"Do you really think I'm dead?"

Guiyuan sneered, the tortoise shell suppressed the void and fixed the yin and yang.

Infinite divine light slowly shines on every piece of tortoise shell. Even if the Purple Sky Divine Thunder is the prehistoric divine thunder, facing the innate treasure of Guiyuan at this moment, the tortoise shell can only splash with lightning, the laws are broken, and in the end the tortoise shell is only burnt black.

After venting his power, the thunder clouds in the purple sky have become much thinner, and there is no longer any power to kill Nuwa.

In the final analysis, it is just like what Guiyuan said.

The matter of Nuwa was indeed beyond Hongjun's control, but it was not beyond Tiandao's control.

Heaven is the source of power for this calamity, and Hongjun must obtain Heaven's permission if he wants to borrow it.

After joining the road, Hongjun may indeed have gone further on his path.

Just like the saints of heaven, the saints of heaven are indeed restrained by heaven.

But the problem is that Hongjun is also a Tiandao saint. It is just that he has higher authority than other Tiandao saints, so he appears to be stronger than other Tiandao saints.

But it doesn't mean that he can call on the power of heaven at will.

"You will regret this."

In the end, Hongjun just left these words lightly and disappeared.

“The consequences will be settled later.”

When Guiyuan saw Hongjun disappearing, he couldn't help but look at Nuwa. Nuwa was so domineering.

Grinding the Hongmeng purple energy forcefully.

[You have watched Nuwa use the power of humanity to grind the energy of Hongmeng, in order to understand the principle of humanity like a millstone, and try to integrate into your own "Heaven and Earth are always quiet". 】

Nuwa exhaled gently, and countless wisps of purple energy came out of her mouth, "I will crush the purple energy of the Hongmeng and scatter it in the vast wilderness. If there is a destiny, those who get the purple energy with great opportunity, great magic power, and great perseverance can use the power of heaven." Become a god through strength.”

As soon as these words came out, even Guiyuan glanced at Nuwa twice. Nuwa had completely offended Hongjun.

Although the Hongmeng Purple Qi does restrict the Heavenly Dao Saint, it is also the key to mobilizing the origin of Heavenly Dao. Therefore, as long as Heavenly Dao exists, the power that the Heavenly Dao Saint can borrow is nearly endless.

This Nuwa directly divided the key into countless parts, which naturally also divided the authority of the Heavenly Saint.

By then, even the creatures who have obtained those shattered Hongmeng Purple Qi will be able to leverage the general trend of heaven with a little bit of qualifications.

Originally, the Six Saints of Heaven were all disciples of Hongjun, such as Sanqing, Nuwa, and the Two Saints of the West.

It can be said that Hongjun cannot be avoided in any sect's deliberations, division of fortune, and other major events involving the ancient times.

Hongjun, who is high up in the Zixiao Palace, can have an overview of the whole situation and control every corner of the ancient world.

But now, Nuwa took out the Hongmeng Purple Qi. Not only that, she also smashed it and scattered it around the ancient wilderness, giving birth to something similar to a 'god'.

As the lord of humanity and the leader of all spirits, Nuwa has partial control over all living beings in the ancient world, and the beings who have obtained the 'divine status' cannot avoid Nuwa in their life or death.

With the help of this method, Nuwa did not occupy Hongmeng's purple energy because she could not occupy it at all, but she was able to counter Hongjun through the chess pieces that Hongjun had placed on her body.

This method...

This move directly makes it impossible for Nuwa to deduce the strength of the borrowed force.

Guiyuan looked at Nuwa, and some suspicion arose in his heart.

"Human race, pay homage to the Holy Mother Nuwa!" All the human race knelt down to worship Nuwa.

"The human race thanks the Holy Mother Nuwa for creating us."

Nuwa smiled happily, "Get up! If it weren't for the Great God Guiyuan who gave me Nine Heavens Breathing Soil, Three Lights Divine Water, and Gourd Vine, and he would protect me.

This birth of human race may not be successful.

Mother is the grace of birth, father is the merit of protection. Guiyuan can bear the name of the ‘Holy Father’ of the human race!

The names given to you and these two people are also related to the Great God Guiyuan. "

"We, the human race, pay our respects to the Holy Father, the Great God Guiyuan!"

After Yuan and Gui heard this, they quickly led many human beings to kneel down and worship Gui Yuan.

In an instant.

He felt the immeasurable luck spreading from the human race and Nuwa to him.

Guiyuan was about to refuse. He didn't want to have too much contact with the ancient human race. He took action just because Nuwa was his ally and fellow Taoist.

It can be regarded as the action of talents who can support each other on the road.

Suddenly, he heard Nuwa's message, "Fellow Taoist, I said we would meet again. Just take the person of the Holy Father."

Guiyuan looked at Nuwa. Under the divine light, others could not see Nuwa's face clearly, but Guiyuan saw Nuwa blinking her right eye at him.

"Is it really her?"

Guiyuan sighed in his heart. Originally, Guiyuan saw that Nuwa had transformed the Way of the Three Corpses into nothing like the Way of the Three Corpses. She even created a one-yuan human race to complete the one-yuan number of humanity.

He thought that Nuwa had a very good understanding. If the original Nuwa could indeed achieve this level.

But when it came time to put the Hongmeng Purple Qi into the "Human Dao", use the power of all living beings to fix the sky with humans, smash it into pieces and turn it into countless gods, Guiyuan knew that something was wrong.

Because Hongmeng Purple Qi is essentially a key, it cannot be erased and can only be split.

First of all, this grinding method is most likely not thought up by Nuwa.

This god-like structure.

It doesn't mean that you can understand it just because you can understand it.

Seeing that Nuwa was so familiar with the road, Guiyuan felt that it was that Nuwa who was here.

"After that, you will live here for a period of time. The charm of my enlightenment will be shrouded in it for thousands of years. Even if the Great Luo comes here, it will not have any power."

Nuwa looked at the two leaders, Yuan and Gui.

"Is the Holy Mother leaving?"

"Well, if I stay here, it will affect too many people's minds." Nuwa nodded and smiled slightly.

“Can’t the Holy Mother and the Holy Father live with us?”

Yuan and Gui looked at Nuwa.

Nuwa smiled and said: "The human race should strengthen itself. You are born with humanity. You are destined to suffer many hardships, but this is also the process that you must go through to become the master of humanity.

A phoenix that has never experienced fire is just a chicken after all. "

Yuan and Gui heard this and said, "We, please remember the teachings of the Holy Mother."

Nuwa nodded, then threw the gourd vine in her hand to Guiyuan, "That is a whip for making people and beating people, and it will be controlled by the Holy Father. If the son does not teach, it is the fault of the father. If there is something wrong with the human race, the Holy Father can use it for him." This whip teaches.”

Guiyuan is a little confused now, mainly because he is still thinking about how Fengyun Nuwa did this.

Just relying on the Nuwa Dao he told Nuwa, Nuwa directly invaded their world?

"Yes! We will not be ashamed of the grace of the Holy Mother and the merits of the Holy Father."

Traveling to the sky, the power of the saint Nuwa swept across the wilderness.

"I will open up a heaven and earth in the chaos, the 'Wahuang Heaven', tell the story of creation, and preach to the ancient world. Those who are destined can come to the outer world to listen to the sermon."

Nuwa will preach to the living beings and explain the way of creation.

This oath spread throughout the entire prehistoric world in an instant, and all sentient beings in the prehistoric world were shocked again.

"Empress has mercy!"

"Empress Nuwa is kind!"

This is to open up a branch line and also to expand the direction of mythology.

After all, if you want to write a long story, this is an inevitable choice.

I'm tired of writing about those routes in the prehistoric times. I want to write something different.

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