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Chapter 203 Hou Tu comes to the door and enlightens reincarnation

"Fellow Taoist Guiyuan, I would like to see you in Houtu."

A goddess wearing a yellow palace gauze skirt stands in the sky, with a beautiful face, eyebrows like distant mountains, and three thousand black silk threads up to her waist slowly floating in the wind.

"If you come to Beihai, don't be afraid that I will kill you."

Under the sea, a huge head rose up from the water. The huge head poked out of the water, splashing water around it.

A pair of eyes like stars looked up at Hou Tu.

Now Hou Tu is walking in a Tao body, and the size of his body is not even comparable to the pupils in his eyes.

Hou Tu felt that it was extremely deep and terrifying. At this moment, she actually felt as huge and boundless pressure as the remaining aura of the Father God in Pangu Temple.

During the last war, Guiyuan did not give her this feeling.

Has Guiyuan grown again during this period?

How did Guiyuan practice? Their ancestral witches had inherited their father's legacy. They only needed to dig out the remaining Pangu bloodline in their bodies to practice, but even so, the speed of becoming stronger seemed not as fast as Guiyuan's.

"Fellow Taoist, you are joking."

Hou Tu didn't react at all to Gui Yuan's threats, but smiled lightly.

"Let's go to the island."

After Guiyuan transformed into a Taoist body, he also felt Houtu's aura. It seemed that Houtu had gained a lot during this period. She should not just stay in the Wu clan, because she had an aura similar to Zhen Yuanzi's.

Or rather the authentic atmosphere.

Guiyuan, who had just started reincarnation not long ago, was extremely sensitive to this kind of breath, broad and calm.

In the future, the Pangu bloodline of Earth itself has been active for a long time. In addition, there is a road of earth in the bloodline. In addition, now there is a war between lich and witches, and there are innocent souls everywhere.


It is indeed possible that Tu’s character will be touched in the future.

And Hou Tu's character does have compassion for all living beings, no matter what you say is for the continuation of the Wu clan or what you say.

It just so happens that Hou Tu finally reincarnated into reincarnation. This is a fact.

A gentleman does not care about his heart when discussing his deeds. When it comes to his heart, no one is perfect in the world.

In many worlds.

Various images of great gods and immortals have been tossed around, and even Nuwa can be made up to be a poisonous woman with a heart of snakes and scorpions.

And from Guiyuan's current perspective, he also knew that this was probably something that happened in other worlds.

Only Houtu, only Pingxin, no one can criticize her, everyone must sigh with emotion, Pingxin is so compassionate, Houtu creates reincarnation.

Among the three religions and nine streams, among the ancient emperors, only Hou Tu’s image is bright.

And in the future, Empress Houtu will not only be the master of the earth, but also the six emperors of the heaven, as famous as Haotian.

Moreover, considering the existence of those spiritual treasures and Pangu blood essence, it is not impossible for Guiyuan to give some advice.

When Hou Tu entered the island, he saw two figures fighting each other.

"Six-eared macaque? There is another person who looks a bit like the former ferocious beast clan."

"Yes. My two useless disciples." Guiyuan stood beside Hou Tu and nodded.

The two of them like fighting the most, but Dapeng likes enlightenment.

Seemingly feeling that someone was coming, the two of them stopped at the same time and turned into streams of light and fell in front of Guiyuan and Houtu. Liuer quickly clasped his fists and said, "I have paid homage to the master. I have met the Houtu Ancestral Witch."

"I paid homage to Master."

The golden horn on the side just saluted Guiyuan.

She didn't even look at Hou Tu. To the creatures of the ancient times, the ancestral witch of the Wu clan was the most powerful person in the world.

But for the Golden Horn.

There is only Guiyuan who created her, and the rest are of no importance to her.

Now there is one more Liuer and Dapeng.

"Yes. It seems that you are making good progress so far." Guiyuan nodded. The aura on his six ears is now much more restrained than when he first accepted the inheritance. Moreover, his six ears are moving all the time, which means that he is always sensing the inner demons of all souls. .

This has a great influence on his path. Only by seeing it can you know why the inner demon makes all living beings afraid.

Only you can master your inner demons.

Guiyuan and Houtu entered the Guiyuan Palace. Guiyuan sat down cross-legged. Houtu saluted and said, "Please teach me, teacher!"

Guiyuan raised his eyebrows. It seemed that Hou Tu had a stronger desire to seek truth than the other ancestral witches.

For these beings, speaking is true.

Hou Tu calls Gui Yuan his teacher. If Hou Tu really achieves something, Gui Yuan will get his luck in vain.

"Sit down, it seems that Zhen Yuanzi and You Shang discussed something. Since I agreed, I will naturally give you some advice."

Guiyuan nodded, and Houtu also sat cross-legged in front of Guiyuan.

"The way of reincarnation lies in life and death. If life and death are the two sides of yin and yang, reincarnation is the line between yin and yang. From life to death, from death to life, the cycle of life and death is the way of life..."

"The way of heaven is constant, so it controls the fate of living beings and prevents them from derailing. Thousands of living beings will perish in their fate.

Heaven is ruthless and all living beings are equal..."

"The earth is always quiet, but it carries the soul of all things with emotions. The vitality of all souls lies in the spirit..."

"Being reincarnated and being celebrated by heaven and earth is also a glimmer of hope for all souls..."

Originally, when Hou Tu first heard what Gui Yuan said about reincarnation, she didn't understand it. To be honest, she hadn't even understood the law of reincarnation, and there was no great supernatural power person who was good at the law of reincarnation in the ancient world.

Because this law in ancient times is a bit like the law of time.

It exists, but not everyone can understand it.

Only certain creatures and certain spiritual treasures have the law of reincarnation for people to understand.

For example, Guiyuan got the Liu Shenfa at the beginning and got some clues. In addition, various opportunities and various affiliated worlds in the future allowed him to deduce it.

Finally reincarnation was created.

So Hou Tu was still a little confused for a while, but as Gui Yuan continued to talk, Hou Tu had already begun to think deeply. During this period, she bid farewell to the other brothers and sisters and entrusted the tribe to Hou Tu. Yi was in charge.

He began to wander around the wilderness.

Seeing that the fight between the lich and the witches resulted in countless wronged souls, although the witch clan did not have a soul, it did have three souls. After death, the two souls of the witch clan, heaven and earth, disappeared, and the witch souls were imprisoned in one place. A large number of remaining people in the fairy court were constantly being killed. Then he died, and countless innocent souls were everywhere.

There are also monster clans that indiscriminately kill newborn witch clans, weak immortals, and wandering souls. Countless wronged souls, resentful souls, and murderous souls occupy the spiritual mountains one after another, turning Yang into Yin...

When Hou Tu traveled around the wilderness, he felt the most about these things.

If it weren't for Da Luo, this would have definitely fallen. Even if there is a soul, it can only be confined to one place, being burned by the light of the sun every day.

"The prehistoric era is incomplete..."

Guiyuan had been silent for a long time. Hou Tu had been deep in thought and suddenly said.

"Well, there is a lack of reincarnation. Reincarnation is the vitality of all things, and as the ancestral witch of the earth, you are close to the earth, and you have the blood of Pangu. You will be the only opportunity to make up for the entire prehistoric world..."

Guiyuan looked up at the sky. Didn't this guy Hongjun come to trouble him?

"I understand, thank you, teacher, for teaching me."

Hou Tu bowed deeply and was about to leave when Gui Yuan said quietly: "Transforming reincarnation in one's body is only the lowest method. If you have no ideas, you can go to Zhen Yuanzi to discuss it."

"Okay, teacher."

"Don't call me teacher anymore. After this, cause and effect will disappear."

"Once a teacher, always a teacher! This is the gift of enlightenment!"

"It's up to you. If there is any disaster, just don't involve me."

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