Exquisite blessed land.

"Such strength is truly terrifying!"

On Xumijin Mountain, the angry look on the face of a figure disappeared. She was wearing a men's dress, elegant and graceful, with a jade tree facing the wind, and a feather crown tied above her head, sitting still.

Just when the chat group was talking in her head.

When she saw that her name was 'Slave's Wife', she was furious, thinking that someone was playing tricks on her.

She used the power of her soul to turn around in her mind, but found nothing. However, with a thought, the light blue she summoned was like an illusory panel.

She couldn't find any traces.

When she was about to question in the group, she didn't expect that the person called Hong Xuanji moved faster than her, so she just quietly observed to see what would happen.

The result was an extremely terrifying showdown.

Hong Xuanji's theory of life and death broke out, and when she started to do it, she seemed to see countless figures, holding countless Tao wheels, and she even saw the great arts blooming in this person's hands.

But the final result was that the tortoise claw that looked like a continent instantly shattered the wheel of life and death that looked like it could destroy a continent with just one slap.

In her eyes, this extremely powerful move instantly shattered.

[Huang Rong: Newcomers should read the descriptions in the group documents first, and check their own realm first...]

Linglong Immortal Lord entered the group chat file with hesitation and began to read according to what was said in the group. Soon she even raised her eyebrows.



Linglong Immortal Lord did not expect that something like this would happen when his birthday was about to come. The mysterious group leader, the so-called Willow God, and existences from various worlds.

Every world?

Judging from the competition just now, it seems that these so-called worlds are not the three thousand big worlds and other subsidiary small worlds she knows.

But it goes even higher, even beyond the mysterious heaven.

Linglong Immortal thought about it for a while, mainly because she found that the explanations in the group documents were quite detailed, even the names of the people they joined the group were explained.

The names of those who join the group often represent the fate of the original trajectory of the group members in the future.

So she will become a slave's wife in the future?

This is too childish!

She set an example for all the women in the Xuanhuang world, how could she become the wife of a slave, but the legal battle just now left a great impression on her.

She tried sending a message in the group chat.

[Linglong Immortal: By the way, is it true that the name you join the group will represent your original destiny? 】

[Zhang Sanfeng: Immortal Lord? This time the newcomer comes and there is an immortal? The quality of the newcomers this time is so high. 】

[Feng Xiaotian (the lackey of the group leader): Group status -1. Boss, you look familiar to me. As for the boss question, yes. The name of this group often vaguely alludes to the original fate in the future. 】

[Linglong Immortal: Then how do you know your original fate? 】

[Huang Rong: It depends on the mood of the group leader. If the group leader is in a good mood, he will naturally throw it out. 】

[Linglong Immortal: Okay, thank you. I am not an immortal either, this is the title given to me by others. A little true fairy, I have met you all. 】

[Zhang Sanfeng: Little True Fairy...]

[Hei Xiaohu: Little True Fairy...]

Everyone was speechless for a while, and the Little True Immortal even said it, this was a bit outrageous.

After Guiyuan dealt with the alter ego in the Yangshen world, there was already control over the mind and distraction, and there was no need for him to take direct control. Now that alter ego is more about accumulating strength.

He has pushed the Future Wu Kong Sutra to the last level, to the point of gathering the Lord of the Future. He just said that gathering the Lord of the Future requires too many resources, and he can only do it step by step. If too many resources are used at once, it is likely to Hong Xuanji was alerted.

As for martial arts, he and I are trying to further analyze the human immortal martial arts, and then integrate it into the "human immortal" deduced by ourselves. The "human immortal way" is definitely more comprehensive than the Yangshen martial arts.

For example, how to smash the vacuum and combine the virtual and the real with the way of immortality that he deduced.

Incidentally, condensing his personhood as the Holy Father.

After Guiyuan figured everything out, he discovered that another new person had appeared in the group chat.

Linglong Immortal?

Is it the Linglong Immortal who is three thousand years old and has become an immortal immediately?

This guy is not simple either.

Among the immortals, she is the number one master in the Xuanhuang world, and she is the reincarnation of Hongmeng Taoist's descendant and daughter.

It can be said that the biggest help to Fang Han, after Fang Qingxue, is about her.

Moreover, Guiyuan felt that he could collect the three thousand great laws of this world so that he could perfect his great turtle magical power.

She can help, and she has a good personality.

At least it's better than Hong Xuanji.

[The ancient giant turtle uploaded the memory "History of the World's Father's Struggle", which is consistent with the group member "Linglong Immortal"... and is not allowed to be downloaded. 】

On Xumijin Mountain, Linglong Immortal Lord, who was sitting on the throne, saw the files suddenly uploaded in the group chat. She thought of the novice tips for the group files. The group leader knew the fate of most of the group members.

This group leader is really generous. He could use these things as bargaining chips, but just sending them out like this shows that he really cares about gaining profits from these things.

Fortunately, I didn't offend him in the first place.

"The history of the world's father's struggle... This sounds so weird."

Immortal Linglong began to read it with curiosity, and found that it actually described a story about a slave who walked into the door of immortality due to a chance. The previous section was devoted to a story called Fang Han.

It wasn't until one day, her Linglong Immortal's birthday, that Fang Han officially met him.

This intersection was incredible. The last moment I was close to becoming an immortal, my love disaster actually fell on this person.

Linglong Immortal Lord was not angry at this time, but curious.

What kind of chance or identity could make a slave grow into the genius of the Yuhua Sect, and even let her fall in love with him.

It didn't take long.

Linglong's eyes no longer looked like they were twinkling in the starry sky before, but were filled with shock. Fang Han was actually the legendary artifact of the Gate of Immortality that could grant immortality.

Even the Gate of Eternal Life is a legend, but Fang Han is actually the reincarnation of the weapon spirit?

And he is the most powerful person in the world today, the reincarnation of the daughter of Taoist Hongmeng. No wonder he can enter the Hongmeng secret realm to practice, and let him learn all the great arts that are considered supreme in the outside world.

She originally thought that she had deep blessings, and it seemed that it was arranged before her previous reincarnation, or her father arranged it.

"The entire world was created by the Gate of Eternal Life, and Fang Han is the spirit of the Gate of Eternal Life. It seems normal that he is the father of the world."

Linglong Immortal took a deep breath. What was described here was too astonishing, and what was even more astonishing was that the mysterious group leader actually knew it, according to the newcomer's instructions.

In fact, they themselves are characters in each work.

"But... I don't want to be Fang Han's wife." Linglong Immortal frowned. She felt that women would not be inferior to men, even if in her original destiny, she became the person in charge of the word "mother".

It's more because she is Fang Han's Taoist companion. Even if she transcends in the end, it's because she is Fang Han's Taoist companion.

This is completely different from what she has always practiced.

Moreover, he himself reincarnated for the purpose of transcendence, and wanted to break through that layer of shackles through his own efforts.

But in the end, all this was because her love was greater than that of Fang Han.

It seemed as if her efforts had no effect, and she was able to transcend in the end entirely because she climbed onto Fang Han.

"This will never be allowed to happen again."

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