Guiyuan looked at the prompt that suddenly appeared in the group chat. This chat group really opened a new mechanism at this time.

However, it seems that no one has said that they want to be a group leader before, so this mechanism may not be triggered.

But to challenge yourself, the group leader needs to spend points to enable this function.

But after he read the introduction to the ‘Legal Struggle’ given to him in the group chat.

‘It looks like there’s something going on. ’

To put it simply, this legal battle is actually a function for group members to discuss and communicate with each other.

When the legal battle begins and two group members agree, their consciousnesses will be transmitted to the virtual battlefield to build a body and abilities that are completely consistent with reality.

The group members will fight in this virtual arena, no matter what the situation is, even a life and death battle.

The injuries here will not affect the physical and mental health in real life, and it is very safe.

If the person who starts the legal battle loses, he will need to bear the points cost of himself and the person being challenged. If the person being challenged loses, he will need to bear the cost of his own points.

Building a stronger body requires more points.

Therefore, group chat does not support seeking death.

Both parties can also place a lottery ticket, but the lottery is not required.

Because if you challenge a strong person and lose, you will have to pay for the physical and mental points accumulated by the strong person, which will cost a lot.

"That's kind of interesting."

To be honest, this legal battle is also beneficial to some group members, although now many worlds already have world channels, and they can learn from each other at any time.

But after all, they are all members of the group, and it is impossible to kill them.

An extremely powerful explosion like Deidara's could not be used at least during sparring.

The main thing is that with his current ability, he is getting better and better at creating stronger explosions, but the power of the explosion is not necessarily under his control.

What if they really get killed? Deidara was a little restrained when he was competing with them.

Now with this, there is no need to think too much.

Moreover, this kind of life-and-death struggle will also help them increase their strength. After all, these group members will be very good helpers when they encounter some malicious world in the future.

The key is.

This entire chat group can actually serve as an anchor for him to anchor his personality.

"Turn it on."

As Guiyuan's thoughts fell, Hong Xuanji, who was originally fighting against the group of scholars with one person's words, and everyone who was dissing Hong Xuanji, saw that the entire group chat interface suddenly had an additional message.

[The legal dispute function is now enabled, the specific rules are as follows:...]

[Feng Xiaotian (the lackey of the group leader): Damn it! Legal dispute, is this a new feature? Since the group live broadcast, no new function has been launched for a long time. Is it triggered today? 】

[Two-faced Turtle (ancestor’s lackey): I’m afraid it was triggered by this arrogant newcomer. This rule is quite interesting. Come on, newcomer, I think you are quite bragging. Challenge me if you have the ability! 】

[Zhang Sanfeng: I also want to discuss with the newcomers. 】

[Huang Rong: Let me cheer for you! 】

[Feng Xiaotian (group leader’s lackey): Come on, come on, challenge me. Since you came up and said you wanted to challenge the position of group leader, I want to see what you are capable of. 】

[Hong Xuanji: I have seen your so-called destiny trajectory, you are too weak...]

Hong Xuanji saw this new function and raised his eyebrows when he saw that he could win a lottery. This should be one of the mechanisms for selecting the owner of this treasure. These people with rotten brains.

Still praising the smelly feet of this turtle monster.

After he becomes the group leader, he must find a way to deal with all these guys. Then no one will compete with him for this treasure. Then he will slowly study how to control it.

When the time comes, we will think about it together with the Holy One.

[Hong Xuanji: I want to challenge the group leader, how do I get points? 】

[Pluto: Um, do you want to think about it again? 】

[Hong Xuanji: Nao Nao, found it. 】

[Hong Xuanji uploaded "The Supreme Alchemy Sutra" and received 300,000 points. 】

[Hong Xuanji uploaded the "Book of Creation" and received 300,000 points. 】

[Hong Xuanji uploaded "Qianhualian" and received 50,000 points. 】

[Feng Xiaotian (the group leader’s lackey): Wait, two copies of 300,000 points, which seems to be a little less than the Divine Turtle Zhenhai Jin uploaded by the group leader, but it is comparable to the Six Paths of Reincarnation Heavenly Art uploaded by Liu Shen. 】

[Pluto: It seems that he is indeed a big boss. This newcomer is arrogant, but arrogant and powerful. 】

[Two-faced Turtle (ancestor's lackey): So what, but the strongest one is the group leader. Even Liu Shen admits that the group leader is stronger than him...]

[Alger: That’s true. The group leader is definitely the strongest. 】

As soon as Hong Xuanji uploaded the skills, everyone discovered that the uploaded skills were actually worth 600,000 points, because the points obtained were half of the value of the skills.

In other words, there is indeed something to this Hong Xuanji.

I don’t know what the strength is, but at least the inheritance is a bit awesome, and often if the inheritance is awesome, the strength will not be much worse.

No wonder he was so arrogant when he came in.

Guiyuan looked at the exercises uploaded in the group files. Among them, he was actually more interested in the Supreme Alchemy Sutra and the Book of Creation. To be honest, he was also interested in Hong Xuanji's Wheel of Life and Death.

However, this old fox was quite cautious and did not upload his own skills.

1.2 million points...

The group chat sucks blood and sucks blood really badly.

[The ancient giant turtle uploaded the technique "Creation of the World and the Creation of Man" and obtained 500,000 points. 】

[The ancient giant turtle uploaded the technique "Reincarnation Immortality Method" and obtained 500,000 points. 】

[The ancient giant turtle uploaded the technique "Heaven and Earth Formation" and obtained 600,000 points. 】

Guiyuan instantly transformed his insights into human creation, reincarnation, and the formation of heaven and earth into exercises and uploaded them to the group chat. He received more than one million points and redeemed all these two exercises.

[You have observed and studied the Taishang Dan Sutra, which contains the method of forging martial arts acupoints, the method of internal cultivation of the twenty-four gods, and the method of forging the Dharma body. You try to integrate it into your own understanding of human and immortal martial arts...]

[You have observed and studied the Scripture of Creation, which contains the method of measuring orifices, and practiced the method of creation, and you try to integrate it into your own martial arts. 】

[You take out the method of Yang Shen and try to deduce the idea of ​​​​inner landscape, using the whole martial arts system...]

Although these two articles only have a few tens of thousands of words, they can only be described in detail. After all, this is a method that can cultivate to the Yangshen, that is to say, it is a method that can cultivate to the Hunyuan Golden Immortal.

The Yangshen Martial Arts system still has something to offer.

With the mysterious system, there is also a feeling of quick success. From the seemingly mortal realm of the Martial Saint, one can reach the sky in one step.

Hong Xuanji had spent a lot of money to challenge him. These two techniques were already considered to be the two top techniques after his self-created Wheel of Life and Death.

Even if placed in the world of Yangshen, it is still a supreme magical power.

[Group member ‘Hong Xuanji’ challenges the group leader ‘Honghuang Giant Turtle’. 】

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