The ancient giant turtle: his understanding is incredible, join the chat group

Chapter 202 Return to Yuan, kill me, and become a human being

group chat.

[Feng Xiaotian (the lackey of the group leader): Just now, our world has undergone great changes. The mountain peaks have expanded several times, and rivers and seas have also begun to expand. It seems that other god kings in our world also said that they also feel it. arrive. 】

[Zhang Sanfeng: The same is true in our world, but it is like this outside the city. The areas inside the city have not changed.

However, our Wudang Mountain is a little higher, and it really feels like we are at the top of the mountain, and we can see all the small mountains at a glance. 】

[Two-faced Turtle (ancestor's lackey): Our ocean has expanded a lot, and the mangy snake came to report that the Turtle Shrine where we are located is further away from the land. 】

[Thor: Our world has not changed much, or the earth has not changed much. 】

[Liu Shen: Neither do we. 】

[Peter: Neither have we. 】

[Furukawa: Me neither. 】

[Deidara: I don’t know, but I find that the power of ninjutsu seems to have become less powerful. 】

[Prehistoric Giant Turtle: That’s because the reincarnation of the world in my body has come out, the tunnel is perfect, and all the worlds implicated in it are also born with tunnels at the same time. The heaven and earth are perfect, and the laws will be stricter.

The stricter the law, the less damage it can cause, but the upper limit of the powerful will be higher. 】

[Ancient Giant Turtle: And with the Guiyuan Realm as the center, reincarnation has already been established. I will put the specific reincarnation situation in the group. 】

[Ancient Giant Turtle: @Qin Shuang, the world of wind and cloud will also be pulled by me. I will give you the Snow Drinking Crazy Sword, but you can give it to Nie Feng. 】

[Feng Xiaotian (group leader’s lackey): The group leader moves so fast. 】

[Furuhe: @Giant turtle in the wild, group leader, group leader, look at me, I feel that Fengyun world is similar to our world, I also want to be the group leader’s subordinate. 】

[Ancient Giant Turtle: The world of Fengyun is rather special. Your world is related to a vast world. The specific situation needs to be considered. 】

[Furukawa: Okay. Now I have contacted Master Feng, and I have made it clear to him about the situation. I also got the Fallen Heart Flame last time when I helped Canaan College solve the Fallen Heart Flame riot.

When the time comes, he will go to Xiao Yan and Yao Chen to explain the situation clearly, and then head to Zhongzhou. 】

[Feng Xiaotian (group leader’s lackey): @Furukawa, Master Furukawa, what state are you in now? 】

[Furukawa: It’s still the second star of all realms. I estimate that by the time I break through to Douzun, I should be the third star of all realms. 】

[Feng Xiaotian (the lackey of the group leader): Envy, it’s good to have a high world level. 】

[Zhang Sanfeng: @Feng Xiaotian (the lackey of the group leader), your world limit is also very high now. 】

[Feng Xiaotian (the group leader’s lackey): By the way, if I commit suicide and enter the group leader’s Guiyuan Realm through reincarnation, then I will directly become a living being in the world, and that will feel much better than I do now. 】

[Two-faced turtle (ancestor’s lackey): If you do this, are you still you? And you may be directly reincarnated into the lowest level by then. 】

[Feng Xiaotian (the group leader’s lackey): No matter how kind-hearted I am, I’m always at the top. 】

[Zhang Sanfeng:...]

Feng Xiaotian kept explaining what 'killing is to protect lives, killing karma is not killing people', 'I kill to create a better world...' and so on. For a while, the group was filled with a cheerful atmosphere.

Guiyuan just chuckled. To be honest, Feng Xiaotian's idea was okay, but it meant that he had to give up all his cultivation to reincarnate in the Guiyuan world.

And it is very likely that they will also give up the chat group thing.

In the past, Guiyuan didn't think much of chat groups, but after chatting with Nuwa, he felt that chat groups were actually the ticket to the 'battle of status'.

The chances of being in a chat group are definitely greater than being reincarnated in the Guiyuan world.

"Guiyuan Realm, now that the two realms of heaven and earth have been established, it's time for the human race to carry the tunnel. The human race..." Guiyuan's eyes were complicated. When he planned the battle between the sea clan and the human race for hegemony, he thought of how to create the human race.

Since one clan is going to fight against the Sea Clan, it is natural that the aptitudes are as good as those of the Wu Clan.

The human race in Guiyuan Realm is what he uses to carry the tunnel.

Because the protagonist of Guiyuan Realm, the one who carries humanity, will only be the Turtle Clan.

It's just that Guiyuan was thinking about how the Turtle Clan would appear...

Is it through the hands of living beings, or is it naturally conceived.

"Forget it, let's talk about it later, Turtle Clan."

But compared to the fact that the Wu clan was transformed by the essence and blood of Pangu, Guiyuan thought that the human race in the Guiyuan world would carry the emotions of the human race in his previous life and create the human race.

He himself will just return to his original state.

As the decision falls.

The Yuan Shen moved slightly, inside the Guiyuan Mountain, which is the center of the Guiyuan Realm and is known as the source of all races.

This place is the place where the drop of water from Zeng Taisheng was first born. It is also the source of the mud balls that splashed out when Guiyuan used the Three Light Divine Water and Nine Heavens Breathing Soil to create all races.

It is also the land of all gods, the place closest to the starry sky and the land, which is actually about the same position as Mount Buzhou in relation to the prehistoric times.

Parts of the Three Lights Divine Water and the Nine Heavens Breathing Earth began to blend with each other. There was an invisible force blending the two together, and at the same time, a soft cry was heard, 'Zut! ’

Guiyuan's mind clarified, and a figure walked out of his body, which was the 'Chen Fei' before he understood the Taoist heart.

"Fellow Taoist, I'm going." Shen Fei smiled slightly.

"Okay." Guiyuan nodded.

Shen Fei instantly divided into thirty-six parts and fell into the "cement" that was like a chaotic blend. The cement turned into thirty-six parts.

In an instant.

In the innermost part of Guiyuan Mountain, there are thirty-six figures breathing out turbid and evil energy.

After they are born, they will be born with thirty-six kinds of magical powers, which are weakened versions of the thirty-six magical powers deduced by Guiyuan.

"There is a reincarnation passage inside Guiyuan Mountain. If these thirty-six people can discover it, then the human race will expand rapidly and will not be weaker than the other spirits in the Guiyuan world."

This can be regarded as the final manifestation of Guiyuan's obsession with the human race.

Now he has the body of a turtle, so he is a turtle.

He transformed into a Taoist body because it was the innate Taoist body that cultivated Taoism faster in the prehistoric times. The innate Taoist body fit Pangu, but the Guiyuan world was created by him.

Similar to how Pangu fits into the human form, the innate Tao body of Guiyuan Realm should fit into the turtle shape.

The Guiyuan Realm is his Earthly Immortal Dao Fruit. Naturally, it is impossible for him to forcefully choose a human race as the protagonist just for the so-called identity of being a human race in his previous life.

This will set back his potential for Guiyuan Realm development a lot.

After doing all this, Guiyuan felt that the perfection of Guiyuan Realm had improved to a higher level.

The divine light of the Earth Immortal Dao is rising, and the power is driving Guiyuan's mana, understanding of the law, and physical strength to grow.

"Bang bang bang..."

The five-headed black turtle particles turned into giant turtle particles again.

Moreover, the Tao seeds among ground flowers have been greatly irrigated.

The divine light of the earth flower rising and falling in the earth flower emerged, and even a crack appeared slightly.

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