The ancient giant turtle: his understanding is incredible, join the chat group

Chapter 213 The fight is over and the success is done

After Hong Xuanji declared that he would challenge the group leader, the messages on the group chat never stopped.

[Feng Xiaotian (the group leader’s lackey): At present, it seems that you are indeed very strong, but it can only be said that challenging the group leader is still a very foolish thing. 】

[Liu Shen: I am somewhat looking forward to it. In the past, I only saw the vision of a particle of the group leader, or the incarnation took action.

If you can see two strong men fighting this time, you will definitely gain a lot. 】

[Wang Jinyang: I’m also looking forward to watching the showdown between strong players. 】

[Huang Rong: Guess how long this guy can last? I can't see anything, I only know that the group leader is the strongest. 】

Looking at the various messages in the group, Hong Xuanji did not send a message to refute.

In his opinion, these guys are just frogs imprisoned at the bottom of the well. They are just lucky enough to be with him in this treasure for a while.

When he becomes the group leader, he will naturally deal with them.

When the time comes, the King of Artifacts will be able to communicate even if they are hundreds of millions of miles apart. This will be a great weapon for them in dispatching their troops.

[Feng Xiaotian (group leader’s lackey): However, the group leader may not accept it, right? The group leader is very busy. 】

[Peter: That’s right, the group leader still needs to deal with the other worlds. 】

[Alger: Alas, can’t you see the group leader beating up this arrogant guy? This guy is even more pretentious than Adam. 】

[Pluto: I can’t stand it. I want to play, but I can’t seem to beat him. 】

[Liu Shen: I just don’t know if this arena can restore my previous cultivation. In this way, I can work on behalf of the leader of the group and compete with him. 】

Seeing this, Hong Xuanji couldn't help but frown.

Indeed, if the other party really doesn't accept the challenge, there seems to be nothing he can do against him.

In this legal dispute, both parties must agree to fight.

Guiyuan looked at the group chat and raised his eyebrows, he was really stubborn.

The current Hong Xuanji has a high probability that it has not yet reached the realm of shattering the vacuum. In the realm of human immortals, even if it is ever-changing, it is nothing more than this. If this shattering vacuum is the Jingyuan Dao Fruit.

That ever-changing transformation is like reaching the physical body, and it may even be weaker.

There's no way around it, the world's system is just a little weird, and one step may lead to many steps in countless worlds.

"It's just the right time to get some lucky charms, so that I can enlighten him and me."

[Ancient Giant Turtle]: Yes, I am quite interested in the system of your world. I'll bet you the position of group leader, what can you come up with?

[Huang Rong:! ! ! 】

[Peter:! ! ! ! 】

[Thor God: The group leader has appeared, but I don’t know how powerful the complete group leader is! 】

[Liu Shen: Looking forward to it.JPG. 】

[Pluto: It’s a good challenge to make my Willow God send emoticons. 】

Hong Xuanji looked at what Gui Yuan said and sneered in his heart. He was guarding against this move, so he didn't upload his own skills.

[Hong Xuanji: I also have a set of supreme martial arts, the Wheel of Life and Death. 】

[Ancient Giant Turtle: Not enough. Plus the Emperor Tianshi Dragon Armor. 】

Hong Xuanji frowned when he looked at the words of the giant tortoise. This guy actually knew about the Emperor Tianshi Dragon Armor, which was considered a treasure of the Daqian royal family.

But because this thing can only be used by human immortals, the holy body has not yet reached human immortals.

Their monarch and his ministers are of one mind, so this thing is in his house.

It seems that these masters are also living beings in the world, but they don't know where they are hiding.

Turtle's words.

Could it be the ancient mythical beasts, the dragon clan?

But even it doesn't matter. Since Da Gan can suppress the ancient beasts, it's just right. If he becomes the leader of the group, he can directly find the place where this guy is and suppress him and dedicate it to the Holy One.

[Hong Xuanji: Yes! 】

[Group reminder: Hong Xuanji joins the legal battle arena, [Hong Xuanji] challenges [Ancient Giant Turtle], and the rest of the group members can enter the legal battle arena auditorium to watch the battle]

The moment the arena match started, Hong Xuanji's consciousness came to the boundless starry sky.

Thousands of stars shine in the distant space, and a nearly endless giant arena made of gray-white material lies across the starry sky.

No matter what level of power you are, you can fully exert all your power in it.

In an instant, Hong Xuanji's body appeared on the ring.

After Hong Xuanji felt it carefully, he was surprised to find out.

This virtual body is really no different from reality. All his martial arts, strength, and even many acupoints are all revealed.

Sure enough, my guess was not wrong.

With this kind of power, he can only be the king of artifacts. The illusory world constructed by this can really restore his strength 100%. This kind of power is comparable to the complete boat of creation, and it is indeed very strong.

And even if you die here, it will not affect reality.

If you can get this thing, even if it is just this function, you can make Daqian have many more masters, and this immortal can study martial arts, Taoism, etc. to his heart's content.

And this legal battle is the king of artifacts choosing his master.

As long as he defeats these people, he can inherit the king of artifacts.

The other members who entered the ring appeared as translucent spectators on the edge of the ring battlefield.

Everyone looked towards the ring and saw a middle-aged man standing on the ring, with a majestic aura, and the blood from his body filled the surroundings, like a bloody sky.

Hong Xuanji glanced at the people in the audience and sneered. After this time, everyone will know who the true owner of the king of artifacts is.

"Where's the group leader?"

"Where's the group leader?"

In the audience, Feng Xiaotian and Huang Rong sat next to each other. Huang Rong glanced around, a little confused as to why the group leader was not on the stage.

A graceful figure leaned on the seat and said with a smile: "Look up, do you see it? The sun and moon are the eyes of the group leader."

Hearing this, everyone looked up and looked at the chaos in the sky. Only then did everyone see that there were two suns in the sky at this moment. No, it was not the sun.

But the eyes.

Hong Xuanji subconsciously raised his head and saw the boundless giant thing overlooking him, with countless auras surging around him.

An unprecedented terrifying turtle claw suddenly fell from the sky.

The entire starry sky and virtual space erupted with a huge roar, and Hong Xuanji's eyes were shocked.

This kind of power?

Smash the vacuum, or more on top of it! !

"The wheel of life and death!"

Hong Xuanji didn't dare to hold back, and roared, "All heavens die and turn around, I am the highest!"


At this moment, Hong Xuanji's flesh and blood fissured, and his whole body turned into a huge divine wheel. There were many small wheels in the divine wheel. If you count them carefully, you will find that there are three thousand of these small wheels, which is exactly three thousand. Thousand avenues.

However, among these three thousand small wheels, most of them appear to be illusory, and only a small part are real. This is Hong Xuanji's way.

If all three thousand small wheels turn into reality, it will be the time when his martial arts is great, and it will be almost a matter of course for him to be able to smash the vacuum by then.

The huge wheel of life and death rotated, and infinite power burst out from the wheel of life and death, impacting out, trying to smash Guiyuan's turtle claws.

The next second.

Endless severe pain erupted from his body, and his consciousness disappeared instantly.

The memory of the last second he left in the ring was that his proud martial arts wheel, the Wheel of Life and Death, was shattered in an instant. It was shattered like glass, and then the tortoise claw cover pressed down, completely suppressing him. .

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