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Chapter 208 Nuwa’s final transformation into herself

Guiyuan followed behind him and threw the human-creating whip into the Yuanshen. This human-creating whip was infused with the holy virtues of humanity and was considered a treasure of merit. In addition to special attacks on humans, it could also use the power of humanity. The ability to defend against enemies.

It's a good spiritual treasure.

Nuwa and Guiyuan came to the Queen of Chaos.

Nuwa turned over her hand and took out the red hydrangea and smashed it towards the boundless chaos.

A world suddenly appeared.

There were thousands of roaring sounds, and a world of mountains and seas was vaguely visible, with strange ancient beasts and majestic mountain gods.

This is the Heaven of Emperor Wa.

The energy of creation in Nuwa's hand instantly surged out, and there were thousands of creations, like the divine light of heaven and earth condensed into pieces of divine stones, which were combined with each other and built in extremely mysterious trajectories.


A grand palace is located in this world.

"Fellow Taoist, please!"

Nuwa said with a smile, and a vast golden bridge fell in front of the two of them, leading directly to the palace.


Guiyuan also has many doubts waiting for Nuwa to answer. Is the Nuwa in his world dead or devoured by this Nuwa?

Or rather, the two are united.

He walked across the long golden bridge and followed Nuwa into the grand palace.


Di Jun, who bent down and stood up, saw Nuwa after becoming a saint. Without saying a word, he went directly to Chaos to open up the "Wa Emperor Heaven" without any nostalgia for the heaven.

Otherwise, if Nuwa sits in heaven as a saint, the fortunes of heaven and earth will definitely gather directly in heaven.

His eyes also fell on the human race on the coast of the East China Sea.

When the human race was born, as the Lord of Heaven, the Lord of the Demon Race felt that the originally strong destiny of Heaven was suddenly weakened by three levels, and fell into the newly born human race.

Taiyi naturally felt it, after all, he was also the co-leader of the demon clan, just like when the Witch Court was established, he took away their luck.

"Brother. This human race seems to be not simple. Not only Emperor Wa but also Guiyuan were involved in the birth of this race. Although it was created by Emperor Wa, there must be a great universe within it. Are we going to catch some of them and bring them back?"

Di Jun glanced at Tianwaitian and shook his head, "Don't act rashly. Emperor Wa regards human beings as sacred objects and makes them the objects that carry 'humanity'. Everyone knows that there is a great universe in the human race, but the problem is who can move it now?" They are beating the faces of Emperor Wa and Guiyuan."

"But the human race was created by Emperor Wa, and Emperor Wa is the emperor of our demon clan. If not, the human race should be a subsidiary race of our demon clan, or join the demon clan.

How can you be independent? Emperor Wa..."

When he said this, Taiyi looked a little unhappy. Just when he was about to say something, he was stopped by Emperor Jun, "Now Emperor Wa is the master of humanity and the lord of saints. Even if she is the Emperor Wa of our clan, she has already lost her position. above us.

She opened the Wahuang Heaven, indicating that she also recognized her identity as a demon clan. How can we ask for too much, and we must go to Emperor Wa's Heaven this time to seek Emperor Wa's support, so that we can be confident in dealing with the Wu Clan. "


"Also, if you ask Fuxi to go to the human race to observe and observe, you may gain something. Moreover, he is the elder brother of Emperor Wa. Emperor Wa will not take action against Fuxi if he attacks anyone."


Among the witch clan.

When many ancestral witches saw Nuwa creating humans and becoming saints, the terrifying coercion made them all bend down and salute, causing many grumpy ancestral witches to curse angrily in the Pangu Hall.

"This damn Nuwa actually asked us to salute! Even Dao Ancestor is not qualified to ask us to salute." Zhu Rong slammed the table and roared.

"Indeed, there is also that human race. How can it be said that we are the unifying ethnic group that carries the destiny of humanity? What qualifications does Nuwa have to let this human race carry the destiny of humanity." Shebishi sneered, hugging her chest.

"Well said, I will go to the coast of the East China Sea to destroy all those human races now, and see how they can still carry humanity."

Gonggong nodded, and when he stood up, he was stopped by Zhu Jiuyin, "There is the saintly path of Saint Nuwa. The result of your entering now is that you will lose all your strength, and this matter is related to Guiyuan.

My little sister has just returned from Beihai, and her achievement of entering the ninth revolution is also related to her return to the Yuan Dynasty. If you go now, you will make things difficult for your little sister. "

Di Jiang asked: "Now that the demon tribe has a saint, how should we deal with it?"

He wanted more.

Although the newly born human race was designated by Nuwa as a humane destiny, the last fairy court established by the sage and the head of the male immortals, Duke Dong, was now gone.

Even Prince Dong doesn’t know where he is now.

Therefore, who will finally unify the ancient world still depends on their strength.

Strength is the deciding factor.

What he cares more about is that the second saint belongs to the demon clan. Originally, because they had two large formations, their lichs were equally powerful at the Hunyuan level, and because they had twelve ancestral witches.

Therefore, in terms of top strength, it is even much stronger than the demon clan.

But now, the demon clan suddenly has a saint, if that is the case.

They are weaker than the demon clan at the Hunyuan level. One more Hunyuan is completely unstoppable for them.

Zhu Jiuyin shook his head and said, "Brother, don't worry. I think Saint Nuwa actually has little to do with the demon clan. Although she is the demon clan's Emperor Wa, the emperor Wa did not enter the heaven after she became a saint.

In other words, she doesn’t want to get involved with the demon race, and Saint Nuwa seems to be more concerned about the newly born human race..."

After listening to Zhu Jiuyin's analysis, Di Jiang nodded and said: "But we also have to take a look at the situation of the human race to see what the existence of this being that can make Nuwa a saint is."

"Okay. Then let's send the great witch from the Houtu tribe to have a look." Zhu Jiuyin directly decided on the candidates to observe, mainly because compared to other tribes, the witches from the Houtu tribe were not so violent.

They can look down on the human race, but if they harm the human race during this period, they will be slapping Nuwa in the face.

Wa Palace.

Guiyuan listened to Nuwa's words and couldn't help but said: "So you are willing to merge on your own?"


Nuwa, wearing an imperial crown and a jade hairpin, sat sideways, holding her jade face in her delicate hands, enjoying the crystal grapes handed to her by a child beside her.

"After receiving the Nuwa Way taught by you, I began to search for your world, but I didn't expect to find it so quickly. At the beginning, 'I' was still thinking about how to remove the influence of Hongmeng Purple Qi.

But with the power controlled by 'I', it is still possible to get rid of the power controlled by Hongjun.

So I discussed it with Nuwa for a long time, and finally we became one willingly. "

"This is the final result of Nuwa's seventy transformations. She transformed all living beings and then transformed me!

Transforming people into human beings is just the last pearl in the Nuwa Way. "

After listening to this, Guiyuan finally understood what Nuwa Dao was. He looked at Nuwa with complicated eyes, "Is this how you fight for status? Fight without fighting."


Nuwa nodded, and Guiyuan asked, "But are you still you like this?"

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