, and why does he appear in this lower realm.

The melee that everyone expected, and the strange situation in Yunbo were all suppressed in an instant after Guiyuan appeared. This is the power of the strong, and one figure after another disappeared into the virtual god world.

If Butian Sect is destroyed.

The storm must have arisen, and we must find out whether it is true or not no matter what.

And this statue exists here, who dares to do it.

The Battle of Two Stones has come to an end.

Soon after, the entire Eight Realms were shaken, and the Butian Sect was really destroyed.

At the beginning, there was a great battle between the supreme and powerful men in the universe. Then the day changed, and the sky was dark and the earth was dark. A long starlight sword wiped out many extremely powerful beings with one move.

Then with one slap, the entire Butian Sect was wiped out.

He is not afraid of the Butian Sect’s so-called unified theory of the upper realm.

Suddenly, the entire Eight Realms were in turmoil. The Butian Sect in the Eternal Realm was the core area, and the Butian Sect had many branch sects that spanned several domains.

Now that there is no core, these branches are just stragglers.

But no one dared to touch it, because there had not been any news from the Imperial Capital of the Stone Kingdom.

Soon, the news that Poseidon Island was destroyed also spread.

It was the Western Black Turtle clan who walked from west to north to Beihai. I heard that they had sacrificed the Supreme Being's decree to collect the Kunpeng's nest that had stood in Beihai for a long time, and then used it to suppress Poseidon Island.

Originally, some people were still wondering why the Black Turtle clan was so majestic, but suddenly they thought that the supreme being belonged to the Turtle clan.

Some forces that had good relations with Poseidon Island and wanted to annihilate the Black Turtle clan all kept silent and did not dare to speak out after learning the internal truth.

As long as no rumors spread, these two forces are the fat of the supreme being.

And at this time.

Guiyuan is playing with a small bone tripod. This is the bone tripod in Shicun. It was sent by Liu Shen with great magic power. It contains the chapter of transcendence.

There is also a booklet that records countless treasures, including the Supreme Palace's 'Six Paths of Reincarnation Heavenly Skill' and 'Cao Zi Sword Technique'.

Liu Shen used the 'Mountain Treasure' to reawaken this part of his memory, and uploaded the many treasures and the Six Paths of Reincarnation to the group chat.

This is also the benefit of Guiyuan Advent. The exercises that have been sent red envelopes in the group chat can no longer be uploaded to the group file.

But after Guiyuan arrived, Liu Shen handed it to him, but Liu Shen could upload it again to gain points.

Next to him, Shi Hao was sitting on his seat.

There was a figure kneeling under it.

Standing next to her was a woman with nine tails on her back, who looked like an elf. She smiled and said, "Smelly... Hou Tianhou, I helped you capture her."

Shi Hao was stunned by Yuechan, who was kneeling on the ground. Not long ago, she was like a fairy descended from heaven, but now she was kneeling in front of him.

"What does this mean?"

"Didn't you say you wanted to marry her before? I caught her for you."

The witch said with a smile, seemingly at ease, but she did not dare to look away at all, lest she offend a certain supreme being.

Shi Hao's eyes fell on Guiyuan, "Senior, this..."

Mainly, the Butian Sect was destroyed by the Great Immortal Guiyuan and had nothing to do with him.

"I'll leave everything to you. You can do whatever you want." Guiyuan said casually. He had had enough fun in the lower realm and was about to go to the upper realm. At worst, he would come back to play again when the leader levels came down.

Now that all the parts of the Transcendence chapter have been obtained, go and get the Supreme Palace again.

Let Shi Hao have his own fun in the lower realm.

After that, Guiyuan slowly dissipated in front of the three people like bubbles in the world.

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