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Chapter 204 Nuwa created humans, and humans spoke out!

After discussing with Guiyuan, Nuwa said goodbye to Fuxi who later came to her to ask about the thunder disaster.

Then he started walking in the wilderness.

But she wasn't as aimless as before, just for enlightenment.

This time she specifically went to various races to use the auras of the races inside to eliminate the aura of Hongmeng Purple Qi in her Tao body.

Originally, Nuwa was just walking in the wilderness.

It has also involved the minds of many people. The most important thing is that Sanqing and Dongfang, who have obtained Hongmeng Purple Qi, have no idea about Hongmeng Purple Qi.

Among their souls, the Hongmeng Purple Qi seemed to be an ethereal thing that they could only see from within.

So when they saw Nuwa traveling, they wanted to see if they could gain any insights from Nuwa's behavior.


The aura on Nuwa's body becomes more and more mellow. Every time she passes through a group of people, the aura on Nuwa's body becomes more ethereal and boundless.

Not only the Three Pure Ones and the Two Saints of the West, there are also many great supernatural beings who are paying attention to Nuwa, including everyone in the Heavenly Court and everyone in the Wu Clan.

Everyone can remember that Nuwa was once a saint appointed by Taoist Hongjun.

Traveling now is definitely a blessing.

Step by step, she seems to have a goal.

at the end.

Nuwa stopped in a large river on the coast of the East China Sea. This is the largest and longest river in the eastern part of the prehistoric period.

Because there have been countless battles here, the huge mountain peaks have long been shattered, and because countless lives have died here, the land here is fertile, and although there are resentful beings, there is an endless plain.

Nuwa stood there, overlooking the river, looking at herself in the river.

Blessing to the soul.

"It seems we have arrived. The place where the three clans meet, the place where the lich fights, the place where the immortals and monsters have a decisive battle.

Divide, divide and combine, the cycle of life and death, this place should be the birthplace of one yuan, the place where this palace attains enlightenment. "

Nuwa murmured.

Two figures suddenly appeared behind her. The first figure was a human body with a snake tail, swimming among the sacred flowers.

The human head and snake body are the ‘Tao’!

The second figure is ethereal, as if a mass of invisible breath is constantly flowing, but at a glance, it seems that all living things are in it, like air but not air, like spirit but not spirit.

Guiyuan Yu looked at this scene in the void and nodded. Nuwa's understanding was indeed very high, even better than Zhen Yuanzi.

After Zhen Yuanzi realized that the Three Corpses Principle restricted him, he wanted to abolish it directly. This was indeed once and for all, but the problem was not that simple.

But Nuwa used the method of three corpses to transform her, and she transformed her completely, just with the help of the number "three".

No wonder it took so long for her to give her guidance before she started to create the human race. It seemed that she had been thinking about eliminating the influence of Hongmeng's purple energy and eliminating Hongjun's method of killing three corpses.

Completely get rid of Hongjun's influence.

The first one is herself, and she has not yet transformed into the innate Taoist body.

Symbolizes Tao Sheng Yi.

The second statue is the image of all living beings, which is erratic but also symbolizes all living beings.

It symbolizes two, two, three, and three, all things.

Needless to say, the third statue is actually the last of Nuwa's seventieth incarnation.

She is the Holy Mother and also the ancestor of mankind.

Since Nuwa is the master of humanity, wanting to be the master of humanity is the same as Hongjun wanting to be the master of heaven. Hongjun needs to be in harmony with the Tao, but Nuwa has another way.

Use your own three transformations, use the small to realize the great, and become the master of the way.

This is actually another way of enlightenment.

Like Sanqing, the two people from the West, Dijun Taiyi, etc., many people with great supernatural powers who were observing this scene saw that Nuwa's corpse was completely different from theirs. There was no aura of spiritual treasure on these two corpses.

In other words, Nuwa's method is no longer the 'killing three corpses' method given by Taozu.

"How did Nuwa do it?"

"Didn't you achieve enlightenment through the path of three corpses?"

"Could it be that Nuwa wants to become a saint?"

Many people with great supernatural powers were discussing why Nuwa's three-corpse method was different from theirs. The key was that there was no breath of spiritual treasures on it, which meant that they did not use spiritual treasures to cut the way.

Nuwa smiled slightly and said, "Humanity should come out! Humanity should be born!"

The countless Nine Heavens Breathing Soil and the Three Lights Divine Water that filled the sky that Guiyuan exchanged with her came out of her hands, and the laws of creation emerged in her hands, with Guiyuan's guidance.

She has skipped trying to pinch people with ordinary mud and water.

Under the blending of the law of creation and the law of soul, the Nine Heavens Breathing Soil and the Sky Divine Water began to turn into a ball of moist soil, exuding an extremely strong and dense aura.

The mind recalls the Pangu Taoism in the inherited memory.

Nuwa pinched a ball of soil with both hands and turned it into a 'mud figure' under her skillful hands.

The clay figure immediately turned into a person, knelt on the ground, and turned into an innate Taoist body, "Thank the Holy Mother for giving life."

Nuwa nodded, "As the first born sun of the clan, as the head of the clan and the head of the Yuan, you are given the name Yuan!"

"I am the Yuan! I am the Yuan!!"

Nuwa continued to shape a clay figure, but this clay figure did not look like a Yuan body, but a Yin body, that is, a female body.

The man knelt on the ground. Nuwa chuckled and said, "You give me the name Gui, which symbolizes the mother of this clan and the clan's return home!"

"Thank you, Holy Mother, for giving me your name. I am here to return!!"

Guiyuan, who was in the void, shook his head as he listened to the naming.

Nuwa looked at the two of them, and the Hongmeng Purple Qi in the Yuanshen began to surge, and it seemed that she was planning to combine with Nuwa's Daluo Dao Fruit, but at this moment, the Hongmeng Purple Qi and Nuwa's Daluo Dao Fruit suddenly appeared. A barrier like an abyss.

If you look closely at the barrier, it looks like countless sentient beings are frantically trying to prevent the combination of the Hongmeng Purple Qi and Nuwa's Daluo Dao Fruit.


Among the Daluo Daoguo, the image of Nuwa appeared and gave a cold shout.

In an instant, an infinite canvas appeared in the sky above Nuwa. This canvas contained images of all the creatures in the ancient world. The same ethnic group was fighting, reproducing, and cooperating...

Different ethnic groups are also fighting and fighting each other. The wolf tribe eats the sheep tribe, the tiger tribe eats the rabbit tribe...

Just this picture scroll tells the whole life of all sentient beings in the ancient times.

The images in the scroll are still changing. At first, they were just some ordinary ethnic groups. Later, earth immortals, heavenly immortals, golden immortals, Taiyi, and even Daluo creatures all appeared in this scroll.

"How is this going?"

"I saw me in that scroll!"

"I saw it too."

Many people with great supernatural powers communicated with each other, and even those who became quasi-sages found their own figures on the scroll, but they did not react at all.

For them, as long as they become Daluo, it is already regarded as the imprinting law in the ancient times. As long as their true name is called, they can sense it.

But now in this scroll, even their images appear, without the slightest reaction, how can they not be surprised.

next moment.

Nuwa shouted, "Humanity! Now!"

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