Guiyuan looked at the vast land. Deep in the vast mountains, a huge, boundless, dragon-like turtle-like creature was walking slowly while carrying an ancient and majestic palace. .

Guiyuan had already found the Supreme Hall before, and after thinking about it, he was not in a hurry.

The Supreme Palace should have waited until Shi Hao defeated the Seven Gods and reached heaven and earth before leaving the lower realm and going to the upper realm through the teleportation array.

He must get the Supreme Palace.

But it's not the countless classics and countless secret method inheritance collected in the Supreme Palace.

Because the best ones are all in the 'Mountain Treasures'. In the booklet Guiyuan was looking through just now, one article about the young boy is a treasure technique.

What he paid attention to was Baxia, who was refined into a bearer.

"As expected, they all like to use the bully as a carrier..."

A true dragon like Ba Xia seems to be born to be a load bearer, because what Ba Xia is good at is bearing loads.

And this overlord has pure blood.

This dragon son Baxia currently seems to be in a state of confusion. It seems that his spiritual consciousness has been sealed. He looks like a dead thing and can only swim unconsciously underground.

But Guiyuan used the soul law to realize that this tyrant was not dead.

Moreover, the power possessed by this tyrant has reached the level of an immortal. If it can be released, Guiyuan will also help in the upper realm.

"I am on good terms with the Dragon Clan, so I will let you out this time."

Guiyuan stretched out his hand and pointed, and the law of soul and the law of creation poured out, pointing on the head of the giant dragon turtle, which was as huge as a mountain range.

"Calling the spirit!"

"Roar! Roar! Roar!" The eyes of Ba Xia, who was originally like a dead thing, suddenly started to move.

"Who are you?" Ba Xia seemed to have been sleeping for a long time, and suddenly woke up, feeling a little hazy.

"I am a giant turtle in the North Sea. I have a relationship with your ancestors and have good relations with the Dragon Clan. I don't want you to be confused here anymore, so I hereby awaken your soul." Guiyuan revealed the aura of his true body.

And at the same time, he revealed the aura of the ancestral dragon in the Xuanzhong Monument and the ancestral dragon method he had mastered.

In an instant.

Ba Xia's mind was shaken. For a moment, he seemed to have seen an infinite giant turtle standing in the sea. The turtle had something that even it felt was miraculous and abnormal.

Even his former master didn't seem to be so reasonable.

And that comes from the pressure in the bloodline.

It is the descendant of a true dragon, and the only one who can suppress its bloodline is a true dragon.

And no matter how you look at it, this is a mysterious and powerful person who actually saved it from its confused state.

It's better not to offend.

"I've met my ancestor."

Ba Xia shook his huge head and saluted Guiyuan.

As Ba Xia nodded and saluted, yellow light emitted from his whole body, and his huge, boundless head moved underground as if moving in water, without causing any shock to the earth.

Guiyuan casually created his own method modified from the Ancestral Dragon Method, dominating the method.

Although Basia possesses the dragon's natural ability to control water, its essence is earth-based.

Earth controls water. If Ba Xia practices the original Ancestral Dragon Method, the progress will not be very fast. If water is used to moisten the soil, the progress will be rapid.

"This is the opportunity I bestow upon you."

Ba Xia felt the immeasurable golden characters that suddenly appeared in the soul, and continued to analyze them. Finally, they turned into mysterious words of huge size, hanging in its soul, intertwined and scattered, drawn into a chapter, showing the truth of the great truth.

"Is this? Xianwen."

Ba Xia has also followed a true immortal and has some discernment.

"Yeah. At least it won't be a problem for you to become a true immortal."

"Thank you, ancestor, for the gift of the law!" Ba Xia said the ancestor's cry sincerely. If he said "ancestor", he would get an immortal article. If it were placed in the upper world, all the old monsters could not help but recognize Guiyuan as the elder. Ancestor.

"You understand it first, I'll go take a look inside the palace."

The huge palace on Ba Xia's back is the Supreme Palace.

Guiyuan glanced at the palace gate and performed the Six Paths of Reincarnation Heavenly Kung Fu. This Heavenly Kung Fu reached the limit of the Immortal King. The Immortal King level Kung Fu was easy for Guiyuan to comprehend.

He waved his hand and opened the palace door and walked into this huge palace.

This palace is a huge fairy mansion, with mountains and rivers, pavilions, palaces and palaces.

"not bad!"

Guiyuan Yuanshen scanned and found that although this palace was very ancient, it was majestic.

"It's also good for a place to stay."

Guiyuan glanced around and realized that Shi Hao got it in the end anyway, so he would keep it for Shi Hao first and then give it to him when he needed it.

Most of the places in the Supreme Palace are idle, with only one Sutra Pavilion, one Patriarch Hall, and some residential palaces.

Although there is only one descendant for each generation in the Supreme Hall.

That doesn't mean that they don't have confidants or anything like that. They won't let their descendants live in the Supreme Palace. They have to separate their confidants. Some idle palaces are for these people to live.

Guiyuan walked into the Sutra Pavilion.

One volume of Yuanshen imprints all the scriptures in all the books in the Sutra Pavilion. The scriptures remain here, and the real essence of the Supreme Palace is in the mountain treasure.

Most of the scriptures here are Sanshou, which has the effect of accumulation for Guiyuan.

After leaving the Sutra Pavilion, Guiyuan came to the Patriarch Hall. In addition to some portraits of the ancestors, there is only a jade volume and a golden book.

The portraits of the ancestors of the past generations, the jade volumes and the golden books, this is the inheritance of the Supreme Palace. Guiyuan glanced at the portraits of the ancestors and raised his eyebrows.

"There is also a sword energy, it should be the sword energy of the Cao Zi Jianjue. Let's keep it first."

Guiyuan used the sealing technique to seal the sword energy contained in the portrait of the ancestor to prevent it from continuing to dissipate.

After dealing with the Supreme Hall, Guiyuan waved his sleeves, and the Bone Cauldron and Mountain Treasure flew out. The two looked like long-distance lovers who wanted to be completely integrated after being separated for a long time.

In an instant, the two merged.

That's when.

The aura of Guiyuan swirled instantly, swallowing up the mixed white chapter created by the blending of the two.

He not only wants the Original True Understanding and Transcendence chapter inside, he also needs this complete bone fragment.

This bone fragment carries the scriptures of the Dark Immortal Emperor, and it is related to Shi Hao. It contains the origin of the world and can carry more of his power.

At present, he can only use this method to enhance his strength and allow him to quickly analyze the laws of this world.

As for the method of harmony he thought of before, it might not be so easy to realize in a perfect world.

Because the people in this world who may be most in line with the law of harmony are Shi Hao, Ye Fan and Chu Feng.

All three of them are above the sacrificial level, and these three are all related to the bronze coffin of the third generation.

If he can use his harmony, Guiyuan can even win the most mysterious bronze coffin of three generations that connects these three worlds.

The problem is that it can't be done.

If these three people are the combined Taoist body, he will face the encirclement and suppression of all the powerful people in the three worlds, including the three emperors who will become the priests in the future.

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