"The bronze coffin of the third generation..."

Guiyuan suddenly thought of another method, which was to learn from the Master of the Third Bronze Coffin.

Because he now has the ability to attract people in the chat group, he can directly attract people from a certain world into the group based on his aura, and Perfect, Zhetian, and Shengxu are three consecutive worlds.

No matter what world will be formed when Guiyuan pulls it away.

In perfection, he left his ‘past body’, his ‘present body’ that covers the sky, and his ‘future body’ in the holy ruins.

Once he can bring the three worlds together.

All three in one.

It is very likely that he will be able to obtain the power of a Hunyuan Da Luo or even above it.

Take a step back.

Even if the three worlds cannot be involved, they can still be connected with some kind of power through the connections between the three worlds and the incarnations of the three worlds.

The incarnation he left behind in perfection may form an ancient existence in Zhetian.

The incarnation left behind in Zhetian can also become an ancient existence in the holy ruins.

At that time, the three can still be integrated into one in the Holy Ruins.

Guiyuan calculated in his mind that this was the first time he had tried this method, but there was actually a precedent.

Like the mixed martial arts world.

His four Heavenly Dao consciousnesses combine to form Zongwu Heavenly Dao.

The effect produced is stronger than that of the four heavenly consciousnesses combined separately. It is likely that it involves a more grand time flow that transcends these four worlds.

It's just that Guiyuan this time evolved in a world that he didn't involve as his affiliated world.

"Does this count as the freedom of transformation into others? He and I are infinite, borrowing from me..."

A sentence suddenly flashed in Guiyuan's mind. This sentence was like a flash of inspiration, driving Guiyuan's thinking and calculation.

Because he thought of Shi Hao's method of transforming himself into freedom.

The most powerful form among the other transformations is called his transformation into eternity.

Shi Hao once visited the more distant Immortal Ancient, and countless blood fell into the long river of time and space, falling into every era.

So he can take advantage of it in the future.

Then I can freely transform him into something new, so that I can borrow it from myself in the future.

"If I push the incarnations of each world to the extreme, and finally let all the incarnations merge, is this a proof that I am the only one in the years, thousands of time and space dimensions, and my body is preserved..."

"Does this count as enlightening the heavens, him and me..."

"In this case, it's a bit like the immortal Taoist fruit in mythology."

Guiyuan was thinking about it. When he was thinking about the Earthly Immortal Dao Fruit, he was already thinking about the Heavenly Immortal Dao Fruit.

In myths and legends, Earth Immortal, Heavenly Immortal, Golden Immortal, Taiyi, and Daluo are realms and fruits of the Tao.

Zhen Yuanzi pioneered the way of earth immortals, used earth immortals to open up the blessed land of cave heaven, and promoted the advancement of his own world to become the great earth immortal, so he is called the ancestor of earth immortals.

The Sanqing Dynasty opened up the way of immortals, used immortals to enlighten others and me, and merged all realms into one, becoming the Great Immortal, and thus he was called the ancestor of immortals.

Think of it this way.

In fact, he can use the chat group to continuously descend to other worlds, leave behind incarnations, and then deduce it to the extreme, becoming the way of heaven or the top powerhouse.

This allows him to deduce the methods of immortality, Taoism and fruition in the ancient mythology.

Moreover, this Heavenly Immortal Dao Fruit can also try to cooperate with the gate of Taiyi to open the world channel, regardless of its own power to travel through, but directly enlighten others in that world.

"In this case, we need to find the copper coffin of the third generation, or find the small black ship that the ruthless emperor set down by reversing time and space, and use the aura of 'Zhidian' to bring in a group of friends."

Guiyuan pondered.

Ancient times.

Guiyuan came back to his senses from the sermon, looked at the three Liu Er people and asked: "Let's disperse, digest this sermon first, don't be too anxious to step into Taiyi, think about your own path first.

You can just find another dojo on Jin'ao Island. "


The three Liu Er people looked at each other, each turned into a spiritual light, and flew in three directions. They all wanted to stay far away from each other.

However, Guiyuan was still sitting cross-legged on the same spot, thinking about the 'Teaching of Heavenly Immortals' just now. The 'Yantian Furnace' formed in the Yuan Shen used all the techniques and insights that Guiyuan understood as fuel to push him to think.

Frequent flashes of inspiration.

From this point of view, this is also consistent with the 'projection' or world influence he thought of before.

If there really is a supreme being, like Zhen Yuanzi, Sanqing, etc., they all have mastered the Celestial Dao Fruit, so they can form various projections in the heavens and the world.


Like Sanqing, Nuwa, and Zhen Yuanzi, no matter which world they are in, they are the three Taoist deities, the goddess of creation, and the ancestors of the earthly immortals.

Guiyuan was stunned for a moment, why is this happening?

"The Immortal Dao Fruit's function is not only to enlighten others and me, but also to consolidate one's personality?"

Guiyuan combines various ideas and knowledge he knows to try to deduce the way of immortality in mythology, which is likely to help him move to a deeper level.

Even the 'fitting the body with the Tao' that he realized through Hongjun's 'killing three corpses' could be just a branch of the 'Tao of the Immortals'.

Many insights from the past are constantly being read and absorbed in Guiyuan's heart.

'Trinity, the three pure beings become one, and one qi transforms the three pure states into one...'

‘Yuqing symbolizes something coming from nothing. ’

‘Tai Qing symbolizes survival. ’

‘The super clear symbolizes the transition from existence to nothingness’

The unity of the Three Purities actually symbolizes the concept of ‘time’, as well as the past, present and future.

If the earthly immortal is space, the heavenly immortal is time.

The sparks of wisdom in Guiyuan Yuanshen continue to bloom, and the ideas about the 'way of immortals' become more and more perfect.

Soon, the power and consciousness of heaven from other worlds surged and gathered on the returning divine flower.

An illusory Dao Fruit was spinning slowly, as if it could be blown out with just a gentle breath.

"Heavenly Immortal Daoguo has a bit of a frown."

Guiyuan looked at the Immortal Dao Fruit that day. It seemed that the path he envisioned was correct, but it was just a little difficult to implement.

But at least there is a direction, and this is the advanced method of Mythology.

It seems like this.

He is a bit like re-taking the path of spiritual practice, except that he is not taking this prehistoric path, but another supreme and prehistoric path.

"Just in time to try the magic of the Celestial Dao Fruit."

Guiyuan thought that there happened to be a world now, and he wanted to see if he could enlighten others in that world.

Devour the starry sky world.


Guiyuan responded to the Devouring Starry Sky World with his newly comprehended Heavenly Immortal Dao Fruit, and communicated with that world with that trace of breath.

In the vast universe, hundreds of billions of stars, planets, and galaxies composed of nebulae can be seen everywhere. Further up, there are star clusters, super galaxy clusters, and many super-sized behemoths.

The dazzling stars are as small as gravel in the universe.

In a corner of a certain river system that seems to rotate in six circles, there is an easy-to-live star, with flowers and grass, full of vitality, and a kind of creature called human, known as the leader of all spirits.

The strong wind whipped up, whistling in the ears, and a little spiritual light fell rapidly from the sky.

Suddenly, under the Yinfan Deep Sea, an extremely huge turtle with a carapace hundreds of meters in diameter suddenly opened its eyes, "Is it still a turtle?"

Guiyuan didn't expect that he and I who had swallowed the stars were still on Earth. He remembered that this dragon turtle was killed by the golden-horned giant beast and was a king-level monster in that world.

But it also shows that in the supreme prehistoric era, his status may not be very high.

He might just be someone else, and if he performs the enlightenment on himself again, he will directly become a king-level monster in the Devouring Starry Sky.

"Let's not talk about what he and I are, but it is a good thing to succeed."

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